Celebration Church Yearbook 2012

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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Celebration Church Yearbook Annual Report


2012 YearbookCelebration Church

The Year in Review

web: http://www.celebrationpc.com email: BOM@celebrationpc.com

John 15:8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Table of Contents

Minister’s Reflections! 4

Celebration Presbyterian Church Mission and Vision 5

Celebration Presbyterian Church Masterplan (finalized in 2012) 6

Congregational Roll & Statistics! 8

2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Membership Roll (alphabetical, by last name) 8

2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Adherent Roll (alphabetical, by last name) 9

2012 Attendance 10

2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Leadership 11

Session Report! 12

Elders’ Reflections! 13

Board of Managers Report! 15

Board of Managers Reflections! 17

Treasurer’s Report & 2013 Budget! 19

Offering Report! 21

Building the Next Generation Fund! 23

Matthew Loo Memorial Fund! 24

Advance Team Report! 26

Worship! 27

web: http://www.celebrationpc.com email: BOM@celebrationpc.com

2012 Worship Calendar : Alan Goh 27

Praise Teams : Danny Chau 29

Ministry! 31

Operation Christmas Child : Merry Chu 31

Ride for Heart : Gordon Wong 32

Fellowship! 33

Congregational Retreat - August 4-5 (Appleby College) : Ann Wong 34

Winter Retreat : Joshua Wong 35

Thunder Softball Team : Brian Yeung 36

Golf Day : Daniel Lin 37

Skating Party : Carolyn Leung 38

Bible Challenge, Book of Mark : Mercy Shu 39

Evangelism! 40

Central Asia Mission - Sam, Linda, Daniel, Aaron, Peter & Ruth 40

China Mission : Richard, Alison, Robert and Katie 43

China Medical Mission : Marie Wong 46

Tanzania Mission : Toby and Loretta 47

CTI Honduras Summer Music Mission : Adam Wong 48

Missions Support Group : Judy Soong 50

Discipleship! 51

Noah’s Ark Ministry : Eldon Wong 51

Men’s Small Group : Paul Yee 52

Young Family Small Group : Janet Yee 53

Tech Crunch / C$I / The “Good Sheppard” Group : Bonita See 55

Central Small Group : Harry Mark 55

The Breakfast Club : Heidi Cheung 57

web: http://www.celebrationpc.com email: BOM@celebrationpc.com

Prayer Party : David Chu 58

Footprints Fellowship : Laura Wong 59

Mustard Seed Fellowship : Mark Tang 60

Young Adults Fellowship : Jesica Kim 60

web: http://www.celebrationpc.com email: BOM@celebrationpc.com

Minister’s ReflectionsRev. Alan Goh

The key Bible verse for our church in 2012 was John 15:8 – “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” As a congregation, there were many shining examples of fruit-bearing in the past year that I’m thrilled to witness among us:

• Trying out new ideas to invite newcomers to church by showing feature length movies like Courageous, and by hosting Carpenter’s Tools International for a concert.

• Deepening our knowledge of the Bible by having a Bible Challenge on the Gospel of Mark, and hosting a Walk Thru the Old Testament event.

• Strengthening our fellowship by completing a new Masterplan, by electing new Congregational Trustees, by producing a new photo directory, and a new church website (www.celebrationpc.com).

• Broadening our discipling efforts by starting a new Young Adults group, and by recruiting new counselors for Mustard Seed fellowship.

• By faith, we decided to retain the services of a planning consultant to assist us in getting a zoning approval so that we can have ‘place of worship’ status at Peoples Christian Academy.

• By faith, we decided to purchase a property, #14-2800 John St. in Markham. The new space will allow us to expand our ministry to include hosting small groups, youth groups, large group Bible studies, learning workshops, and counseling sessions.

• By faith, we decided to start a new Matthew Loo Memorial Fund, to remember the outstanding young Christian leader that Matthew was, and also to encourage the work of helping the poor and needy.

Praise the Lord for working in us and through us to produce much ‘fruit’ for His glory!

While we celebrate these accomplishments, let us remain humble and steadfast and continue the momentum of moving forward. We’ve only just begun! We need to continue making friends and

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earning the right to share the good news of Jesus with them. We need to continue growing in our knowledge and obedience of God’s Word. We need to follow through on the new mission, vision and Masterplan we have created. We need to relocate to our new worship center, and to move into our new ministry center. We need to continue our efforts in meeting as small groups, serving as servant-leaders and volunteers, going out as missionaries, and worshipping as a congregation that is whole-heartedly in love with the Lord. We need to blanket all we do with prayerful unity and love. As we advance, let us hold fast to Jesus’ promise in John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Celebration Presbyterian Church Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to carry out Jesus’ great commands* and commission*. (*see Matthew 22:34-40 and 28:16-20)

Jesus’ great commands and commission call us to these 5 purposes:1. Worship – Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength2. Ministry – Love your neighbour as yourself3. Fellowship – Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit4. Evangelism – Go and make disciples of all nations5. Discipleship – Teach them to obey everything I have taught you

While we share Jesus’ great commands and commission in common with all churches, we nevertheless also recognize that we’re a unique congregation. God has a unique challenge for Celebration Church.

The following 4 core values mean a great deal to us and they uniquely represent our congregation:1. Living a joy-filled faith

We all long to live above the ‘daily grind’ in a joy-filled life of faith. The Bible teaches the possibility of joy for believers even in the midst of trials. We will strive to be that welcoming and caring community to help our people experience and share such joy.

2. Passing on our faith to our children and youthOur church’s most precious gifts from God are our children and youth. We believe our highest priority and responsibility is to equip them with a solid foundation in Jesus Christ. We will prepare them to live as Christians in the world, to lead their friends to Christ, and to lead the church in their generation.

3. Serving people and meeting needsFaith in Jesus must also be accompanied by action. Jesus taught us that loving our neighbour is the way to show our love for Him. We will challenge our people to love God by serving the needy.

4. Growing in our relationshipsA huge part of modelling Christian faith to our children and youth lies in our marriages and in our parenting. We need help and encouragement to become better wives and husbands, as well as better moms and dads.

Therefore, our Vision is to see the present and the next generation love Jesus authentically.

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Celebration Presbyterian Church Masterplan (finalized in 2012)

These are our collective and on-going ideas for achieving our vision and our mission:

1. Living a joy-filled faith• We want to see congregational celebrations and potluck feasts all through the year –

at Christmas, Family Day, Easter and Thanksgiving, and also at our annual congregational meeting, picnic, and summer camp.

• We want to see a congregational picnic at Center Island.• We want to see everyone welcomed, but especially newcomers, with smiles,

handshakes and sincere interactions.• We want to see more opportunities to share concerns and prayer for one another.• We want to see more encouragement to have personal daily devotional time.• We want to see a ‘buddy program’ for greater accountability and more effective

caring.• We want to see a book club started to encourage the reading of Christian books.• We want to see more pastoral visitations as a way to care for people in difficult times.• We want to see more events which promote healthy lifestyle and activity.• We want to see sermons and small group studies addressing those issues which sap

away our joy; an example of a common issue is workaholism.

2. Passing on our faith to our children and youth• We want to see facilities that will allow our children and youth to meet, to ‘hang out’

with friends, to grow in faith, and to meet the multi-generational needs of our families.

• We want to see our youth being more open to share their questions and views because they believe they will be heard.

• We want to see intentional mentoring addressing the needs of our young people.• We want to see the whole congregation share more of the responsibility of raising our

children and youth to follow Jesus.• We want to see a survey to identify those topics which our youth would like to have

addressed.• We want to see our church actively support AFC’s Teens Conference.• We want to see resources provided to parents which encourage parent-child

devotional times, i.e. father/son or mother/daughter pairings.• We want to see our children benefitting from the sharing of personal faith stories by

older youth or adults.• We want to see age-appropriate devotional material provided for our children and

youth.• We want to see a ‘BYOF’ (bring your own friend) Sunday to reach out to our non-

believing friends.• We want to see a Junior BOM set up to give our youth experience and opportunities

to serve and lead the church.

3. Serving people and meeting needs• We want to see each small group and fellowship group adopting and carrying out a

‘good deed’, and reporting about the experience to the congregation.

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• We want to see social events whereby peers, family, and friends can be invited to ‘socialize’ with our church.

• We want to see individuals who have been active in ministry be given opportunities to share about their outreach experiences.

• We want to see our members offering assistance to others in the church who need help with home services, i.e. moving, snow removal, clean-up, meals, transportation, etc.

• We want to see if Habitat for Humanity or Christian Children’s Fund are appropriate agencies for our church to partner with.

• We want to see church-wide involvement at a soup kitchen, i.e. serving a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal at Scott Mission.

4. Growing in our relationships• We want to see regular teaching and encouragement for strengthening our

relationships through sermons, training seminars, small groups, marriage enrichment retreats, and special events.

• We want to see workshops on topics such as ‘effective listening and communication’ and ‘conflict management’.

• We want to see more effective pastoral care to ensure couples are OK in their marriages.

• We want to see ‘accountability pairs or groups’ set up to ensure that couples are doing OK in their marriages.

• We want to see married couples encouraged to spend quality time connecting with each other daily.

• We want to see baby-sitting services offered to young couples for ‘date night’ as an encouragement for their marriages.

• We want to see more prayer centered on our marriages.

