CGCT Newsletter Vo2

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2


    The Writing is on the WallMarch 5, Madison, WI: Families,

    public workers, teachers and

    students clearly see whats at stake as

    social services, education, wages, andunion protections are all on the

    chopping block. So do millions of

    people in the Middle East from

    Egypt to Libya to Iraq as grassroots

    demonstrations rock the entire region

    like never before. So do the Ethnic

    Studies educators from Tucson,

    Arizona who face an all-out

    onslaught against culturally relevant

    education. And so must we here at


    With mayor-elect Rahm Emmanuel

    and his pro-business agenda ready

    to take power in May, lets ask a few

    questions. Will Chicago continue to

    displace its African American

    population (20 percent gone to the

    suburbs between 2000 and 2010) andgentrify lower-income people out of

    their homes? Will Daleys Ren 2010

    education platform of privatization,

    union-busting, high stakes testing,

    and disastrous student shuffling

    carry on? Will Chicago move even

    closer to a total police-state and

    criminalize more youth of color as

    10,000 cameras, 1000 more police,

    and CPD trucks and equipment get

    pumped into our neighborhoods?

    Chicagoans, the writing is on the

    wall. We either learn how to

    e f f e c t i v e l y b u i l d u n i t y a n d

    consolidate social justice learning,

    we will lose our city. As

    classroom learning, arent these t

    issues students face? Mustnt thlearn how to struggle for chang

    Education, we think, must respon

    to the realities of the day. Just

    students in a farming commun

    learn to till the land, our children

    survival relies on a releva

    education with social action at t

    core. This is the bottom line.

    In this issue, we cover just a fe

    actions, people, and groups movi

    curriculum into the realm

    RELEVANCE. Look inside and g

    involved in creating curriculum fro

    the ground up!

    In this issue:g. 1:

    Introduction & IL Standards

    g 2:

    Project Tracks

    g. 3:

    Unit Update & Upcoming Events

    g. 4:

    Curriculum Night Spotlights

    g. 5:

    Relevant Learning

    g. 6:

    WI Resistance

    g. 7:

    Archives & Release Party

    g. 8:

    Web Sites, Contributors/Contact

    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce March 2011 Monthly Newsletter Vo

    Illinois Standards You Should Know and Integrate:Socio-Emotional Skills, 3.A.J2: Explain how a change in a current social policy (e.g., health care coverage for child

    ree public education, child care assistance for working families) would impact the behaviors of individuals and group

    Mathematics, 7C: Select and use appropriate technology, instruments, and formulas to solve problems, interpret resnd communicate findings.

    From Madison to theWorld and Back...

  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2



    Co-Authoring& PublishingHelp createA PeoplesChicago: Our Stories ofChange and Struggle.3rd-12th gradevertically alignedcurriculum set within a

    global history context.Co-author an action-based, interdisciplinary,skills-driven, andcollege preparatorycurriculum with a focuson Chicago hoods!Allcontributions welcome!

    Create aClearinghouseEducators across theChi areuploading highquality curriculum,projects, activities, etc.with visions of coveringall subject areas, topics,

    grades, skill-levels, anduses. Contribute yourwork today and build aChicago clearinghouseof high qualityclassroom and populareducation materials.Share across the sky!

    GrassrootsArchivesImagine awebsite withhistoric and currentdocuments,photographs, videos,timelines, studentwork, letters, and more.

    Read, download, anduse right away!Upload a piece youvecome across and helpus build a digitalarchival library foreveryone. The websiteis coming soon!

    Compiling KeyResourcesOur website willbecome a grassrootsresource center. Youcan access annotatedbibliography lists forall sorts of resources

    and links. Youll findour choices of helpfuwebsites, books, othepublications, and morShare your favoritesreadings, websites,resources, field trips,speakers, other media

    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground

    The more information students can transfer from their schooling to thecontext of everyday life, the greater the probability that they will be goodcommunicators, informed citizens, critical thinkers, and successful problemsolversThematic units and an integrated curriculum enhance the transferrocess. --David Sousa, How the Brain Learns

  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2



    Chicago School and Education Struggles: Past, Present, and Future

    Upcoming Events!

