Chapel Service List

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Service list of St John's College Chapel, Easter Term 2013


St John’s College

Chapel Services

Easter Term & Summer Residence 2013

St John’s College Chapel

Since the early thirteenth century the site of St John’s College has had a place of Christian worship. The original Chapel, whose ruins may still be viewed in First Court, belonged to a hospital for the poor and infirm and was retained when the College was founded in 1511. Our present Chapel, built in 1869 by Sir George Gilbert Scott, continues this faithful offering of prayer with regular services enriched by the College’s outstanding choral tradition.

Members of the public are welcome at all Choral Services, printed in BOLD TYPE in this list.

Surplices are provided in the Chapel, and are worn by members of the College on Sundays, at Evensong on Saturdays, and on other holy days as marked in this list with the letter S.

Choral Evensong

Our service of Evensong follows that set down in the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer in 1662. The service is sung by the Choir, of men and boys, who study either at the College or at the College School and may be followed on the cream cards in the stalls. The words of the psalm appointed for the day and sung by the Choir may be found in the Book of Common Prayer (usually red). Please join in singing the hymns, usually found in the green New English Hymnal.

In accordance with the spirit of the Book of Common Prayer (a portion of) the Morning Psalms are sung during the first half of term, and (a portion of) the Evening Psalms during the second half. This term our Old Testament lessons this term are taken from the Books of Samuel and of Kings, and tell of the establishment of the throne of Israel through the stories of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. Meanwhile our New Testament lessons are drawn from 1 Corinthians, Colossians and James – Letters of the earliest Christians which offer a wealth of advice on Christian living, as well as reflection on what God had done for humanity in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The title of our Sunday evening sermon series this term is ‘Creation’, we will focus on the Christian response to God’s creation and the contemporary challenges facing our natural world. Our guest preachers will address different aspects of the doctrine of creation and of a Creator who holds the world in being. Further information about the guest speakers may be found on the Chapel website:

Sung Eucharist

The service may be followed in the yellow Sung Eucharist booklets. Please join in all words marked in bold. Our readings are printed on a separate white sheet, which may be collected from the entrance to the Chapel. Hymns are found in the green hymn book in the stalls.

The Chapel is part of the Church of England, within the world-wide Anglican Communion, and welcomes all Christians who are communicant members of their own church to receive Communion with us.

Listen Online

A Chapel service is webcast on a weekly basis throughout the year. Webcast services are available from midday on Tuesdays. You can listen online at:



The Rev’d Duncan Dormor *

Director of Music

Andrew Nethsingha


The Rev’d Elizabeth Adekunle

Priest Vicar

The Rev’d Christopher Woods

Organ Scholars

Freddie James & Edward Picton-Turbervill

Chapel Clerk

Stephen Stokes

* The Dean is currently serving as President of the College.

The clergy are always glad to arrange to see members of the College.

The Chapel Clerk can be contacted by telephone on 01223 338676 or by e-mail at

Further details of the Chapel and Choir are available on the College website & ____________________________________________________________________________

The Chapel is fitted with a hearing induction loop for those who are hearing-impaired. Simply switch your hearing aid to the T position.

Our presence at services is a prayer; please respect the traditions of the Chapel and of all those who worship with you. If you would like to know more about the Christian faith or the Church of

England, please speak to one of the clergy.

Please do not use cameras, tape recorders or videos in the Chapel. Please do not bring food and drink into the Chapel.

The work of the Chapel is entirely supported by the College and no collections are taken during services. However, the student Chapel Committee supports a number of charities each term and alms boxes are provided for donations on the table by the Chapel gates; please give generously.

