CHAPTER 16 Scientific Revolution. What developments contributed to the Scientific Revolution?

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Scientific Revolution

What developments contributed to the Scientific Revolution?

Renaissance humanists mastered Greek and were then open to works of Galen, Ptolemy, Archimedes, Plato

Renaissance artists’ close observation of nature established new standards for the study of natural phenomena Painters needed knowledge of geometry and anatomy Da Vinci declared mathematics integral to artists

Proliferation of books spurred innovation Telescope, microscope

HERMETICISM (divinity is in all aspects of nature, magic, mysticism) inspired astrology and alchemy

Group Project

Seven groups (2-3) You and your partner (or partners) will

select a committee from the list to give a brief report on

Summarize how your topic played a part in Scientific Revolution and the emergence of modern science

The report is to be two minutes and done with…

Sock puppets!


Astronomy Newton Medicine Women Scientific Method Science & Religion Spread of Science



Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, Mechanics, Medicine

Ptolemaic Conception: GEOCENTRIC, earth at the center Earth is made of earth, air, fire, water and

always changing Spheres that surround earth are crystalline,

transparent, and move in circular orbits (Aristotle said circle=most perfect)

10 bodies in all, our universe was finite with God/Heaven beyond

Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, Mechanics, Medicine

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) polish mathematician – not astronomer- used old models, own computations On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

HELIOCENTRIC CONCEPTION- sun in center, planets revolve around sun, moon revolves around Earth

Kept circular orbits Waited until deathbed to publish, scared and

embarrassed Created uncertainty about human role in universe

& God’s location Protestants reacted harshly based on literal

translation of Bible

Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, Mechanics, Medicine

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) Compiled detailed records of observations and

movements of stars and planets Rejected Aristotelian-Ptolemaic system Unable to accept Copernicus

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Brahe’s assistant Three laws

Orbits not circular but elliptical Speed of planet is greater when it is closer to sun

(disproved Aristotle’s idea that motion is steady and fixed)

Planets with larger orbits revolve slower

Greatest Mustache in

History Nominee

Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, Mechanics, Medicine

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Mathematician used telescope to observe

heavens The Starry Messenger (1610)

Planets made of similar stuff to ours! Mountains and craters on moon, moons revolving around Jupiter, phases of Venus, sunspots

Stunned Europeans more than Copernicus and Kepler

Firm believer in heliocentric system Roman Inquisition ordered Galileo to condemn


Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, Mechanics, Medicine

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems:

Ptolemaic and Copernican Written in Italian, making it more widely available, alarmed

church Found guilty of teaching Copernicus, put under house

arrest PROBLEM OF MOTION- Aristotle held that an

object remained at rest unless a force was applied against it and stopped when force stopped What power was moving the planets? Galileo discovered INERTIA- bodies stay in motion

unless deflected by external forces

Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: ASTRONOMY, MECHANICS, Medicine

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Invented calculus- mathematical means of

calculating rates of change Principia (1686)

Mathematical proofs for law of gravitation Three laws of motion

Every object in motion stays in motion until deflected Rate of change of motion is proportional to force against it Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Apply to the universe- all can be explained through math Gravity creates orbits

Widely accepted in England, not so much elsewhere


Isaac Newton

Galileo vs. Newton

Collins Type II Track the changes of the thought in

astronomy from Ptolemy & Aristotle to Isaac Newton



Greatest Achievements in Sci Revolution: Astronomy, Mechanics, MEDICINE

Galen Greek physician in 2nd Century CE influenced all others

Paracelsus (1493-1541) applied chemical remedies “like cures like”

Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) On the Fabric of the Human Body

blood comes from the heart (yes) two kinds of blood (no) William Harvey (1578-1657)

On the Motion of the Heart and Blood Blood comes from heart all same blood in veins and arteries Blood makes complete circuit

New opportunities for elite women emerged in Humanism

Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) Aristocrat taught in Humanist schooling Participant in crucial scientific debates Excluded from membership in Royal Society

Maria Merian (1647-1717) Entomologist trained in her father’s workshop Metamorphosis of the Insects of Surinam

Maria Winkelmann (1670-1720) German astronomer, self and family taught Excluded from Royal Society



Opportunities for women in science limited… by science

QUERELLES DES FEMMES- arguments about women Women argued they were equal to men in

ability 18th century Anatomy “proved” women

were designed to bear children and excluded further from learning and science

Modern science saw a male takeover of traditional roles for women like midwivery


Analyze and discuss attitudes and reactions toward the participation of women in the sciences during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Limit yourself to 45 minutes! (that’s a study hall) T-thesis A-all B-bias L-link E-evaluate


Scientific Method

All answers can be found in reason

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) French lower nobility, Jesuit education,

studied law Discourse on Method (1637)

I think, therefore I am Emphasis on the mind: only accept things

that reason proved CARTESIAN DUALISM: duality between

mind and matter, the mind is separate and therefore can study matter with reason

RATIONALISM: reason and experience are chief sources of knowledge

All answers can be found in reason Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

EMPIRICISM: experiment and induction SCIENTIFIC METHOD: systematic

observations and experiments used to arrive at general concepts


Science & Religion

Science and Religion

Benedict de Spinoza (1632-1677) Could not accept separating the mind from matter or

God from science Ethics Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner

God is not just the creator of the universe, he IS the universe Failure to understand God leads to many misconceptions Women were naturally inferior to women

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Pensées

Tried to convert rationalists to Christianity by appealing to their reason and emotions- You can’t know everything, only God can

God is a reasonable bet – if he exists, you win, if he doesn’t , you have nothing to lose


Spread of Science

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