Cbe Reporter

Post on 18-Mar-2023






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Cbe Reporter\ ol. 2. Xo. 50. MT. STERLING, KY., SA T!

ernnt pertoniiauces of Thr- ii«iial Ui

scriptioiis. At suuset falls

t ai>-

•• M

iiP'iii the whole iilam

: s nj)oii tlie sii

I b iliior, andvic-w the liauil.s anGiovanua, jirfmoii!

upon the assembled people.—ijoutlou

I wonder If the aagiiished moon looked

downThrough all that long last night

And buried In her scnrrcd bren-^^i li -it! m l

brown,The memory of that sight:

1 wonder of th' uneasy birds awokeAs glowed that strange, great light

Which paled the puri.le east where morn-ing broke.

And sang. Inspired by God's own breath,

"There is no death! There Is no death!"

There Is no death, O hearts that throb In


With longing, pulsing tide.

Or In love's fullness, nigh akin to pain,

Unfearlngly abide;

There is no death. O soul whom niggard


Has left unsatlsfled.

The cycles swing and Joy those Hps await

Who oft have sung on earth in pain,

"1 rise again! I rise again!"

No sacrince, O Self, can blot thee out.

Or satisfy the debt

Which binds thee to the usurer of doubt

With Interest of regret!

Still is not life to even the« denied:

One way remaineth yet—

Aa was thy Christ, must thou be crucified.

But with those wounds In hands and feet.

E'en Self finds resurrection sweet!

Rejoice, O soul whose work Is Just begun,

That all time lies before!

Kejoice, O heart whose treasures all have

wonThat dimmer, farther shore!

The stone that angels moved away that


Was rolled from Heaven's door;

wake and stand forth in hope's sudden


And sing as sang the birds that morn


"There is no death, fur Life is born!"

—Detroit Free Fress.


y \wplantsvorcd with

- 1 roni a fi>\v •!•

' i i

three feet or more. The lal


four-yeivr-ol(is. Iho perfect |>

peeiiill.v intended for (he I n:

The 8t. .loseph, or aiinuuci.ii n is

the favorite at present, though the cal-

la lil.r h.'is attributes whieli niaUe it re-

tain uiiich of its old time popularity, es-

peciully in ohui'<-li Jeeorations. It is

tlie more robust of the two.—ConulryI ife lit > ir.'l


LoTera' Day In tbe ^!'


In the uiiildlK hues fi

EastiT Sunda.v was i

! culiarly sacred, and it


Bow Slffna's PeasantN Coiniiieiiiorata

a i^ulutly SbepkerdesM.

Among the quaint and ancient cere-

UiOliies with which the Italian people

keep their Easter celebrations, none is

older or more picturesque than the one

known as the festival of the Beata Gio-

vanua, which is held at Signa on Easter

Monday. Signa Is a small village situ-

ated auioug the vine clad hills that can

be seen from Florence. Of IJiovanna.

the heroine of the festival, very little

appears to be known, except that she

was born somewhere in the thirteenth

century and used to tend her father's

Bheep, which were pastured on the hill-

aides of Signa. Very early in life she

gained a reputation for sanctity, and in

course of time her fame spread far and

wide. She was cretlited with the pow-

er of performing miracles and with

having special control over -wild ani-

mals and storms. In later life she re-

tired to a cell built into a bouse in the

village of Signa and remained there Im-

mured until she died and was hurled iu

the village church.

Now, every Easter Monday, in com-memoration of her virtues, all the par-

ishes for miles around send gifts of oil

and other things to the church of her

native place. Deputations headed bythe local clergy jiour into Signa fromearly morning until late in the after-

noon. The i;ifts they bring are borne

by a donkey or a pony, on >. hose Ijtick.

in addition. Is a small child, whr) ix s«ii-

posed to be the prettiest the village can

produce. His hair and neck are cover-

ed witli neckhices and ntlier ariiclcs of

jewelry, wilii wliicli the w iineii have

decorated him, and he Is often clad In

gold embroidered robes.

As cin h procession Is sightetl the offi-

cials of the i hurcli sally out to meet It,

with banners flying and bands )>laying.

and it is scileiuiily conductinl into Signa.

The donkey, witJi its bniden, is lc<I into

the church and up to tlie tiltar, wli

prayers nr.- .said and the trifts reino\

In the streets a.id open i.laies of tin

viilage a fair is always li'ld on ila-se

occasions, with the a<'CompaTiiment of

merry-go-rounds, steam oi'i;aus and itin-

! for lovers to exci

dresses somewhatvalentines. The i. i.,. i. i i

into modern spoiling, is by Athe|.-;t:iue

Wade, a folk jioet of the titue of liii li

ard I., and is regardeil as one of the,

best --I- '1- "I ii.s kind;

"). preciou.s one,


L. ; . . 1...

In life or deatii I'll '

—New \



In tl

Chill : .,

village in his Spin

peasant attired in

of the "Kaster soverei;^ii."

Mil 1))-.' " li li"' t: ni I>- •

. Uie k.

his hat.

; : .! emperor n-

plied as he coiiqilieU, "I wish you joy

In yom' new ollice. You will fluU it ;i

troublesome one, I assure you,"

ISaater Iilllea.

Jill':.. and climate of the [..'nin.ilns

are espcK iiiHy favorable to the growiirj I

of the Easter lily. There bulbs .iiitl

blo.«sonis are raised in areat quaiuiis <|

fo'- till' .\niericaii '

yi " " - i -1 1 .

Each part is planb , .

ond year does he deem the uewlit for tr,'"-:i' 'lio'- \" I


fouftli ybulbs, thr-

sprint: il"' t 'll

inan.v bi.

seen lil..

varying i;. li

H I^cnten

Sacrifice and Its



11 .\



Turkey*N ISii^tor EKKn.\

The e«g, of coilrsi', is regarded liy '

Christians as a syniliol of the resiii-I

rection, t... .•


pear, the .M

selves hrm I"I

Chri.-it will rt'tiirfi to t!

day. Indeed, a i)i'oml.<r w, in- . .. a

is written in tin- Koran, and there k,

au tiiiderstan.liir^: to the elTect thai the

Saviour will .I' scend ii|io;i n it^rliiiii

minaret of a p.utij-ular : n l>a-t

mascus. So it is not thai <

some of the Moliammeil.i a.> ... Turkey I

should dye eggs or bu.v. them 1n tlie'

shops at Eastertide, l - ' 'i

are dyed red, but this !

iu other r. , the co...i i.. lu ;ij

manner . .: of the criiciflxlou.j

—New York .\i.i,i.

yI!K stands before her mirror,daintily turning her head from

' .le. trying the effect oflOiisler bonnet. Her

t lUlu- too ; ^and, as It iis long before

, she pulls it down and proi range It. The average wo-

' lis to tliinking whileand she is only au

i.i witn n.^ 'iverage hu-i-e, so as slieslo-.ij

'•^•igtsiiie long hair before sbg

knows It her thoughts have slippfu

back o er several years.

Aluii I I'.uwilllngly she thinks of an-

other lOiibter, when those streaks of

gray ,\ ere not seen iu the brown, glos-

sy coil and when the delicate,- reflned

face which the mirror gives back wasfresh and rosy and young. .\8 she loops

up a braid and turns musing to catch

the effect she is living over again the

Ash M'edoesday preceding that faroff

Easter when she had done the foolish

tl}iug which was to mean so much for

her in after years.

It had all come upon her so suddenly.

She an. I her. friend Joannette had beentalking of observing Lent that year.


. up for

iiost de-

ill. Thea Jeauuette had said


II not give up the one thing you; riH.st of all even for a short

! would not forego the

witli Bob Adanis. and1 possession, I know."

- now how indl;jnaut-

ly she had iienii'd that she cared for

'.Job more than for any other young^ :n, and wheu Uer friend banterlugly;

THEiREPORTcR, MT, STERLING, KY., Saturday, April i4 1906


Wc arc ready for the season with cve^vthin? that is

good and everything that is correct.

Clothes, Hats and Shoes-FOR-

Men, Boys and Children.

Its a luxury to wear such well cut, well madr ^"'^

i.a»a.on« clotKi..t. ..o sell. A man feels dressed—

looks dressed and is confident of his good appearance.

Let us introduce you to our handsome New Spring

Suits and ^v.cil Top Coats.

You'll Surely Be Pleased

With The Acquaintance!

Our Clothes have made for us a mighty host of friends

in this vicinity who will gladly testify to their goodness.

There's just one thing we would like for you to do-

stop tn some time and spend ten minutes looking over

this Spring Stock. Thats all.


Suits made to order .



I./(A. ]'J.:>u

. 7.5U. 10 , li'. 'u ,$].'}.

1. 51). 2.50, :i.50, $5.

1.50 to $H.

i.'J5 tn .ii:i.50

:n $5.

50 Cents III .r^L'.50

. _.I5., 18. and $20.

Guthrie Clothing Co.

rt'pealed. ".Vll tUe saiiu-. .voii «<)•: t

out liiiii for Jlie tie.vt forty dii.vs." slii-

had iiiipulsivf ly taken iii> tlie cli.il-

lenge mid liad treated liiiii with stud-

ied eoldiiess or hud shunned liiiu jH-r-

Kistently for tho followiuj,' li •• - k

.weeks. ,

• *•••'»li tlre.s one so to koep tlie arm

strti'lied iilio\e the hem!, so she lets

her liMir droi) I'H' awhile and le:!iis her

forehefld a.ai n '

the mirror. Si

eralile d;iys U..11 .

resolve- liow \\vx own snfTerlu;; had

revealed to her how very U!iieh she

had loved Bol>-^deni- old IJolj, who had

st. i..,(l at tirst so grieved and iier-

i.i (1 liy Uer .llt<>red behavior, hut

alter awhile had treated her with n

coolness Ii> uialr li her own. She di !

1' ,i -in-; thus.

; seeuu**i

(oi].itv-J the davs lo Lasierl I'ride\ ifr i:e:-|» her prondse, l>'"t sne

ii!i." 't"il tn make it up with Rol> onF n'on:inir.

'I'lie Iirsi ehiireh bells are riu-tinp

DOW. but she does not se<»i)i to hear

them.How daintily she had di ' ssnl her

self on that wished for inor'iln','. andwith what a '-'lad heart had she walkedup the aisle '

'. whieh m

in front of ''

in wh




hnt then Uii > \M reii» iiri' now.

all Tnerjred into one s. ;isation of hap-

[liness. and it was voiced in the

lliouKlit. "I'll speak to I!oh after olnn-eh

and make it np."

'I'l'e lonK service at la^i

iie<l in her pi'W ti'

lier -an'pri-'e. !' li

• W li it Is the iatesi ;'-

"Why. of conrse you know—Jeaji-nettes eu^apeiueut to Hob Adams,.leannette tuld in- '11 nijlif \'c \ ,,\'

going my wayV• • • • . .

I Tlie last pin is In plnee. The new

it. I

lid worn,and sits do.v 11 ; . 1


on hor (Tlovps. Shehi'-:'-' her tl-.r>.l-!,ts


but they slip from htr and fasten onstill another Easier morning.Lent liad c .iih. v ry i*<riv th.Tt year,

ind Kasti"

.-.r lier t .

ihe old h(mewho oluii-

1 tliat uoniili); she was read,.14 111 111 I- mother when a card waslirou^lU lip to her. and on it the nameof "Mr. Robert .-idams."

.U-aniiette and Bub had lived abroadtheir marriage, traveling fromto plaee, and the card was the

i i -t intimation of their return.

How well she retnenibers how handsouii .!;(xl as he fame forward1*^ - leu she entered theroiitii.

lids aj;ain the awful leap of her! as she met the glad, warm look

.u his eyes. All she could say was,"How is .Jeauuette?"

'•Jeailiiettn died in Koine," be auswered gravely. "She bade me givethis letter to you. and to give it onEaster Sunday morning. I arrived last

uifrht and liad hoped to meet you first

in church ihis uiorning. .Missing youthere, I came ou to the oM Imtje."

Slie 'ouk the letter from him andslowly. She remembers ev-

THE REPORTER, MT. STbl.,-i>Ci. K ^ , ial ui cldv ,Api u l+ i^oo


**TIic ijJro e oi'ynicii*'

Everything You Want and Always Fresh

Our Motto is: "One Price To All."


ery woril of that brier message:Dear Bt-sxie— I did It all. I made you

take thai foolish resolve. I mude Bobthink that .vou ai<' not care for hUn. 1

could not help It. lor I loved him. I havelieen bitterly punished, for he has neverceased to love yon. I have told him allLertt i.s over; makt him happy this EastermuriiinB. Your reiientant

JEANNETTE.She remember I how the very life

8eem(>(l to no out of her as she noil-

chnluiitly put the letter li:ii k iu its en-velope, handed it to liim and said:"Let us think thai 1 have never ro-

celveil this lette-. I have been OarrettLelghton's wife for two years."Then he had turned and left her.

The awful hour that followed- will thepain of it never leave her? When aheart breaks how can it continue tohold so luuch? Bob Is dead now. Shewill be dead, tdo, some day, and nowshe ha.s her home and her boy, and yet—and yet- - .No one can hear the bittersobbing, it is so low and stided.

A few minutes later the GarrettLeigbtous wall: (juietly to their pewlu the flower Ijetleeked, beautiful oldchurch. The li;tle milliner in the gal-lery nudges aer friend and says:"That's my w >rk on Mrs. Leighton'shead. Ain't tliey a handsome couple?And Just as happy as they can lie. Youought to see them lu their lovely home.Some folks do seem to have everythingIn this world."—Philadelphia Times.


When Bill Hide* Ita Face.The peasanry of Sweden believe

that Easter eve is an occasion uponwhich supernatural Influences pre\ailto a great extent, that all devils andwitches are then abroad and that thefairies hold ,'jlgh carnival. All this

char.i^es with the dawn of Easter morn-ing, for then no evil spirit dares stir

abroad. All thlu 's < ril know th.Tt

Christ, who triumphed over death andthe grave, has risen i i -lory to curtail

their power and ultin. itely destroythem. It is a Swc ii.sh superstitiou

that all horses and mu'es full on their

knees on Easter mornlu r.

MldBiKht Mnaa In the Greek Chnrrh.MiduiKht ii.ass is said in churches of


the Greek faith, and j.ist on the stroke i

of l:^ a loud knockiug commences at|

the door and Is repeated several times.;

On the door beini; openetl the priestsj

and their choir hurry In, crying to the I

worshipers, iii imitation of those of old|

who brought the news of the tirst res-

urrection to the disciples, "Christ is

rlsenl" It requires but a minute to]

change the scene from the gloom of the!

half lii;hted church to one ablaze with{

many lighted tapers.j

How France Keepx Henri de Mont-nioren<*y*a Meniurr C*reen.