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Congregational Roll & StatisticsRev. Alan Goh

2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Membership Roll (alphabetical, by last name)

1. Anna Chan 19. Eric Lee 37. David Mark 55. Eldon Wong2. Danny Chau 20. John Lee 38. Dylan Mark 56. Emma Wong3. Dylan Chau 21. Kevin Lee 39. Harry Mark 57. Gordon Wong4. Eva Chau 22. Su Ming Lee 40. Janet Mark 58. Henry Wong5. Justin Chau 23. Mark Lee Chan 41. May mark 59. Joshua Wong6. Ryan Chau 24. Samantha Lee Chan 42. Amy Pong 60. Laura Wong7. Allan Cheung 25. Susan Lee Chan 43. Charles Snelgrove 61. Lillian Wong8. Becky Cheung 26. Winston Lee Chan 44. Judy Soong 62. Nancy Wong9. Heidi Cheung 27. Robert Liau 45. Eric Sun 63. Richard Wong10. Judy Chiu 28. Daniel Lin 46. Irene Sun 64. Dan Woo11. David Chu 29. Helen Lin 47. Joseph Tam 65. Rebecca Woo12. Merry Chu 30. Chris Ling 48. Lin Tam 66. Amanda Yee13. Ryan Chu 31. Linda Ling 49. Carmen Tang 67. Brandon Yee14. Nathan Goh 32. Sam Ling 50. Mark Tang 68. Harley Yee15. Shirley Goh 33. Doris Loo 51. Adam Wong 69. Janet Yee16. Jesica Kim 34. Megan Loo 52. Alison Wong 70. Jean Yee17. Cedric Lam 35. William Loo 53. Anita Wong 71. Paul Yee18. Maureen Lam 36. Lisa Mah 54. Ann Wong 72. Brian Yeung

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Changes to Membership Roll: Add Dylan Mark (Baptism), Emma Wong (Confirmation), Nathan Goh (Confirmation), Ryan Chu (Confirmation); Subtract Alice Chan (Transfer), Amanda Chan (Transfer), Andrew Chan (Transfer), Gregory Chen (Transfer), Judy Chen (Transfer), Kristen Chen (Transfer), Martin Chen (Transfer). Infant Baptisms – Jayden Samuel Chang, Liam Kyle Wong.

2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Adherent Roll (alphabetical, by last name)

1. Lester Chan 12. Wing Shun Chu 23. William Leung 34. Diane Ting2. Novia Chan 13. Marius Frederick 24. Victor Lue Tam 35. Joshua Ting3. Steven Chan 14. Helen Han 25. May Lue Tam 36. Vicky White4. Jean Chang 15. Myong Han 26. Tina Mah 37. Maria Wong5. Wayne Chang 16. Allan Hunt 27. Ed Pong 38. Victor Wong6. Guy Cheng 17. Dickie Lee 28. Bonita See 39. Lisa Wong7. Mercy Cheng 18. Jason Lee 29. Hilario See 40. Mila Yeung8. David Cheung 19. Lorna Lee 30. Susan Snelgrove 41. Katherine Yeung9. James Chu 20. Metzi Lee 31. Bernard Sy 42. Nancy Yeung10. Janet Chu 21. Susan Lee 32. Deborah do Rosario11. Sylvia Chu 22. Carolyn Leung 33. Daniel Ting

Changes to Adherent Roll: Add David Cheung, Jason Lee, Susan Lee, Vicky White, Mila Yeung; Subtract Damien Chiew, Linda Lo, Vincent Lo.

Annual Roll 2009 2010 2011 2012Members 66 70 75 72Adherents 24 36 40 42Total 90 106 115 114

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2012 Attendance

2012 AdultsAverage


Total 2011 AdultsAverage



Jan 54 22 76 Jan 65 26 91Feb 57 21 78 Feb 55 23 78Mar 70 24 94 Mar 57 29 86Apr 85 30 105 Apr 72 33 105May 61 17 78 May 67 27 94Jun 60 24 84 Jun 77 34 111Jul 65 23 88 Jul 58 21 79

Aug 63 22 85 Aug 75 30 105Sep 60 19 79 Sep 65 24 89Oct 61 25 86 Oct 70 30 100Nov 74 26 100 Nov 62 23 85Dec 72 20 92 Dec 82 24 106Year

Average65 23 88 Year

Average67 27 94

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2012 Celebration Presbyterian Church Leadership

Session Ruling EldersSession Ruling Elders

David Chu

William Loo

Ann Wong

Nancy Wong

Board of ManagersBoard of Managers

Lester Chan

Heidi Cheung

Cedric Lam (Treasurer)

William Leung

Daniel Lin

David Mark

Harry Mark

Nancy Yeung

Congregational TrusteesCongregational Trustees

Allan Cheung

Lisa Mah

Harry Mark

Church StaffChurch Staff

Rev. Alan Goh

Bernard Sy (Setup Manager)

Financial ReviewerFinancial Reviewer

Helen Lin

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Session ReportNancy Wong

As each year passes, it is important to take time to reflect on God’s blessings and try to discern God’s will for the next 12 months.

Part of our focus this year was looking for a building Celebration could use as a ministry centre. The purchase of 2800 John Street, Unit 14 is truly a gift from God. I am excited as we move forward and use it as a meeting place for various small groups and fellowship events. It is truly our prayer that we use this building to bring glory to God.

On a similar note, we are also considering a different place to worship on Sunday mornings. Presently, we are in the midst of seeking People’s Christian Academy School as a place of worship. We are still working through the details and we wait patiently for God’s plan to unfold. During one of the session meetings, pastor Alan read Joshua 5 to the elders and we all heard the same message: God is always reminding us that He is our God and He is in control.

Sometimes we are apprehensive about change and at times it can be difficult. God allows changes to happen so that we will grow in our faith. In times of new beginnings and some uncertainty, we have to rely on God more.

“...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

As we look forward to 2013, I know God has many exciting plans for Celebration. It is session’s prayer that our members and adherents continue to grow closer to each other and to God. We want to have faith that is deeply rooted In God’s word.

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Elders’ ReflectionsWilliam Loo

When Eric Sun and Jean Yee’s term of service ended with Session in 2012, we were reduced to the group of five. Can Pastor Alan, Ann Wong, David Chu, Nancy Wong, and I be effective and motivational to our growing Celebration family?

By means of my observations and my opinion alone, I was worried initially. It appeared that our Celebration family (which will be known as “family” in this reflection) was not as enthusiastic with our vision in moving forward with the Masterplan. Some felt burdened and began to have doubt- this caused part of family to lack personal involvement, responsibility and direction. Is the worldly influences dividing and hindering our family and relationship with each other and God?

As serving elders for our family, we have the responsibility to provide the spiritual leadership for a designated term as directed by the Presbytery along with Pastor Alan. Session is responsible for the supervision of the family; to counsel, encourage and nurture in developing family Christian faith. We instruct in Christian education and participate in the life journey of the family to be active in sharing and witnessing their faith of Jesus in the world. Session is always available to assist you and all matters are confidential.

I thank my son Matthew in showing God’s presence to me. Although Matthew has left us to be with our Heavenly Father, it was his continuous commitment and compassion to serve. I am continuing his quest for him. Matthew was not afraid to witness God’s love to others. He was well rooted in his relationship with God and he trusted Him whole heartedly. God is managing everything and all will work out the best at the end.

It takes time to develop our relationship with God. Trust in God. Allow Him to be the centre of your life and allow God to be actively involved in your lives. Use this new awareness to build yourself to be a better person. Be more active in the family as your actions and opinions are respected, appreciated and valued. He has shown the many accomplishments of our family in nurturing and caring for others. There is insightfulness, trust, love and authenticity.

At two different occasions, two very close friends to me were depressed. I listened, provided support and shared God’s love to them. Why was I there? God presents things to us to be actively involved. Be

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more observant, show initiative and support, discuss matters to achieve hope and develop your relationship with God and interaction with one another. We can strive for excellence for God.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.(Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company)

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22, NIV)

William Loo

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Board of Managers ReportDavid Mark

As I take a step back from the year passed, I am amazed at the progress our Church and Congregation have made. The recent purchase of our John Street Ministry Center has been the highlight of 2012. Throughout the year, we have forged an even more collaborative working relationship with Session as God has brought members of both groups closer, working to serve him and enable his Masterplan for our church.

I am now entering my sixth year on the Board of Managers and have been blessed in working with such wonderful people who have dedicated themselves to serving God. Every member of the board is committed to being the stewards of God’s money ensuring that it’s used effectively in furthering his name and work.

The majority of my work is acting as the Secretary which entails facilitation of board meetings, minute taking and general administrative tasks. Reflecting on 2012, I can certainly say that God has blessed us with a group that works together in a collaborative fashion and where everyone brings their own unique skills and strengths that contribute to God’s work in our congregation. There are always innovative ideas and strategies discussed and implemented at board meetings that result in stronger financial health for our church. God has bestowed upon us great people and leaders that are carrying his vision and mission moving forward. I am thankful that I can be a part of this journey and that God has bestowed upon me gifts where I can further his name.

This year, our Treasurer, Cedric Lam will be stepping down. I would like to thank Cedric for his tireless effort in shaping our Financial Reporting and Board of Manager processes whilst providing guidance to all in strategic financial matters. We now have an accounting system that is efficient and generates financial statements that are relied upon by our church to make future operating and capital decisions.

Heidi Cheung will also be stepping down this year as well. I would like to thank Heidi for leading our building fund campaign and making our congregation aware of the financial objectives for the fund. On a weekly basis, you will often see members of the board counting offerings, paying bills etc. Heidi has been responsible for scheduling resources which at times can be difficult given our hectic

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schedules and lives. Many thanks to Heidi in ensuring there was always a board member available on Sunday to serve our congregation and our Lord.

The year of 2013 will bring on new responsibilities and roles for the Board of Managers. With the new John Street property, closer scrutiny of the churches financial position will be required. Please pray for our leaders and for God to fill their hearts and minds with his wisdom, guidance and strength for the upcoming year.

Blessings to all,

David Mark

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Board of Managers ReflectionsLester Chan

It has been an eventful and interesting year for the Board of Managers in 2012. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve God using the gifts he gave me for both my profession and now in my new role as a servant of God.I am very grateful to be working with such a dedicated Board and I can see that all the members or our Board want to serve God. There is much that has been done by our Board and much more that needs to be done.

2012 has been a year of challenge and Celebration has faced its walls of Jericho. Besides the normal offering counting of all Board members and issues related to budgets and reporting (special thanks to Cedric), we looked at ways to grow our church. There is much "behind the scenes" work that keeps this church functioning. As our church and Board grows, we need to put more procedures in place. As we embrace the changing of the guard in the Board, we have many things to update. Much has been done like the updating of signing authorities for the bank so that deposits can be made. Other things being worked on and needed to be completed are as follows:

• GST recovery from prior years• An Assets listing of what the church owns and where it is• Updating of software programs• Strategic planning from a Board of Managers perspective• implementing internal control procedures• structuring the division of duties so there is less reliance on one person and one computer

One of the major changes in 2012 was the decision to rent new premises away from the Toronto Police Association. We have been trying to secure more permanent premises which would help us to establish an outreach into a new community. Now that 2 congregations worship at the same time, it is time to reach out on our own. There have been many barriers to finding a new place of worship such as obtaining the place of worship designation for private schools in Markham. An appeal to our application for a “place of worship” was met with objection by the neighbours and a reluctance by the city of Markham to grant us a space. However, the support of our church members at the City of Markham where we addressed the appeal showed me that our Church really wants to grow and find a more permanent residence.

