
Chapter 2

The first Civilizations—Egypt—The Gift of the Nile


Nile River Valley Narrow strip of land about 10 miles wide Early people learned to control river –

canals, dikes, reservoirs, irrigation ditches

Nile River

River Flows north Originates in the highlands of Ethiopia

(Blue Nile) White Nile comes from lakes of central

Africa-main source is Lake Victoria Ends in the Mediterranean Sea Longest river in the world at 4,160 miles

Nile River

Floods Until recently, flooded annually in July-

Sept Floods predictable Added moisture to the soil Deposited silt, replenishing the soil with

nutrients-food, water and transportation delta to form at the mouth of the river Provided papyrus-reed that grows along

the banks of the Nile

First People 5,000 to 4,000 B.C.E. Divided into two regions Upper Egypt – first cataract to 100 miles

of the sea Lower Egypt – from delta inland 100


Natural Barriers Deserts- Lybian, Nubian, Arabian Seas- Mediterranean and Red Cataracts- waterfalls and rapids which

interrupt Nile six times Only real access into Egypt was across

the Sinai Peninsula- invaders and traders used this route into Egypt

The Nile River Valley

King Menes 3100 B.C.E.

Unites the two kingdoms First Egyptian dynasty

Ruling Dynasties Approximately 31 dynasties (ruling

families) from 2700 B.C.E. to 1090 B.C.E.

Dynasties ruled Egypt for a total of ~ 2700 years

Years between kingdoms without ruling dynasty usually marked by civil wars and/or invasion

Egyptian Historical Periods Ancient Egyptian history divided

into three periods Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom

Old Kingdom 2700 B.C.E. to 2200 B.C.E.

AKA - The Pyramid Age Rulers called Pharaohs (great house) - claimed to

be divine and worshiped as gods on Earth Chief god – Amon-Re (pharaohs sons of Sun

god) Pharaohs had absolute power ( owned all land

and water) Viziers – supervisors that ran the government

OLD KINGDOM Era was remarkable for prosperity,

artistic flowering, and the evolution of religious beliefs

Pharaoh commanded the wealth, resources, and people of all Egypt

Pharaoh cared for his people

The Great Pyramid of KhufuAbout 2560 B.C.E.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu Egypt had great enormous quantities of

stone for building Took 20 years to build 481 feet tall- tallest structure in the world

for 43 centuries Each side perfectly aligned North, South,

East, & West

The Great Pyramid of Khufu Each side 751 feet long – error of less

than 9 inches per side Covers 13 acres Used more than 2 million stones – each

more than 2 tons some more than 15 tons

The Great Sphinx Located in Giza Body of a lion and face of a man (the

pharaoh Khafre) Faces the rising sun—tall as a six-story


Step Pyramid at Sakkara is oldest stone building in the world which was built for the pharaoh Zoser

Old Kingdom ended about 2200 B.C.E.

Reasons: Cost of Pyramids Crop failure Power struggle

Results: over 100 years of chaos Princes from the city of Thebes reunited


Middle Kingdom- 2050 B.C.E. to 1800 B.C.E.

Marked by troubles – corruption, rebellions, Nile failed to flood

regularly Accomplishment:

Drainage projects Canal from Red Sea to Mediterranean Sea Pharaohs more concerned with common

people-allowed mummification

Middle Kingdom Increased trade Egyptian Army invades Nubia and

occupied rich gold lands

End of Middle Kingdom About 1700 B.C.E. invaded by the

Hyksos Hyksos had advance military

technology-the horse drawn chariot

Hyksos Adopted Egyptian customs, language &

beliefs Fully introduced bronze age to Egypt Ruled for about 100 years About 1600 B.C.E. overthrown by the


New Kingdom 1550 B.C.E. to 1100 B.C.E.

Powerful Pharaohs created a new larger empire – all the way to the Euphrates River

Egypt at the height of wealth and power—widespread slavery became a feature of Egyptian life for the first time

Hordes of slaves brought home

Important rulers of the New Kingdom Hatshepsut- first

female ruler known in history

1501 B.C.E.- 1482 B.C.E.

Increased trade

Known as the Napoleon of Egypt because of his military victories

Not allowed to rule in his own right because of his age

Ruled Egyptian Empire at its greatest size

Tried to wipe out the memory of Hatshepsut

Thutmose III

Pictures of Thutmose III

Ramses II Last great ruler of the New Kingdom Signed first known treaty in history

with the Hittites Ruled for 67 years—he was in his

nineties when he died It is believed he fathered more than 150


Mummy of Ramses II

Foreign Invaders Nubia – 750 B.C.E.