Cover image: St John being boiled in oil before the Latin Gate at Rome,

from a detail of a window in the College Chapel ____________________________________________________________________________

APRIL _________________________________________________________________________ 21 THE THIRD 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION SUNDAY AFTER EASTER _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 23 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG George, Responses and Preces: Rose Patron of England, Psalm 112 Martyr, Dyson in D c. 304 Hadley: My beloved spake Hymn 488 _________________________________________________________________________ 24 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) S Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 116 Antiphon: In omnem terram Suriano: Magnificat primi toni Nunc Dimittis primi toni Locke: Let God arise _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

APRIL _________________________________________________________________________ 25 ST MARK 6.30 p.m. EUCHARIST SUNG BY THE CHOIRS OF S THE EVANGELIST CLARE AND SAINT JOHN’S COLLEGES Langlais: Messe Solennelle Hymn 163 _________________________________________________________________________ 26 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 119 vv. 105–136 Gabriel Jackson (Truro Service) Panufnik: The Call Hymn 113 _________________________________________________________________________ 27 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Rose Psalms 124, 125 Tippett (St John’s Service) J.S. Bach: Bleib bei uns Hymn 124 Voluntary: Vierne Allegro Risoluto (Symphonie II) _________________________________________________________________________

APRIL _________________________________________________________________________

28 THE FOURTH 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST AND ADMISSION OF CHORISTER Introit: J.S. Bach Nun lieget alles unter dir Berkeley: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 148 vv. 1–6 Credo: III Communion: J.S. Bach Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke Hymns 296, 117 Voluntary: Couperin Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux

(Messe pour les convents) 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1337) Edward Picton-Turbervill (St John’s College)

Dupré: Variations sur un Noël Franck: Cantabile Duruflé: Toccata 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 135 Watson in E Wesley: Blessed be the God and Father Hymns 115, 103 Preacher: The Rev’d Annabel Shilson-Thomas Associate Vicar, Great St Mary’s, Cambridge The Word and Creation Voluntary: Dubois Toccata _________________________________________________________________________

29 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) Catherine of Siena Teacher, 1380 _________________________________________________________________________

30 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 146 Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me Wise in E flat Gibbons: If ye be risen again with Christ Hymn 107 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 1 SAINT PHILIP 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SAINT JAMES APOSTLES 6.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG (men’s voices) S Introit: Pitoni Cantate Domino Responses and Preces: Rose Psalms 4, 5 Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me Palestrina: Magnificat sexti toni Nunc Dimittis sexti toni Lassus: Jubilate Deo Hymn 164 (tune 238) _________________________________________________________________________ 2 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Athanasius, Responses and Preces: Clucas Bishop of Alexandria, Psalm 11 Teacher, Tomkins (Sixth Service) 373 J.S. Bach: Wann soll es doch geschehen Hymn 484 (tune 167) _________________________________________________________________________ 3 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 17 Moore (St John’s Service) Anderson: My beloved spake Hymn 397 _________________________________________________________________________ 4 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S English Saints and Responses and Preces: Clucas Martyrs of the Reformation Era Psalm 19 Weelkes (Sixth Service) J.S. Bach: Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen Hymn 373 (tune: Coe Fen) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Andante (Sonata no. 3 in D minor) _________________________________________________________________________

MAY _________________________________________________________________________

5 COMMEMORATION 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S OF BENEFACTORS 10.30 a.m. COMMEMORATION SERVICE Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalms 149, 150 Antiphon: Hic est discipulus ille Britten: Te Deum in C Elgar: Light of the world Preacher: David Gill Managing Director, St John’s Innovation Centre Hymns 485, 362 (tune 185) Voluntary: Duruflé Toccata

6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1338) Margaret Phillips (Royal College of Music)

J.S. Bach: Fantasia & Fugue in G minor (BWV 542)

Rogg: Partita sopra ‘Nun freut euch’

6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 25 Purcell in G minor Purcell: My beloved spake Hymns 365, 461 (tune: Corvedale) Preacher: The Rev’d Andrew Hammond Vicar, St Mary’s, Willesden, London Humanity and Creation Voluntary: Sweelinck Echo Fantasia _________________________________________________________________________

6 ST JOHN 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) THE EVANGELIST ANTE PORTAM LATINAM _________________________________________________________________________

7 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 36 Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni Nunc Dimittis tertii toni Byrd: Gloria tibi Domine Hymn 376 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 8 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Julian of Norwich, S Spiritual Writer, 3.30 p.m. CANTATA EVENSONG WITH ST JOHN’S SINFONIA

c. 1417 Responses and Preces: Clucas Psalm 15 Durante: Magnificat Nunc Dimittis primi toni J.S. Bach: Cantata no. 11 “Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen” (Ascension Oratorio) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn

(BWV 630) This Service will be broadcast live on BBC Radio Three.