Another major decision was to purchase a commercial property which closes in 2013. This process helps us to get closer to our vision of one day having our own sanctuary.

As a result of the steps taken, I also want to share my vision of what I foresee our Board doing in the future:

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I am guided by the principle that we are acting as good stewards of God’s money. We will be spending large sums of money this year and I want to make sure that we do it with transparency and with formal approvals.

One thing I would like to see is the development of a strategic plan to address where we are heading with this church. It would require a document that sets out our goals for this Board for this year and how each one of us will contribute to the vision of the church we all want.

Another part of this vision is that we can centralize our computer in our new church office and have all the paperwork in a centralized filing cabinet so that everyone of our board members will have easy access to the information.

Other things that I envision are the networking of our computer systems so there isn’t reliance on one laptop. Another thing I would like to see us do is to establish internal controls for paying bills. All bills should pass through a formal approval process by the Board after being reviewed at a Board Meeting.

With our new building, I can see a need for some people that are handy that would like to volunteer their services. It would be helpful to know if anyone has an aptitude in this area. There are lots of ways others can contribute.

I just pray that God gives us a clear vision of his plan for our church by opening doors so that we can grow as a church in both numbers and in faith. I pray that we also reach out to others in the community so that they will know about the grace of God. I also pray that our goals align with God’s plans for our church. It has been fun experience to work others on this committee as everyone is receptive to new ideas and committed to moving forward God's plan for the future of Celebration Church.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lester Chan

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Treasurer’s Report & 2013 BudgetCedric Lam

Celebration Presbyterian Church NorthBalance SheetAs at December 31, 2012

Assets 2012 2011

Bank 74,833 67,376 Short Term Deposits 183,043 181,134 Building Fund Account 141,682 140,551 Accounts Receivable 2,742 2,002 Deposit on Building 30,000 -

Total Assets 432,300 391,063


Accounts Payable 24,643 22,507


Missions Fund 10,240 10,894 Matthew Loo Memorial Fund 4,770 - Building Fund 196,327 164,246 General Fund 196,320 193,417

Total reserves 407,657 368,557

Total Liabilities and Reserves 432,300 391,063

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Celebration Presbyterian Church NorthCelebration Presbyterian Church NorthCelebration Presbyterian Church NorthIncome Statement Income Statement For the year ending December 31, 2012For the year ending December 31, 2012For the year ending December 31, 2012

2012201220122012201220122012Matt. Loo

General Building Memorial Missions Total Budget Variance


Offerings – GeneralOfferings – General 133,913 4,770 138,683 136,000 2,683 Offerings – MissionOfferings – Mission 38,484 38,484 33,000 5,484 Offerings – BuildingOfferings – Building 41,153 41,153 35,000 6,153 Interest & OtherInterest & Other 1,950 1,131 3,081 - 3,081

Total RevenueTotal Revenue 135,863 42,284 4,770 38,484 221,401 204,000 17,401

Operational InvestmentsOperational InvestmentsPresbytery AssessmentPresbytery Assessment 1,890 1,890 2,000 (110)Pastor stipend, housing, utilities & payroll benefitsPastor stipend, housing, utilities & payroll benefits 80,260 80,260 78,000 2,260 Staff Continuing EducationStaff Continuing Education 600 600 600 - BOM AssistantBOM Assistant 2,531 2,531 3,000 (469)Session FundSession Fund 1,065 1,065 1,000 65 Board of Managers FundBoard of Managers Fund 409 409 200 209 Office SuppliesOffice Supplies 3,265 3,265 2,500 765 New office setup costsNew office setup costs 2,400 2,400 2,000 400 Equipment & MaintenanceEquipment & Maintenance - 500 (500)InsuranceInsurance 1,400 1,400 1,350 50 Rent 17,796 17,796 20,000 (2,204)Bank chargesBank charges 2,019 2,019 1,750 269 John St ChargesJohn St Charges 509 509 - 509 Peoples ChargesPeoples Charges 9,694 9,694 - 9,694

Ministry InvestmentsMinistry InvestmentsWorshipWorship

Honorariums (guest speakers) 2,550 2,550 2,000 550 Praise Teams 526 526 500 26 Worship supplies 290 290 1,000 (710)

- - - MinistryMinistry - - -

Benevolence - 300 (300) - - -

FellowshipFellowship - - - Summer Retreat 1,218 1,218 1,000 218 Congregational Events 797 797 2,000 (1,203)

- - - EvangelismEvangelism - - -

Presbyterians Sharing 10,635 10,635 10,200 435 Longlac Mission 514 514 500 14 China Mission 9,482 9,482 7,500 1,982 Central Asia Mission 20,000 20,000 20,000 - New Int’l Mission - 600 (600)Other Missions 9,141 9,141 4,100 5,041

DiscipleshipDiscipleship - - - NAM 2,082 2,082 3,000 (918)Small Groups 50 50 500 (450)Mustard Seed 400 400 500 (100)Footprints 777 777 2,000 (1,223)

- 132,960 10,203 - 39,138 182,301 168,600 13,701

- Surplus/Deficit for the yearSurplus/Deficit for the year 2,903 32,082 4,770 (654) 39,101 35,400 3,700

193,417 164,246 10,894 368,557

196,320 196,327 4,770 10,240 407,657

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Offering ReportNancy Yeung

Should Christians Tithe?

We have been continuously blessed with the generous donations of our congregation.  We give thanks to God that in the past year, our total revenue has been sufficient for our operational expenses.  Presently we have 15 members who have regularly donated through our Preauthorized Payment Program (PAR).  If you are interested in giving through PAR or would like to update current PAR-related information, please feel free to contact any member of the Board of Managers.

As we begin the New Year with a new building and a new location of worship, we encourage you to remember the fundamental reason of why we give offering: we are giving thanks to Him, and are ultimately using these offerings for His Glory. 

In 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8, it is written, "Remember this:  Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

In his Service,

Nancy Yeung---

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20112011 20122012

# of donors % # of donors %

$10,000 & more 4 6.0% 4 4.7%

$5,000 - $9,999.99 6 9.0% 11 12.8%

$3,000 - $4,999.99 4 6.0% 3 3.5%

$2,000 - $2,999.99 8 11.9% 9 10.5%

$1,000 - $1,999.99 12 17.9% 16 18.6%

$500 - $999.99 12 17.9% 10 11.6%

$0 - $499.99 21 31.3% 33 38.3%

TOTAL 67 100.0% 86 100.0%

(chart above for 2012)

$10,000 & more

$5,000 - $9,999.99

$3,000 - $4,999.99

$2,000 - $2,999.99

$1,000 - $1,999.99

$500 - $999.99

$0 - $499.99

0 10 20 30 40

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Building the Next Generation FundHeidi Cheung

Our spiritual leaders, the Elders together with Pastor Alan have taken a lot of time to pray, to discuss, to hear, and to discern where God is leading Celebration Church. Clearly part of the Masterplan is to:equip our children and youth with a solid foundation in Jesus Christ ... we will prepare them to live as Christians in the world, to lead their friends to Christ, and to lead the church in their generation. This is not a purpose that will be fulfilled overnight. It's going to take a long time, with a participation from every member to teach and learn, to love and discipline, to give and receive, to lead and follow, to trust and obey. To facilitate this journey we have decided to take the first step of purchasing a property at 2800 John Street. It is not with ease that we can purchase this property. But God is gracious and has provided much to us. With the aid of a $450,000 national church grant, and monies we have in reserve we are able to make the purchase without taking on debt. In 2012 the The Building The Next Generation Fund was established and had a goal of raising $100,000. In order to raise that amount of money it meant a huge increase and burden for each family. We were quite a bit short of that goal. In 2012 we received just over $41,000 in the Building Fund. However, this is more than double of what was received in 2011. We are learning to trust as we grow!

What is our challenge for 2013? Each one of us will need to continue to learn to trust in our givings. Trust that God will bless us through our givings. We face a lot of challenges. We have commitments and circumstances in each of our own lives. But we also have to honour our commitment and worship to God. This is an exciting time for us in 2013, with the new property and the potential new place of worship. We need to balance in our givings. We need to cover our operational costs. And we need to continue to build up The Building The Next Generation Fund. We don't want you to miss out. Will you journey with us?

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Thanks be to God, from whom all Blessings flow,Heidi Cheung

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Matthew Loo Memorial FundDoris Loo

Although Matthew no longer walks among us, we remember him every day in all that we do.  On an ongoing basis we speak of Matthew and have been fortunate to be told that so many others include him in their daily thoughts and prayers.  Our family has been so blessed to be the recipients of your outpouring of love and affection.  We would have never made it through this without each and every one of you.

When Matthew passed away, we decided to donate his organs. One of the main factors that helped us make this decision was the fact that Matthew was a loving and caring young man who enjoyed life and had a big heart. We know that Matthew would have wanted to help and give others a second chance at life – that was his nature.

When we lose a loved one, one of the fears is that we will forget – as time passes and as we get older, our memory is not as sharp. One of our worries is that we will forget the small details about Matthew. As an ongoing remembrance of Matthew, we are honoured that Celebration Church - with the assistance of Pastor Alan - has initiated the Matthew Loo Memorial Fund. It brings us a sense of peace knowing that Matthew will be remembered and that he will not be forgotten.

Matthew Loo Memorial Fund

Purpose – An annual grant awarded to an individual, group or cause that faithfully cares for the poor.

The recipient will be different every year. If you have a charity, group, individual or cause who you think should be a recipient, we encourage you to write to Celebration Church and let us know why you feel this group/individual/cause should be awarded the grant.

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• All donors who provide their mailing information will receive a tax receipt.• The Church will recommend the amount of each annual grant.• The award recipient will be announced each year on the Sunday closest to Matthew’s birthday.• In consultation with the Church, William, Doris and Megan Loo will decide on the recipient of

each year’s award.• Applicants interested in receiving this grant may write a letter to the Church before Feb 1st of

each year.

We hope that this fund will honour Matthew for many years to come in a meaningful and spiritual way. There is no better way to remember Matthew than to help others in need.