    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground u

    Education Unit Updates

    Annotated bibliography is be


    Annotated websites are nearcomplete

    Curriculum map is in first dr

    Art is being created (see cent

    Photos are being gathered antaken of schools and commun

    Good pedagogical examples classroom are being covered

    Unit summary ishalf written

    DePaul service learning studbegin creating timeline in Apr

    Tues. March 8: CGCT Monthly Curriculum Night - Chicago Teachers Center, 770 N Halsted - 4th fl, - 5:30-7:30pm*Free parking across the street (newcomer orientation provided)

    Sat. March 12: Chicago Teachers Union Event with Diane Ravitch - UIC Forum 725 W Roosevelt Rd. - 12:00-1:30pm*buy tickets online

    Sat. March 12:ITAGs Winter Session Sharing Night - Marwen, 833 N. Orleans - 5:00-7:00pm*Great presentations, potluck, and much more sponsored by Teachers for Social Justice

    Sat. March 19: Teachers for Social Justice General Meeting - UIC 1040 West Harrison 3rd floor - 1:00-2:00pm

    Tues.April 12: CGCT Monthly Curriculum Night - Chicago Teachers Center, 770 N Halsted, 4th fl - 5:30-7:30pm*Free parking across the street (newcomer orientation provided) *Kuumba Lynx Curriculum Featured!*

    Fri.April 15:CGCT Curriculum Release Party/Fundraiser - Red Kiva, 1108 W. Randolph St. - 9:00pm-2:00am*$20 suggested donation with a sliding scale (Must say GRASSROOTS at the door)

    Sat. April 17: Teachers for Social Justice General Meeting - UIC 1040 West Harrison 3rd floor- 10:40-11:40am

    Sat. May 14:Education In Crisis: What You Can Do! - Malcolm X college 1900 W Van Buren - 9:00am-3:30pm* hosted by CTU - register

    Our Inquiry to Action Group

    (ItAG) is hard at work developingmaterials (see right) for our next unit,Chicago Schools and EducationStruggles: Past, Present, and Future.

    Thanks to the New York Collective ofRadical Educators model adopted andorganized by Teachers for SocialJustice, were excited to announce thecontinuation and expansion of our

    weekly ItAG group! With ourNorthside group in place, wereexpanding in April to the Westside,

    hosted by Myrna Garcia. With aSouthside branch in the works as well,these regional study/work groups willact as the foundations of ourgrassrooots curriculum development

    process. Please call Anton at773.387.1844 if youd like to attendor help out. Or email us
  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2


    S E Q U O I A C L U B


    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground u

    Curriculum Night Spotlights

    Suspension Stories - a youth-led participatoryaction research project to understand the school to

    prison pipeline. This initiative is the result of a

    collaboration between the Rogers Park YoungWomen's Action Team and Project NIA.

    Find workshop templates at the following links:


    Also from Mariame Kab

    Exploring the Roots of Violenblog- Find workshop templaand keep up with Project Niacurriculum offerings as well aothers:

    "Giving Name to the Nameles

    Using Poetry as an Anti-ViolIntervention for Girls and Yo


    Something is Wrong: Explorinthe Roots of Youth Violence -

    A thorough curriculum guideroot causes and solutions to

    youth violence:

    Mariame Kaba - Project NIA

    Kuumba Lynx *Links*Curriculum with CGCT

    After nearly fifteen years of highquality arts programming withthousands of youth in Chicagospubl ic schools , parks, and

    communities, Kuumba Lynx knowsa few things about urban arts and

    hiphop curriculum development. With files upon files ofarts

    workshops, student poetry, plays,and classroom curricula for theHalf Pint Poets, Kuumba Lynxoffers Chicago educators and artsprogrammers a veritable treasure

    chest of urban arts instructionalmodels.

    In collaboration with CGCT, thesecurricular gifts will begin to surfaceo u t s i d e o f K L s r e g u l a rprogramming. Jacinda Hall-Bullie,co-founder of KL says, everycurricular unit from every core

    subject area should integrate thearts. Also, every arts curriculumshould integrate social justicethemes. Were excited to build bothof these with the GrassrootsTaskforce.

    As members of the GrassrootsTaskforce, Kuumba Lynx will helpfacilitate the infusion of powerfularts curriculum into every unit

    CGCT creates. In addition, CG will help Kuumba Lynx preporganize, and strengthen extensive files of curriculum eventual publication as a stand-alobook on Kuumba Lynx. T

    partnership epitomizes reciprocal relationship betweCGCT and other groups. Heach other build curriculum for a with the youth, families, communities ofChicago.

