Cengage Learning Webinar, College Success, Creating Doers & Finishers: Cultivating Task Planning Skills within your students

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Creating Doers & Finishers: Cultivating Task Planning Skills

Within Your Students

Gary J. Williams, Ed.D.

Crafton Hills College

Yucaipa, CA

How would you prioritize the following?

• You have a 10-page research paper due next week for which you have scant notes.

• There are 3 messages from your mother that states “Call Me Back Immediately!”

• You haven’t studied for your History Mid-term tomorrow.

• Your girl/boy friend won’t return your calls or text messages.

• One of your study group partners sent an email expressing frustration that you didn’t show for

today’s review session.

• The rash you noticed in that part of your back you cannot reach is getting redder and more


• Your car didn’t start yesterday and you need to get to campus.

• Your friends are inviting you to a party tonight.

• You haven’t eaten anything all day.

• You’ve had 4 hours sleep in the last 72 hours.

Today’s Agenda:

• Explore: What planning challenges do students present?

• The consequences of poor planning

• Goals of Teaching Task Planning

• Introducing Planning Concepts

• Examples of activities

Task Planning:

• Defined: Task-orientation with precision.

• The ability to break larger expectations into specific tasks to be completed, usually under deadline.

• The ability to set goals, and formulate steps to completion

• The ability to follow instructions, execute a sequence of steps, e.g. Lab or Clinical procedures

• “Staying on Task” “Task-master”

• Being a Finisher = Success

Task Planning

Why do so many students struggle with Task Planning?

Task Planning

• Some Reasons for Task Planning Struggles:


Low Motivation

Unclear goals/purpose/direction

In need of Organization Skills

Living in “the Great Void” …

Task Planning

• Consequences of Poor Planning:

Decreased effectiveness

Lower grades

Lower completion/persistence

Lower self-efficacy/self-confidence

Feeling of victimization

Diminished chances of success

Goals for Task Planning

• Encourage students to take an active role in mapping their future aspirations.

• Develop passion within students to forge their own path.

• Empower students to take purposeful actions.

• Distinguish between actions that are important and urgent.

• Recognize the presence of ‘time traps’

• Persist in the face of obstacles.

• Behavioral Change: Adopt new tools and strategies for self-management.

Task Planning

• How do we teach effective task planning?

Integrated Classroom Activities

Case-studies, Class dialogues

Modeling Effective planning, emphasizing deadlines, scheduling tasks & intermediate steps.

Out-of-class projects & activities.

Task Planning Concepts:

Activities that Introduce Task Planning Concepts …

Case Study: “The Procrastinators” (On Course, Skip Downing)

The Procrastination Game

Prioritizing events: Urgency vs. Importance

What causes us to perform some tasks automatically, and others take effort

80-20 Rule: 80% of your results comes from 20% of your effort.

In-Class Debate: Paper vs. Electronic Which kind of planner is best?

Effective Collaboration: How planning can make a group project a rewarding experience.

Case Study: “The Procrastinators”

The Procrastination Game:

Source: http://media.elsweb.org/node/1868

The Time Matrix for College Students

Adapted from Steven Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly-Effective People

32-Day Project

The 32-day S.M.A.R.T. Goal Project...

Students undertake a self-improvement project that they develop from beginning-to-end

Skills Involved: Self-improvement Goal-setting Planning of tasks/steps Tracking progress Follow-through Motivation Using resources effectively.

Self-exploration & discovery ... what works/doesn’t work.

32-Day Project

Using To-Do Lists

Modeling Task Planning

Structure your course around planning.

Syllabus, Assignment Lists

Require students to carry a planner and write in them.

Write upcoming deadlines on the board.

build in structure consistently.

Stress “Chunking” -- dividing up tasks, information in pieces easy to understand/organize & manipulate.

Effective Task Planning

• Discuss Prioritizing consistently.

• Practice effective task planning as a class: Devote class time to discussion/planning of upcoming


• Set Intermediate deadlines for projects. Topic Proposals, Initial Outline/Draft, Final Draft

Reward the completion of intermediate tasks.

• Grading rubric that includes criteria for planning steps.

Task Planning

What are some of your strategies for encouraging students to employ effective task planning practices?


Gary J. Williams, Ed.D.

Professor/Instructional Assessment Specialist

Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa, CA

(909) 389-3567


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