If you would like to make a donation, for any occasion, we hope you will consider the Matthew Loo Memorial Fund. Please make cheques payable to Celebration Presbyterian Church – Matthew Loo Memorial Fund.

We knew little that morning,God was going to call your name.

In life we loved you dearly,In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,You did not go alone.

For part of us went with you,The day God called you home.You left us beautiful memories,

Your love is still our guide,And though we cannot see you,

You are always by our side.Our family chain is broken,

And nothing seems the same,But as God calls us one by one, 

The chain will link again.

With Much Love,

Doris, William and Megan

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Advance Team ReportLisa Mah

What a year! After meeting for two years, everything seemed to happen so fast in the past few months. We can see God’s hand in it each step of the way.

First, we purchased a property. After seeing several properties, this one seemed to be the best suited for our needs. However so did another church and they put in an offer. We put in a conditional offer too but the other church’s offer was higher. We were told that the buyer was going to work with the other church on their offer so we felt that the door had closed on this property.

Later that evening because of the special relationship between our agent and the listing agent, she was able to convince the seller to still consider us. The seller came down in price but we needed to increase our offer by $10,888. As a surprise generous act, our agent said she would donate $5,000 so the difference would only be $5,888. This resulted in the purchase of 2800 John St., Suite 14. This was affirmed on Sunday, November 11th when the congregation voted an overwhelming 96% in favor of the purchase. After 17 years, Celebration Presbyterian Church North finally has a place we can call our own. The closing date for our new ministry centre is April 1, 2013.

Secondly, we are getting closer to moving our worship services to Peoples Christian Academy (PCA). It is in an ideal location. The Woodbine / Highway 7 / 16th Ave corridor is central to our congregation, to our community of contacts, and will be a hub of future growth. It has great facilities with a cafeteria kitchen, classrooms, gym for after worship sports, playground, and ample parking.

We faced major opposition heading into a City of Markham hearing on November 28. We had learned in advance that the city planners had responded with a 'negative or non-supportive' report to the committee. Also, one of PCA’s neighbors hired a lawyer and she represented the client to oppose us worshipping at PCA. Although the odds looked stacked against us going into the hearing, God was with us that night. There were a dozen of us from Celebration Church at the hearing as both sides spoke. At the end, the Committee granted in favour of Peoples Christian Academy permission to rent to us. Praise the Lord!

Although we still have not finalized whether or not we will move our worship service to PCA, we need not worry if we trust in God who has been with us each and every step of the way.

The Advance Team

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WorshipAlan Goh / Danny Chau / Praise Team

2012 Worship Calendar : Alan Goh

MISSION of CELEBRATION CHURCH – We exist to help friends, family and colleagues discover Jesus Christ and his power to change lives!

2012 FOCUS – We celebrate Jesus by bearing fruit through love in action

John 15:8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Date! Focus! ! Sermon & Text! ! ! Speaker! ! Other EventsJan 1*" New Year" ACTS Worship" " " A. Goh" "Jan 8" John 15" " Secrets of the Vine Jn 15:1-8" A. GohJan 15" John 15" " Secrets Part 2 Jn 15:1-8" " A. Goh" " Worship at PCAJan 22" John 15" " Secrets Part 3 Jn 15:1-8" " A. Goh" " Worship at PCAJan 29 Small Groups " Small Groups Ministry" " SG Leaders" Town Hall Meeting;""" " " " " " " " "

Feb 5*" The Word" Really Love God’s Word Ps 19:7-14" A. Goh" " "Feb 12" " " Promise of Love 2 Sa 9:1-13"" Susie ChoiFeb 19" " " Coming Home Lk 15:11-32"" Heidi Cheung" Feb 18-20 " " " " " " " " " Winter Retreat "Feb 26" The Word" God-Breathed Scriptures 2 Ti 3:14-1" A. Goh" " Annual Cong. Meeting

Mar 4*" The Word" Bible Challenge on Gospel of Mark " A. Goh" " Mar 10-16 Pastor Alan awayMar 11" " " Average or Dynamic Lk 11:11-13" Jeff Wharton" Mar 12-15 " " " " " " " " " Teens ConferenceMar 18" " " Spiritual Heart Disease 1Ki 11:9-13 Tom Eng " " Pastor Alan in " " " " " " " " " downtown CPC

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Date! Focus! ! Sermon & Text! ! ! Speaker! ! Other EventsMar 25" Lent" " Jesus Wept Lk 19:41-48" " Ian MacDonald " Celebration’s " " " " " " " " " 16th Anniversary

Apr 1*" Lent" " What Kind of King is Jesus Jn 12:12-19 A. Goh" " "Apr 6" Good Friday" Passion of the Christ (movie) Ro 6:5-13Apr 8" Easter" " My Lord and My God Jn 20:19-29" A. Goh" " Baptism – Jayden ChangApr 15" What Happened to Thomas’ Twin Jn 20:24-21:6" A. Goh" " Baptism – Liam WongApr 22" " " One More Year to Bear Fruit Lk 13:6-9 Kim Goh" Apr 28 – Walk Thru the NTApr 29" Footprints" ACTS drama presentation" " Testimonies by Josh Ting and Josh Wong

May 6*" Missions"Dream Center Mission" " " Sandy and Chuck MaMay 13" Mother’s Day" Visit to Mt Carmel 1 Ki 18:19-38" Reg AndrewsMay 20" Missions"Excuses, Excuses Ex 3:1-4:17" " Dan TrinhMay 27" " " Working on Masterplan Mt 21:12-16 A. Goh

Jun 3*" Ride for Heart" Worship in Riseborough Park" A. Goh" " Potluck lunch and " " " " " " " " " softball gameJun 10" " " What God did in my life Pr 3:5-6" Diane Parker" Commissioning " " " " " " " " " Marie WongJun 17" Father’s Day" Planned Fatherhood 1 Co 4:2" William LamJun 24" Marriage"Warning Signs Mt 19:3-6" " " A. Goh" " Annual Golf Day" " " " " " " " " Jun 29 – M. Loo " " " " " " " " " Memorial Service

Jul 1*" Marriage"God’s Purpose for Marriage Ge 1:26-2:25" A. GohJul 8" " " Promise or Wilderness He 11:6" Jeff WhartonJul 15" " " Meekness Ga 5:22-23" " Eugene HuoJul 22" Marriage"Maturity for Marriage Ge 2:18-25" " . GohJul 29" Bring a Friend" Courageous (movie)" " Aug 4-5 Congregational Retreat

Aug 4-5*Summer Camp" Dialogues on Relationship, " " Wally and Bernita Lee" " " Family and Faith" " " " " "Aug 12" " " Univ. of Babylon Da 1-4" " Shirley Goh " Aug 12-19 Longlac MissionAug 19" " " Guest Speaker" " " Patrick Symister" Aug 20-31 Pastor Alan awayAug 26" " " In Spirit and Truth Jn 4:13-26" Matt Luey" " "

Sep 2" " " Seasoning of His Disciples Co 4:2-6" Sid InghamSep 9*" Joshua" " Being Successful for God Jos 1:1-9" A. Goh" " Recognizing NAM " " " " " " " " " students, teachersSep 16" Joshua" " Overcoming Your Fears Jos 1:1-9" A. GohSep 23" Joshua" " Making the Big Decision Jos 1:1-9" A. Goh" " Special Congregational" " " " " " " " " Meeting – Elect TrusteesSep 30" Joshua" " Receiving Your Rest Jos 1:10-17" A. Goh" " Sep 29 Jean Yee’s " " " " " " " " " father’s funeral

Oct 7*" Thanksgiving" Lucky Coincidences? Jos 2:1-24" A. Goh" " Fundraising Lunch –" " " " " " " " " Belavost Orphanage

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Date! Focus! ! Sermon & Text! ! ! Speaker! ! Other EventsOct 14" " " Self-Control Pr 16:32" " Tom Eng"" Pastor Alan in " " " " " " " " " downtown CPCOct 21" Missions"Always Be Prepared 1 Pe 3:13-19" " Robert and Maria Lee" "Oct 28" Joshua" " Never Gone This Way Before Jos 3:1-17 A. Goh

Nov 4*" Joshua" " What do these stones mean? Jos 4:1-24 A. Goh"" Start of Operation " " " " " " " " " Christmas ChildNov 11" Bring a Friend" Carpenter’s Tools Concert" " " " Special Cong. Meeting – " " " " " " " " " Purchase PropertyNov 18" Joshua" " Meaningful Signs Joshua 5:1-12" A. GohNov 25" Mustard Seed " Battle of Jericho Joshua 6" " A. Goh" " Drama presentation by" " " " " " " " " Mustard Seed" " " " " " " " " #14-2800 John St. " " " " " " " " " Open House"Dec 2*" Advent" " Our Progress Report Card Re 1:1-20 A. GohDec 9" " " Service and Outreach Ac 6:1-7" Daniel Wong " Dec 15 Eldon Wong’s " " " " " " " " " father’s funeralDec 16" Advent" " Laying Down Our Crowns Re 4:1-11 A. Goh" " Congregation Skating PartyDec 23" Christmas " Sing a New Song" " " A. Goh" " NAM Children Baptism, " " " " " " " " " ConfirmationsDec 30" " " Peace on Earth Lk 2:13-15" " Grace Kim" "

(* Holy Communion celebrated)

Praise Teams : Danny Chau

It has been a year of transition and a year of encouragement for Celebration Church in regards to our Praise Teams as a few more of our youth joined our Praise Teams while others moved on to out-of-town universities. It is truly a blessing that God has motivated each of our team members to serve Him in this way by using their God-given talents and love of music.

Beautiful music brings out all kinds of emotions in us from happy to sad and from soothing to inspiring. Music can help us express our feelings of love, of caring, of confession, and of thankfulness. What better way to express our love and praise to God than to play and sing praise and worship songs to Him. Besides reading and meditating on His Word every day, God is pleased when we sing praises to Him as written in Colossians 3:16.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

This past year, as Amanda Yee, Josh Wong, Josh Ting, and Justin Chau went off to University in other towns, new members Vicky White and Kimberley Cheng stepped in. Luke Goh has also increased his participation on the djembe and box drums this past year and on occasion, both Josh’s have joined in when in town.