In t'ires-les-.Mello. a small n of

the department of Oi.se, in

they have a strange method oi

fate on Easter Monday.To undi'istand the custom it is neces-

sary to glrince at an Incident in l-'rench

history. When the coiisi.alile Henri UeMontniori>ncy. owner of the ehauieauat Mello. was so pursue<l by the hatreii

of Cardinal Richelieu that he was at

last beheaded for the crime of high

treason at Toulouse, his wile had a lit-

tle chapel built iu the park of the

chauleau and begged the ciirditial to

permit her to place the remains of her

husband iu it.

Iticheliou and Louis XIII. denied her

prayer, and she relired in sorriiw t" a

convent, where she had a sumptuouschapel built, in which ire.v standstatues in marble of her anil her hus-


But the little chapel of Cires-les-Mel-

lo, tluiugh einply, bei aiiie the center of

the plluriniage of lovers on accoimt of

the alleciioii which had prompted it*?

erection. It Is to this modest place of

worship that youths and maiflens re-

sort from mill's away on Easier Mon-day to learn their fate.

Tlie mode of (liviuation is most curi-

ous. The entrance to the chapel is pro-

tected by a grill work through which it

Is easy to pass your hand. The youngman or woman who wishes to learu

whether the chosen on ? will wed hlmor htr during the ensuing year takes

a sou In hand and, putting the armthrough the grill, tries to cast the souon the altar.

If the son falls ou the altar and stays

there, it is thought certain that the

saint will intercede for the lover andbring him, or her the happiness of mar-riage within the year. If, however, the

coin should not fall on the altar or

should roll off, adieu fpr a long time to.

all hope of marriage.

The sous of fortunate and unfortn-nate alike are gathered by the priest

afterward and devoted to the purchaseof masses for the unhappy.—BostonGlobe.

State Union Benevolent Society of Kentuckyi INCORPr)K AT) I ))


X'alue of Lodge Prnpert^

General Worth..Sick Beiiefits !'


.$15000 no

f^ ~onr.


..$1500 (X.

...$600 00....|3QO 00

Value of Propert)

Widow and Or'r>han's Home FuudWonian s Board .'. ~

Financial Membership Department, iu operation one year

and six mouth.s with three death claims j)aid $350 00

General Worth, Grand I,odj(e and Subordinate Societies $28750 00



Morri.son Fickland, Preston, Bath Co., Ky $12 50Sarah Howard, Mt. Sterling, Montgomery Co., Ky $50 00


Peter Mosby Minter, Fraukfo;t, Franklin Co., Ky $100 00


Total paid as death claims $162 50We want men and women of good moral character everywhere to

1 build new lodge.s. lufornyUion furnished on application

I .\ddress, P. W. L. JONFIS, Grand President, Mt. Sterling, K\

of the cold (iud cruel northern winter.

These beautiful myths appear to havebeen s'.rau:;^^' si'.-.'.'.restive and Indies

tlve Qf tha<t great truth which wassoon to follow them— to be boru Into

the world and never to leavu it, comeKummer. come winter- iu the persoti of

our Lord Jesus Christ

It was the policy of the early church

to give a religious' si}.'niticance to all

those ancient und heathen customswhich she could not easily uproot, lii

this case of the not very devoted woi

ship of the goddess Eastre. dilutea

as It was with the leaveu of all man-ner of social gayety and festive re-

joicing, the conversion w;.3 not a \ ery

diflicult matter. The spirit of joy andfestivity of the occasion was left un-

touched. The caus^ alone was changed,

and almost unconsclou.sly the Sa.'ii.ns

acoef)teil new reasons and symi»athies

without having to deviate from tl:eir

established customs.—Living Church.


Hanfflnar Judaii In Mexico.,

The most curious paschul customwhich survives In Mexico is that of lb''

hanging of Judas. For days before

Easter mer bants dlspl.iy in the streets I

small and lartre wooden images o'

Isi arlot, and these are bought in great !

luantities by the natives, who ban;;

them with much ceremony at EasterI

time. <

SouveiiiiM .'or the dinner on EastP'

Sunda ' f>r for functio;l^; durini the

I tiny rubLits or Eiister

vitb Mited uuts or with

The PaKan Ancestreu of a GremtChristian Featival.

Mauy of the most popular and curi-

ous customs aud observances of E<as-

ter and Eastertide are 01 remote andpagan ori'_'iii. The name Easter itself

is undoubtedly derived from the artis-

tic appellation of an ancient SaxontO'idess, "Eastri"" or "Eostre." Thisbright lady, tail and Haxeu haired, waspopularly supposed to preside at the

annual birth of tiie spring, when every-

thing was renewed, when earth lie ;.

to deck herself with llowers and be

ty and heaven itself was clearer. ."^I.-

v as evidently a relation of Siegfried,

and before him of Baklur, ail of themtypes of tha glory and beauty lUat

aro.se in 'he Vorld when the '

spring was boni and the da

Kj'jger, as Uie death of the gre;i - i

heroes was also tyi)lcal of the decline

of summer and it- ' at the bauds

SeeinK the 9nn Dance.Ofie of the oldest Easter supersti-

tious, around which cling many folk-

lore tales and legends. Is the wide-

spread belief in the sun participating

in the general felicity of the season

by daiicins in the heavens on Easter

day. Devonshire maidens still get upearly on the morning in question to

ol)S;'! ve uot onl.v the dancing sun, but

the lauib anti Hug iu the center of the

di.sk. .\n old Sc:iti h belief makes the

sun e\-, :i n:ore active, for there it is ex-

whirl around like a mill

'.rivi' Ibree !e:ip:-. — Nt w \vvk


a- the Joy, the

What you can

save by dealing



Your Shoes

enduring love.

Don't they need repairing

I am a firstclass Shoemaker

and will mt '^^ ^your Shoes

I look >'j^e new at a very little

!expei^iii. Call at our store.

io b.


f. .: •:in' and

4 THE REPORTER. M"^ . ii u, KY. Saturday, April I4TI906.


TDservance of the Day Most ITotAble

Evf-nt of Year in the Egy^inn City.


At the Greek church in Cairo, the ob-hurvance of Easter i.s the moat notable• veul of the year. A traveler who at-

t'Jiided a service there thus describes it:

"A goodly portion of the early serv-

1' f was coil.!': I ' ' I'ui the farther

'Ifjjthb of tl. lie iconostas-

There « . i, i.., m sight butthe magnificent screen, but we coul'l

heiir voices that seemed to come fromthe recesses of a cavern alternately

chanting and intoning in strange, un-funiiliai' accents.

"During this part of the service thechurch was ilimly lighted, and the curi-

ously sarbeU flgures moving through thegloom in the body of the church seemedsingularly weird and uncanny. At agiven moment the lights were turnedup, and each person in the audieucelighted his candie. The great dome re-

flected the myrtiids of lights \intil oureyes were almost blinded by the suddenglare.

"At this point the golden door in thecenter of the iconnsinsis opened, andthere came forth fr. in the holyof holier,

into which IK) 1:>. " in i.iuy enter, apageant of scmlbavbaric .«i>lendor. AHerald Krith staff in hand nnd wearingth* dress of the native Creek cleared theway. His .short, while kilt stood outlike the gauze skirts of a ballet-dancer:he wore course, white stcckiugs, gar-

tered above the knee, and a rlchly-em-broiriHied zouave-Jacket.

"IJoys carrying incense burners pre-ceded ihe patriarch, who was followedby acolytes, bishops, priests and othereccle.slastlcal dignitaries all in full

canonicals and each carrying a lightedcandle.

"The vestments of the venerablepatriarch were gorgeous with gold em-broidery and prpciouK stones. Some ofthe disirularies carried palm branches


In their hands. Of the two who worenear the end of the proce.ssion, one car-

ri 'd an icon—sacred picture—the framerl ' hly set in .iewels. which he turned to

th** audience for veneration, while theother held in his hand a large Bible set

with precious stones.

"Forth from the 'royal door' theycame through the center of the church,and with slow and measured step madetheir way into the courtyard—a mag-nificent spectacle. The (tignitaries gath-ered about the reading desk, while thepatriarch recited the liturgy under thestar-it sky."—The Pilgrim.


Pretty Booklet Which Can Be Madeby Any Girl for a Friend at Very

Little Cost.

Easter in Mexico.

A native Mexican Kastor is a curi

ous exhibition of ignorance and super

.<!tition. The p opie delight in pro

ces.^lons and In "/elrd ceremonies. Atvarious places they enact passion

Ijlays which arc' very real to the In

dians. The cliaractrrs in Ihe play

carry out their parts with great real-

Ism. tTntll recently it was a com-mon occurrence for a man to volun-

teer to be crucified, and actually to al-

low his bigoted- countrymen to per-

form the awful act. The volunteerwa.-; a criminal, who. if he came outof the ordeal -nlive, received a full

and fr^e pardnn. It not infrequentlyliappened thai tho man was killed, for

he was made to ride with his face tOr

ward the tail of a mule, while tbehowling mob was privileged to beaihim with sticks and stones.

Lady's waist of raspberry red taf-

feta, as given In the Chicago DailyNews, with stock and chemisette ofbaby Irish lace and festoons of lace

insertion. This smart mode is madeover a fitted lining, the waist and

A pretty Easter remembrance canbe made in the shape of a daintybooklet, containing an appropriate orhelpful poem for your friend Thesebooklets may be made In two ways.The leaves and cover may be madetwice the size of the page desired,

then folded and stitched with silk

ocrd or narrow ribbon, and tied in al.not at the back. Or they may be cut)ato pages instead of leaves, holespunched at the back about an inchfrom the edge and a ribbon runthrough and tied. Cut sheets of thetinted paper to the shape and size

y iU wish your book. Unruled tinted

n )te paper, wholly out of place for

correspondence, may he used to ad-

vantage, as it is already of a suitable

size. Other paper may be cut in long,

narrow sheets, to be fastened at oneend 'The poem is to be written ortype-writtfn, using as many pages as

desired, but only one side e' tlie pa-

per The bool lets .^ul(i a* the stores

are t:ood models of i^uw much nr howlittle to put on a page. Select a pic-

ture, or several of them, suitable to

the poem, and mount them on pagesof the same size. Froiu fancy boardcut a cover a I'ttle I.-rs^er than thepages. On the front ol t!;e cover puta picture i r Mng. Bindwith ribhiii; rian Critch-

low, Ui •'.


r ', ,.,11 ,.


I Sleeve puffs are tucked to give the ap-

Ipearance of box plaits; and a novel

I shape applied yoke of the silk opens;

at the neck to reveal the tiny cheij'l-

sette and high stock collar. Size 26will require four and one-half yards of21-lnch silk, five-eighihs yard of 21-inch all-over lace and five yards of in-sertion for the development.

A 'Valentine Oame.A St. Valemine's post office Is al-

waysgood fun. Request each guest tobring an original valentine; prepare apretty box with a hole in the top to


receive the missives as the gur- 'ig

come in. Later in the evening Uavethe valentines distributed pi miscu-ously, each one to be read aioud. tbengues.s who was the autlif ^ Partners

I are found fnr refresti- .ts by a boy'I'l girl I

, other's et-' fusions.

M. . .











I .. Ki ! •/».; I. tv . i : I IV V ., jaUn duy , Aprii 14-

mm '4 rfi^fl Talk With




Author of • Little Stories of MarriedLite."

(Copyrif;ht, by Joseph £ Bowles.)Yes, uiy husband and I ;)ulica iifck

and neck together to eara a living,aU but once, and then I got ahead. 1

was always great on pluuuing. No,you coui.lii i do the way I did. Marian,uiy daiiKt,(er, she couldu t either. Kring-tn* up's illflerent.

1 was brought up to work, but IB«ver knew what work was till 1

moved out west with my husband.When he cut down logs, I helped haul'em; when he built the cabin, I pla9-t*r«d U; after he'd planted, I hoed;and from then on iliere wasn't a [jen-

ny earned but I d helped to earn it.

We had only one child—you knowwhat Marian is. She was Just the•ame then—not big and large-bonediUu her father and me, but Just whileand light and dancey—never strong.P»rhaps I d kept all the etrength formyself and hadn't any lelt to giv.' her.But even when she was allln' it wasM Kiuble to take care of her-and1 planned for her. It was like livingIn the prandpst story that was everwritten to ^lan for Marian; and pull-ing; ncrk <)nd neck we'd thriven mightywell, so's as soon as ' she got bigenough we sent her to a school in theeaat. She was our only child, and we•ent her away from us; but it wasn'thard— nothing was hard, for we wereplanning for her; and we saved hereand we gained there, afid she had thebest, and by and by Joseph sold thispiece pf land and that piece of land,and we tame with Ine money to NewYork and he began to speculate in thestock market.My, but the money flowed In! And

for the first time my heart went deadtired. I sat in the hotel all day Ions;—you know what a hotel bedroom is.


I sat there all day long while he wasdown speculating, and tatted—crazywork, tatting! I sat and tatted to keepfrom thinking, for I knew—! He wasalways giving me money for clothes.•Why don't you go out aild buy youa camel's hair shawl?" says he, "and

black silk dress and a purple velve!bonnet." Land. I Just put him offsaying I'd do it. Nearly every day hegave me a roll of money and told me I

lo buy clothes; but I thought nothing1

—for I knew. I never went out of theroom till he came home, and then


we'd Uke a walk toeether -he all

,and me In niy ol'I du.is with

I Uo-drt dead tired in me. From the<•-' I'd warn him— I'd worked for theIV y, too—but he wouldn't hear to

"W, so I shut my mouth. It's

' thing to know when to sav?lit breath on a man.No, my dear, you couldn't have put

'! at n.oney by and never used a* pennyand neither could Marian; but Hior»

*as something Into me si'

stronger than the buyinK di

Mat the thousihl of It didn't ;

me as much as a fly's wing ii,

was waiting—and I knew. You r.iu

;,et along without a sight of thiii>;.f,

if yoi; only think you can. I niad«in'ni send and pay up Marian's schouiiiig "way 'ahead.

Well, like a woman In a dream, I

lived, waiting—waiting—for what was•lire to come; and It rame! U waatailed out in ili while I satI'V tUf marble !'

; ,-an tatting;and a woman I knew caiiie in and said:'(»h, there's a smasb-up, an awful?!;iiisli-iip In Wall stre<^—maybe yourtushaiid's ruined." And I rose fromriy chair and I rolled up my tattingand flung it dnwn on the marble, andI said: "Oh. If he Is, I'm glad of it!"

>nd I stretched my arms out with thefirst free feeling I'd had In fourmonths.

