Chapter 10 C ______________– ______________ (___________)(__________)

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Chapter 10 C

______________– ______________

(___________) (__________)

1796 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: ■WHERE IS WASHINGTON????■Hamilton ___________________________________




1796 Presidential election

More issues:





■Like Washington, wants to ______________■French reaction under Adams – VERY UPSET at America (1)__________________________________(2)__________________________________(3)__________________________________

■French response: capture American ships in the Caribbean Term: ____________________RESULT: UNOFFICIAL WAR BETWEEN AMERICA AND FRANCE


Purpose:American reaction: (1) ___________________(2) 3 American delegates or officials are rejected by the French!_______________________________________________French reaction:XYZ = 3 “secret” Frenchmen that represented _______________ (French Foreign Minister) – “just” to talk(1) ___________________________(2) Personal apology from President Adams(3) bribes America by demanding ___________________________________ and seizing American ships (impressments)= American reaction to bribe: America NEVER paid a thing! “__________________________________________________”(Rather fight than honor bribes)

RESULTS OF XYZ AFFAIR(1) ________________________________________________

(2)___________– anti immigrant feeling / major support for your own country (escalates)

(3) _________________ – deep devotion or pride in one’s country (escalates)•Never paid the bribe!

(4) _________________________

Adams – Father of the Modern Navy

Final Reaction

Outcome: ______________________________


BEFORE JOHN ADAMS LEAVES!_________________________________________________________ - increased the number of circuit court justices by 16

*Midnight Judges*midnight before Adams left office, he appointed FEDERALIST Judges to the Circuit Courts

– WHY? __________________________________________Problem: Jefferson is president the next day –_____________________________________*____________________________*Result: JUDICIAL REVIEW and helped define Checks and balances for the federal court system(Supreme Court has the right to “review” acts and ensure they do not violate rights of people set down by the Constitution)

MARBURY VS. MADISON (1803)■_________________ = Midnight Judge■Sect of State (________________) was instructed to deliver papers according the Judiciary Act of 1789.■Marbury never got papers and sued■________________(Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) ruled Marbury’s claim was UNCONSTITUTIONALOVERALL OUTCOME:***JUDICIAL REVIEW*** – the ability for the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress Unconstitutional

JOHN MARSHALL AND THE SUPREME COURT■Adams as President appointed John Marshall (Federalist) as Chief Justice of Supreme Court *MOST IMPORTANT: John Marshall wanted to ___________ the size and power of ________________over the states & increase power

in the Supreme Court

________________________(1798)_______________(1) raised the requirements for American citizenship from 5 to 14 years

Purpose: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) The president has the power to ____________ any immigrant that poses a threat to America through any means.FEDERALISTS “TRUE” MOTIVE:

Sedition Acts(1) ______________________________________________________(2) Set fines or jail time for anyone AGAINST the operation of the American government (_____________________________________________________________)

FAMOUS VICTIM: _________________________________” – wrote and published literature that portrayed Adams as “foolish” and “selfish”

2 Arguments: (from Democratic-Republicans) (1) Violated the _______________________________________(citizen's rights)(2) Dem-Republicans – claims the Alien and Sed. Acts are a _____________________________________________


Jeffersonian / Democratic – Republicans HATED the Alien and Sedition Acts

Authors: _____________ (Kentucky) and ______________(Virginia) wrote the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Virginia & Kentucky Resolution:•_______________________________________________(2 reasons)

State DEFENSE: ____________________(the People (not the state legislature)made up the Federal Court system, so the states have the right to nullify


********* NULLIFICATION *********states have the right to nullify, or void, ANY act of Congress that they (the people) see as unconstitutional

PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON 1800-18081800 Presidential election = FIRST Democratic-Republican President

Adams – Federalist vs. Jefferson – Dem-Rep. (WINNER)

*___________________________________________= “peaceful transfer of power” from one political party to another (Federalist to Dem-Rep)

Major platform for Republicans or Dem-Republicans(1) ______________________________________________(2) Try to dispose of the Bank of the U.S. (why?)*(3) Push for Merging/ BALANCE amongst the parties (moving toward Federalism) -“We are all Federalists, we are all Republicans”-

- Jefferson*Major reasons why Federalists lost in 1800(1) _______________________________(2) _________________________________________(3) Hamilton privately writes a pamphlet that attacks Adams and

Jeffersonians publish it(4) _________________________________________= more debt - New Navy – Adams’ Jackasses

JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY ON ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS AND THE WHISKEY EXCISE TAXJefferson tries to downsize the influences of the these acts by(1)______________________________________________________________________(2)Lowered the residency (Naturalization Law of 1802) from 14 BACK down to 5 years - how would that benefit his party?(3)_______________________________on WhiskeyFarmer reaction:Effect of Debt:


■****Louisiana Purchase**** (1803)■1800, the Louisiana Territory is given back to France

Pinckney’s Treaty?

Major problem: France is back! ☹

Story: ___________________was sent by Jefferson to iron out a deal with France for just a piece of the Louisiana territory (South for port)….France asked if America would pay $15 Million for the entire area….U.S. couldn’t refuse! (3 cents an acre)

Reasons why France sold the territory

(1) _________________________________made Napoleon decide it wasn’t worth it

(2) NEEDED THE MONEY (___________________________)

(3) _________________________– in turn, would help France fight the British if war occurs

"This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride.”

- Napoleon Bonaparte


Jefferson’s _____________________of the Constitution made him doubt the purchase (Strict Constructionist vs. Democratic Visionary)*Legacy: Doubled the size of America

“Valley of Democracy”Jefferson:


Commissioned by Jefferson / Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

Purpose: Explore Louisiana Territory and as far as the Pacific Coast

(St. Louis Missouri through the Rocky Mountains to Pacific Coast)

(1)____________________(2 and a half years)

(2)____________________and take notes on new animals and plants

Side note: Sacajawea: acted as guide and interpreter

____________________: explored Spanish Territory in the Southwest

Enemy: Spanish / Flatheads


(CHAPTER 10 A B & C)Directions: Argue the Positive and Negative aspects of each topic / issue (ALL THAT APPLIES)

- Set it up so you will benefit (any manner or form)1)Size and Power of the Federal government2)Bank of the United States / Hamilton’s Economic plan3)Protective tariffs / Excise taxes4)Whiskey Rebellion5)French Revolution6)Edmond Genet’s Visit7)Jay’s Treaty8)Pinckney’s Treaty9)Proclamation of Neutrality / Washington’s Farwell Address10)Election of Adams11)XYZ Affair 12)Midnight Judges Act or Judiciary Act of 180113)Marbury V. Madison14)“Marshall Court”15)Alien & Sedition Acts16)Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions17)Election of Thomas Jefferson 18)Louisiana Purchase19)Lewis and Clark Expedition

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