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Adam Wong has emerged as an amazing Praise Team leader as he spent the summer gaining valuable music ministry skills and experience through Carpenter’s Tools International. Adam’s presentation on his CTI team ministry trip was very uplifting and showed how God’s music can be used to spread the Good News to all nations. We are blessed to see the fruits of Adam’s time with CTI.

I am truly thankful for every Praise Team singer and musician for their dedication and commitment to serving God and our church. We sing, not for ourselves but for our everlasting love of our Saviour, Jesus.

As we start a new year, I encourage anyone in our congregation, young or old, to pray and consider serving God and our church by joining our Praise Teams.

Blessings,Danny Chau

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MinistryMerry Chu / Gordon Wong

Operation Christmas Child : Merry Chu

Stuffed Animals, toy cars, coloured pens, books, candy and toothbrushes - What do they all have in common? You would think gift ideas, right? Except, you’re not sure how the toothbrushes fit in there, unless you are a family of dentists. Well, these are all items that are packed with care into an Operation Christmas Child shoebox and sent for a long journey to a child in need!

Again in November 2012, our church united to donate almost 100 shoe boxes to Operation Christmas Child. The goal was for each person at our church to pack a shoe box for a special child. For my family, it was an afternoon at the dollar store and looking around our house for new school supplies or gift items small enough to fit into a shoebox. Each person decided if they wanted to pack a box for a girl or a boy and what age of the child. We then each packed our boxes full of toys, school supplies, candies, toothbrushes and placed a card inside with a note of good wishes for the child. We then prayed for the children who would receive the box.

On collection Sunday, it was encouraging to see the table fill with red and green coloured shoeboxes. Youth and adults helped to place elastic bands around the boxes to ensure safe travel of the contents to

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the distribution depot in preparation for their long journey to countries such as El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua or Uruguay.

This is a great way for each person in our church, of all ages to be involved in this important ministry and to be able to focus on the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ – God’s greatest gift. Celebration church contributed to Canada’s effort to bless 662,312 children with a simple gift and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Merry Chu

Ride for Heart : Gordon Wong

For the last 2 years Celebration church members both young & old have participated in the annual Ride for Heart. The event is sponsor by the Heart & Stroke to raises funds for life-giving research into heart disease and stroke. Riders can participate in various distances from 25K, 50K & 75K. It is truly an awesome opportunity to ride traffic-free along the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway!

Each rider is committed towards raising a minimum of $100 each towards the fundraising event. With the financial support from our congregation members, the past 2 years Celebration church riders have raised over $4000 for this worthy cause!

So, dust off the bikes and get ready for this year's ride!

Sunday June 2, 2013

* Register before March 1st to save on registration fee!

You can join our team by registering under Celebration Church or sponsor a rider at: www.rideforheart.ca

Hope to see you at this year’s Ride for Heart!


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FellowshipVarious Fellowship Groups

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Congregational Retreat - August 4-5 (Appleby College) : Ann Wong

Dialogues on Relationship, Family and Faith

This year's summer retreat brought us back to Appleby College in Oakville for the second year in a row. The guest speakers, Wally ('Uncle Wally') Lee from Bridlegrove Bible Chapel, and his wife Bernita created a warm and trusting environment among the 66 attendees. They shared with us their past challenges with relationships and led us through difficult discussions and questions concerning our own relationships. We learned a lot about our children, our parents and most of all, ourselves. We learned that it's never too late to form a relationship, and it's God's grace that gives us these opportunities. We learned that faith is the foundation that holds our relationships together; without faith, everything falls apart. What a great journey they walked us through! Discussions continued into Sunday afternoon in the lounge area of Appleby, while the kids played in the gym. There seemed to be so much to talk about. Thank you Wally and Bern for helping us to open up!

Saturday night was a time to wind down with a friendly game of Family Feud. It was a night full of 'interesting' responses, laughs and more laughs. Examples of questions were: Name something kids tell their parents not to waste; or Name something the family takes turns using. The kids performed the best at giving answers under pressure.

As always, there was an abundance of activities going on around the Appleby campus: swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking and a mall just minutes away! What more could you ask for? The summer retreat continues to be a great fellowship opportunity for the congregation and their friends. We are back at Appleby College in August 2013. Hope to see you all there!" Ann Wong

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Winter Retreat : Joshua Wong

During the Family Day weekend Footprints Fellowship and Pastor Alan went to Crieff Hills for our annual Retreat. It was a fun filled retreat with no TV, no computers, great food and amazing fellowship. It was a time to get closer to God and each other. There were lots of different activities like, bible studies, football in the snow, hikes, and team challenges. One of the main things was splitting the house work. Since our parents were not there, we have to do house work. There was a schedule for chores like cooking and doing the dishes. For the bible studies we watched movies one of the movies we watched was Matrix, it was interesting watching Matrix and connecting it into a Christian perspective because a lot of people didn’t realize that you could connect it like that. It was saying how Neo was like Jesus and they didn’t know that he was the chosen one. Through this movie I personally grew in my faith by discussing and seeing it through a movie perspective.

Not only did we come closer to God but through different activities we also came close to one another and got to know each other better. One of the main activates was the “Minute to win it games.” We divided into different groups and each group sent a different person to do a different challenge. One of the hardest challenges was stacking 3 balls on top of one another without tipping them. The first person to get this was Josh Ting and we all believe it is because he is an expert golfer. Another hard challenge was sitting against the wall like a chair. It sounds easy, but it was hard because you needed strong leg muscles and good balance. Going on a wilderness hike was also exciting. Some people got

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lost and we had no idea where they were, but God kept them safe and eventually brought them back to us! Overall Winter Retreat was a time to laugh, share, and spend time with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thunder Softball Team : Brian Yeung

‘Twas the beginning of spring training for the members of Celebration Presbyterian Church’s storied Thunder softball team. May had already rolled around and the trees rustled with excitement for the upcoming CCSA season. Old teammates, along with some fresh faces, gathered together eager to play, teach and learn. The team may have changed this past year, but the mission has always remained the same, and that is to play for fun, play for each other, play for Matthew Loo, and play for God. The leaders always want to be able to use this team as a way for members to incorporate what they learn from the experience into their own lives as well as developing new friendships to support them through their own walks of life.

The CPC Thunder team of 2012 consisted of 23 members. Through the 10 regular season games, the team accumulated a record of 6 wins, 2 losses and 2 ties, enough for 5th seed in the league out of 30! Advancing through the round of 16 into the quarter finals, Thunder lost by 2 to disqualify them for the semi-final. The CCSA put together yet another successful end-of-year banquet to recognize the achievements of various teams. During the banquet, there was a slideshow honouring a member of a senior team who had passed away shortly before the season was underway. This moment especially hit home to the members of team Thunder, who endured the same hardship after the passing of Matthew Loo. It was a reminder of just how precious life really is and seeing the support for this team from the

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entire league was a testament to just how amazing God is; that he can allow us to create this league to help every single member grow as one in the Faith.

There was never a dull moment during the season. Every player had their highlights and the team had its down times. Overall, another successful season was under the belt. The team would like to thank the congregation for being the crutch for the players throughout the season. It would be next to impossible to succeed the way the team did if it were not for the support of the congregation, parents and friends. Thanks also go out to those who took time to drive and provide rides for those who would not be able to make it practice or the games otherwise. Leaders of the team also deserve special thanks for their time and efforts in managing the team. Leaders included Brandon Yee, Ryan Chau, Amanda Yee, Jesica Kim, Brian Yeung and William Loo. The team would also like to recognize Silverstar Sports Apparel for providing the unique black and gold jerseys and ML23 memorial patches, which have interestingly become the talk of the league. As the second season in CPC Thunder history has wrapped up, the team looks to take its momentum forward into the 2013 season. The only thing remotely close to matching the excitement for the 2013 Thunder team is the excitement of the Toronto Blue Jays possibly winning the World Series. Possibly. Go Jays Go, and Thunder Up!

Golf Day : Daniel Lin

We had another fun day of Golf on a Sunday afternoon in June, 2012 at our Annual Golf Day. There were about 36 golfers who played including some junior golfers and women golfers. Last year we moved our Golf Day to Bloomington Downs Golf Course close to Aurora.

The day started off cloudy and the rain held off until the back nine. A heavy downpour of rain caught just some of the players in the last few groups. Overall most of golfers liked this course with some wide-open holes and some more challenging rolling and narrow holes. The course also has a driving range on the premises so some golfers took advantage of this facility to warm up first. Some of the junior golfers also chose to play just 9 holes.

After golf we met up at the Congee Queen restaurant on Hwy 7 near Markham Road where we had 2 tables of golfers and family members celebrate with a very tasty dinner. Prizes were handed out to participants and especially to winners of competitions for Longest Drive and Closest-to-the-Pin contests.

We are planning to have another Golf Day event again this summer (venue to be decided later but we may go back to Bloomington Downs). You don’t have to be an expert golfer to participate since we play in groups of 3 or 4 in a team format. This is a great way to get some exercise, meet new people, invite your friends who normally don’t attend our Church and have some fellowship with others in an outdoor setting. We also usually meet together for an optional dinner afterwards.

Please can contact Daniel Lin for more details or suggestions.

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Skating Party : Carolyn Leung

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Mitchell Field Arena SkateThe Zamboni clears the ice, the buzzer sounds and the game is on! The players fly onto the ice. The first period, they circle around, staying close to the boards but no goals. The second period brings more excitement as the teams pass each other but no takers. The final period, no score but a good time had by all!

The yearly skate began once again at Mitchell Field Arena with the water boiling for the hot chocolate, plates of food were displayed for the munching, and an ice rink ready for eager participants. The time (and us) literally flew by and it didn’t even feel like an hour and half. What a great way to enjoy a time of fellowship and learning new skills. Playing tag is an all-time favourite and there were races up and down the ice (stay clear of the center!). In the end, all had fun with a great workout. Until next year ... we’ll see what new excitement is in


Round and Round We Go!



Bible Challenge, Book of Mark : Mercy Shu

A study bible game was held last year to challenge the congregation on how well they could retain the book of Mark. This certainly was a memorable event: a challenging endeavour for the older groups; a fun game for the younger groups.

First challenge, everyone’s memory strength was put on the test. The participants’ ages ranged from less than 10 years to 50 years+. The groups were more or less divided by age. This meant the adults had to compete against the elementary school children. Doesn’t this sound like the show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” The supposedly more knowledgeable adults had to show good sportsmanship and had to pop in extra fish oil for brain power to avoid the potential memory elapses.