We ask that everyone is seated by 3.15 p.m. _________________________________________________________________________ 9 ASCENSION DAY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST S ATTENDED BY THE PUPILS OF ST JOHN’S COLLEGE SCHOOL Introit: Byrd Psallite Domino Dove: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 47 Hymns 130(i), 271, 352 (omit v. 2) Voluntary: Widor Toccata (Symphonie V)


6.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 8 Antiphon: Pater, manifestavi nomen tuum Stanford in B flat Stanford: Coelos ascendit hodie Hymn: Christ Triumphant (tune: Guiting Power) _________________________________________________________________________

10 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Cleobury Psalm 50 Marenzio: Magnificat octavi toni Nunc Dimittis octavi toni Byrd: Viri Galilaei Hymn 134 _________________________________________________________________________

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 11 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalms 56, 57 Stanford in G Gibbons: O God, the King of glory Hymn 351 Voluntary: Howells Psalm Prelude (set 1, no. 1) _________________________________________________________________________ 12 THE SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S AFTER ASCENSION DAY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST WITH STRINGS Introit: Byrd Psallite Domino Haydn: Little Organ Mass Gradual: Psalm 97 Hymns 128(ii), 306 Voluntary: Couperin Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux

(Messe des Paroisses) 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1339) Peter Wright (Southwark Cathedral)

Guillou: Saga no. 6 J.S. Bach: Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot (BWV 678) Jongen: Sonata eroïca 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 64 Sumsion in A Tomkins: Te Deum (Third Service) Hymns 466, 338 (omit v. 5) Preacher: Professor Simon Conway Morris Fellow, St John’s College Science and Creation Voluntary: Froberger Toccata secunda _________________________________________________________________________ 13 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

MAY _________________________________________________________________________

14 TUESDAY 6.30pm EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 72 Jackson in G Vivaldi: Domine fili unigenite Hymn 471 (omit vv. 5, 6) _________________________________________________________________________


6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Cleobury Psalm 77 Morales: Magnificat quinti toni Nunc Dimittis quinti toni Tomkins: The heavens declare the glory of God _________________________________________________________________________

16 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 80 Batten (First Service) Phillips: Ascendit Deus Hymn 358(ii) _________________________________________________________________________

17 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 88 Tallis (Short Service) Harvey: I love the Lord Hymn 445 _________________________________________________________________________

18 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG WITH INSTRUMENTALISTS S Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 90 vv. 1–12 Antiphon: Non vos relinquam Vivaldi: Magnificat Nunc Dimittis primi toni Purcell: Rejoice in the Lord alway Hymn 339 Voluntary: J.S. Bach Un poc’ allegro

(Sonata no. 4 in E minor) _________________________________________________________________________

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 19 THE DAY 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S OF PENTECOST (WHIT SUNDAY) 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST WITH CONFIRMATION Presiding Bishop: The Rt Rev’d Dr David Thomson Bishop of Huntingdon Byrd: Mass for five voices Gradual: Psalm 104 vv. 6–end Hymns 138, 140, 353 Voluntary: Mushel Toccata 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1340) Andrew Nethsingha (St John’s College)

J.S. Bach: Prelude in E flat (BWV 552i) Dupré: Prelude and Fugue in F minor (op. 7, no. 2) J.S. Bach: Fugue in E flat (BWV 552ii) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 33 vv. 1–12 Antiphon: Non vos relinquam Leighton (Second Service) Sheppard: Spiritus Sanctus procedens (II) Hymns 137, 495 (omit v. 4) Preacher: The Dean The Renewal of Creation Voluntary: Messiaen Sortie (Messe de la Pentecôte) _________________________________________________________________________ 20 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) Alcuin of York, Deacon, Abbot of Tours, 804 _________________________________________________________________________ 21 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Ayleward Psalm 106 vv. 1–12 Humfrey in E minor Tomkins: God, who as at this time Hymn 141 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 22 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Millington Psalm 107 vv. 1–15 Moore (First Service) Palestrina: Loquebantur variis linguis _________________________________________________________________________ 23 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 115 Wood in E flat (no. 2) Elgar: The Spirit of the Lord Hymn 436 _________________________________________________________________________ 24 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG John and Charles Wesley Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Evangelists, Psalm 119 vv. 1–24 Hymn Writers, Bevan: Magnificat quarti toni 1791 and 1788 Nunc Dimittis quarti toni Byrd: Prevent us, O Lord Hymn 431 _________________________________________________________________________ 25 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S The Venerable Bede Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Monk at Jarrow, Scholar, Psalm 119 vv. 81–96 Historian, Antiphon: Benedictus es 735 Sumsion in G Fauré: Cantique de Jean Racine Hymn 435 (omit v. 2) Voluntary: Franck Cantabile _________________________________________________________________________