'Glad!" says ihe woman, and shelooked as If I'd R<jne crazy. Perhaps I


Ther I heard Joseph's step coming^iwn the corridor, halting—halting.

Whrn he came In his face was whiteclay.

"Miiandy." he said, and stopped andstared at me; then he groaned. "On,poor mother, poor mother! You'resmiling so I can't bear to tell you.

We're ruined. I've lost every cent wehad in the world!"

"Is that aH?" said I. "Well, lefapif right down and plan where we'll

go this summer." "Where -we'll g'o

Miis summer?" says "he, staring at me.' I'an'l you understand? We're ruined!

Mlrandy. Mlrandy! We've got to beginagain, hoeing corn and binding shoes."'

"Humph!" says I. "what you need;I? rest; you've been living on yournerves for four months. Y'ou and me'il

go away to some nice quiet place in

ihe country, and Just rest up. Alli

you want's time enough to turn aroundIn, and you'll get on your feet again,

easy. Just take time to turn around."|

"Who's to pay for it?" he says. "Oh,j

poor woman, your senses are gone!"!and he hid his face in his band. I

went and pulled 'em down, and stuck|

a big roll of bills Into 'em. i

"Here," says I. "It's a thousand del-i

lars I'fe never spent any of what you[

Are You a Knight of Pythias?WHY NOT?

Be one of 5-OOQ^fand five the Supreme Lod^e

a genuine Kentiicl(v Greeting' at Louisville "1907"

i20.000. Valua!'^m,j

SI5.000, Endowment Claims ("aid

$8,000 Funeral Benefits Paid

"70J)0C, In Subordinate Frcheqiiirs

SI4.000. Endowment Reserie

S5,000, Sick Benefits Paid

Provide For That Loving Wife and Dependent Daughter


Address: J. B. SNOWDEN, G. C, Lexington, Ky.

McCormick Lumber Co.DEALERS IN

sash Doors, Bhnds, Shingles, Lath, Locust Post, Tobacco

Hogsheads, Rough and Dressed Lumber.

Oak Boxen $1.35 per 100 feet. All kinds of Plaining

Mill and Shop.Work. Ruberoid Roofing.

MT. STERLING, KY, Queen Street

Successors to SUTTON & HARRIS)

Dealers In All Kinds of

Goods Sold on Installment Plan.

Everythinjjf Up=To=Date. Call and see us.

Undertakinjf a Specialty

Cor. Main and Bank St. Mitchell Building.

R. C. Lloyd's is the place to get the best Livery jn

the city at right prices.

RUBBER TIRE-Hacks, Buggies and Run-adouts.


Everything In:

Gas Goods,





KHve ine rve u«eii planning we a lake

a re^t Look up," says 1 "and laugh!"

bill h»- didn't laugh. He pulled medown untu his knee, and hid his old

lacs with the gray bfavd on my shoul-

dei There ain't any clothes in the

world could have evened up to that

moment.Aliri that we pulled neck and neck,

same as before, and we pulled clear

out into the open. Spending's a fine

thins—but saving's finer, when you

i.an 1.) it—you couldn't, nor Marian

brln.mng up's different.

Grt out that checker-lioard. for the

pain's tuning up again and I'm plan-

ning to beat you at a gann- of check-

era. Playin' checkers is a .sight bet

ler ihan grumbling.'I'lif fjoveiimif'iit of Turkey ie

ciillnd ill (liploinatit^ iau^iKi^e the

Siililiiuc I'ortf. TliP origin of th*'

ft rm in iu the oriental custom of

iiilmiiiistei'ing justice at the gates

1)1 lilt- jialace. In time the phraseli»-" iiiiie avDoiiyinous witli the gov-

eiuim-nt itself. Trojau councils

wen- held in the gates of Priam's

palace, and Xenophoii calls the

Pi I rtiauconrfthe Gate." Moham-niid II, founder of the present Ot-

to nan empire and sultan fromH.'il .to 1481, styled his capital

'•n he Lofty Oate of the RoyalT. fit." Through French, the Ian-

). ige of diplomiiiy, "Loftyti..te"' became "Siibliiue Porte."

THElRnPORTHR. MT. STERLING, KY., Saturday ,April 14 1906.

where ye from?" questlonea Buck


"Just down from Uawson and bound

.;r ihe new strike at Faro mounialQ.'

That's where we'rt- goin'," said

iTioraas. "We'rie from St. Michaels.'

.Matka entered at this moment from

his care ol the dogs, and with famished

face stared curiously at the vanishing


Captain cleared his throat uneasily.

"We had an accident down the

roast," he began; "Matka upset mysled in an ice crevice and lost all the

iiitfit. Fortunately we saved a little

tioiir and some seal oil that I brought

ilong for dog feed. Wo ve traveled

20t) miles on that diet, and if it isn't

asking too much, gentlemen, I'd like to

buy enough of your grub to last mi-

and my boy here to Faro mountain.

I m simply famishing for something to


"Wo ain't got any more grub than

we want," said Thomas•Yes." echoed Buckhurst, "we've

lauled this grub clear from St.

Michaels, and we want what there is

jf it ourselves."

The hungry newcomer smiled a

frank, ingenuous smile, while his voice

iook on a gentle tone.

"G*'ntlemen, you don't seem to real-

ize what it is to hit the trail on an

?nn'" •M< irh T haven't eaten for

Hi this cold bites hard.

.N'ani' price. You can get more4rub at Karo, and—


"No! I don't know what it is to go

lungry. and don't Intend to learn,

either! ' roughly interjected Buckhurst.

'mboUil 'led by the other's apparent


Then he paused abruptly.

A liig black six-shooier had leaped

0 the stranger's hand and lay care-

easly therein

With a sharp gasp of incredulity

Thomas instinctively shoved his handsroofwards till his heels left the floor

Buckhurst pipe in hand, with gap-

ing jaws, rose stiffly, hack to the wall.

' FortunateVy I am not a quick-tem-

jered man." purred he of the dulcet

ones, "or I'd injure you curs! Don'tiry any quick movements. This gunlas the easiest trigger I ever saw, and

1 was born with Ihe gift of marksman-ship.

Face the wall, both of you," com-manded ilic st'ranger. "Hands up!Now. Matka, divide that grub. Halfand half, you savvy? Two piles, all


With an alacrity born of hunger the?ui(1e obeyed

"Matka. tell the squaws to hitch uphe strangers' dop^s: they're goint^ to

leave in a few minutes""Now get into your clothes." com-

manded Captain.

"It's your turn now " growled Buck-hurst. "but if I don't get ye some day,I hope I rot!


The sled shot down the hank to thedim trail which wound like a threadalong the gleaming coast, and witUou;a look behind at the tow of curiousfaces they plunged into the silent cold.




A MiningCamp Verdict


iCupjriiiUt. IWi. by Jus«i<n U. Uuoiex.)

Buckhurst and Thomas lashed their' bleeding ilogs up the steep bank, paiis-' mg Leiore the door of a log cabin,


Howling curs swarmed from the vil-


iage roofs, while out from the low tun-

nels crawled tattered, fur-clad Eskimohlldren and silent women. From theabin a wrinkled old man tottered,

I speaking guttural words of welcome to

i the newcomers."Here'a a go. pal!" said Buckhurst,

as be unlashed the bulging sled. 'It's

all iiquaws and kids. 1 wonder whereIhe bucks are."

"Uiinno, and what's more, I don't

•are! " replied Thomas. "What I wantis something; to eal, and mighty quick,


In haltiDK words and eloquent ges-

tures the old chief explained that the


men had gone hunting and would not

! return for many days.

"He says the grub is gone andthey're all starving."

"Serves 'em right!" grumbled the

ither, as he strained at the heavygrub-box. "They it ought to work sum-^

mers and lay up a grub-staKu. 'Sposi-

now. tbey want tu eat ours, liiai we've

hauied 300 miles Well.

As Buckhurst prepun'.j iii< w.-iromemeal within, willing hands bniughtwooden bowls of water from the dis-

tant hole, while old women, weak withhunger, mutely laid offerings of dried

,;hlps, grasH and driftwood for thf fire.

Weeks before hunger had stilled thechildish laughter of the village, andteething babes sucked at rawhidethongs, while the elders gnawed onbits of bone and salmon fins whichpromised nourishment.Thomas, knife in hand, sliced thin

strips of bacon for the pan, while ChiefJoe eagerly gathered the moldy rindsand apportioned them among themothers, who muttered tu the skin-clad infants In their arms

St)on a fragrani steam of cookingfood, of boiling coffee and frying meat.


filled the low room Children criedioftly. while the squaws stirred un-easily and moistened their lips

rnmindful of the hungry sounds.Buckhurst and Thomas voraciously fell

to and noisily cleaned up dish afterdish.

The low door swung back to admiti stooping figure, which straightenedup sliowing the tall form and clean-;haven features of a while man."How are you. gentleme: .' I judgedrom your sled outside iha there were

- rangers slopi)ing here.

"All right, Matka!" he called throughthe door. "Unhuok the dogs; we'll lie

jver here till to morrow.""Yes, captain," came liaok from out-


"I say agaiu, we must maintain lawand order."

The governor paused and gazed atthe bearded population of Faro Mo-iu-lain, which had assembled at theNorthern saloon. He continued:

"These stran.pers have been robbedof that which is more precious in thisdasolaie country than gold—their food

"Loni; ago we formed regulationsgoverning this camp, which read, im-mediately foUowing the section refer-ring to the return of stray dogs, as fol-lows: Any person or persons con-victed of stealing grub or provisionsof any kind shall be publicly whippedat the post iu front of the A. C. company s store, and forced to leave cauip12 hours thereafter.'

"Therefore, as it is your pleasureto carry out the letter of our law, aschairman of this meeting, I will ap-point Mr. Barton, Kid" Sullivan andBrocky Dick to execute the sentenceupon the accused, if he shoulii have th«temerity to appear among us.

•This meeting is adjourned.

A man opened the door closedcarefully behind him. and said la


THE REPORTER, IMT. STERLING. KY., Saturday, April 14 1906

leiise voice: "Here they (;om«!

The commitlee Bled to the bar andbacked against it, while the eagercrowd pressed forward along the wallsand grouped themselves behind thetables.

The door opened toldly and a manentered, followed by a native. Bartonsprang toward him with a cry. and,grasping his hand, wrung it fiercely.

"Why, Cap! Is It you, Cap? Wheredid you oome from? Come here andlet die look at you, Charley! This Is

a good sight!" aud dragging the smil-

ing visitor by the arm, he broughthim toward the light, where the rest

of the committee stood bewildered.

"Yes, I'm Charley, all right!" an-swered the other.

He felt a heavy hand on his shoul-

ler, while the pitted visage of BrockyI If ok was ihrust before his eyes.

"Quess ye don't remember 'Brocky.'

do ye? Ye ain't forgot that day at

White Horse rapids, when ye draggedine off them rocks half-diowned, haveye? Well, I aint! Put her there!" andturning to the indignant onlookers, helaid: "Gents, they's a vacancy onthis here committee from now on!""Me, too," cried Barton. "I resign

ray place!"

"What's the trouble?" said Captain,

scanning the angry faces surroundingblm; then, spying the hairy front andsneering eyes of Buckhurtt andrhomas:"Ah! Ix)oking for more trouble are


"That's him!" louuiy proclaimedKuckhurst. "I want to know whatthis camp's goin' t6 do with this hereitrong-arm man."Th6 governor mounted a chair and


"Gentlemen, a nii.scarrlage of justice

seems imminent. Two of our commit-tee have refused to act, and aa chair-

man of the recent meeting. I will ap-

point in their places Big Mike' andMr Jones of Australia.

To Matka's questioning eyes, the

:Ircle of stubborn faces boded trouble,

le loosed his knife in its sheath, andking his place beside Captain,

•ched with wary glances for a hos-

e sign.

"Yes! I held you up," said Captain;

hut I was starving, and you refrsed

me grub—


"Don't ye believe him!" yelled Buck-aurst, while a murmur of dlsbeliaf

ioun4ed from the crowd. "He just

ivalked in on us and took it."

"You lie!" Captain's voice cooed soft

ind clear.

At the words the crowd, dividing,

icrambled hastily toward the walls out

it range, leaving Captain and Buck-hurst facing each other.

The governor tactfully cleared his

hroat and began:

"Sir, you have admitted that youobbed these men at the poRit of a

{un. You can't expect us to believe

;hat these gentlemen refused food to alungry 'musher.'


"Sure. Tha!t don't go." scoffed a

jearded bystander. "I reckon you've

ibout had your little say."

Well. I haven't had my little say,"

uiirmured Captain. "I want you to

aear the truth of this matter."

"The truth!" said the governor. "I

lon't see why we'd ouxht to take your

*ord any more tITan these other fel-

ers. Who are ye. anyhow?""He's Charley ("aptain," chorused

barton and the "Kid." "You've all

leard of Captain, squarest man on the

tfukon. You Dawson men remember:he rescue of the Porcupine party,

lon't ye?"

A murmur of surprise greeted the re-

narks and men looked curiously at the

lero of many wintry tales, while in a

•pspeL-tful silence be briefly told of his

weetiug with the fwo at the village.

A yellow mackinaw gframed abovehe crowd while the voice of Big Mikeoared: "Meeting will come to or-


"Go%ernor, you're chairman. Now. I

nove ye that the committee transfers

ta affectionate attenshun to them twoskunks!' "

"Second the motion!" cried the campio one voice.

;;arried!" shoutSd Mike.

Va the governor saya, we're goln'

o jjrotec! tile law an uruei nere aur-n the blooniin' growth of our buddin':amp. and we ain't got room for fellers

ike you. See! You git! Meeting is


As he stepped down from his chair,

le continued: "Well, governor, maybet ain't accordin' to Roberts' Rules andParliament Practice.' but ii'g accordin''o Alaska."

'And Hoyle." added Jones, the deal-

ir. while in the chonis of laughterhe door closed on the figures of Buclc-iiirfil and 'ih,)iuas

C. L. Banks


Fancy and Staple


I Depot Square Ironton, O.

Phone 414 R

iieryShampooing:, Hair-Dressing, Manicuring:.

I Miss A. \'. Walker,


Mrs. S. R. Mitchell


ro4 E. Walnut St Danville


Our Meat Department is fast

forging to the front because the

stock is fresh and wholesome, the

prices and full weight is our hobby.

GRCERIES and VEGETABLESTempting goods at tempting prices;

frevh, clean and nice.

Elour—Town Talk. $2.75

Monarch $2.40

All .sorts of vegetables—Cabbages,

Onions, Potatoes, Apples, etc.

Call and .see us or phone 192.

E. K LITTLECorner of Locust and Queen gts.

Mt. Sterling, Kv.

