
Peggy D. Johndrow 2009

• Purpose of inflammation & immunity to neutralize, eliminate, or destroy organisms that invade body

• Immune system cells distinguish self from non-self proteins and cells (include infected body cells, cancer cells, organisms)• Self-tolerance: ability to recognize self versus

non-self necessary to prevent healthy body cells from being destroyed along with invaders

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) normal part of person and act as antigens if enter another person’s immune system; specify tissue type of a person

Unique universal product code for each person

Determine tissue type of a person HLA key for recognition and self-


Nonspecific defenses: Anatomical, physiological Body tissues Phagocytosis Inflammation

Specific defenses of body r/t immune system and its response to foreign protein introduced to the body; distinct responses but overlap in function Antibody-mediated immune system Cell-mediated immunity

Provides immediate protection against effects of tissue injury and foreign proteins

Capability for inflammatory response critical to health and well-being

Causes visible symptoms and can rid the body of harmful organisms

Tissue damage may result from excessive inflammatory response

Process that occurs in response to tissue injury and invasion of organisms

Usually accompanied by inflammation; however, inflammation can occur without infection

Inflammation not always mean infection present

Stage I (vascular): change in blood vessels Phase I: constriction Phase II: hyperemia and edema

Stage II (cellular exudate): neutrophilia, pus

Stage III (tissue repair and replacement)

Warmth Redness Swelling Pain Decreased function

Innate-native immunity: natural immunity Adaptive immunity Active immunity Natural active immunity Artificial active immunity Passive immunity

Resistance to infection usually associated with presence of antibodies or cells acting on specific microorganisms

Passive immunity: short duration, either naturally by placental transfer or artificially by injection of antibodies

Active immunity: lasts for years and occurs naturally by infection or artificially by stimulation (vaccine) of immune defenses

Antibodies all immunoglobulins (gamma globulins) Globulin protein in a globular shape Globular proteins provide immunity Resulting term immunoglobulin

Five antibody types classified by size, timing, and association

Helps protect body by differentiating self from non-self cells; non-self cells most easily recognized by cell-mediated immunity are cancer cells and those self cells infected by organisms that live within host cells

Important in preventing development of cancer and metastasis after exposure to carcinogens

Natural killer cells Cytokines

Correct name CD4+ (cluster of differentiation 4)

Also called OKT4 positive or Leu-3 positive because of specific antigens on membrane surface

Easily recognize self cells versus non-self cell Act as organizers in “calling in arms“ of

various squads of WBCs involved in inflammatory, antibody, and cellular defensive actions to destroy or neutralize antigens

Hyperacute graft rejection Acute graft rejection Chronic rejection Treatment of transplant rejection Maintenance Rescue therapy

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