Chain of Custody - Edl€¦ · 1. Finish and turn in the projection sketch activity. 2. Finish practical examinations for those that still need it 3. Self-reflection 4. Chain of Custody

Post on 05-Jun-2018






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1. Finish and turn in the projection sketch activity.

2. Finish practical examinations for those that still need it

3. Self-reflection4. Chain of Custody Activity

5. Evidence and Chain of Custody Notes6. Case Study – Ryan Braun

Page 18Topic: Chain of CustodyEQ: Why is maintaining the chain of

custody so important in forensic investigations?

Cornell Notes

Evidence = All the means by

which any alleged matter of fact is established or disproved.

In other words, evidence is anything that can prove or

disprove a case.

Evidence Collection and the Chain of Custody

Anything that a person leaves at a crime

scene. Anything that a person takes from a crime

scene.Anything that may otherwise be connected

with the crime.Anything that can be legally presented at a

trial, for the purpose of inducing a belief in the minds of the court and jury, as to the truth of the issue involved.

What Should be Considered Evidence?

Direct Evidence – Tends to show the existence of facts

through one or more of the 5 senses – what you saw, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted.

Indirect (Circumstantial) Evidence – Evidence that does not directly, in itself prove a fact, but helps to establish facts which tend to prove certain elements.

Physical Evidence – Evidence items that speak for themselves and do not require much explanation (DNA, tool mark, etc.) and are used for identification.

Three Types of Evidence

Foot prints Fingerprints Tire tracks Physical objects Bite marks DNA Eyewitness testimony Records Documents Photographs Video images It can also include anything that is NOT there

Evidence Can Include:

Things to keep in mind:

1. Obtain it LEGALLY2. Describe it in notes3. Identify it properly4. Package it properly5. Maintain the Chain of Custody

Collection of Physical Evidence

Fourth Amendment protects private citizens from

unreasonable searches and seizures. The amendment reads: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,

and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

1. Obtain it Legally

To obtain evidence legally means that you had the

right to take the item into custody Someone gave you consent to take it (must be

someone authorized to do so) You had a warrant authorizing a seizure The item was seized incidental to an arrest Officers have probable cause

Plain view doctrine Exigent circumstances

1. Obtain it Legally

Describing means that by reading your

report, the reader should be able to tell:What the item isThe location that you found itHow you obtained itThe date and time the item was foundHow it was identifiedThe chain of custody

2. Describe it in notes

You must be able to show that the item you

initially took is the same item at a later date.For actual physical items, it is preferred to

mark them with your initials, date, case number

For items such as liquids, soil, or tiny fragments, the container itself should be sealed and marked.

3. Identify it properly

Use a suitable container Seal securly against leakage Package each item separately If wet or bearing blood, dry thoroughly before

packaging. Exceptions would be samples collected for the

presence of chemicals, hydrocarbons, or blood or biological samples taken for testing

4. Package it properly

There must be a written record of who

has had possession of the evidence at all times.

The chain of custody will show who collected the evidence, who had contact with the evidence, at what time, under what circumstance, and what (if any) changes were made.

5. Maintain a Chain of Custody

Keep it as short as possible The chain starts with the person who finds it,

collects it, and identifies it Each time another person takes possession, it

must be signed for.

Maintain the evidence in a locked vault, cabinet, or room.If evidence requires laboratory analysis, get it to the lab as soon as possible.

5. Maintain a Chain of Custody

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