"A Thins of Beauty is Joy Forem"

Such is the new cafe opened by

Emmet Robin.son in the Hayden

building ou Walnut Street.

Firstclass meals are served at

all hours for 25 Cents.

Prompt and polite attention to

all are the leading features.

En met Robinson Cyntliia*i,Kf

HOPE L006E. U. B. F.

K. H. Holly W. M., John Set-

tles, D. M., N. W. MagowanSec, Kid. W. H. Brown A«<8. Sec

William Howell Trea.-t., William

H. Dyson, Chaplain, Willia;n Davis, li. S., Thomas Jones L. S.

Qeorg Hamilton, Sr. M., Marcus

Young, Jr. M. M., Charles Cole-

man I. S., Milton, Smith, O. S.

TiuHtes— Gabriel Gatewood

Juhu Coleamn, Frank Young, and

Thomas Tipton. Sick Co.i mittee

Mitt Johnson, Milton Oldham,

Henry Wilson, Aion Bell, > nd

William Dyson. Alb«rt Aaderao


Sulli^ein <Sc ToolieyAre in the market for aU kinds 01


Sucli as Live yaunryTjl !^es, furs,

Feathrs. Efff^s, Wool and Sheep i

Pells. For which they will pa v the

highest market price


mm.€k Wm®€.W,; handle allthe best grades of Coal

East Main St. 'Phone 18



All Kincis of Repairing Done Promptly

Estimates Furnish..-d aud work Guarantfe" 'Phone loi

Palmers Skin Success, Skin Success Soap,

Ayer's Hair Vigor, Parkers Hair Balsam,

Capillaris for Ihe hair.


Finest Kuneral Supplies

at Lowest Prices.

Calls AnsweredDay and Night.



Office; 324 East 6reen St„ Bt. Preston and Fli*'!

Louisville, Ky., Home 'Phone 3813

RESIDENCE—419 East Burnett Avenue

Home 'Phone 3825


Persons having lots or houses and lots for sale or rent will

do well to see him before renting or selling. He also fills

Pen.sion %oucheis and uegociates with attorneys in Wash-ington and other places for Increases and New Claims.

OflBce East Main Opp. Gas house. East Tenn. 'Phone 43.




Ruberoid Roofing Best RootiMade






The C. M. E. Church. -Exterior View.

M. ,vii I L-iltLL.

J. M. Mitchell is the

n -^tor of the C. M. E"las a congregation of a

.•,ui a membership of 400te'l has i>a.stored soiiik

(il ti:<- JI.SI clnirches in the cmi-

i-.eciion Ht- one of the leading

ministers ol hi.sclinreh. As a fin. in

nd pnstor he has no snpi-riors

his serm >ns aie well prepar-

.iiid n!')-t excellentlv lendri-

}Ic is a member . f the Gener-

I of the Church and has been

•r .1 s- s It 111 IV !>,• truly

him ihit lie is a progressive

n mi' ister. TliouL'h ' this is

vear inMt. Sterling, he can

l is III r"lv hy his iiCijUailU-

anc's. His idaalsare high an eno-

hln I' 'istiaii gentleman.


iCup>i nut. 1*0. V.> .l .sel.ii K How Its 1

U W.1S ,1 rougli riiad in ihe Blue

Kidl'e r:ui: f away up in that pari ol

Ni;rth Car.'l.iia wUerp there is liUle

mere of ri\ ili/.ati(>:i than Is loiind In

8uy typical moiiiuain (ountry; but the

fa:t was scarcHly iioliietl l>y ilif man.

whose jog trotting little Jeniiey mean-


dered stoliilly aloiis]

They were a in-tnliarly well-mated|

pair—this man and lieaat To a|

rloae observer rhey bore ea 'h other

a rirseiiiblaiife .Most liliely it was a

sinniarlty in their dispo.silions. thouRh

1 hasieu to abaolve Hall .leiikin.s from

Ihe little creature's Inlieriteil rii.irat-

tfristic, for while hf was bumble and

p j< lit and stolid and stupid, be wa.s

i d of no very ui;uked will pow-

er. :.iul \vi' all iiucler.-..li>iiil fuMy the

m ar.ing of '•stubboin as a nmle."

It was growini; w.irni. ami Jr-nin >

vas getting tired, as tliey liid come

t^M mile.s from Lowell, and II was

I , .. long past noon. and. Ihmgh she

CDiWd lioa.^t that her speed bad been

po<ul on this rorky road. Jennry was

n 1.1 a wull-rcmcmbered little

that they should be nearins.

uii 1 it her steps were slower. Ihcy

werr quite decided, while her ears Hew

forward and backward ni.ue raiJidly.

Th? rider did not perceive this. He

was (hlnkins of the rude little hut

«hat was his home, and the pretty wife

who awaited him. and the child.

How pleased .she would be with the

candy -real red striped sticks—and

the bright little dress he had bought

I r her! He remembered so vividly

1 day he met Liza and the child at

I, Ivowell fajr.

1 iie little one was trotting along

and prattling .so cunningly that he

pave li T some candy, after which

she lieiMrae so friendly that she In-

sisted upon him being her escort to

nee the pigs and horses. Of course

be waF delighted at Ihe opportunity

of niHPtine lAiS- and her parents, and

soon I hey were all good friends.

.Aftrr this Jeniiey often made the

trip 1" Lowell, viliich fact explains her

ih.ii M'h knowltilKP of the road; and.V, Hall ncv.M knew how it hap-

m 1 Lixa promised to he his wife

1 be weat in search of the old man1 . asU liis cousenl, for this kind uf

t;.in2 Is c< aducted about tlic same v av

C. M. E. Sunday School Officers and Teachers Interior View of Church

Alexander Bowen. Supt., Miss Wellsle Davis, Seb'y-

the V, orld over.

The <5ld man had coughed, and, eas-

ing himself around in the chair, spat

quite far off the little portico; then

crosied and recrossed his legs several

times, and drawled out:

••\Vaa-l. ya-ass, I reckon so—but ye

know Liza do be fond o' the chile I

guess ye be Mowin' to take 'em both?"

Hall smiled now to remember that

he crew almost angry at this, and re-

pliei! that he would not dream of sep-

arating them, even if Liza should be

willing.• Waa l, ye sec. 1 low d as how ye'd

hettcr know thai we uns don't know

who the chile's father be—an'—fur as

our love fur Liza goes, don't give a

dnru; we loves 'em both, an' is glad

ou 'em, but ef you an' her Is sot om

eaih (.ihcr an >ou vt- a nun 10 laKe

•eni an- ireal em while—all right. But '

long as 1 live i 'lows to see em well;

treated "


Hall expressed the proper gratitude ,

anu went back to Liza. Soou he took|

her to his little home and provided 1

her with all the rude comforts pos- I

sible, and right happy she seemed to I

be, and the child was a constant joy.


True, she was not his own, but; shej

was Liza's, ami fo was his. and inj

his weekly visits to town he never


forgot to bring a gift with whit h to

win from her a delighted try aiid al


hearty hug.j

I Jenney was very near her goal now,]

' and at the ^il-'hl of its shining sur-

face, jogged up a few steps and waded

In with evident delight. She went

In up to her knew, and itretcht* lt*r

short neck out to drink M she weal

• little deeper, while pullwi felt

feet up on her back.

Truly, this was a oool, piMMnt

place, and between drinks Jenney •fod

admiringly a shady spot besid* tke

road under some large trees. Vwtty.

this was a good place to rest. b«t IT«II

would not care to stay here loBg; fet

knew of a much more promising reit-

ing-place further on. where tbVe

would be loving hands tQ walwaa.

and a nice dinner to refresh the In

aer man. Poor Jenney! her reMonlac


could not reach so far; she had found

a nicer cool place, that just suited hw.'

and when Hal! finally urged her t»

Iniov3 on, she stepped a little further

1in and planted her fore- feet decidedly.

THE REPORTER, MT. STERLING, KY., Saturday. April (4111906

A lo<ik of stony dpspalr s|ir(>a(1 ovpr(

H(ill's iface. He know Jenuey Mor'

than iince he hail seen Jeiincy |ilani

herself just so. with iho result iBai

Hall walked on home, after iis«k's.si>

piilriii^. whipping aud cursing; thei

leaviiig her to return home at hnleisure. But never before had thi

circumstances been just thase.

Hall groani'il and cursed a little, andtried persuasion and a few blowswhii 1) lacked emphasis, because hi

knew Iheni to hp nsi Ir.-.s and thtn:

beiu,'. very patient, he decided to jus;

Bit there awhile — possibly .lenney

would relent ere long. ,

'i'hey wore In a truly ridiculous positlou; at lea.5t It seemed so to

man whose larr^. well-fed well

groomed h rsh euiiiged from the in

definite sj^te^vhcre behind, and hi

seemed to take in thf situatiim easily

Hall, who b ill dt-iid.^d to Kcl dowian J walk ti r I slightly in thi

saddle, aud lonUu.l al tlie sirai

\vi h 3 'H>;iii( ..lly helpless exp.'. :

They r"7ari!tl eaih oihei a lew i

menla. ib- i s-rasp n.a; anew the ab

sur lily of ih;- tliim; loth m.n bur.-:

Into a h.-nrty gr-lTaw thai made 111'

wood-5 r!'i:' '1 tier bead

lu see II, I

•fhe stru ,L i ...1 a all. lank, but

well-made man. of about He wascomioriably drcas^d, and wot.; h.y,,

boots and a slouch hat. His face wasnoticeable for large, dark eyes and a

heavy brown inustaihe. Around his

waist were drpositea a brace of I'e-

volvers and a Knife.' Wall, fr"en'," he called, '"guess yer

need lie'p. Been thar long?"

"Naw," answered Hall, 'not very;

but I doan guess nobody kin he'p memuch. I'll ha'f ter wade an' walk it.


The stranger rode into the stream,

almost touching Jenney as he

iialled, and they began discussing

ways and means. They had about

decided to transfer Hall to the other

side on the horse, and then attaching

Jenney's bridle to the horse's girth,

try pulling; when lo! there was a

gentle whinny from Jenney as she

moved up to the stranger's saddle-bags

and began snitting.

"By jingo!" cried Hall.

"Nothin' better." drawled Ibe

stranger, as be knowingly looked at

Hall and moved on across the stream

Jenney followed the scent of corn

and oats, and by the judicious use of

a few handfuls was coerced on her

way as stolidly and jog-trottiugly as


When they were fairly started Hall

thanked the stranger, who said,


"Not 't all." and they went on a

few paces in silence; then the stranger

said, indifferently: "Been to Lowell'.'


" Yaas."

"Any news?"'Naaw. nothin' particular, 'ceptin'

Ben .Heubin's gang's 1)' en out ag'in.

and no hope <>' caubin o' 'em."

"What Ihey been at this time?"

"(lot one o' their pards out o' Low-

ell Jail, 1 believe, an' be'ped emselfs

to horses."

"Glttin' kinder bad, air they?"

"So they say, ' answered Hall, light-

ly, "but they doan bother me; seems

how 1 doan believe nobqdy'd have

Jenney."Both men laughed.

"Naw." said the stranger, decided-

ly, with a peculiar inflection, "I doan

Uiink ye need *o be a-scar'd. Jenney'd

be a right dangerous animule fur the

gang."Again they rode in silence. Hall

was not much of a talker, but soon

the stranger spoke with true moun-

tain distinctness:

"An' what may be yer name, fr'en?

an' how fur be ye goin' this road?"

If this question was unpleasantly

personal and pointed, the honest Hall

did not feel it. but answered, readily:

"1 keep the straight road after you

reach the Pikeville fork, and go on

about four mile. My name's Hall

Jenkins, and I call my place Happy

Hollow; but Liza, my wife, 'lows

Sleepy Hollow 'd suit it best." and

Hall's pale blue eyes smiled into the

mustached man's brown ones, that


James Hathaway, A. M.. M. D.

Prot . Jjime.s S. Hathaway is a

gracUiatc of Berea College and al.so

of till- .State Medical College of

I-oiiisvilic, Ky. After ,h\s giadiia-

linii from Berea, he wa.s given a

chair in his almatnater. which he

helil for quite awhile. When he left

Bei ea, he accepted the .siiperinten-

ship of the City Schools of Mays-

villf. where he taught for several

years; He was then elected dean of

the Xormal school at Frankfort. Ky

which position he now holds with

credit to himself an and honor to

were tilled now with a strangely hos'-

iiie gleam.

"So! ye be married—who d ye

marry?"Hall's siuHe widened perceptibly.

•Miss Liza Hutch, up at l.ow«U—we

been man ied now three mouths"

"Humuh!" snorted the st;^


the .state. Thiough his sfforts and

by his on the General A.s.seinbly.

he has placed it on a level with the

other normal schools of this coun-

try. It was he who had its name

changed to the Normal and Indus-

trial Institute of Kentucky.

The girl's dormitory when complet

ed wili he the best buiiding of its

kind in the state. He was Pres, of

the State Teacher's Association for

several years. He is a


.scholar, ;i hard ^tii'lfiit


whose white teeth now pn

into his lips. There was a

gleam in his eyes now. aud his iian .

played nerxously atiout his belt as he

glanced furi .ely at Hall CertainW

there was ii' 'thing ofrcusive in thi-

kind-looking little man upon his

, ,,v initi I In fact, a mort- humblu

and friendly looking pair could uanll^

he found, and soon the ugly look fade

from the stranger's face, and iiit«) .i

there crept a pained, weary expreo


"Then I guess yer've got the little

'un. too, eh?" he asked, calmly.

"Oh. yes." said Hall, "an' a joHx

purty little joy she is, loo."

The stranger said nothing a

and once more silence reigned. lla.i

wan thinking and wondering In i

vague, undefined way, in which t'bf'u-

was a little curiosity as to how thi.--

stranger came to know of the little

one. but he never thought to ask.

The stranger was thinking, too, and

evidently his thoughts were vX>t

happy ones, for in the depths of his

brown eyes one could havr rul ;i Imu'

story of sadness.

Neither spoke until ni . in-ami


Pikeville fork, then .the stranger

! mind seemed decided on some que-

ition, and suddenly straightening uip

jIII" readjusted his belt. tiBhtcued bi-

! reins and drawled out as though ther.

bad never been an emotion in hi-'

and certainly was not now:

"Waal, fr'en', I am glad yor au

Liza's happy, and that you're good to

;her an' the little 'un. 1 giiess I'd be(*

(ler tell yer that Liza belongs u> me h\

right of first jiosscssion, an' tJi.

'un is mine because I'm her :

but seein's my name's Ben Reuumthis climate ain't healthy fur me. !>";

no place ter live sfQAdy, so I doau

min" the little un bein' called Jenkins.

