Cd covers & prints magazine adverts

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Tori Vincent


Album title - which is a connotation as it is the name of Chris Brown's daughters and also it may link to how he views himself

Typography - As it is written in white this could indicate that his daughter is pure and the text is bold as there is no other written content.

Main image - It is Chris brown the artist and his daughter cuddling which could indicate the route of the songs within the album and also route of lifestyle becoming a caring father.

Framing - He is the center of the CD cover and the fact that he takes up most of the CD cover shows his significance,

This cd cover is very different to previous covers as he may wish to reach a different genre of music now that he is older and a father. Could suggest more family appropriate.

This could represent that the content is explicit and not suitable for a young audience.

This could show his view on gender changing to a more appropriate view instead of a sexual way.

Chris brown - 2016 album royalty

By using a white text on a dark background makes the text more clear and appealing.

Within the image this is a different image which may mean beyonce is trying to indicate a certain part of history.

The fact that she is not showing her face may connote the message of the album and not trying to promote herself as an artist.

A medium close up has been used and her figure takes up most of the CD cover showing significance.

The fact that the title is written in capital letters shows the significance of the name.

Very neutral colours are being used for the CD cover showing that it is not trying to sell due to the appearance of the cover.

Beyonce - 2016 albulum Lemonde

Bold colours grab and hold viewers attention.

No real images of the artist only a painting showing that the album is not about the artist and only the music and art.

This represents that the content is explicit which links to the target audience of the album.

No typography within the CD cover which shows that the album is being promoted solely on the album cover and not the text.

Within the frame of this CD cover it is very simplistic which makes you focus on the painting .

The back of the CD cover is quite explicit and indicates a sexual activity.

Kanye west - 2010 My Beautfiul Dark Twisted Fantasy

Magazines adverts

This method of advertising would be through magazine advertisement which is for rihanna’s album called ‘Rated R’ which would be her 4th studio album.The way she is positioned suggests that the album is secretive. The typography within the poster is very bold and stands out which reads ‘Rihanna, The New Album’. This isn't actually the name of the album which makes it more enticing within the album advert. The advert itself is a very dark image which is colourless. Her position of her arms is also a confusing factor which may question the public on why she is looking a certain way. Another factor to consider would be the ‘R’ in the background which either means rihanna or Rated R which is the name of the album. So the cover itself it very unclear which could entice the audience and lead them to find out more about it. This may increase her demand as fans may be intrigued and wish to buy the album to find out if the artist has changed direction or even the audience. The audience would be young females which are interested in R&B , Pop this is likely to include people aged 13 - 30

For this album the same close up of the artist Jessie J has been used for not just the CD cover but also the magazine advert. This then means that it is recognizable to the fans and public which then allows them to new album. By having the black bottom it then means that the writing which is in a white and gold colour becomes more eye catching and bold.The fact that she has used dark colours for both may indicate that the genre of pop rock. To increase sales on her debut album they have used B.O.B which is a popular name this would hopefully lead for them to buy the album which would then lead them to listen to the rest of the album. The camera angle plays a key role as well as she is looking straight at the camera which therefore looking like she is focussing on her audience and this could therefore link leading them to make music on them.

For the artist Plan B this would be his second album which is called ‘ The Defamation Of Strickland Banks’. This magazine advert is likely to of been posted after he had released the album and this would be due to the fact that it has a number of different ratings to the left of the poster.All the rating were 4 star which may therefore pursued the public to buy the album as there are high rating. Also the typography within this advert is very informative saying ‘ The multi-platinum Album of the year’. This quote stands out dramatically and the link to the artist showing his achievement. The colours used were also extremely bright and bold which makes the consumers concentrate on these factors. The main image is the artist himself which overall adheres albums which are Pop/ Hip Hop. This typically links to album such as Soul/ Jazz artist which could attract a different genre of audience and also show how diverse the artist is.

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