Second challenge, everyone had to travel back in time tracing Jesus’ footsteps all by mental visualization. This was certainly no comparison to the special effects of the 3d Avatar adventure movie, no GPS showing the whereabouts Jesus, no You-Tubes on the miracles Jesus performed, no TED talks by Jesus, no brand-name clothing Jesus endorsed, and no restaurants with pictures of Jesus or his signature.

Third challenge, this was a test of everyone’s guessing, acting, and drawing skills. This brought out many hidden talents that the individual did not think even he/she had. It brought about many excited behaviors that were entertaining and brought out much boldness among the participants because winning was deep rooted in the Chinese culture . This was truly entertaining; a live show worthy of being on the “Family Feud” game show.

However, in retrospective, the challenges we had were no match when compared to what Jesus had to face. He had to live up to God’s contentment, “ you are my son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased. He had to live up to God’s judgment, “... take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will”.

Even though Jesus healed the sick, drove out the demons, raised the dead, fed the crowd of thousands with minimal food, all in God’s name, the people challenged Jesus’ identity.

Even though Jesus spoke wisely, gave parables, calmed the storms, walked on water, his disciples and family had doubt on Jesus mentality.

Jesus wanted no fame for his miracle works, yet those who received healing excitedly spread the healing as fast as today’s Facebook hindering him from spreading the Good News.

But the Good News was spread in spite of all these challenges. Jesus fulfilled his duty as son of God, in the name of God. The challenges we face in our daily life lead into realization that we need to fulfill our duties to continue to spread the Good News in Jesus name through God’s grace. As in Romans 5:4 ”we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us in shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

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EvangelismVarious Missions & Groups

Central Asia Mission - Sam, Linda, Daniel, Aaron, Peter & Ruth

Greetings from Central Asia! We are thankful for the generous support of Celebration, our home church, even before we started serving in Central Asia in 2003. For those who may not know us, Sam provides computer support for the many ministries in Central Asia and our whole family (Linda and the children (Daniel, Aaron, Peter, and Ruth)) ministers to those God has placed in our lives.

The Central Asian countries are former Soviet republics and are predominantly Muslim. Since the fall of the Soviet Union (1991), there has been a need for international assistance, giving opportunities for believers to do ministry, even though religious work is restricted.

It has been quiet politically in the country we are living in. There have not been any revolutions lately. It is not easy for democracy to continue to develop, as many are only interested in their own welfare and corruption is everywhere. Central Asia needs leaders who love their country more than themselves or their family and friends. They need the transforming power of reconciled life through the sovereign God.

Being predominantly Muslim means that the few believers (<1%) need much support and encouragement. Most are young believers and face family opposition. After the fall of the Soviet Union (1991), there was good church growth, but now, congregations are dwindling, as there are many unresolved conflicts and lack of forgiveness. We have seen this in the church we have been attending.

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Pastor Ai* has recovered from an unknown illness in August, but she is in need of much encouragement and inspiration to continue to lead the only church in the village.

Our church in Central Asia (left); One of the dwindling congregations

We are part of a large team supporting Central Asian church development. Ministries include community, business and medical development. Sam’s apprentice training provides computer support for these ministries. Pray for more trainees and that they will be able to encourage each other, especially spiritually. Sam (left) with computer support trainees

Linda continues to help with the counselling course, English teaching and orphanage visits. She is now the only foreigner with the Christian counselling course. The local teacher continues to lead the course with a new assistant. Christian counselling in Central Asia is so important, as the many broken lives in this harsh culture and society need God’s true healing and peace.

Christian Counselling Course – Local Teacher (right)

Along with the adult classes Linda teaches, we (Sam and Linda) run a Saturday English club and Linda ran a children’s summer English camp. These teaching opportunities are a way for God’s light shine in

the community. Although no religious material is used, relationships are developed and our friends are able to ask us why we are living in Central Asia.

Our son, Peter (left), with his summer English class

Linda continues to lead student team visits to an invalid orphanage, which is an encouragement to all involved. In 2012, the foreign adoption restrictions were lifted and one young girl from the orphanage

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they visit was able to leave for much needed medical care. She is developing much better both physically and emotionally.

Ja* (middle), no longer an orphan; Just before going home to America (right)

We are also so thankful that Linda’s emergency back operation in January was successful and that she has recovered well. We are thankful that everything worked out, as our ten-day visit to Germany to see our son, Peter, ended up to be a two-month stay. We were blessed to have friends in Germany and in Central Asia to help us.

Back Rehab in Germany (right)

We were blessed to have our whole family at home for Christmas again. We are realizing that as our children are growing up that it is becoming more difficult to see each other.

Christmas in Central Asia; С РОЖДЕСТВОМ = Russian for Merry Christmas

Thank you again for your prayers and support for the ministries in Central Asia and our family. We look forward to continuing to be a light to those God has placed in our lives.


Sam and Linda, Daniel, Aaron, Peter, and Ruth

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China Mission : Richard, Alison, Robert and Katie

The year 2012 will be one that our family will remember for a long time. The roller-coaster ride we experienced during the year seemed to never end, but we are forever grateful for that ride. We can truly say our God is faithful! "

The closing of the International Academy of Beijing (IAB) was a tremendously difficult time for all students, parents, teachers, and staff associated with the school. Christian education in Beijing for children holding foreign passports did not look promising at the beginning of 2012. With all three school administrators resigning, leaving half of the remaining teachers to lead the school, it was clear that IAB was coming to an end. With a huge sigh of relief, we distributed IAB report cards for the last time on May 25th, about two weeks earlier than

scheduled. We had accomplished what we set out to do in January 2012 when the remaining teachers decided to continue the school year, and that was to teach so that students would finish the school year and allow the 12th grade students to graduate with their high school diplomas.

The year also had many other highlights: Parents commenting on how their family grew deeply in their faith as a result of the IAB turmoil, student testimonies of spiritual growth, Robert and Katie seeing and experiencing what it means to live out faith in times of trouble, the establishment of a new Christian school in Beijing (Hope International School) supported by a couple of the international Christian fellowships in Beijing, Robert going to South Africa on a short-term missions trip with other students and families from Beijing. God has been at work, and we are amazed at the blessings that arise from ashes.

Visiting a Christian orphanage for the physically handicapped (right)

On a different note, Richard and Alison continued to help on the leadership team for our Sunday morning service. It has been tremendous opportunity to serve in this capacity as we have been reminded to wait on the Lord and seek his direction and guidance and not push our own agenda, not only in the context of our fellowship, but in all areas of our lives. For Robert and Katie, it was a year of transitions. They lost many friends as families decided to send their children to different schools in January 2012 or at the end of the 2011-12 school year. Adjusting to a new school situation has been a challenge for all of us, but also a growing and learning time. One of the biggest lessons we were reminded of is our need to remain faithful and trust in God’s providence even when situations do not make sense.

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So, what lies as ahead of us for 2013? We will continue to serve at our new school (Hope International School), helping our students experience God in their daily lives through our teaching and counseling. Our desire is to impact lives so that a deeper personal relationship with Jesus can be experienced.

In closing, we would like to thank you all for your prayerful and financial support that enables us to serve overseas. We trust that God has also blessed you for your commitment to stand by us. May you continue to experience the joy of serving our faithful God.

In Him,

R.A.R.K. (Richard, Alison, Robert, Katie)

Bad pollution day, with a reading of over 750 (left)

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Members of our Sonrise Café who serve refreshments for our Sunday service (right)

Grandpa Richard interviewing his students as a ‘Senior Citizen’ during Dictionary Day (left)

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Robert going for a jumper during our Staff-Student B-ball game (right)

Spending a few days in HK during Christmas (left)

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China Medical Mission : Marie Wong

In the summer of 2012, I was once again blessed with the opportunity to participate on my third trip with the EMAS CHINA WEST MEDICAL MISSION which took us to some remote villages in the Hai Yuen, Ningxia region of north west China close to the Gobi Desert.

The 2012 trip took us through a journey of faith as we started off with uncertainty and difficulty in the planning stages. We realized that several significant veteran members and leaders were unable to join the team and also had a lack of response from our host in China. We prayed earnestly and trusted that God would provide as we remember these verses... “Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will do this” ; “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:5,7).

We were thankful that He answered our prayers and provided us with 28 team members to Ningxia and a successful and exciting trip for 2012. My memorable moment this year was being invited to visit a “home” church in one of the villages as well as being blessed with unexpected favourable responses and warm receptions from the locals.

Another highlight of the trip occurred during the opening ceremony of the new EMAS Guan-Qiao In-Patient Hospital. This was attended by officials representing the government, the health bureau and the hospital. During this opening ceremony, our team leader Dr. Ian Ma gave a short speech which was broadcast on the Ningxia TV news. Dr. Ma stated that it was the love of God that motivated the Christian friends of EMAS to make donations, which made the building of the hospital a reality. What was surprising was that his speech was broadcast on television in its entirety. This was so uplifting knowing that God was faithful and present in this remote area. We pray that God will use this new hospital to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the villagers.

As we look forward to 2013, we are excited that the new Health Director of the Hai Yuan Health Bureau and the new Health Minister of Ningxia are both good friends of EMAS. We are extremely grateful to have been extended warm welcomes and hospitality in the past and we look forward to continuing this positive working relationship together.

I am thankful for all your support and prayers and may we continue in this Journey of Faith together.

In Christ,Marie

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Tanzania Mission : Toby and Loretta

Imagine pastors, preachers and leaders of a church not able to read the Word of God in a language that speaks to their heart. Imagine if the only Bible you read was in French, Chinese or Spanish!

In Tanzania one language unites the country, Swahili, but more than one hundred and twenty languages are spoken throughout. For many children this will be their first language, Swahili second and English a distant third.

Your support of our work with Wycliffe Bible Translators means more and more people are accessing the Bible in their first language, their heart language. In 2012, many Scripture celebrations took place all around the country as many Gospels and Epistles completed translation. In communities where Islam is the predominant religion, the book of Genesis has been translated. In total our translation consultants checked 22,392 verses!