I come this time to fetch 'em both

but found in Lowell that Liza ^^•n

married. Waal," and lli

ble in his drawl. 'I

I guess they both be bi iiti oil m yt i

hands than mine, and they're your i.

now, so I. give up, but 1 guess I'd bet

ter tell yer. an' I doan want yer t.

furglt, et 1 ever h'ar <>' yer a mis

treatin' cither one

leave »

to lay li


I hem, 1 won

tiiiu now iij .1

through whiil

muei standing was faint I

\fiu need not tell Liza 'bout seeiii

, iiiif loarb 'be little on- uot

luched hi

nil 1)1 his riding whip, strui k in

a smart blow with its



disappeared down the Fil

ts end an !

Don't 'ail to read our ads

'0 THEIREPORTER. MT. STERLING. KY., Saturday, April 14 1006.

The Egg of th«Aepyorrt 3 v^^ vj?

II. G. Wt I

Aul.'fir of Tne Marlliir ^


,1 ui.y. law., b) J,,,.-..

Tlir inxii with thf afai..-(l tar

Mdi shdil

.\. y Mai shall i^i the oldt-st iie

t;ro iiiidt'itaker 111 this coinilv. In

tact he is the oldest iiiKlertaker in

this ooniit\' white nr Ma.-k. Mar-shall for many \t-ars was the nn-

Jertakcr and iiiihol .tert- r lor JohnIJiidsav, one of the first iind. rtak-

er of this t-o'.inty; After liis dtath

Mr. Mar.sh.ill did lll)hol^tering at

his li.nne. I'or the last few vrs. heha-i heon identified with the undertaUing; hiisiness under the st\ le nf

Bdlts Co. W hile he has not beento the late .schools of einbalniino',

vet lie has a practical knowledge)f lioth arterial and atxlnininal eni-

I) dining that places him on par val

ne with other undertakers. Heownsa nice dwellinu; on east locust.


I.a i.-i; Dvt r the taLlH

'V/tll- Viiu've hi-arrl or < nv A^oyiri. i''" said he.

liaihir." I aiiswereil Tiie> ve go;liiisjfc l«>n'-. it soeuis n ;<ily a van)

•Mj.. Muii^ter the th.na imisl hav

I' wa-i a m n t r .Stiibad s nuV jiisi a U'Bi-iid .if •>iii Ijin »h»".I iIkv Hurt ih^si' l.oii.'s''"'

ThiPi> or four years aeto. Why?"Why? Because 1 found Xm— it


neaily 2tl years ago!"lie paused "l siipoose it's the

same place. A kind of .swaaip alxiu-

mile- north of ^ iiiafiaiiarivo. on ih>

east coast of Madanasiar And. aoiuehow, there'.s soni. thliig in the waterlhal keeps things from deraylug I)i1

I hey get any more egga? Some of the

1 found were a toot and a aal(long. We went for eggs, me and anative chap, and found the bones atIhH same time. It's funny work. Youtro proliing into the mud with ironrods, you know. Usually the egggets smashed.

I wonder how long It la since theseAepyornises really lived" The mis-sionaries say the natives have legendsalHiMl when they wen- alive, but I

never heard any su<-h stories myself.But r<rlalnly those eggs we got wereaa fifsh as If thev had been newlaid.

"1 had three perfectly fresh eggs.Well, we put em in the boat. an<l thenI went up to the tent to make somefofffe. InridcntHlly. I was admir-ing iht swnnip under the sunset, all

lila< k and bluod-red it was in streaks-a b.-aiititiil sight. And meaiiwliiie be-

hind iiiv liacis my lieuihLMi was plottingto Pi!t off wlih the boat aii.l leavf meall aliiUe Willi ihreij days provisionsr.n'l :i canvas i nt

"I heard a Kind of a yp|;i behind mean<l ilii i.- lie wa.- - 211 y.n.ii. irmu land.

John Owlngs

Jijhn (Jwin^s who was born and

reared in this county is classed a-

inon>r the best tinners of this city.

He has always lived in this townand coimtv. He was the first Negroto liavc charge of a tin shop in this

\t present he is in ilu eni-

pli)> "I I'A- 1/ Williams.

He liastlone many first class jobs of

tnrninii in this town; which has

luaile for aim cjiiiiea reputation, as

a Professional tinueer. He owns a

beantiff' home on the vicinity of

M t. Slerliiig.

t:aKi»-r Kkkh In Huasia,The i;:is>r evi.' i.-^ iisi-.l in the Rns-

eiau < liiiicli as u s> iiii.ol of kiiLilly feel-

insr lielwi-eM til.' ' leri'yiMHii and hisflock. .¥t tin- i iiuelusioii of the serv-ices tlie iiiemljei s of the eo!i'.'re7atlon

••lick Witll till- :.LU-U asglasses J V clinked irhs aredrunk at i>.i , . :


I realized in a momeut what was up,then I aimed.

" Over he went, and th« paddle withhim. It was a prerlous hitky shotwith a revolver

"I fell a precious fool. 1 can tell

yon There was that black beach, flat

swamp, all behind me, and the Hat sea.(old after the sunset, and Just thisblari; canoe drifting steadily out tosea. I tell you. I cursed museums andall the rest of It.

"There was nothing for It but to'

swim after. I swam like a champion.;

though my legs and arms were ach-iug. I came up to It by the time thestars were fairly out.

• My three eggs and the bones werej

lying in the middle of the canoe, andthe keg of water and some coffee andbiscuits. There was no paddle, so I

settleo to drift until I was ylcked up'

I lirlfted ten days, said ttie manwith the acar. "It s a little tblng miLa telling. Isn't It? Every day waa

III 9 "ie la F- fcit In th. ri."!rn5aj

Hid iht evi'iii;ii; I i]." fr l>(>|i! a lo.ik-

"111 fven- the l^taz. Was -;o infeniul

I diiliii'see 11 >ail alter ib- (irsi th.H'^

ijv^ and ili.ise I did See took no nj-I li t III nie

Tht :-»-<-ond da» I hroa. hprt one of

'he iivorii 1.-^ e^ivs. scrap-.'d ihe siieil

ai 111.' end bit bv liit. and tried 11

mil I nas glad to li.id It was go.id

'noii-b 10 tai rlie serouj eRii I fipened

il oiii ihe e|i.:h h dav and 11 scared me '

The mail wlih ihf scar pausedVes he said, "developing '

I aare say you hnd 11 baid to he-

•leie I did wiih llie ihing before

nie There ihe egs I'ad been sunkin lhai cold black mud perhaps fur

4i"«i yiars B.il ihere »aj< rm mistak-ing It Here was I hatehiiis; out thefggs of Ihe biggest of all extinct birds,

lu a little canoe in the midst of theIndian ocean

"I left the third one alone"Then came the atoll. Came out of

the sunrise, as It were, suddenly, close

>ip to me It was just a common aloll

about four miles round, with a fewtrees growing and a spring lu oneplace, and the lagoon full of pariot-fisb I look till- fr»;t; ashor-- and j. i-

!! iu a good place, well above thetide lines, and In the sun, to give It

all the chance I could, pulled the cauoeup .safe and loafed about prospect-ing

"The next day the egg batched."I beard a whack, and there was ihe

end of the egg peeked out and a rumlittle brown head looking out at me.Lord!' I said, you're welcome,' andwith a little dltHiulty be came out.

"He was a nice friendly little chapat fiist, about the size of a ben- -verymuch like most other young birds, vnlybigger 1 can hardly say howpleased I wati to see him. Ha lookedat me and wlokad his eye from the

front backwaril. like a hen. and gavea cblrp and t>egan 10 peck at>out at

onte as though being hatched 40Uyeait, i<hj late was Jiial nothing.


" '(iiad to see you. .Man Friday!'sa.vs I for I had settled ihat he wa.i


to l,i- calli-d .Man I'rida.v '

if ever QeIHas batched

' Von d lie siii pri.scd what an inter' esliiig bild ih.ii .Xepyoniis chick was.lie loliowcd nie about tiom Ihe veryliegiiiinng 111- i,.,i.d to stand by nieand walili while I tishcd tii tin- lagoonand til) -liaii-s in uiiMliuiy 1 «angh!

Aiin lie gie». Voii .-ould aliuos:.~i-e hiin i;ioi* .And as I was nevermiKli ol a s.icieiy iii;in his guiel,Irieiidly ways suited iiic- lo a T Koviieail.y iMo y.iara wc wire as hapiiyas we could be 011 iluil island. 1

used to lie WT.chiiii? iii,. bild stalk-ing round and growing, giowiiit:and ibink how 1 could make a liv-ing 011; ol him by sli.jwiiig h,ni aboutif I ever goi taken iiiT.

' Alter his til St moult he began to ^ct'laiiusonie. with a crest and a bluewallie. and a lot of green feathers atl.ie behind of hioi After a storm wewould go round the island logeinerand see if there was any drift It wasa kind of Idyll, you inii^hl »ay.

' About the epd of the second year


our III tie paradise went wrong Fridayvas then alKJut 14 feet high to the bill

I of him, with a big. broad head like theend of a picks* and two huge browu

Ieyes with yellow rims, set together


like a man's—not out of sight of eachj'ther like a ben s And then It was!be l>«gan to ix>ck his comb at me and

I Kive himself airs, and show signs ofa nasty temper.

At last came a time when my flsh-iiig bad been lalber unlucky, and hebegan to hang about me In a queerajedilatlve way. 1 was hungry too'and when at last 1 lauded a flsh I

wanted It for myself Tempers wereshort that morning on both sides. Hepecked at It and grabbed it, and 1 gavehim a wback on the head to make himleavo go And at that he went forme.

He gave me ibis in the face " Theman indicated his scar "Then h


kickea me It was like a cart-horse

Praston Rradshaw

I'reston Uradsliaw, who haa

worked at the carpenter trade for ,i

lUiMiber of years, is a ma.ster nu

•liani - 11' T.d brother i i-iil 1 ;iclcii

for a nnmber of yea;s, during

A'hich time they bnilt some very

line buildings, for both white -and

colored. After the death of his

brother, he liegan working for F,d

Williams, the leading white me-

chanic of this town. Ii: abort time

he was made his foreman and has

held it every since. He does all nt

his work b\ plans and sjieciljca

'ions. No job is too dittictdt nii'-p c

ficaiioiis to coiiiyjlicatcd for himt".ittempt. He owns a \ ery [ilea-Na' t

home in the vicinitv ot this ci: \

Beneath hint ate his two bo s

Lucian and Chat ley. 'J'he\- are inc.

nianncrl\ little boys. Th(ini;h 1111. lii

erle.ss, the\du not want foi tin \i -

r\' liest nt tent if . 11.

Lucian and Chart cy Bradshaw

CoQtiniird on page 13

in no place outside of Itouic is Kuster celebrated more .jojously and univer.sally tluin it is in Irelaiul. Thewhole bejirt of the Irish people, jieasantry and frentry nlike, goes out inglad and pious ie.joiciii- at the lli<iie;lit

of the Saviour of maiikiiiil risen finmthe deiid. The celebration of the davmay he said to liejriu on the eveiil.i


befoi-e. That evening is known in livland as "Holy Saturday." The longperiod of ivstrnliit ini)M»se(l by (. athas nearly passed, and the loiia pentup iiiirth and luerriinent will bubbleover in spile of everytliiii};. All thehoiiseliold sits up to "wntch the Lentout. ' A hearty meal is prepared, auitat midiiipUt justice Is done to It —NewVork Times.

!HL KLi'ORTER. MT. STf^RLlNG. KV., Saturday, April 14- iyot>

d with '

oila as

le eilil

: 1^. Ill .1 ^ • ;

:! will l.c-:;! I,

Robert Davis

Roheit Davis is n prolTcssioal

plasterer. He has worked at ih't-,

trade ever since we have knownliiui and is .meof theliest iilasterers

in the city. He has l>een foreman

for G. H. Strother. one of the

leading white contractors of onr

town, for a niuuher of yeans and is

truly a profes.sional at his trade.

His work will stand the test of the

best mechanics. He has done some

of the most particular work of his

kind that ha ever l)een done in thi.;

town and canpenters who work af-

ter him say his corner work and

his jambs areeijualto any and suj^er

ior to many. He owns averv pleas-

ant home ou South yueen Street.

easter In the|


CHK tienii.'iii oLillilr.'ii w.iU:- .n i

EiLster .MiKi J.i.v i:i .•liioiit tli

same statf of iiiind in \.!.:t!i

Anierieaii clillilrt'ii wiike on

(bii*tuias iiioruiii;.'. ni wUii

Saur i t.'laiis ami iviiiili-.M- lln'ir >.re.iais

L.»\C' lieeii nileil Willi kitiil lieaiT:'>l r:il>-

Lits aud tlieir alteiiiiaiits. i>lvi's, l'.iii-ie»

uUd little old ras:liluiiud ^iiuu;e.<. \.-|k>

live . iu dei>|i liiili'S ill tlu- iiinUiilaM

sides abil win) keep ear. Tul -afi'-anit of

liie beliavlor of eucli cliiid ('.iniiii; t)i>'

eutire yv.w. All night l.)'.i;r. :.i-''or>ii:i


tj tlieir holii'f. this c.>iiip...;.v lias li-vii

busy eploriiijj and hldiii.j; i';;^s arouiiil

the house. i« vnt of the way nooks uii !


The drst < liild>. awak;»n at ow.arouses the otiiers t'jH,- ii in tlie "eiei

suebeii," for no one is nW«H- '. to he^iii

the seari'h until all the brothers andsisters are dressed and ready. Thenat a signal from "vater" awa.v they

start, aud the halls and rooms resouuil

with niiTry shouts as the nests of col-

ored eggs are discovered and eajitured.

The stores are lirought to^vetlier amidivided eipiaily among tUJ

The breakfant oonsNrs almost entire-

ly of eggs, and when the ineal is ov»'r

thf boys aud girls go off to rlie street

to join their playmates. The game of

cit-r stoszen" is iiiangurated at once.

Knch eliild has lieeu provided withfrom Hve to s^lx hard boiled etrfrs. andihev butt the ends together witli a

sudden rap. If one egg cracks, the

owner turns It over to the child whohas done the damage; If Iwth eggsbreak, ueilhcr loses.

Tlie building of bonfires also consti-

tutes a portion of the moniing fun.

These tires are made only Tor the pur-

pose of beating pitch or tar. whicheach boy has Ijeen l ollectiiig aud stor-

ing for weeks. Then they turn then-

Jackets Inside out and .se|>arute into

u&ue9. each gaui to have Its own bon

'I' . of .-I 1 '^nnttT <^rfi*tliiK.

