Ch. 6 Spanish Louisiana Pt 4. Napoleon Bonaparte After killing the French king, French general Napoleon Bonaparte became dictator of France He wants Louisiana.

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Ch. 6 Spanish Louisiana

Pt 4

Napoleon Bonaparte

After killing the French king, French general Napoleon Bonaparte became dictator of France

He wants Louisiana back

Treaty of San IldefonsoFall of 1800

Napoleon forced Spain to SECRETLY give Louisiana back to France.

Spain could not fight the French military.

Spain still ran the colony until the French could get enough military to Louisiana

Rumors circulate & President Thomas Jefferson is very worried that France wants to attack the U.S.

The U.S. Becomes Concerned

WWJD: What Will Jefferson Do? Jefferson knew he couldn’t win a war with

France for control of the Mississippi River & New Orleans

Jefferson would try to BUY the landRobert Livingston worked out a deal for the

land and James Monroe went to France to talk to Napoleon.

Napoleon Sells!!He agrees to sell

Louisiana to the United States

Napoleon agrees because:France is broke & he

needs money to fight England

He gets money & gets rid of a colony he doesn’t need.

Napoleon lost Saint Domingue, it’s last colony in North America.

** Napoleon makes this decision in the bathtub!!**

The Louisiana Purchase April 30, 1803Jefferson allows Monroe & Livingston to

purchase Louisiana for $15 million.About 3 cents per acre & doubles the size of

the U.S. 15 states will be made.U.S. borrowed the money from England!!

Louisiana Purchase

Assimilating Louisiana

The U.S. and Louisiana were both concerned.Most U.S. people

were English speaking Protestant

Most Louisianans were Catholic and spoke French, Spanish or Creole

Jefferson sent William C.C. Claiborne to take possession of Louisiana

3 Flags in 3 WeeksSpanish Flag, French Flag & American Flag

U.S. Flag Raising at the Cabildo

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