We continue to be encouraged and excited about supporting the work of Bible translation here in Tanzania, even as 2012 continued to be a year of transition and change. On the home front we welcomed our second child, Brielle Evangeline in May. Upon returning in to Tanzania in September, Toby also changed roles in the organization, moving to the human resources department situated in the main city, Dar es Salaam. There has been a lot to learn but we feel this is a better fit for his gifting and skills. Loretta continues to her role as a medical consultant while spending time with the children at home.

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Praise and Prayer Requests:

•PRAISE GOD we have a home, we have a home, we have a home! After eighteen months of living out of our suitcases we finally unpacked in December, for a little while we hope!

•Please pray for our continued transition, for wisdom and patience as we raise two young children. Pray also that we would be obedient to new opportunities of ministry locally.

•Please pray for the work of Bible translation here, particularly as we have experienced many budget cuts. The slowing of the economy global has its affects here too as much of our funding organizationally comes from the US and Europe. Thankfully, we have not had to lay off any national staff, but great care and wisdom is necessary moving forward.

We thank you for your continued support and pray that God would continue to open doors to your ministry in the GTA.

CTI Honduras Summer Music Mission : Adam Wong

" This summer I was given the opportunity to serve overseas alongside the music missions group, Carpenter’s Tools International, as part of their Honduras mission team. Rather than build houses overseas as the name might imply, CTI actually aids local youth ministry through providing fully trained worship teams to help build up the local Christian community. This provides local ministries to host large outreach events in their area and also provides people like myself to gain experience in spreading the gospel using God’s gifts.

" The first 2 weeks of my time with CTI were spent in training, getting to know the other 10 members of my team, learning all of our music and equipping ourselves for spreading the gospel. After those 2 weeks we set out for San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Right away we were greeted by the resident Juventud Para Cristo (that’s Youth for Christ in Spanish) who served as our hosts for the duration of our stay in Honduras. From the very beginning I could see the passion in the hearts of the JPC volunteers, their servant heart and willingness to follow God`s will.

" During our stay in Honduras we played in 3 main cities, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa and Copain playing in all sorts of places ranging from schools to churches to stadiums and even a TV studio! In a typical day in Honduras we would play about two concerts, each one going as follows. We would quickly unload our gear from the bus and set up. Then we would play a few songs and break to share the gospel or do a drama. Following that we would end with a few more songs and possibly an encore or two. After each set would get the opportunity to walk out into the crowd and really just talk to people and get to know them with the aid of translators. Sometimes we would get to share the gospel, sometimes we would even get the opportunity to pray for them. Throughout the concert God would find his own way to move through us or move through the audience, continuously teaching us as we went on. For example, we would occasionally go to schools where the children aren`t old enough to

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have an interest in asking spiritual questions, they would just want to play the guitars or hit the drums. Those scenarios taught me that spreading the gospel didn’t have to be through words and such but rather our lovingness towards the kids.

" In the end our team was able to play around 45 concerts and reach about 20,000 people in the course of a little less than a month. We were able to leave with a new understanding of God`s love as well as new relationships with our Honduran brothers and sisters in Christ. I am thankful for God giving me the opportunity to go to a foreign country and witness to others about his love and pray that the already strong ministry in Honduras continues to grow. Thank you all for making this journey possible with your prayers, encouragement and support.

Philemon 6, “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”

Blessings,Adam Wong

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Missions Support Group : Judy Soong

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 10 years (this July 2013) that the Sam and Linda (and family) have been serving in Central Asia. Before they went out, Sam and Linda had pulled together a group of people to pray for their work overseas, based on the model in “Serving as Senders” by Neal Pirolo. This Support Group was created to support and pray for Sam and Linda and family, and to act as a communication link with the congregation of Celebration. In the past we have also provided periodic updates to the congregation and organized Christmas packages for the family. Although some tasks have changed over the years, our main purpose has not changed…we continue to meet to pray for and support their family and their work in Central Asia.

I have been reminded this year, that prayer is not part of the work, it is the work behind all service for God. Recently, the story of the Israelites’ battle with the Amalekites in Exodus 17:8-16 came to mind. During the battle, Moses stood on top of a hill with the staff of God in his hands. Whenever Moses let the staff down, the Amalekites would be winning. But, when he lifted his arms, the Israelites would win. When Moses got tired, the men with him held his hands up for him until the battle was won. Although we get periodic updates, and sometimes urgent prayer requests, we may not know what spiritual battles our missionaries face on a daily basis, or how important our prayers are in helping them stand firm in the work God has called them to. Praying is something we can all do at any time, individually or in a group. With God’s help, let us remember Sam and Linda and their family as well as our other missionaries in our prayers; that God may protect, strengthen & encourage them so they can do what He has called them to do.

The Support Group meets throughout the year to pray for the family, the ministry in Central Asia, as well as other concerns and needs. If you would like more information about joining the Support Group, or would like to receive regular e-mail updates from Sam & Linda, feel free to talk to Ann & Eldon Wong or myself.

Judy SoongMissions Support Group - Sam & Linda & family

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DiscipleshipVarious Groups

Noah’s Ark Ministry : Eldon Wong

This teaching ministry is focused on kids from the early preschool age to Grade 8.

For the first half of the year, we conitnued with the curriculum from 2011, the preschool kids used Veggie Tales and the primary and junior high kids were taught with the Power Xpress Rotational material. However, the Power Xpress material was no longer available for the 2012/2013 school year. Since we also used the Veggie Tales material for a number of years, we started looking for new curriculum to encompass all age groups.

After talking with teachers and students, we decided to start trialing a new curriculum offered by the United Methodist Church: Grow, Proclaim, Serve. It started in the fall and continues for the next three years.

“With Grow, Proclaim, Serve! as children grow in mind and body, they also grow in heart and soul. Grow, Proclaim, Serve! will nourish and enrich children, from birth through tweens, in faith so they can proclaim the good news of God’s love and serve God and neighbor. Children will realize their faith goes with them as they grow.” -- Grow, Proclaim, Serve Website

For the teenagers, the teachers will be using a number of short studies aimed at Junior High students provided by Pastor Alan.

During the year, Auntie Shirley taught a special class showing kids how to be good stewards of their money. The younger children were given special money banks and the older children were given jars.

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The children learned that money should be portioned. The first, given to God, the second, saved and the last portion allocated for spending.

Continuing from last year, the NAM children were involved in the service at Celebration Church. From greeting to reading scripture, to sharing in the sermon as well as leading worship, they collectively experienced involvement in the whole service. The kids also participated in Operation Christmas Child again this year, the kids filled shoeboxes with supplies and toys for appreciative children in countries of need.

We thank the teachers and the assistants. Their commitment allows this ministry to continue, nurture and grow an enduring faith in the lives of the children. We also thank the youths who help with the preschool and special activities of the younger kids.

On behalf of the NAM committee,

Eldon Wong, Janet Yee, Susan Lee-Chan, Merry Chu

“Your faithfulness is growing by leaps and bounds, and the love that all of you have for each other is increasing.”— 2 Thessalonians 1:3 CEB

Men’s Small Group : Paul Yee

Last year the Men’s Fellowship group had some difficulty meeting regularly due to a variety of different reasons and with only a few regulars it was challenging to maintain any momentum. We did however managed to complete our DVD series titled “Quiet Strength” by Tony Dungy which explored the topics of relationship-building and character-building insight from the life of Super Bowl XLI winning head coach Tony Dungy. Beside the DVD series, the men’s group also attended a Promise Keepers – Alive Conference event last fall in Mississauga. The keynote speaker on the day we attended was Jim Kelly, ex-quarterback of the Buffalo Bills. He shared personal testimony of his life and how God made his alive.

It is our prayer that this coming year we be more committed to having our monthly meetings, and reaching out to more men to join our small group. We want to get to know each new member better, developing a trusting relationship with one another, as we grow in faith together in Christ Jesus. Our meetings in the past were scheduled on the third Friday of each month. This year, we are going to try holding our men’s group meetings on the first Saturday morning of each month. We hope this new timing will be more flexible for new members to make it out to our meetings.

Some key points about the Men’s Fellowship:

Our Mission: " to be like CHRIST, to care for OTHERS before MYSELF => C.O.M. MissionHow: " " to grow, to seek and to develop the gifts that God has given us

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Duration: " a lifetime journey of taking up the cross to become effective MEN OF CHRIST

Our VISION includes, but is not limited to:

A) Commit on a designated time and place on a continuous monthly basis;B) Building friendships and relationships by interacting with one another, to comfortably share

amongst the group or individuals of the group;C) Listen and discuss matters of importance to the individual or group;D) Provide an casual and comfortable atmosphere, closing with a time of sharing and prayer;E) Develop life skills and participate in decision-making events and/or special projects.

Some suggested meeting events may include the following:

1) Contact organizations to help prepare and feed dinners to the needy (after a session on learn how to cook).

2) Perform small renovation projects as needed to our new Church property on John Street.3) Assist in community outreach by creating new games for future re-launch of the Penny

Carnival or other similar events. 4) Plan fundraiser events by organizing food fairs, sponsorship, to support a specific cause (i.e.

building fund, missionary, charity, etc.).5) Organize events for healthy competition with other fellowship groups and monies raised to go

to a specific cause.6) Short Bible Studies. This would be Step 1 in our growth of faith. 7) Plan for other specific interest topics as determined by individuals or group.8) Last but not least, we will plan some fun outings for guy bonding time to welcome new

members, such as bowling, dining out, going to sporting events that is not too expensive (i.e. 500 level Blue Jays tickets, a Marlies game, etc.), poker night, games night, movie night… with some sharing after each event.

We encourage and welcome all men interested in joining our fellowship group to contact either William or Paul.

On behalf of the Men’s Fellowship Group,Paul

Young Family Small Group : Janet Yee

Our small group gatherings are a great time for both learning, socializing and sharing. We have just finished our study material NOOMA which is a series of short films that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. It was an invitation to search, question, and join the discussion. We had great talks about the meaning of life.

Generally we meet every 2nd Saturday of the month but are flexible with moving around to different weekends depending on members’ activities. We started off 2012 with three families but by the end of

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the year we had one of our families from the past rejoin us when their children’s commitments allowed them to.

With the numbers we are still able to maintain enjoying a meal together before we do our study. It is a great time of fun and fellowship for the adults and the kids. As we get to know each other, we open up more and grow in our relationships. We all realize that being a part of a small group takes both commitment and discipline and work at making this a priority.