MAY _________________________________________________________________________

26 TRINITY SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S 10.30 a.m. SOLEMN SUNG EUCHARIST (boys’ voices) Introit: Boyle Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace Britten: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 8 Credo: IV Hymns 433 (omit vv. 4, 5), 146 Voluntary: Muffat Toccata Settima 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1341) Robert Sharpe (York Minster)

Bairstow: Prelude in C Cochereau: Berceuse à la memoire de Louis Vierne J.S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor (BWV 582) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalm 119 vv. 153–168 Antiphon: Benedictus es Harvey: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Sheppard: Libera nos, salva nos (I) Hymns 393, 263 (omit vv. 5, 6) Preacher: Professor David Clough Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Chester Animals and Creation Voluntary: Alain Première Fantaisie _________________________________________________________________________

27 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) _________________________________________________________________________

28 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Millington Psalms 134, 135 Moore (First Service) Mouton: Nesciens Mater Hymn 337 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

MAY _________________________________________________________________________ 29 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) S Responses and Preces: Ian Shaw * Psalms 142, 143 Antiphon: O quam suavis Sumsion in G Vaughan Williams: Love bade me welcome _________________________________________________________________________ 30 CORPUS CHRISTI 6.30 p.m. FESTAL EUCHARIST (men’s voices) S Day of thanksgiving Victoria : Missa Gaudeamus for Holy Communion Hymn 307 _________________________________________________________________________ 31 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG The Visit of the Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Blessed Virgin Mary Psalms 148, 149 to Elizabeth Gibbons (Second Service) Tavener: Lord’s Prayer Parsons: Ave Maria Hymn 166 (tune 470)(omit v. 2) _________________________________________________________________________



S 1 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (WITH FORMER CHORISTERS AND Justin, CHORAL STUDENTS) Martyr at Rome, Responses and Preces: Radcliffe c. 165 Psalm 7 Dyson in D Tavener: Lord’s Prayer Haydn: The heavens are telling the glory of God Hymn 478 Voluntary: J.S. Bach Prelude in E flat (BWV 552i) _________________________________________________________________________

* This work is receiving its first performance.

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 2 THE FIRST 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Byrd O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth our Queen Byrd: Mass for four voices Gradual: Psalm 96 vv. 1–9 Credo: V Hymns 305, 286 Voluntary: Byrd Fantasia on Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1342) Simon Kirk (St John’s College School)

J.S. Bach: Sei gegruset, Jesu gutig (BWV 768) Howells: Psalm Prelude (set 2, no. 1) Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalms 12, 13, 14 Stanford in C Tavener: Lord’s Prayer Parry: I was glad Hymns 266 (tune 54), 334 Preacher: Tamsin Omond Environmental activist Conservation and Creation Voluntary: Mendelssohn Allegro and Fugue (Sonata II) _________________________________________________________________________ 3 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) _________________________________________________________________________ 4 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 23 Bevan: Magnificat octavi toni Nunc Dimittis octavi toni Tomkins: Jubilate Deo (Third Service) Hymn 366 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 5 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton, Bishop, 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Apostle of Germany, Responses and Preces: Shaw Martyr, Psalm 27 754 Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni Nunc Dimittis tertii toni Sheppard: In Pace _________________________________________________________________________ 6 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY THE CHOIRS OF TRINITY AND SAINT JOHN’S COLLEGES Responses and Preces: Leighton Psalm 33 vv. 1–12 Leighton (Second Service) Elgar: Great is the Lord Hymn 475 _________________________________________________________________________ 7 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 37 vv. 1–20 Byrd (Second Service) Rachmaninoff: Bŏgŏroditse Dyevo Hymn 486 _________________________________________________________________________ 8 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Thomas Ken, Responses and Preces: Smith Bishop of Bath & Wells, Psalms 42, 43 Nonjuror, Hymn Writer, Murrill in E 1711 Walton: The Twelve Hymn 364 (tune 185) Voluntary: Hindemith Mäßig schnell - Lebhaft (Sonata I) _________________________________________________________________________