••.n'ii:i r e

I I ^•n." "l Ic is risen

ill.leeil." Slid pri'V;i:is. l.ul i:i .\n;cr-

icu, and il i^ il >ulr ml if sm h a gr. ei

iu.g however sifiiiiri .-lilt In spirit. wouUlfluil tliorongli iiic<-jdanie here. Withthe growing recojfiii'ion of the festival,

its celebration \>y all sects anil classes,

as is now the < ase. ihe want of a ver-

bal exiiressi .h <viul>oUi!lng iu ^omepart all II day means is

strongly U --honld Ije an Kaster creeling jusfii.s ihere Is a Christmasand New Year's gieethig. and it should

be welcome to al' creeds. The oppor-

tunity is lying in wait for some felici-

tous phraseuiakec—New York Sun.

A Vri-tty SpuiiiKh Easter Coatoin.In till' counlry districts of Spain the

(leople bring bi'ds In little cages with

them to church, and at the moment the

Girtria is pronounced open the little

sates mid throw, lh» feathered singers

high over tjielr heatU to the air.

James E

James Iv Magowan, who is class

ed among the best carpenters of

this town and county, has done'

some of the neatest and complet-

est work in his line that has ever

been done in this town and tonnty

He is a contractor and builder and

has been for ntimber of years. Heis the son of John Wesley Mcgowan\Khn wa>; 1 carpenter h\' trnrlc. He!


is the architect builder of his resi

dence iind also of J . C. Gro.ss' which

appears iu this is.sue. Aside ;'ri>m

his ability to do carpenter work he

is a natural genius, and has done all

kinds of tinkering. He is also the

traveling agent aud representative

of the Reporter Pub Co. His wife

M rs . M a 1 1 ie M agowan is c| ii i t -


indnstrions liousPkecper.

i i i i 1 g 1 i i .

The Residence of James E. Magowan and wife.

fire and to war against the other. Thepitch is nielte<l on the ends of long

.sticks aud serves ani the wea|K>n of


warfare. Kach lad will piek 6iit an

l«[)poneiit aud endeavor to smear the

pileli over him without getting any

from his antagonist. This s|iort fur

nishes considerable amusement to the

older folks, aud some of the l>oys are

so clever that they will return from

battle, peace having beeu de<'lared.

with not as much as a single daub on

their coats or faces. Others not so

well versed Iu the art of parrying tiie

strokes will emerge l>esmeared from

head to f<x)t.

After the midday meal the children,

from the youugest to the eldest, an-

washed and dressed iu tlieir be-t

clothes. If the "grossmutter uud gross

vater" live in the bouse with them they

remain indoors, t)Ut if not tJiey go to

the home of their elders. They are re-

eeiveil ver.v formally by llie gi-and-

parents. and as eac-h child steps for-

ward he is questioned as to his health

and general comlnct. and after l)eing

adnionisiied to continue an obedient

child or praised tor some l;ind act lie

receives a present.

In the evening comes the egg party. I

and where the grandpan-ats have a i

large house the event takes place un-j

der tlieir roof. J'he games wlii< h make

up llie f\ni of the cveninu- take t'.ie

form of contests In wlucli" all of the

children are alloweil to participate.

Perhaps the most exciliin; Nport of

the evening is the -'eier laufen." or egjc

race. .V course is built around .the


room \\liicli takes the child over ch.Hlrs

and Im . s and under tables and finally

I through I.'

on the opposite side of the apartment

Si.x eggs are i)lace<l on the tioor at the

starting point, and the child is given n

s'im!1,.iv w»/)i -a spoon. With this li.

must take each egg and. carrying ii

around Ihe course, deposit it in a has

ket at the finish. He who completesj

the Iraiisler in the sliortest time is de- 1

riared tlie winner. If the egg is drop-\

pe<l on llie course it may be picked up;ig:iin, biif M point is marked against

Ihe contestant every time the egg falls

to tlie floor. The sport will keep every

one ))res(iif l!i i .i!-- of Iniighter until

the la.-' iversed the


At the suf ' ehild finds

a fancy '-.i' plii.i-. nnd

when 1:

' u

home I i < .Is

of the li!i|i|' year.—Bosf..n Globe.

12 THEIREPORTER. MT. STERLING, KY.. Safurday, April 14 \90i

II. .1. BRENTFiMKM-nl Directorand iimbalnierW IN lil'.SI Ki; K V

ttmsBm\m-:^-»^ 'a---'ftmT-Tiitf-rr-

GRAND tCI'RT i iii h ihf^'

l .ii. Mickr-ii P:lI'


1 ^ . M M, 1-i.iiikl'M!-.

' ^'-i'' ivvrni Mt. Su t


: '11 I.oin

1' A im:i Sl.-i 1 ii-.i.ri


K. J) . M:»' in.- I,

Ouviii.nl. lii (',. k. I . l.Mii

..I 0,u-\llll, kKlllll.llni, (i

Anna .M::ii,|\, ||,-n.l. iMxi. ('..

lliiiii.' H.uiis Rioliiiiomi, (1. A->si

C C:i ri.' I 'iu is Coviiiijii)!.. (',.

H, iiii;i Sc(.ii, Mt. Su rliii;.. ('.. HLizzH- b.\ is, Aslilriii.l, (V I'.. Mullie Carter Paris, G. Led., U/.y.ie

J.icksdii Georgetown. Grand Tni.s-

ices— I'rcnch Thonif.son Paris,

Georgianii Hill Gergetowii, Rach-el W'akos Lexiiift toii.

Phildelia Lodge No. 1911

G. U. 0. of 0. F.

Kr^illar rueolinf; Ki.ist ami ThirdFriday nights iir each nionlli . ( )fli.'pjs:

^ianford .Ifiiutt N. K., Krank YoungP N. a, Ufll N. (i.. Joe Win-jr«'<' N. a. Perry Wrenn K. S., MenM rti.nts W 'I' . Ki'l for.) Yonn.; \V.

p. I. I (iiifWDdd A.lv.. 1{. K. ri(il..i

I. 1 I )•.. Jj 11 «s ^\Ut I I II liI , 1 I'.

*(> 'A . Washipginn P S.

U. B. S. No. 18. Officers> 11.1 lor I ,l<».iiM t, Pii -iiliiii

U ,•- \ \'rc>. AlirahHiii Owin^x. .See,

.) . P. Hi.vv»'ll. As*I. Sit., |).,vi.i

Wbii.-, Tri-a-'., Jnr.lHii (ilnver, Chap-Ihiii ^iMvvanl.q

Wc.x How.'n, Daniel

J'Mic', \ I'.Han, anil .lorry Mh ; wanMil liill.s— lien llamiilon a>i.l CIihp.

Walktr (ie )rgo Owings Janitor.

Residence of Rev. J. C. Cross and wife

The residence of Eld. J. C Cross

on Teniiy hill It is beautifuly sitna

ted on an elevation that gives Mrs.

Cro.ss and Bro. Cross preeminence

overall of Mt. Sterling. So all of us

ha\'e to look up to their, in their

home- Bro. Cross has lived in this

town for a numlierof vears, was p i.s-

tor of Bapti.st Church in this Cil\

for ten years. He is now pastoriiig

in the Howard's Creek Dist. He is

the moderator of the Howard Creek

Dist, association. Th'gh Kid Cross"

field of labor is elsewhere; His in-

fluence and worth in this town is

always felt and sought. In all jiub-

meetings of our people in this City

he is a prominent fitrure- His wife

Mrs. Lizzie Cross is a teacher and

,-(>nders him much iuvaiuabl'.' Ser-

vice along all lines. Their home is

pl'-asant, and the latch string is

han<^ing on the outside.

tip.mes K. Magownn, contract. >r


BARBER shop:i irst.iass Services Guaranteed


sr.w i

Miss Nant> Tlioiiitoii at the

C. M. R. Parsonage is prepared to

do all kinds of plain and fanc\ sew-

ing; 1' asonable ju ices.

Rin-' "lioiit-

i-'quTa SoiiU Concrete.

Liquid sidid coiicrelf* is 1


York nov.'liy. ('«iniprcssi(.'

ciifiicd nil .11 ("oiniiillia in. ,. isi

ty nil I ylimri. .! : »esi pieces of tou-cKTf 17 d;iy- oiU .inij 12 iin lii s

long by 4 ill f'.iaiju'ter sLowmItliat till' nialeria; -flowed iindi i i

load of IL'II.OIIO to i;,(i.(l(HI p,,.|. .,1s

The < oiKi-ete was held in - . . :

tubes. Two test piece.s wei


pif.-scd by more Ihau ihret- m. 1,

ec :icd the diameter con csimndinyly ill. leased. It was suiiposeiltl.al this excessive distortion hadc..iii|)letely disintegrated the couereie and left il a powdered mass,but when the steel tube wasSi. wed apart and removed the coiiciele was found to have taken thiexact shajx- of the distoi ti-d tub.-

uiid was solid and jierfeet.


Peter H. Magowan, who worked for some timo with his fatherat the carixMiters tr.ide, is now a plumber. He has worked for sev-eral years under a professional plumber and is now about as good asvou make 'em. He has worked at his tr.ide in Louisville, Carlisleand several other cities in this Stale, buriiig the seasons whenplumbing is dull he works at carpentering, paper hanging and paint-ing. He is as.sistant le.ader and teacher of The Mt. Slerliii- CornetRand. He is a courageous young man and has been successful in hismany undertakings. He has only been married a few months, so he isstill in his "Honey Moon."

The Blue Gfass Traction CompanyP.\RI^—Leave Lex, i.Lton ev. IV li-uir tr.nn ' . in. to 7 i, m ai.d.iand n p. ni

,leturnin-^ every hour from 7 ., ui. to 8 p m"and mand ,. p. m. GKORGETOWM-Leave Le.s n.ton every hou, rom

6 a. m.to 7P. p. andyaud .. , p „, retu-n.i,,. . v.-rv h,„P f


t) a. tn. to 7 p. .m. and lop.

Her pr.»tty easter bonnetHad a rull~fled(red garden on It,

And Hity yar.ls of ribb.in by tlie mass!And of birds I <ouiUed plenty;(1 am sure they numbered twenty!)

Hall the soiiKsie.-s of the settlemenl—alas:

And lo! there came a wonder;\\ hen the organ pealed in thunclei.

And demurely In her cushioned pew shesat—

While the riilnster-bellg were ringing.All the birds—they went to elnglnB

In a wild, tumultuous chorua on her hat!

And the bees—from meadows goldenCame buzzlhe down the vslvei aisles and

dim;They left their native bowersAnd sought honey tn the flowers

The roses on that Easter bonnet's nni

Then the saints—they grew excited,And I hey fled the .scene afl'rlghted.

And fans, and other weapons did theyseize.

.^nd that lovely Raster bonnet—\\'lth the full-fledged garden on It-

Was surrendered to the mad, maraudingbees!

— B". L. SUnton, In Atlanta ConstltuUon


THd REPORTER. MT. SibRLiNCi. KV., Saturday. April 14 i90b

\/. u . a\i)i:hso\

M W. Anderson is tlie proprie-

tni uf a larvje sroct-ry and us ai -

r.i ii on Ivast Main Street. He wast I a niiintjcr of yt-ars chief clerk

: ir tlif fir ofni Howe & Johnson,.fter the deatli of Mr. Howe the

'•nior nienilier of the firm, he had)niplete control of the concern un-

lil the bn.sine.ss waa all wound up.

Since that he has been conducting

busine.ss for hiraself. Mr. Ander-son is quite a businefks gentleman.

He buys his goods direct and is

therefore able to compete with all

merchants. He has his own livery

and orders are readily dispatched

to any part of the city.

.^7/..IS /;/ h.\.>

Silas Hums is .in t lectrical cii.;

neer. His calling is one that is rare-

answered by a Neoro. His knowledge of electricity and his ability

to handle it has l>cen so thorough-

ly demonstrated to his eniployers

that they do not hesitate to give

him :econinienrlations that place

him oua level with the best electri-

cal eugi..cers of the State.* ;Mr.

Burns has been in the employ of

the Old Kentucky Telephone Co.

at this place for a number of years.

He is often called to other townsto special a.ssistance in his line of

work. He is his also Tenor SoKiist

in the Mt. Sterling Cornet Hand.

/.. II . STOCKW . Stockton is a tailor b)

trade he has one of the most com-plete shops and offices in this end

of the State. His work is all done

under a .strict guarantee—No fit nopay. His shop is heated ai)d light-

ed with Natural Oas, and is fitted

up with the latest improvements.

He has the trade of the leading

merchants and up-to-date dressing

men of the city. His wife frequent-

ly helps him jiud besides her, he

has two men regularly employed.He owns a lovely cottage on liast

Locust Street, hand.somely finished

on the outside and . ounilctph fur-

nished inside.

^Isa.-ic ^llel! is| a machinist, H i

had charge of the tuachinery d.

l>artmeut of the Star Planing Mill

of this county a long time; Whenhe left that mill he took charge^ ^the McComick Lumoer Cu. s Plan

ing Department, where he hashcfii

the foreman in the machinei

partnient for many years. His woiUcompetes with the work of the fa>

tories of this county and in manyinstances excels it. His ability lu

get out bills according to plaiis aiu-

specifications has never lieeu excelled tn this town. His skill andal)ility has been worth much to hi.s

employers His servicf i^- alwa\ s iudemand.

i got up. and seeing he hadn't BnisaedI started off full tilt with my arm*doubled up over my face. I madafor the lagoon, and went In up to myneck. He stopped at th« water, for hehated getting his feet wet. and beganto make a shindy, something like apeacock's, only hoarser.

"I won't tell you all the little de-vices I tried to get that bird 'roundagain. I simply can't. It makes mycheek burn with shame even now to

thtnk of the snubs and buffets 1 badfrom this Infernal curiosity. I tried

starving him out and struck fishing,

but he took to picking along the beachat low water after worms, and rubbedalong on that.

"I shouldn't like to say how longthat went on. I'd have killed hinsooner. If I'd known how. However,I hit on a way uf settling blu at las:.

It la a South Ameriian dodge. I

joined all my fishing lines togetherwith stems of seaweed and things,

and made a stoutisli string, perhaps12 yards In length, or more, and I

lastened two lumps of cora! rock to

the ends of this. It took roe some timeI

to do, because every now and then I|

had to go into the lagoon or up a >

tree, as the fancy took me. This i!

whirled rapidly 'round my head, andthen let It go at him. The first time I

missed, but the next time the stringcaujhl his legs beautifully, andwrapped 'round them again and againOver he went. I threw It standingwaist-deep In the lagoon, and as soonaa he went down, I was out of the wa-ter and sawing at his neck with myknife.