    CGCT invited Mariame Kaba topresent at our first Curriculum NightonFeb. 8th. Not only did Mariame presenton the dynamic curricular projects shescoordinated, a working relationship andopen exchange is now established

    between us and Project NIA. Here is asampling of some of Project NIAs latestand ongoing work. We are greatly humbledand appreciative to work with Ms. Kaba, asher work inspires us and thousands acrossthe globe.

    Grassroots Publisher and Activist

    Kuumba Lynx Half Pint Poets work to be featured at the April 2nd Curriculum Night!
  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2



    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground u

    Uplift Community HSs 1st Annual Social Justice Fair Rocked!

    Relevant Learning

    On February 24-25, Tucson UnifiedSchool District teachers Norma and JoseGonzalez came to Chicago on a tour ofndiana, Illinois and Michigan as part ofthe "Save Ethnic Studies" tour. The

    Ethnic Studies program, a K-12urriculum which includes Mexican-American studies, brings a history thatas been marginalized to the forefront.

    After giving a presentation at the

    University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) atoon on the 24th, they gave a talk tobout 150 teachers, students andommunity members in the auditorium atthe Lawndale/Little Village high school

    multiplex at 31st and Kostner. Theirmessage was especially important as theyre engaged in a legal battle to make surethat Latino/a students in Tucson canearn about their culture. Currently thetate of Arizona has passed HB 2281,

    Save Ethnic Studies Comes to Chicago!

    On Wednesday, February 8th, visitorswitnessed Uplifts 1st Social JusticeExpo by entering a hallway of livelystudents, their superb exhibits, andsupportive teachers. Needless to say, itwas a special educational experience anda model of a local school integratingrelevant and timely social justicelearning into the curriculum.

    Inspired by the annual citywide SocialJustice Student Expo held by Chicago Youth Initiating Change, Upliftlaunched their school-based Expo this year. Today is all about making social justice explicit as the theme of ourschool. Students get excited about theirlearning when its relevant to their livesand other people show interest, saysMr. Haines, 9th grade history teacher.Uplift students covered numerous topicsincluding Wal-Mart Labor Exploitation,Storytime through the Eyes of Urban

    Youth, Ecology and Food, ResistanSlavery, Social Justice Heroes, ORomero A Violence for Love, Down with Black Panther PartyMillion Children in Child SlaveryPrison Bound to name a few oexhibit titles.

    The Uplift Social Justice Clubon the exploitative practices of Mart. Students combined their video work, letter writing, traditional exhibiting to highlightcampaign to expose how Walmarbeen exploiting their employees unfair labor practices, says AmNavarro, high school junior.

    After learning about this, we believe in exploiting labor just to jobs in the neighborhood, exAmanda.

    eliminating the teaching of ethnic studiesin Arizona k-12 schools.

    Championed by former Superintendentof Public Instruction Tom Horne, the billstates that ethnic studies promotes"unamerican sentiment" and "racialhostility towards Whites." As both of these accusations are untrue, legislationlike 2281 is important to us in Chicago assomething like the Chicago Grassroots

    Curriculum could be challenged byconservative naysayers, making claimssimilar to Horne. The presence and wordsof Norma and Jose definitely stand as aninspiration to us in Chicago, as we gear up to crea te a Ch icago Grassroo tsCurriculum!

  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2


    S E Q U O I A C L U B


    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground u

    Wisconsins Inside Scoop

    Im Isabelle. Im here because my dad is union and my momused to be union. Were here because we want to telleverybody that we found out a few more things that the bill[Budget Repair Bill] is going to take away. We just found outthat its going to take away the WIC [Women, Infant, Children]program and theyre going to take away a fund that is used togive to poor people when they die, so they can be buried. [Arethey teaching about this at school?] Yes! [Have you seen anyof your teachers here?] Yes (smiling).