650 B.C.E. Assyrians Persians Later the Greeks & Romans All wanted the Nile Valley for its food

Religion (polytheism) Amon-Re – Sun god- Chief god

Osiris and Isis

Osiris and Isis God of the Under

World-ruler of the Nile

Judges the dead Rise & Fall the Nile

believed to be the death & rebirth of Osiris

Father of Horus

Wife of Osiris Brought him back to

life after Set killed him-symbol is the ankh-mother of Horus

Taught women how to grind corn, spin flax, care for children

Horus Son of Osiris – kills Set – god of the sky

Bastet and Anubis Goddess of

fertility, sensuality and fire prevention

Symbolized by cats

god of mummy wrapping/embalming

Holds the scales of justice while your heart is weighed

Pictures of Bastet

Pictures of Anubis

Egyptian Afterlife Believed in a life after death Each soul needed to pass a test Weighed the heart against the feather

of truth Sinners were fed to the Eater of the

Dead Worthy souls entered the “Happy

Field of Food”

Mummification—presevation of the body after death

At first just for Pharaohs Process took 70 days Removed all organs and

preserved them in jars Needed body in afterlife-home

for the Ka-eternal spirit

Valley of the Kings

Amenhotep IV Religious rebel Akhenaton Tried to outlaw all

gods except Aton Introduced monotheism

Nefertiti Wife of Amenhotep

IV Helps her husband Husbands rule

started the downfall of the New Kingdom

Tutankhamen Reestablished

Amon-Re “Boy King” Howard Carter

Pharaohs organized centralized state

Built enormous tombs, the pyramids

Power struggles, crop failures and cost of pyramids caused collapse

Corrupt government suffered frequent rebellions

Land drained for farming

Hyksos invaded and conquered

Pharaohs created a large empire

Traded with lands along eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea

Nubians, then others invaded

Egyptian Society Social Class

A persons social position and occupation determined at birth

Parents taught their children their own trade

Egyptian Society Social Structure

Top = Pharaoh (royal family) Ruling class of vizier, priests and nobles Scribes and soldiers Middle class of merchants, artisans, doctors Peasant farmers were majority of population and


Egyptian Social Stucture

Ruling Class Egyptian life revolved around religion Priests and nobles had highest status after

pharaoh Only priests knew how to please gods Gods controlled nature Priests performed rituals to obtain fertile

land etc.

People paid tax to the temples Grain, gold, linen, etc

nobles mainly held government positions Generals in armies, governors of provinces,

tax collectors and court officials Had many luxuries

Middle Class Small group Settled in cities Provided goods & services to the ruling


Peasants Majority of Egyptians Lifestyle unchanged for thousands of years Pharaoh owned all the land

60% of the crops had to be paid as taxes

Usually had to work on palace or government project-serve in army, up keep and repair of irrigations systems

Slaves Brought to Egypt as POW’s or were

descendents of POW’s Some slaves lived comfortable lives Some became trusted officials (Joseph) Some earned their freedom Life was tough for most- Average 36 at


Status of Women Relatively high status for that time

in history—more independence Could buy and sell property Could seek divorce (although rare) Property inherited through female

line Role of wife and mother important A woman’s status increased

when she had children

Status of Women Sometimes women considered

property, but were treated kindly Wore make-up/wigs etc. (lice

always an issue) Queen might rule with pharaoh If pharaoh had more than one

wife, the first wife was most important Her son would be the next pharaoh

Egyptian Writing ~3100 B.C.E.

Hieroglyphics Developed by priests

Scribes Scribes were very important Kept records, recorded history Could possibly become rich About the only social mobility of the era

The Rosetta Stone - 1799 Slab of black rock carved in

three languages Hieroglyphics Demotic (everyday language) Greek

Jean Champollion deciphered the Rosetta Stone

Egyptian Achievements In areas of math and science

Developed system of surveying land Important due to annual floods

Surveying land led to Geometry Area & volume Did not develop the concept of zero

Egyptian Achievements Development of astronomy

To predict floods, eclipses Led to development of calendar based on Sirius

365 days, 12 months 3 seasons, 30 days for 11 months, 35 for the 12th

6 hours short of a solar year

Development of building techniques engineering

Egyptian Achievements Medical discoveries

Magic heavily used Developed surgery Greeks & Romans based much of their

medical knowledge on that of the Egyptians

Egyptian Achievements Literature

Hymns Book of the Dead Love poems Folk tales

The Tale of Sinuhe

The Fertile Crescent

“Crossroads of Civilization” It commands land routes to 3

continents Few natural barriers Constant exchange of ideas through

invasions and migrations

Mesopotamia Tigris River & Euphrates River Floods almost every year (April –June) Periods of drought Rivers unpredictable and deadly

Sumerian Civilization – 3200 B.C.E.