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 9 THE SECOND 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Vaughan Williams O taste and see Kyrie: Orbis Factor Gloria: Vierne (Messe Solennelle) Frank Martin: Mass for Double Choir Gradual: Psalm 30 Credo: VI Hymns 295, 282 Voluntary: Muffat Toccata Prima 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1343) Dr Christopher Robinson (St John’s College)

Elgar: Sonata in G i. Allegro maestoso ii. Allegretto iii. Andanto espressivo iv. Presto (comodo) 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Smith Psalm 49 Noble in A minor Brahms: Es ist das Heil Hymns 394, 476 Preacher: Dr Jonathan Chaplin Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge Ethics and Creation Voluntary: J.S. Bach Sonata no. 1 in E flat

(1st movement) _________________________________________________________________________ 10 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENING PRAYER (said) _________________________________________________________________________ 11 SAINT BARNABAS 6.30 p.m. FESTAL EUCHARIST S APOSTLE Tallis: Missa Salve Intemerata Hymn 167 _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 12 WEDNESDAY 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Shaw Psalms 65, 67 Moore (Second Service) Tomkins: O how amiable _________________________________________________________________________ 13 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalms 69 vv. 1–22, 70 Tomkins (Fifth Service) Vivaldi: Gloria in excelsis – Et in terra pax Hymn 413 _________________________________________________________________________ 14 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 73 Hooper (Short Service) Vivaldi: Quoniam – Cum Sancto Spiritu Hymn 395 _________________________________________________________________________ 15 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 78 vv. 1–17 Mathias (Jesus Service) Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb Hymn 440 (omit vv. 4, 5) Voluntary: Dupré Toccata (op. 20) _________________________________________________________________________

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 16 THE THIRD 8.30 a.m. COLLEGE COMMUNION S SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Introit: Messiaen O sacrum convivium Kyrie de Angelis Kodály: Missa Brevis Gradual: Psalm 32 Credo: VII Hymns 336, 298 Voluntary: Kodály Ite, missa est 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1344)

Dr Peter King (Bath Abbey)

Ropartz: Introduction et Allegro moderato Mendelssohn (trans. W.T. Best): Prelude and Fugue in

E minor Guilmant: Sonate VIII in A i Andante Sostenuto ii Intermède et Allegro 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalms 84, 85 Jackson in G Tomkins: Almighty God, which hast knit together Hymns 391, 285(i) Preacher: The Chaplain Image, Beauty and Creation Voluntary: Franck Pièce Héroïque _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

CHORAL SERVICES RESUME ON TUESDAY 25 JUNE _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________ 25 TUESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 119 vv. 73–96 Walmisley in D minor Tomkins: Jubilate Deo (Third Service) Hymn 354 _________________________________________________________________________ 26 WEDNESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 119 vv. 145–160 Hassler: Magnificat quinti toni Nunc Dimittis quinti toni Lassus: Veni in hortum meum _________________________________________________________________________ 27 THURSDAY 10.10 a.m. GRADUATION SERVICE 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Howells Psalms 129, 130 Sumsion in G Grieg: Ave, maris stella Hymn 415 (tune 346) _________________________________________________________________________ 28 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Irenaeus, Responses and Preces: Howells Bishop of Lyons, Psalms 137 (omit vv. 7–9), 138 Teacher, Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me c. 200 Daniel Purcell in E minor Tomkins: Te Deum (Third Service) Hymn 374