"With that tragedy, loneliness cam*upon uie like a cur.se Ck>od ?>3r<i, youcan't imagine how 1 missed that bird!i sat by his corpse and sorrowed overhim, and shivered as I looked 'roundthe desolate reef I thought of whata Joliy little bird he had been whenhe was hatched, and of a thousandpleasant tricks he bad played beforehe went wrong.

"I couldn't think of eating him, soI put him In the lagoon, and the little

fishes picked him clean. I didn't saveeven the feathers. Then, one day. achap cruising about In a yacht hads fancy to aee if my atoU «Uli ex-

\Liiii OlliLC 'II I . II. >iiii.Kit,ii. riic Tnilui


"He didn't come a moment too soon,for I was about sick enough of thedesolation of it.

"I sold the bones to a man n .

WInslow- a dciler nfar the U,museum. It wa.s only after his ilf.nii


they attracted attention. They called'em Aepyornls - what was It ? "


"Aepy'ornls vastus," said I


I thought 'twas hard—the tollln', the tideu-pullin' strong.

But* shouted "Hailelula!" when the Bahvcame along.

H» coaxed me back to youttlifi: a Mvln' song -

I was happy, folks, 1 tell you.Baby cajue along.

For all the dreary winter—for all the skiesso aim,

I seemed to see my moOier In the twinkltn'eyes of Mm;

An' a tl, iiisaiid swooiest flowers In desertsspeiiied lo tlironK,

I heard the l)lrd^< a-slngin' when theBahv rariie H[of,g


Lord bless that little Baby—lh« bast one Inthe riinch!

He'll be yet there. In the kpringtime—Juata-vvadiiig in the brancii.

And Ood gives liini ihp pleasure of the rightab^»ve the wrong—

We > ' Without measure, wbtin thene alongi

—Ai : .!atltuMon.

The Definition of the Defeated.She- -And so you think I'm a co-

quette '? Why, I don't believe you knowwhat a coquette Is.

He (bitterly)—A coauett* to a woa»-

an who syuaicaies ner anectious.—

'lit*. _

The Retort Com-teouB.

Muriel—Paul told me last night 1

was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

Jessie—Oh, that's notliing. Why, besaid the same to me last year.

"I know, but his taste ha.<< improredBiticu then, you know. "—Cassell'a.


She—1 am son y. Mi- .Tones, thatI c«uD(it iircept yoiii- a£fec{iou.

He Then all yon have to do,my dear madam, l« t'l 1 . I I! >

isaltitiiOM: Aaii ricaa.




THE REPORTER. MT. STERLiiNu. KY., Saturday. April 14 \Q06 1 'f


I'll f. J. S'. l"..->trii, is a grsiduate

i! 1'.. r' (' liege, is the senior part

i and feed estahlish-

mcijis, iiiuU-r the style of" Eslill &Owinjjs." He lias had chargeof tiie

I'lihlic. School of thiscitj" for 15 yrs

His work in this department stands

out very iiromincnt in the educat-

ional wnild. He has liad ahoiit 45,

j^radtKilc- daring his stay, all of

.vhoiii except afew are holding good

))osiiions. He has figured much in

the business interest of the people

of Mt. .Sterling. He owns several

houses and lots in the town, and

itsvicinity. He is classed amongthe real estate men of. this town and

county. He has a nice two story

frame dwelling on East High St,

when completed will be alright.

Christ—A K , ;,]

Among C;. .


It is well known tbat i-

C! . 1 tian oil II roll for U,

ytaii warai ilispuies i



X . .1 oi

cJf y ©f \

it rn cliim iii-t., 1. .


by t^e cl.Brch a^ Jor^ot fis. said it fi-a.s n

Fi Iday shoiU J- alway;.CO >'"eaioiate Christ'.s aesrSi I) :ay His reSdrrertiorttest grew so wafuj, tlKfi p;

comimininatfii iliiV h'h i

laliiifes coiilil l.ai 1

It is dlffltiilt fn;

oiir fathers

separated th>

a matter of

that the aisseemed to the people of tli::

made of gold, te their sii'

pears to be made oaly of HWith ug. as Is wi^J known . ,

what is called a liSovable ftsUval. It

Is always held on The next Sabbathafter the vernal full moon, with theexception that of the vernal full jnoonshould fall on a Sund.iy. then, to

avoid all conformity with the .Jewish

practice. Raster is not kept till thefullowlng Sabbath. The vernal full

moon is that which either takes placeon March 21 or on the next date after

March 21. If the vernal fvill moonfalls on March 21. and that day hap-pens to be a Sunday, then Eastercannot be held till April 25, which is

the latest date on which Easter canfall, the earliest being March 22,

This is certainly a very mechanicalcontrivance, and one which most peo-

ple And it difficult to under.«land orremember. Owing to obvious connec-tion between Easter and the .Tewish

Passover, the French call the formerPaqiies I from the Hebrew Pr s ch.

which means a parsing oven ob-

viou ly some siu-h title as tlUs wouldbe r:iore appropriate than nms niiich

com^s fr'>T the ?axon sn i

b li' ved to the same a"! •^l

tarte and the (Ireel,

^'t nus. who wa^! specially worshipedj

the spring season as the mother I

.;nd giver of animal and vegetable 1

life. From the -earliest ages various

"•^'I'lis and superstitions have asso- !

ihemselvjes with Easter As at

. Unas it used ta he believed that

! water was turned into wine andt all cattle Unelt in their stalls In

iuraririn of the infant Saviour, so it

IS held that at the sunneed In honor of esurrec-

'' liRO Standa: i


. the Little Animal Can>« 1(0 BeConnected with the Celebra-

tion ot the Dav

l"he part the hare play- c

lalion of Easter lias uothiug wUaievuri do with the resui reelion of Christ.

is a survival of Teutoolc folkk>re of

:i known antiquity, aud Its religious

unection ib with nature-worship, andlut phase of it in which the moon was a

chief divinity. The hare became a sym-bol lit the moon, for several reasans—

<o it comesj out at night (o ifeed';'

ise the femnle carries her youngtor u month, reijresentlng -the lunarcycle; liecause the young are born withtheir eyes open and were fabled neverto close them, thus resembling therhoon, "opeu-eyed watcher of theliight;" In one way or another theregrew up a fund of stories in whioh theconnection of the hare, the lunar periodi<nd the paschal full moon, which fixesthe date of Easter, developed so that It

gave rise to many popular customs, inGermany, among the Scandinavianpeoples and in England. The queerestbit of this folklore is that of the whitehare, which the children are told comesInto the house ou Easter eve and leavesin corners eggs adorned in beautifulcoloi-s. which every good child mayhave. The egg w.is In reMgious legendfrom the oldest tfmes a symbol ofopening life and of immortality, and.naturally of the resurrection, so herewe have the people coupling ibe two.As for the rabbit, he is not ihe sameas the European hare, aut he is hisnearest Ameriian congener, and otherle.pends concerning; the rabbit's fo it

nnd the full of th.^ moon exist anionslif negroes of t;.;' .^outh.

r. ./. noNNi-h. w.

Dr. T. J. Honnei is a practicing

pliysfpiau iu this town and county.

He h^is the practice of the best

people of this vicinity. He is a jvad

tfate of one of the best medical Col

leges in this country. Dr. Bonner

Ijas only been here a few months,

but he has a very fine piactice. Hehas proven himself beyond a doubt

to be equal to - the occasion, and

trnly de.serving of the title M. D.

He has had .some very difficult

ca.ses since he has been here. He is

n touch with the leabing white

hjsicians and is frequently in

heir consultation. Besides his pro

essional qualities he has proveno be quite a christian gentleman.

R. 11. IIOI.I.Y

R. H. Holly, is a master plasterer

and cotitractor. He is one of the lar-

gest contractors of his class in the

state He has had some of the larg

e.st contracts of plastering that ha?

' ' • " lei in this town. Hemakese.sti

and does all of his work by

|ii.iusand sjiecification.s, Healsosets

concreti pavements Several sam-

ples of this work is iu this city. Helias had some other laige jobs in

in other cities and towns. He is

the contractor of one of the largest

jobs that has ever been let in the

city of Fiankfort, the girls' dormi

tory on Normal hill He has recent

ly completed 'a large jod naar

Cinti. Ohio. He owns several hous

in the city. His dwelli::g is aj

landsome two story frame onI

Ivast Locust.

s N >


blossoms irt tKe SWITiiget arid doLiaty, €very oae ,y^

. irve the duwo, so pure and brijKf,liie^Jind forth, ifietr lov«. arid li^'

!aster"Tjeiii thiit rin^ aad riaJ^^

'aki/^ every ^lad h.eart sirxa,

hmWilC* in tficir ve,ry souaaT, I

preading Tru+K aad love, dro

^An(i agairvtlic story oJd- ^'^^0 tKe little oae-s^istoldi

^•tory 6^ ~c^e:t ever riew ,^§{ our CHj isT- is told to vou.^nd so full His @rr»ce >re fee

e. altar kne.e.1.ye. at^

Qjnfectioncry. Restaurant.


Fine Candies. F ancy Frnits.

Pro. P. W, L. Jones is a ffradu-

ate of the State-Normal aud ludust

!rial Tnstiute aud has for the last

\ e;u- had charge of the Colored

schools of Owingsville, Ky, Prof.

Jones has made for himself quite a

record in town nod county as a

historian. From his early school

life up to the present he hasmatle

a .si^ecial .stud of history, aud es

liecially that of the Negro Race.

He has in his pos.session data and

statistics about the Negro that i->

invaluable. We predict that in the

future, Prof. Jones will give to

this country one of the complete^t

hi.storv of the race thru was evci

placetl on the booksellers shelf TTi

is also the Giand Pres. of-tht

S. Society of the state of Kentucky .

Above all he 'n >t a-^hmnc 1 >

' work.

vll. STERLING. KY.. Saturday, April A- lyOb.

Ri-v. J r A

(it h I'", 'crj: ri


J III I .1 1 1 u iiii k : - 11


II»' hns onlv hi-( 11 tl;

' Ml >i t fiiiie, lull 111 . ni 1 1 'u .

leai-liiiT.; li.i-. ;ili(:i

s inie iiiucli nco'ltci ii ]inii -

h iil liiir; Dining lii-

liifiiilxM liip iiiis laki 1,1

B; "llif w lin lc-r is lip lo tlie

nii llid.ls oi pasloriiij; mid rav.siii

nione,. His seiiiioiis are very in-

teiiaiiiiiis f"" of the ' lire.'

Siiuo liis iiastoralc. he has mades'inie verv necessay inipro^ ciueiit on

his church. He is not onlv lespt-ct

eil by his o wii nicnibers ami congrejration, hni the- whole coninuinity. His fame as a gospel minis-ter has alreatiy gone i ill.

Officers and Teachers of Evergreen Baptist Ctiurch Sunday SchoolA.MKS StEW.AKT, Supt. EUIZ.^BKTH vSkttles, Sec

Kaiifer G<»l»lin.s,

.Nov I'll ics in the Kastt-r aif luhhii8 uiuile out of etsiss. For this inn-

[(osf llip coiiteuts of lUl !•-

jiioved throiiiih h hole in oii^

ou the slieli is painted a I'

'Iheii with .1 little lii;;einill.\

arms iire attached, and e\t-.i .i < .i

luH.v Ikj added, iliiis ).. idiiciiis: a vpi i

(oiulc efFect Eniiaily

"Vgjt rocker." which Is

lUK sealiii? wnx niid tli.

lbroiii;h an o|ii i.iiij; in

egg, so that aU of the

colle. t at thi! other enlOiiteiits hnvini; l)pen \if

moved by Mow in.; Then i

puluted with a con

and ciiii are addi il

llK'ire of fun i! it v.

Iii sittlii'g iipri' t. no m

^ihat ifaotrv cOuts to (fiood ;f ridaj)I v iHAHLES WAUNtR, author of "The Simple Lile."

STER, witlj its tranquil certitude that death is

Easter 1 It is a brightness of the soul more" tile brightness of the day. more evident than

:nat I could carry into all hearts tilled with-1 in mourninR, a ray of that divine dawn.11. do so many Christians fail to catch the vivify


royal day?.11 y do not know what Easter owes to Gpod

V of Easter is not directly accessible to us.

must pass through the "via dolorosa." Such' the Scri)itures, and life confirms and Ulus

•^1 llie Sc.i ijiliires. Superficial man sees the spirit of (Joil

in th^ mirficle that rends the rock of the tomii ir.to fragI 'tches out his hand to grasp the miracle;;ns empty. The Christian soul throughout

i n.'i tlius deceived. It says. "From the Cross, the

' - ilst me. brother, that thou canst not believe In thi.'

i^e. Thou dost not astonish me beyond raeashou see the Christ die " And those who, lilie

lor love of others? Hast thou felt the greatness of;ni]uishod for God. for justice? Hast thou wished toio die lil<e them? If tliese things are unknown to

. canst thou discern the Easter message? Thou hastio l;ear that lisht. ,

• ilile of life is terrible. In our nights. In ourour supreme struggles, show us not the Risen,

i fieri One! It is fium His dead eyes that theII of Easter is kindled. To die as He died, to die

HI. IS to spell the unknown Verb of the true life. Thereiier school to liberate men from the hideous chainsleir slaveries, and from the most awful of all—their•i> dcitth. There is no other school that does this

•1 of the Cross.ihou wouldst bathe thy soul in the victoriousEaster, know this; Easter is the supernatural1 Friday the night of anguish, from whose bosomnn the air, "My God. my God. why hast thou for

not misapprehend—thig light comes from thatThere, in the thick darkness, opens the door Into the

dom that cometh not with observation."I, O Christ: It is Thy spirit which is the Resurl.c Lite: Have pity upon us who are children in

lull Who hast trod the dust of our earth! Thou Whoi-d through our twilights! Thou Who hast lain with

lii. that the tomb might be less dark! Holv Vic-! Man of Sorrows! May the Father Who sentI'hoe to our eyes. May our souls across our

iDUS symbols be granted a glimpse of Thine In1 ieur.

and toll us words of life. Thou Who art life eterind the awakening in our torpor, in our lassitude:le trumpet of morning through the night of our

n this Easter lime may all that is divine in uh thrillin holy insurrection against death and all its con

i life and all its alliances. Amen.— >'o«/A'.v Co'"/"-)!

'I'n 'I'ell Hon Cm itn Kkk Ih.

.faster eLi,v.'s liaviuu: uo tcetli to looli

,»t, s.iine other means of deteriniiii:i«


their !it;i' must lie nse<l to pre\eiit tlie

rossiliiliiy of cataKtro|ilie at the Suii-


day morniii;; lireaUl'nst table 'i'lds


method is a iroOil oue; IMssolve a (jiiarter of ii pouinl ol' salt in :i : ,,r


cold water and drop in ihe .