City States—large towns and cities and the surrounding countryside Ur Uruk Kish Cities are independent of each other Social classes set up in hierarchy-system

of ranks

Ziggurats Largest building

in the city-state


Economy First to use wheeled vehicles Trade with neighboring city-states was

basis of the economy Sumerians fought for control of land and

water Cities protected by high walls

Religion Polytheism

Council of gods & goddesses rule the earth Each city-state had it specific god/goddess Natural events explained through actions

of gods/goddesses-keep gods happy Gods & goddess behaved like ordinary

people—kings were gods representatives Believed in an afterlife-gloomy underworld

Writing – cuneiform means wedged-shaped

Stylus Scribes

Achievements Basic algebra & geometry Number system based on 6

Hour = 60 minutes Circle into 360 degrees

Invented the plow & sail First to use columns, inclined walks &


Empires of the Middle East Sargon – 2300 B.C.E. ruler of Akkad

conquered the city-states of Sumer First empire in recorded history

Babylonian Empire Amorites invade Sumer & locate their

government in Babylon Became known as the Babylonian

Empire Promoted chief Babylonian god called


Hammurabi Code of

Hammurabi 300 laws carved

into stone pillars Criminal law Civil Law “eye for an eye”

Hittites – 1400 B.C.E.

Conquered Mesopotamia because of their secret weapon – iron

Introduced Iron Age in Europe, Africa, & Asia

Assyrians – 1100 B.C.E. Most cruel & warlike First people to develop effective way of governing

an empire Ruled by fear-uprooted people which spread ideas Well-ordered society-capital at Nineveh New military techniques-cavalry, siege weapons,

disciplined army Assurbanipal established first library-helped

preserve history of Middle East 612 B.C.E. crushed by their neighbors

Nebuchadnezzar (Chaldeans) Ruled from Babylon-New Babylonians Enslaved the Jews- known as the

Babylonian Captivity Built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

& Tower of Babel

Accomplishments Astrology-stars determined human

destiny Calendar – accurate to within 7 minutes

Lydians Introduced the

use of coined money

Created money economy which helped trade

Did not eliminate barter system

Persian Empire – 539 B.C.E.

Cyrus the Great began empire Created the largest empire yet seen in the

world-Asia Minor to India to Egypt Treated conquered peoples with

toleration and respected customs and traditions

Darius – 522 B.C.E.

Concerned for justice Divided empire into provinces called a

Satrapy which was ruled by Satrap Sent spies “eyes and ears of the king” to

check on satraps

Accomplishments Linked empire with roads-Great Royal Road

(1,677 miles)--early pony express system Created set of common weights & measures First large empire to create uniform system

of coinage Single code of laws for all

Persian Religion Created by Zoroaster – 600 B.C.E. Single wise god – Ahura Mazda-symbolized by

light In a battle with evil prince of lies Ahriman-

symbolized by darkness Sacred book called Zend Avesta Each individual chooses who to follow and there

would be a Day of Judgment

Phoenicians Greatest sailors/explorers of ancient

times-established colonies “Carriers of Civilization”-spread

Middle Eastern civilization around the Med. Region

Made glass and had purple dye made from a tiny sea snail

Gave us our alphabet

Hebrews – 2000 B.C.E.

Nomads out of Ur in Mesopotamia Abraham – founder of Judaism Monotheism – single God – Yahweh Torah-first five books of the Old

Testament which is their most sacred text

Developed a code of ethical laws

Moved to Canaan then to Egypt Enslaved by


Moses Passover Freed Hebrews from

bondage in Egypt Ten Commandments

Religious The Covenant—binding agreement Prophets— spiritual leaders who

interpret God’s will Ethics—moral standards of


Kingdom of Israel – 1000 BCE

Saul first king of Israel David – slew Goliath—ruled for 40

years Solomon was the son of David

Built the Temple of Jerusalem Home of the Ark of the Covenant

Kingdom of Israel Kingdom split – Israel in north & Judah

in the south Israel conquered by the Assyrians in 722


Judah conquered by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E.

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