Tickets available from ADC box office & Great St Mary’s Shop _________________________________________________________________________

29 ST PETER 6.00 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG S APOSTLE Introit: Bullock Give us the wings of faith Responses and Preces: Howells Psalms 142, 143 Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me Stanford in A Tomkins: Almighty God, which hast knit together Hymn 420 Voluntary: J.S. Bach Fugue in E flat (BWV 552ii) _________________________________________________________________________

JUNE _________________________________________________________________________

30 THE FIFTH 10.30 a.m SUNG EUCHARIST WITH STRINGS S SUNDAY AFTER Introit: Mozart Ave verum corpus TRINITY Mozart: Missa Brevis in F (K192) Gradual: Psalm 16 Hymns 311 (tune 167), 294 Voluntary: Buxtehude Praeludium in G minor (BuxWV 150)

6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1345)

Ben Comeau (Girton College)

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in E minor (BWV 548) J.S. Bach: An Wasserflüssen Babylon (BWV 653) Debussy (trans. Comeau): Fêtes (from Trois Nocturnes)

6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Howells Psalms 148, 149 Howells (St Paul’s Service) Tavener: Song for Athene Hymns 186, 401 Voluntary: Tchaikovsky (arr. Bennett) Coronation March _________________________________________________________________________ JULY _________________________________________________________________________

2 TUESDAY 6.00 p.m. EVENSONG SUNG BY THE CHOIRS OF KING’S AND SAINT JOHN’S COLLEGES IN ST JOHN’S COLLEGE CHAPEL Introit: Tavener Lord’s Prayer Responses and Preces: Radcliffe Psalms 13, 14 Tippett (St John’s Service) Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb Hymn 427 _________________________________________________________________________

3 WEDNESDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG (men’s voices) Responses and Preces: Rose Psalm 18 vv. 1–19 Victoria: Magnificat sexti toni Nunc Dimittis sexti toni Gesualdo: Maria, Mater gratiae _________________________________________________________________________

Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:

JULY _________________________________________________________________________ 4 THURSDAY 6.30 p.m. NO EVENSONG THIS EVENING 6.30 p.m. CONCERT GIVEN BY THE COLLEGE CHOIR MUSIC BY THOMAS TOMKINS

The concert will end by 7.30 p.m. Admission is free. _________________________________________________________________________ 5 FRIDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalms 28, 29 Howells (Collegium Regale) Berkeley: The Lord is my shepherd Hymn 443 _________________________________________________________________________ 6 SATURDAY 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG S Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 32 Sumsion in A Gabriel Jackson: Jesu Rex admirabile Hymn 388(i) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in G (BWV 541) _________________________________________________________________________

JULY _________________________________________________________________________

7 THE SIXTH 10.30 a.m SUNG EUCHARIST S SUNDAY AFTER Introit: Byrd Ave verum corpus TRINITY Langlais: Messe Solennelle Gradual: Psalm 66 vv. 1–8 Credo: I Hymns 459, 271 Voluntary: Langlais Hymne d’action de Grâces

“Te Deum” 6.00 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL (No. 1346) Freddie James (St John’s College)

Reubke: Sonata on the 94th Psalm 6.30 p.m. EVENSONG Responses and Preces: Shephard Psalm 37 vv. 1–20 Howells (Gloucester Service) Walton: The Twelve Hymns 331, 252(i) Voluntary: J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in C (BWV 547) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________




Services in Chapel are regularly recorded for weekly broadcast online at:


WITH ST JOHN’S SINFONIA Saturday 26 October at 6.30 p.m.

Vivaldi: Magnificat

J.S. Bach: Cantata no. 115 Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit


The Director of Music, Andrew Nethsingha, is pleased to

receive enquiries from people interested in joining the choir as chorister, choral scholar or organ scholar. He is always happy to

meet them informally to offer advice.

Please contact him on

01223 338683 or by email –

or contact the Choir Administrator on 01223 338718

St John’s College

Cambridge CB2 1TP


Voice trials will be held for boys aged 6–9 years old

on 11 May and 12 October 2013.

For further details please contact Mary Walsh at St John’s College School on

01223 353652 Or by email –

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