
A) The Asterisk


The Asterisk is our star.

He/She is derived from the negative space of the asterisk in the Cengage Learning corporate logo.

This mascot can easily be incorporated into future campaigns, and clearly links CengageBrain to Cengage Learning’s corporate identity.

This will be illustrated.

B) The Green Rat


In Chinese culture, the rat is considered the smartest creature. He is wily and mischievous – characteristics that would resonate with today’s college student.

Reminiscent of the Ugly Doll plush toy franchise that is popular with the college-aged student, the green rat is appealing because of its unusual personality and sense of humor.

College kids are often drawn to irreverent, non-conforming humor like that of the television show “Family Guy” or the movie “Old School.” The green rat character embodies these characteristics but adds its own spin with the skateboard and large, visible brain.

This will be illustrated and the color can be adjusted.

C) : The Cengage “Brainiac”


This character literally embodies the CengageBrain brand and brings it to life with a cartoon.

When you consider characters like the Geico cavemen or Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which resonate with our target audience, it is clear that college students are attracted to humorous, irreverent characters.

With this sketch, the facial features and limbs are simple and flat, but we have the option to add/change the look, and they can also be animated if needed.

D) The All-Seeing Eye


This character is disproportioned, bold and silly. His ‘all-seeing eye’—the focal point of the design—displays his large brain, which shows that even smart characters can be funny and accessible.

Reminiscent of Tim Burton’s brand of graphic design, the all-seeing eye character is bizarre and slightly grotesque, yet he still maintains likeable qualities.

While this version of the sketch is all black, we have the option to add color and dimension.

E) The Wise Guy


The Wise-Guy is a character that has the body of a college student – but the head of an owl. This type of character is reminiscent of Comedy Central’s “Adult Swim” cartoons that appeal to the college-aged student.

The owl is known to be “smart” or “witty.” While this character has a laid-back appearance, the owl head represents knowledge.

Many of today’s hottest video games incorporate life-like characters.

The Wise Guy embodies these characteristics.

F) Ramen Brain


Every college student associates Ramen with one thing: cheap comfort food.

Comfort food nourishes a student’s brain.

Ramen plays directly into CengageBrain’s money-saving value.

The appearance of the Brain also ties directly back to the name, assuring an association with the site.


A) The Asterisk B) The Green Rat C) The Cengage “Brainiac” D) The All-Seeing Eye E) The Wise Guy F) The Ramen Brain

The Creative Brief

• Based on the feedback provided by Cengage Learning, the CengageBrain character should include two distinct features:

—The CengageBrain thought bubble—Glasses

• The look and personality of the CengageBrain character should personify “Geek Chic,” with influence from characters/personalities like the “I’m a Mac” guy and Tina Fey.


Flat vs. Dimensional:

A) Flat

• This concept is based upon a 2-D cartoon version of the CengageBrain thought bubble.

B) Dimensional

• This concept is based upon the notion of a 3-D object taking the place and form of the CengageBrain through bubble. This concept embodies the CengageBrain thought bubble, but allows for more diversification, creativity and personality. The “geek chic” glasses become the anchor and defining element of the design.

A) Flat B) Dimensional


Dimensional 2:

This sketch is the moveable version of the CengageBrain character. The thought bubble and “geek chic” glasses are the portable elements of the design. Whenever the branded thought bubble appears over a person, character, etc., they become the CengageBrain character.


Dimensional 3:

This sketch is the mirrored CengageBrain character. The thought bubble and “geek chic” glasses are the prominent elements of the design, though when someone looks into the mirrored element, they become the CengageBrain character.


Dimensional 1:

This sketch is the “cloudy thought” version of the CengageBrain character. The “geek chic” glasses and the essence of the thought bubble are the only elements of the design. For this design, the glasses become the defining feature. No matter what cloud, bubble, circular backdrop, etc. the glasses adhere to, it becomes the CengageBrain character.

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