CFC Singles For Christ - Financial Stewardship

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CFC Singles for Christ

June 20, 2012

Jhonsen D. Sales


Principles of Christian Finance

Everything belongs to God.We are merely stewards of what belongs to God.It is God who enables us to acquire wealth.

Psalm 24:1 "The Lord's are the earth and its fullness; the world and those who dwell in it“

Haggai 2:8 "Mine is the silver and mine the gold, says the Lord of hosts”

Everything belongs to God

God created everything.God is the owner of everything without exception.

We are stewards (or managers) and not masters over the things God has entrusted to us.

We are to manage what has been entrusted to us wisely, unselfishly and in accordance with God's plan.

Stewards of what belongs to God

Proverbs 10:22 "It is the Lord's blessing that brings wealth, and no effort can substitute for it".

Ecclesiastes 5:18 "Any man to whom God gives riches and property, and grants power to partake of them, so that he receives his lot and finds joy in the fruits of his toil, has a gift from God"

God who enables us to acquire wealth

Without God's blessings, we would not have the good things we have.

1 Corinthians 4:7 "Name something you have that you have not received. If then, you have received it, why are you boasting as if it were your own?“

Sirach 11:14 "Poverty and riches are from the Lord“

Sirach 11:21 "It is easy with the Lord suddenly, in an instant, to make a poor man rich"

God who enables us to acquire wealth

Proverbs 3:9 "Honor the Lord with your wealth.“

Though God allows us to enjoy our possessions, these are not exclusively for our benefit. We need to see how we can use our possessions to serve God and to do His work on earth.

God who enables us to acquire wealth

We should use our finances (wealth and possessions) to glorify God and participate in the spread of His Kingdom.


What is TITHING? The tithe consists of ten percent (10%) of an

individual's income after taxes from whatever source, i.e., wages, rents, investments, business, etc.

Good News: It is given to support the work of the Lord.

The tithe is given to the immediate body of Christ of which one is a part, and where one draws support for one's Christian life. Ex. SFC, Parish

WHY we do TITHING? We rob God if we don't tithe. Simply because the

money is His in the first place and He's just asking us to turn over 10% of it.

Good News: It is given to support the work of the Lord.

We tithe so that there may be "food in God's house.“Food is life-giving, which gives life to many.

"open the floodgates": God can never be outdone in generosity.


ScripturesScripture Readings about TITHINGS

Genesis 14:20 Leviticus 27:30 Numbers 18:26-29 Deuteronomy 14:22-27

Proverbs 3:9 Matthew 23:23 Luke 18:12 Hebrews 7:4-9

Good News: Read, meditate and reflect!

Tithing as LifestyleTithing is not part of our covenant in SFC. But it is certainly an essential part of our life as a growing Christian.

Evangelization Support for missionaries Formation of members Community activities

Administration Donations (needy members) Purchase of assets as needed International mission

The only source of income of CFC Singles for Christ is from contributions, basically from its members.


God's work needs money, God Himself does not! 

The practical need for money is just His way of giving us the privilege of being His co-workers in Kingdom-building.

Focus not so much on the 10%, but on the 90% we keep for ourselves!

The Widow’s Offering

What if I do not have enough?

21 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” - Luke 21:1-4

Note: It’s about what’s left when you give.

Roadmap to Financial Stability

God desires our abundance.We sometimes do not realize that we are blessed because we measure abundance differently.

Trust God for Provisions.God asks us not to worry about the material, rather to concentrate on seeking His kingdom, then all else will follow. (Luke 12:22-34)

Do our part. First is to increase our source of income. Second, is to decrease our expenses.

F1 – Financial INCOMEF2 – Financial SHAREF3 – Financial EXPENSESF4 – Financial DEBTF5 – Financial GROW

Basic Financial Education


F1 – Financial INCOME



F2 – Financial SHARE

Golden Rule: Tithes is priority. Tithes not Tip.


F3 – Financial EXPENSES

Golden Rule: Keep WANTS to minimum.

MortgageCredit CardsCar LoansLoans, etc.

F4 – Financial DEBTS

Golden Rule: Live simply.

Paper AssetsStocksDividendsBondsMutual FundIncome continuance

BusinessReal Estate

F5 – Financial GROW

Golden Rule: Let money works for you.

FINANCIAL FORMULAIncome – Tithes – Savings = Expenses 100% 10% 20% 70% 1st 2nd 3rd

Action Item:List all your monthly expenses.Add all then subtract to your monthly income.Check your cash-flow! It must be POSITIVE!

RESPONSEResponding to the Invitation:

If your answer is YES, the journey begins!!!

Are you ready to take seriously this life’s journey not just the Financial Stewardship but as your whole life towards CHRIST, of knowing Christ more and growing in an intimate relationship with Him?

Reflection:1. Did I LIVE ? 2. Did I LOVE?3. Did I MATTER?

The WAY you PRAY. The WAY you LIVE.

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Thank you!

Love from Jesus, fill us!Holy Spirit, guide us!God the Father,your will be done! AMEN

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