Chapter 2: The Planting of English America

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Chapter 2: The Planting of English America. N Am : Spanish occupied Santa Fe French occupied Quebec English occupied Jamestown. England :Religious conflict King Henry VIII broke w/ C-Church started Prot. Reformation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


N Am:

Spanish occupied Santa Fe

French occupied Quebec

English occupied Jamestown

England: Religious conflictKing Henry VIII broke w/ C-Church started Prot. Reformation.

Daughter - Elizabeth I – raised to be a devout Prot.

Ireland - predominately Cath. asked Sp for help against Elizabeth I. Elizabeth I’s troops crushed Irish (Cath) uprising--conflict still exists

Elizabeth I: (Queen 1558-1603) Religion: promoted Protestantism

Catholicism Protestantism

God God Pope Priest Hierarchy Peasant Peasant

“Sea dogs” plundered the Spanish Main/Armada (carrying gold/supplies from New World).

Best “sea dog” - Francis Drake - later knighted for his success (allowed crown to take a share of his bounty)

King Philip II of Spain

Queen Elizabeth I of


English Characteristics:1. strong, unified national state2. popular monarch3. some religious unity4. sense of nationalism and national destiny - to rule/expand.

Golden Age of Literature illustrated:1. thirst for adventure2. curiosity of unknown3. spirit of self-confidence4. vibrant patriotism5. restlessness

England Early 1600s - Stage is set for colonization

a. enclosure of croplands - feudal system being replaced by sheep industry moreb. small farmers (part of feudal system) now unemployed.

c. creation of laws of primogeniture - eldest son inherits; younger sons look


d. some form of religious toleration/freedom.

e. New World = new market

f. birth of joint-stock companies - investors pool $; form company whose main intent to make a profit.

Virginia Co. of London received charter from King James I to settle in New World; est. Va Colony.

a. Special - guaranteed overseas settlers same rights as those Englishmen at home.

b. Late 1606 - 3 ships land in Chesapeake Bay area (1607)- attacked by Indians - move further up into Bay; land along James

River (easily defendable but mosquito infested).

c. Most die of disease, malnutrition, and starvation--gentlemen interested only in finding gold not settlement.

d. John Smith kidnapped by Indians in 1607; saved by Pocahontas; returns in 1608 to take “charge” -- “He who shall not work, shall not eat!

e. 1609-10 - “Starving Time” - of 400 only 60 survive; want to go home; leave but encounter reinforcements under Lord De La Warr who ordered them to turn around; took control.

f. First Powhatan War: Lord De La Warr organized military action using Irish tactics of raiding Indian villages (burned houses; took supplies; torched cornfields). Peace 1614 with

marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

g. Second Powhatan War (1644): last attempt by Indians to get rid of Jamestown

members; failed.

Result: Ind. banished from area and formally separated Ind/white areas of settlement. – Powhatan failed because of 3 D’s:

a. Disease - small pox, measlesb. Disorganization - lacked unity among Indiansc. Disposability - Indians had no real value

1. couldn’t put to work in mines - - no economic function

2. no reliable labor source3. no valuable commodities to offer commerceResult: get rid of w/o harming colonial economy.

Saving Grace: TOBACCO Pocahontas tells Rolfe secret of growing tobacco – cash crop.King Nicotine:a. planted extensively - even in streets

b. caused price fluctuation - everyone planted it c. ruins soil - takes nitrogen out of soil

d. promoted broad-base plantation system with demand for labor

1619 - Dutch sold 20 African slaves in Jamestown - planted “seeds” of slave system.

h. 1619 - House of Burgesses formed - assembly to handle certain local problemsi. 1624 - King James I mad at Va Co/Jamestown:

1. hates tobacco personally even though it makes $

2. distrusts House of Burgesses - making their own decisions.

Result: revokes Va Co’s charter with a royal charter thus making Jamestown a

royal colony under the direct control of the King.

c. Colony founded on tobacco. d. Labor: indentured servants -

penniless people who worked off their


1649 - Lord Baltimore - passed the Act of Toleration - granted religious toleration to all CHRISTIANS -- Jews and Atheists were still persecuted.

2. imported African slaves (could afford it and eventually slaves will outnumber whites 4:1)

3. to maintain control – created “slave codes” most famous -

1661 - Barbados slave codes - denied most fundamental rts and allowed masters complete domination and use (including the rt to punish).

1670 - Some Barbados English Settlers move to the

Carolinas1. brought few Africans2. imported “slave codes”3. enter slave business in Charlestown but were somewhat unwilling to export Indians to W. Indies.

1710 - bloody raids annihilated the “Savannah Indians”.

1. rice soon replaced other crops (sugar cane and tobacco)

2. called for African slaves - immune to malaria and knew how to grow


North Carolina’s Emergence:

a. Poverty stricken outcasts and religious dissenters from Va moved south and became squatters - w/o legal rt to land.b. Sm. farmers of SC who snubbed aristocracy

moved north – became squatters.c. Both befriend pirates/develop strong dislike for authority (like RI)

Importance of Georgia Colony:

SC’s prosperous sugar cane/rice industries were threatened by Sp Fla and hostile Indians from Fr. La.

King George II’s problem solved when group of philanthropists, under James Oglethorpe, proposed setting up a buffer “colony” in N Am.

Georgia’s Characteristics:

a. Ga would soon thrive as a debtor’s colonyb. Attracted all kinds of people - Germans, Scots

Irish, etc.c. Allowed religious toleration for all Christians

except Catholics.


(VA, MD, NC, SC, GA) a. produced profitable

staple crops - tobacco and rice

b. slavery c. soil butchers - leads

to expansion westward

d. scattering of plantations - retarded growth of cities and made establishment of

schools/churches difficult and expensive.e. some religious toleration - tax-supported Church of England – dominant faith.

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