
Chapter 5


How We Listen

Hearing Physiological process Involuntary Process


The process of recognizing, understanding, and accurately interpreting messages

The Listening Process


Attending (focus)

Understanding (interpreting)

Remembering (instant recall)

Responding (feedback)

Personal Listening Preferences

People-oriented listeners – relational listening

Action-oriented listeners – focused on tasks

Content-oriented listeners – critically examine information received

Time-oriented listeners – concerned with efficiency

Why We Listen –Based on situation

Meeting listening goals Informational listening –

to understand

Critical listening – evaluate information

Empathic listening – understand emotion

Appreciative listening - enjoyment

By the Numbers

85% of what we know we have learned through listening

7 out of every 10 minutes we are communicating with another human being

Humans generally listen at a 25% comprehension rate

Less than 2% of all professionals have had a formal training in listening

In a typical business day, we spend 45% of our time listening, 30% talking, 16% reading and 9% writing

We listen at 125-250 words per minute, but think at 1000-3000 words per minute.

Listening Challenges

Environmental factors

Hearing challenges


Listening Challenges

Boredom and overexcitement

Attitudes about listening Preference for talking Overconfidence and laziness Listening apprehension

Listening Challenges

Unethical Listening Behaviors Defensive Listening

Selective Listening Relational context often plays a

significant role

Selfish Listening

(Monopolistic Listening)

Characteristics of Supportive Listeners

- Spangle and Moorehead reading

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