    Wisconsins Budget Repair Bill would:Cut 9% in aid to schools, amounting to around $900million in K-12 education cuts

    Repeal the authority of most state workers to collectivelybargain

    Put a greater burden on workers for pension and healthinsurance costs

    Provide $22 million to Department of Correctionscut the WIC (Women Infant Children) program

    End the states recycling program

    Allow no-bid contracts to energy companies in the sale ofheating and cooling plants across the state

    Governor Walkers biggest campaign contributors were the

    Koch brothers, billionaires in the energy and consumer

    products industries. Here are some common Koch Brothers

    products to consider boycotting:Angel Soft toilet paperBrawny paper towelsDixie plates, bowls, napkins and cups

    Mardi Gras napkins and towelsQuilted Northern toilet paperSoft 'n Gentle toilet paperSparkle napkinsVanity Fair napkinsZee napkinsGeorgia-Pacific paper productsand envelopes

    These accounts com

    from the WisconsinState Journal,interviews with

    protesters on March5th and pro-union


    Isabelle (right) - 6th grade, and her family

    Additional Note: $7.5 million - The Department of Administrations estimated cost to clean upthe tape (from posters) at the Capitol building. Now estimated at $350,000.

    Teachable Actions

  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2



    Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce Building great curriculum from the ground u

    Curriculum Release Party w/ Jammin 4 Justice!!!

    Urban Renewal orUrban Removal? AnActionInvestigation intoChicagos LandBattles

    Chicagos UrbanPlanning,Disinvestment,Displacement, andCommunity Strugglesfrom 1800 to Today

    Annotated Archives

    Friday, April 15th 20118pm-2am (Program 8 - 1O:30)

    Red Kiva - 1108 W. Randolph St.Poetry, Comedy, Live Music, DJ Tyson

    Chicago Red Squad Records: Chicago History Museum

    1601 N. Clark St. Chicago IL


    Contact: Debbie Vaughan

    Many believe that we live under a government that allows the people tofreely assemble, protest, and express their political beliefs. The Red

    Squad collection at the Chicago History Museum reveals a completelydifferent story. From the 1930s to the 1970s the Red Squad was a

    special police unit in the city that placed under surveillance all groupsand individuals considered subversives. Photos, newspaper clippings,

    political literature, and police reports were collected for a wide range of

    socialist, feminist, civil rights, New Left, anti-war, and Black, Latino,Asian American and Native American power movements. As a studentor researcher you have a right to attain special legal permission to review

    the Red Squad records.(email for instructions).

    Every month, we will feature two treasure chests of primary sources and importantresearch that should be brought into classrooms and communities everywhere.

    $20 DONATION w





    Students for a Democratic Society Archive: Western Historica

    Society, University of Wis. Madison

    816 State St. Madison WI.


    Contact: Richard L. Pifer

    On the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the WesHistorical Society houses one of the most comprehensive collection

    Students for a Democratic Society. During the 1960s SDS chaptexisted at universities throughout the country with its national

    headquarters in Chicago. Those interested in learning about thideology of the New Left, the relationship between mother count

    radicals and activists of color, JOIN, ERAP, the Vietnam War, thDays of Rage and the Weatherman should consult this collection.

    wide range of papers, political pamphlets, newspapers, books, and arecordings are available to the public.

    It takes $2000 to get this printing under way.

    Come Party and Help us Publish Curriculum!
  • 8/3/2019 CGCT Newsletter Vo2



    For curriculum/archival contributions,professional development, and presentations:


    For (multi) media, photography, music, video,newsletter, and other arts:


    Any ideas, questions,feedback? Email us:

    The Education for Liberation Network is a national coalition

    of teachers, community activists, researchers, youth and

    parents who believe a good education should teach people particularly low-income youth and youth of colorhow to

    understand and challenge the injustices their communities face.

    Featured Social Justice Education Websites

    The Zinn Education Project promotes andsupports the use of Howard Zinns best-selling book A Peoples History of theUnited States and other materials forteaching a peoples history in middle andhigh school classrooms across the country.The Zinn Education Project is coordinatedby two non-profit organizations, Rethinking

    Schools and Teaching for Change.

    http://www.zinnedproject.orgTeaching a PeoplesHistory: ZinnEducation Project

    Issue Contributors:Antonio Lopez

    Mariame Kaba

    Anton MigliettaSarah Jane Rhee

    Lindsay Smith

    David Stovall

    Terrence Tz-eye Haymer


    Newsletter Coordinator: Halley Miglietta

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