Changing the way we see the World. Scientific Thought ◦ Religious teachings - Catholic Church Earth was flat Geocentric view ◦ Magic ◦ Superstition.

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Scientists of the Enlightenment

Changing the way we see the World

Middle Ages

Scientific Thought◦ Religious teachings -

Catholic Church Earth was flat Geocentric view

◦ Magic◦ Superstition◦ Ancient Writings (Galen,

Ptolemy, Aristotle)◦ Barber Surgeon

Scientific Revolution Use of Scientific Method

◦ Ideas that are unproven should be discarded◦ Ideas should be tested◦ Truth comes through investigation

Geocentric View vs. Heliocentric View

Catholic Church Copernicus

Nicolas Copernicus

Earth was round and, on an axis, rotated around the sun, which was at the center of the solar system.

Johannes Kepler

Planets move in ellipses not circles (Copernicus) and those closer to the sun travel faster. Did not get in trouble with Catholic Church because he was Protestant.

Galileo Galilei

Built telescope and argued that the earth was round. Had to recant his findings because he was Catholic. Church banned books and convicted people of heresy.

Their ideas challenged the authority of the church and long held beliefs. Their ideas were based on logic and


Francis Bacon

Developed scientific method that is made up of observation, hypothesis, tests, and conclusions. Scientific knowledge cannot be assumed. It must be tested.

Rene Descartes

Came up with the basic elements of Analytical Geometry.

Doubted everything except his own existence. You must prove everything. I think therefore I am.

Isaac Newton

He proved the theory of gravity (apple). Developed calculus to prove that gravity holds the universe together by keeping the sun and planets in orbit.

Andreas Vesalius

Studied Human Anatomy, dissecting corpses to find out about the human body.

William Harvey

The first to prove that the heart pumps blood throughout the body and it is circulated through the veins

Robert Boyle

Considered to be the father of modern chemistry, writing a book called The Skeptical Chymist

Joseph Priestley

Proved the existence of oxygen and of carbon dioxide. Carbonated drinks.

Antoine Lavoisier

Combustion comes from oxygen and flammable material

Impact of Scientific Revolution

Ideas would challenge church authority Ideas would challenge traditional beliefs

about nature and the universe Ideas would be based on reason and

observation in the future Led people to question their governments

Catholic Church’s Reaction Resented the challenge to church authority Banned books Convicted supporters of heresy

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