One of the highlights for us is our annual Small Group car camping weekend. It was our 5th trip and this past summer we spent it at Awenda Provincial Park. Getting back to nature gives us a chance to escape from the city and enjoy the natural beauty that God created. The event is also a chance for past members to join in the fun and fellowship as well this time we were able to use it as an outreach to one of the members’ friend and family.

We look forward to 2013 and a new topic of study to be determined. For the kids, the consideration is we would get them involved by having them create videos with a meaningful topic/lesson. So maybe Pastor Alan will review and approve of one of these to be viewed by the congregation in the future?

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Tech Crunch / C$I / The “Good Sheppard” Group : Bonita See

"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind"  1 Peter 3 v8 (ESV)

Unity of mind - this past year we grew further unified in mind as we discussed and prayed for matters such as the church office and worship location - we were fortunate to have in our group three members of the Advance Team (Lisa, Lester, Daniel) and two members of the Support Team (Bernard and Debora).  

Sympathy and brotherly love - we supported one another through our prayer requests and sharing, through different challenges in the lives of ourselves or those close to us.

Tender heart - we continue to have a heart to reach out to others, to make our group open and hospitable to visitors and newcomers.  This included supporting Lin and Joe's outreach to neighbours in their community.

Humble mind - we learned together from videos that showed us historical context and locations where Jesus had his ministry, and gained insights into scriptures in this manner.

"I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.  Your love has given me great joy and encouragement" Philemon 1 v6,7 (NIV)

Central Small Group : Harry Mark

It’s time again to reflect on the past year of our fellowship and time together! We can’t believe it has been so many years since several families in the Central Small Group began meeting together (I can’t even remember when they first started!).  My goodness, have you noticed how we’ve all aged and our kids have grown since? If you are new to our church, you may find participating in small groups is a great way to meet people and to get to know them better.  When many new families first came to Celebration Church, we did not know where to begin to integrate ourselves.  But we do remember our former pastor Peter Ma asking several families if they would consider to fellowship with other young families with children that lived within the north central area.  We’re so glad we decided to give it a try! 

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Even though we all desire a closer relationship with our Lord, our schedule with family obligations have always played a part in our struggle to build a deeper relationship with God.  Some of us are transitioning into the “sandwich” generation looking after the needs of our children’s activities, as well as caring for our aging parents.  We realize no one family is perfect and we enjoy the opportunity to meet and chat about our life journey together … there is a genuine care and support for all the ups and downs shared about our family lives. We generally meet once a month on a Saturday evening at someone’s home, and each family takes turns rotating as a residence host family and another family will be leading the program.  So far we’ve been using DVD study materials as a resource in learning more about the word of God to grow our faith and knowledge.  At the same time, we engage our children to have their own fellowship programs in a separate area. The past year we’ve been watching the video study “Live Rich Without Money - Chasing What Really Satisfies", which the author brought his humourous insight while learning about the things that matter most to us and where to place our focus.  This year we will start watching “The Case for Christ”, a journalist’s personal investigation in interviewing experts from the fields of science, philosophy, and history for the evidence of Christ. Finally, we really, really enjoy food!  We have a tradition of sharing dessert after each program and the occasional delicious potluck dinners.  New recipes are always being discovered and shared! It’s been a blessing that our friendships have forged since we’ve first met and we’d like to invite anyone interested looking to join a small group to come out at our next program.  We’d like to make you feel at home!  Harry Mark

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The Breakfast Club : Heidi Cheung

What's in a name? Why change from the East Enders to Breakfast Club? Are we just symbols of the 80's kids? Well Breakfast Club is a bit more descriptive of who we are, and who you are if you want to be cool and hang with us:0 We meet once a month (usually the 4th) on a Saturday morning for breakfast and just share. Like the movie even though we may have different backgrounds and experiences in life but our faith is in the same God, and we receive God's love together. Come and share with us how God is moving uniquely in your life.

We want to thank Helen & Shirley for doing most of the hosting. Other times we have met at Cora's, Pickle Barrel, Eggsmart, and most recently a hotel restaurant. As our group is getting bigger, this year we will focus on a topic each month to give us some direction in our discussions.

Come as you are...Give yourself a break once a month. Take a break from the busy work week, from family commitments, from the stresses of life. Come have a cup of coffee or tea and warm and hardy breakfast. Come and be uplifted. Come and be supported in prayer. Just come.

Warmly on behalf of the Breakfast Club,

Heidi Cheung

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Prayer Party : David Chu

The prayer parties have become about more than only prayer. They have also become a time of worship, sharing and fellowship where we meet at the end of a tough week to lay our burdens at Jesus’ feet.

We all have challenges in our life such as relationships with our family, problems with work or school, worrying about the safety or health of our loved ones and even difficult events in the world and our community that leave us troubled and disheartened. The more we try to control these things the more difficult they become until we just feel overwhelmed and distant from God.

God offers us a way out with an uninterrupted, always available communication line that we often do not take advantage of: prayer. The prayer party offers us this opportunity to pray with others who have similar challenges and open the communication line with our Father in heaven. It also provides us a time to thank and praise God, remember our missionaries and ask for His guidance in our lives.

There are times after a long and busy week that I do not always feel like attending the prayer party. There are so many competing options that all seem more desirable or easier than praying. However, after I attend and by the time the night is over, I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and less anxious about the future after sharing my burdens with others and bringing them to God.

We meet the second Friday of every month at 7:30 pm. We start with a time of singing with all the adults and kids. The kids then go to the basement and have their own time of prayer while the rest of us share about our week and discuss the issues that are weighing on our hearts. We then pray in smaller groups of 3 or 4 followed by some snacks and more fellowship time. If you would like to attend but feel uncomfortable praying in front of others please still come out since you do not have to pray out loud. If you cannot attend but still have prayer requests, let Alan or an elder know and we will remember you in prayer.

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Footprints Fellowship : Laura Wong

Last year (2012) was a year of exciting changes for Footprints. We said, “Hello” to the grade 8 students (Adam, Emma, Jason, Nathan, Ryan) and “Bon Voyage” to many grade 12 students who went to university.

Footprints studied two different books. The first was called: Who is Jesus? And the second was called: Faith Under Fire. When Jesus came to Earth He was a teacher, doctor, servant and a friend to all of us.  In the second book, we always had a good time laughing at the debates when the two participants argued and got very excited about Faith under Fire! For the first half of the year the theme was LOL: Love our Lord or Live Our Life. One of the goals was to reach the graduating students how to cook so they could survive away from home. One of the highlights was learning how to cook. Pastor Alan taught us how to make one pot chicken and rice, Chinese instant noodles, shake and bake chicken, and pasta salad.

We always had a great time at our social events. We went to movies, bowling and even went out to Playdium in Mississauga. We visited many homes and enjoyed it every time. We really got to know each other better during all these events. During the summer, we went to Uncle Ed and Auntie Amy’s house. We had our own private beach to play in. In September we also had a potluck dinner at Adam and Emma’s house and jumped on their trampoline in their huge backyard. We even had a camp fire. Another highlight was at Dylan Mark's house. After the bible study, we had that Nerf gun fight and ran throughout the basement. One of the main events of 2012 was the Christmas Party at Brandon and Amanda's house, with over 30 teens and young adults! The gift exchange was so much fun, watching every one’s reaction as they opened up their gifts.

Personally, Footprints has taught me even as young children we can still help each other in our faith and help each other have a deeper relationship with God. We have grown together in our faith.

Footprints Fellowship members shared many laughs, cries, and stories together this year.

We would like to thank Jesica Kim, Brian Yeung, and Pastor Alan for all their dedication and hard work serving as our counsellors at Footprints.

In Proverbs 27:17 it says "Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another." This means together we can grow in our faith and learn more about God.

2012 was a great year for Footprints and 2013 will be another year of growing in our faith. I am excited to see what God has planned for us.

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Mustard Seed Fellowship : Mark Tang

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

After 11 exciting years, Mustard Seed Fellowship counselors: William & Carolyn Leung and myself have decided to step down to pursue God's calling in other areas. This is a bittersweet moment for us because we have truly enjoyed our walk of faith with the children. We have spent our lessons together using God's Word to learn about hope, love, integrity, respect and faith. In addition to this, we enjoyed fellowship at some unforgettable outings such as Laser Quest, bowling, backyard camping and skating parties. From these fellowship meetings, we have seen the children build new friendships, grow in faith and develop strong relationships with God that will forever be special to them.

As the retiring counselors step down, this will open up the Mustard Seed Fellowship to brand new opportunities and more awesome ideas. Three new counsellors : Heidi Cheung, Harry & May Mark will be taking over the leadership of this fellowship. They will no doubt bring a new focus, new energy and lots of enthusiasm to the fellowship. We are truly blessed to have them come on board to work with our children.

As I reflect on my experience as a Mustard Seed counselor, I am personally grateful to have had the opportunity to work with the children. Our Mustard meetings are a constant reminder to me that our children are a blessing from God and as a follower of Christ we all have the responsibility to raise our children to follow our Lord.

On behalf of Carolyn, William and myself, I want to thank all the parents and children that have supported the Mustard Seed Fellowship over the years. Thank you for the memories and walk of faith.

Mark Tang

Young Adults Fellowship : Jesica Kim

The Young Adults small group had its first meeting in October of 2012. The small group was formed to fulfill a void that had grown in the past couple of years. As students began to graduate high school, there wasn’t a space for them to meet and fellowship amongst peers, thus the Young Adult small group was created. We are a group made up of university/college students to young adults who are have graduated and/or in the work force. Our first meeting was intimate with 5-6 of us gathered together at Pastor Alan’s home. I would say the meeting was a highlight for the group as it allowed us to discuss and speak about topics that weren’t previously discussed in Footprints. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we left Pastor Alan’s home at 1AM. We would like to see this group grow, and especially reach out

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to church members that are a part of this age category that have not come to a small group meeting before. The setting is usually in someone’s home, with lots of great food and great discussions. We would like to thank Pastor Alan for his passion and his enthusiasm to get this small group started. And we only hope for more fellowship, more discipleship, and more accountability amongst small group members as we grow and meet in 2013.

Picture above is of our first Y.A meeting in October, 2012.

Celebration Church 2012 Yearbook

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Celebration Church 2012 Yearbook

Page 62

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