Ia time. If :i djiy old ;

tie to tile bottom: if t

wi|l i!o«it: if more fh i


it will ri»e a'.ove thetion to its use. ',„


ity of e'.'^s make :i l one <.i

paper, idiue the c: to bat a riiiu' in tlie l.irse e:

throii'jii the small • 1 '


If the contentsI


good, though the >

I oreil; If si)uts arc seen


In PiirliiK'll.

The I'ortu^'uese d-Mornte th.'ip

churches in the most trorijeiniB niaiuu-rfor Kapter, and the services are es-

peeiiilly elaborate. Children's choirsare eniployi'd. and from .llie ri< hest totlie poorest all tfirls .

i• a^d -iii

snowy white. The p ijljrate

Ea.sti'r by a lu-uctice : s "lift-

iiv,'." comiiieiiioralive of our Saviour'srisins from the stave. Three or fourpersons take hold of each arm andlei* of one of tlieir friend.s, or a stran-ger, for that matter, and lift tiira orher lip three times in i 1 . i l itul po-sition. Sonn'limes tl: donein a chair liui-d witli Ii : mldecorateil with ribljoii

KMMter In t||« Phill|i|iinpii.

Easter in I nelc Sam's new Asiati*;archi).elago is much more of a festival


than it is in tliis country. All of Ras-ter week in that pin t of the woi'ld Is


a holiday, and Easter Suud iy !s gi\enup to Jollitieation. uu the mornins ol


Eastern day there are rpliirious [.po-


cessions with many gorgeous and strik-*ing accessories, heade<l by bunds of)music, t'olloweil by acolytes beariui?crosses, wrreaths of llowcr.s nnd ban'ners with pious iiui-riptions. Thencome the imaees of .saints: with pic-turesquely nltireif friars or vM i..ir.

ders bringin.s: up the r

noon is given up to

ments, anion'; wli

ciipy a proiiiineni,


16 THE REPORTER. MT. STERLING. KY.. Saturday. April <4 1906.


A weekly lU'wspHpt!! iWV'

o<tbe iiiieresi (»t (he i!U «

fnhlis+ied every S'iliii-.|i\ li\

N. W. an.i .). D. MOdiift K, Main St. rip|».(i i>


Eid. W. H. BKOWN.I V4< I M,

Rev J W. SMI I Hl" K.lil..i-

J l» MAtiOWA.V. M u Hsr.

J K MAii(»W A\. I ravplln;' Aj;. iil


Une Vein

yix Monlb-

Tbree M.nilh

7."" cents.

':> cents


Wbeu yon go to ilje Post Otlice be-

»ure to rail for a paper, don't siujp

ly_aslc for your mail but ask for vnur


Send all money to the Rditor, N. W.Magowan, Mt. .Sterling, Ky. Box

Persons desiring to disrontinue

Biu<it pay their sub.soription in full to

date. Mo delinquent!* disontinued.

When you have special news that

Tou want published send it directly

to tha Kditor.

PersouM failing to get their paper

regularly should notify the ManagerJ- I) Magnwan, Box :ii7.

When you want information about

advertisements, advertising rates or

printing of any kind write the Man-ager.

V. U . MA GO WW I. I). M \ (;<) II A \

Entered as second-class matter May10, 1904 at the post office at MountSterling, Ky., under the Act of Con-

gress of March 3, 1879.

Saturday, Apri 14 1906

Second Miles'.one

Through the cycle of Ihi globe,

We pass into a brighter day


Better fifty years iu Europe,

Than a cycle in Cathay."

This issue niakrs the Second

Miie .Stone the Reporter h a s

passed since its debut iu the journ-

alistic arena. As we look back over

iis career it is gratifying' to us to

kuow that it has not beeu u.sed to

propiote the selfish end of any in-

dividual or individuals, it has been

the highest aim of the inauagenjent

of Its colunuis to give to its readers

first-- Kditorials that are in.-tructive

as well as intersting. While w e

ypeak of the race we do not fail

to tell our people of their needs as

well as of their accomplishments.

In the selection of subjects we lias e

tried to let them grosv out of the

needs of our people. .Second—Wehave published .11 our news col-

umu- the doing.s of our people a s

reported to us by our correspond

euts without friend or lavor. We

have not only tried but have suc-

ceeded up to this issue: in not l>e-

ing in not being identified in any

news paper broils, which in fi u r

mind is degrading. >ectarianisji,

creeds and dogmas have not been

known to our columns. We have

not striven to serve a pait of our

jieople, but all of theui. We hare

not striven .so much to condemnvice, but it has beeu our highest

aiui to leward virtue and leave vice

out in the cold. If we have madeany progress since we passe'i our

first mile stone, we alone are not re

sponsible; bnt we are willing to

give the credit and praise to GikI

men are learninor to scratch the fel-

lows back that .scratches his. Therewas a time when they were unable

to resent an insult and when thev

they felt that so Long as thPircheek

was not smitten nor their house

hold offnnded that they were alright

but after learning t h e eaidinal

truths about union, they think

differently and act differently. Andnow they say for as much as you

do it unto the least of us you have

done it unto us all. There are somein this town who do not sive them

credit for having that much sense

but it is true just the same. It

matters not how worthy an enter





and our patrons. We hope not to i prize a Negro is engaged in therebe classed amoufj the news paper j are some of the other class whobraggarts: but we ate willing to | cou.nder it beneath their dij/nitv to

t ike an humble place in the journ-1

patmnl/e hin» Then there are otheralistic ranks, and do with our might


white merchants and husine.ssnien

what our hands find to do. We've who patronij-e the Xeeio in busi

tried not to make the breach be-

tween the races any wider, bu^ if

possible to bring them clo.ser to-

gether. In doing this we have not

advocated .social eqtiality but sim-

ply contended for a fair deal in a

busine.ss way. We have not wavet/

the bloody shirt nor hois.ed the

black flag at any time, unless wewere forced to do it. We have as

best we could complimented the

good and coLdemned the wrong.

In our next issue we will start for

another mile.stone: and as we clear

the port we want to leassure you,

that it shall l)e with us as iu the

future as it has been in the pa.st.

We will .serve you to the best of

our ability, and above all we will

do iind say the right a.* God gives

us power and knowledo-e to see

and know the the tight : then tru.st-

jng your loyalty to a good cau.se

and believing in the justice of our

cause: we say, all Hail.'

The Negro *aintnofoor

All of us are not fools if wt- dohave fits. The Negines like other

ness in proportion to the amountof trade the> receive from them.

Every true Negro not only in this

town but in all towns will see to

it that h? spends his money with

the class of niercha ts who prov e,

they appreciate apd want his trade|

Whatever you tlo do not have to

fall out with a man to stop dealintr

with him but when he asks you

about it just tell hini you have de-

cided to scratch the feilows back

who scr's yours. We have given

every ' merchant i u this town a

chance to ask you for your patron-

age and yet there are some who by

their open refusal to advertise with

us they dont want your trade. Vouread our columns refularly and

there are some whose business you

have never seen advertised. Why?Becau.se they dont want your trade

: nd when ever you go into theii

places you are goins where you

have not been asked. It is true

we d': not spend much becau.se wedo not havd much, but whenevei

w e hate Huvthing to spend let us be

suae to spend it with the merchnnts

who appreciate our trade.

WILL I knock em c-olci. will

Ask me." Mr. Jhoniiie Farleythe uight engineer of the state asylumtook another lonK, iiiigeriug look _

the mirror and bestowed another lov

lug pat on his m w necktie.

His roommate, 'rimmy Lawrence,'walked around critically and look an-other look at Mr. J. Farley's necktie."You got em skinned to death, John,'said Mr. Lawrence, with the air of ouehaving authority.

"You're right." went on Mr. J. Farley."You see. Tiuimy, I couldn't aflord toblow In a lot of dough on a new Kaster.suit like all the rest of these dudesaround here have done. But, Timniy,I know a lot about dressing, an' 1 knuwthat you can have a pretty bum suit,

but If you've got a peachy necktie peo-


pie will Jest keep their e.ves on that an'won t notice the clothes. So I pikes

Iaround town (he other afternooil, and 1

1 picks out the smoothest thing In the


necktie line that there was. When peo-ple get a flash of this necktie of mine,say. they won't think of anything else.

It'll kill 'em dead. Say, aln'l It a won-der?"

IMr. Lawrence allowed that It was. and


Mr. Farley, after another look at theInecktie which w.is so gorgeous that it

would have made .Joseph's coat of manycolors look like a dish rag, was about rotake a turn around the asybini groundsbefore breakfa.si when Luke Lavin, theelectrician, entered.

"Say, Jack." said Lulte, "I'magainst it."

"Why"' queried Mr. Lawrence, turn-ing so that the full bi oadsldeof his Won-derful necktie was flashed all at onceupon the astonished gaze of the electri-cian.

"Out of sight," said Mr. Lavln. "Lookslike a peacock's tail."

"What's the trouble?" askedproud owner of the Easter necktie.

"I'll tell you." went on the electrician.You ought to be Interested, too. You'vebeen making eyes at that little whitefaced Thomas girl that's been here acouple of weeks helping in the office.You know the women attendants hereIn the asylum always color a halfdozen eggs or so apiece every Eastermorning for our breakfast, and we fel-lers got up a prize this time to go to theone who colored the orettiest sen.



I. ^sTEr^LING. KY.. Saturday. April (4 JI905"


ryi I O. L'. I), ot U. 1

a grand picnic J'''' ;


get rcjHlv nowf'ranilcsf alTnir m il

Ll.li. Mil I ^ L /vV /77, '

Milns .CtitleiKlc

linn niinisttr. P.e ])asti ri . i ];i

.()inil\' 'iml snrronnilin*; coin-tit'

loi :i nnnioi 1 ol \ ii : 1 !

cjuitc a snocess a> a jiasior .iim

nancier, in tins part of this sta!

He m'ently answered a call to t:o

charj;e of one the leading cliiistian

cluircnes of tilt; state at HopkinsvilW*, Ky. He has only this hi

charge for ahont fonr weeks; 1>ik

good ^ reports couie irt)ni it of his

excellency as a pastor, preaclum

and gentleman. Bro. Crittend

and wife owns a nice home i

vicinit\- of this citv.

he home of "Alceo," Record 2:10, and 'I emplehar," Record 2:17.

111 J


HENSLY. Owner.I is the owner ot won 9-10 of the races in which he

[i of 2:10 an<l started. His speed is not known. He'.tinj; record 1 wasexjielled from the a.ssociation l>e

lesiie of Home ofI

fore his real speed ftas known. Hennti y. Temple- . holds the world record to high wheel

ilion and is sniky Don't fail to .slee hitn at the

.'..lie! . He is the ; horse show. Mr. Hensly his owner is

>f I he recoid l)rakers. ' st: ickly a" horseman. '

' Besihe these

When he was on the tnrf he always, two .stallions he owns several other

well f)red horses. He is also the

pro]>rietor of the Montgniery Qroc

Co. store, fish market, restauiant,

and hntcher shop on Main St.

His bnsiness is a credit to the Ne-

groes of this .state. He owns a fiue

two story «fvvelling in the vicinity

of Mt. Sterling, Ky.

The Finishing TouchIn a gentle's evening rlress is fanlt-

lessly lanndered linen. Sifciety de-

mands complete harmony of dress.

ITarmony of dre.ss is imjiossihle with

the lanndrx- work like sonie von mayknow of,

A (lood I.anndrv

is known 1>\ its work. Our work is

perfect, and that's wh\ we are well,

favorable known. I.anndf r with us

ami he ri^ht.

Home Steam i.aundrv

A'/: I . ./. / . IIKlMI

*ev. J. Ltor of the C

Thompson is the p^s-


M. Iv Church at Rip-


! ley. Ohio. He was born and reared'

in this county. He graduated from

i the city schools of this town. He'then In .k a (M)urse in Theology at I


r<an<!'s Institute, Tenn. He joined

thp C. M. E. conf.»rence, and con-

tinued to climb until he was ad-

inetted into full connection and

"We call special attention to outf)ptical I)epartnieut, where every-


thing is up to-date and guarenteeto])laced on the iteiierent list. "His


please you. Your eves te.sted free

first charjre was on the Orassy Ct. and .satisfaction a.ssured. See our

Rev. 1. I- . WiiilL Llic pu:L.il .

the M. H. Church of this city, kfv ^' I

White was assigned to this' ^

by his conference at V olinubus (

He comes vt'r\- highly recommended 1ins ui i.s.'? i^ i

a christian gentleman TTr-l w i.i Id took a • -i

some very honorabl nianstoihis lifpti'n, T I , ; >

I , ;. '..^ in this county. He made quite a

-I rnn-it Knffine room.s. ' reputation as a inini.ster of the gos

ie Supt. of thati pel. The conference then sent him


''V'"' or''He^" Ripley, Ohio, where has charge

ourse at Fv- Thompson can

loiod one of thej""'^ das.sid with the projres

1.1 - oiuu-^ ' inii '^U-i- i;iini-:icr-

windows for the things that arenew in Jewelry the latest creationsare always to be found there. Haveyou .seen those beautiful Back Combsthe ladies are all wearing? Robinsonhas the brightest neweit here to befound. Prices Reasonable.


THE REPORTER. MT. STERl u, r ^ ,SaturJay, April s 1906.


N, W. Magowan j


PublishersJ. D. Magowan )

fhurch. His whole life has heeii

given frr the perjH-t nation ami i-x-

tension of the C. M. K. Church

He is highly resjierted 1>\' b"th


white and hl.ick of all denominationj

as a j>erfect Christian senlli n'.:in

and hishop.

Saturday, April 14 1906


It is our object in this issue to

show the bright side of the Ne<,'ioes

of ""f iKitgoniery county and Mt.

Sterling, while it may contain the

cuts of some jieisons who are not

in this town; and county stricilv

speaking this is t ti e home and

startinsr place of all of them except

a few clergymen. It is ;:ot our in-

tention to flatter them, but losim

ply give !i true synopsis of the

work of each individual from our

personal knowledge. W e are re-

sponsible for whatever is said a-

bout individuals or auy cut. Weare the .sole authors o f each auto-

graph. It is also our aim in this

i.ssue to inspire our young people

to hiijher and more enobliug ideals

We feel .safe in .saying MontgomeryCounty in proportion to its popu-

lation and area has been the birth

place of !(s many men of honor

and veracit^^ and me who are nowfilling honorable positions as anyother county with the same numberof Negroes in this or any otherstate. The po.sitions they now holdare suflicient proof for the abovestatement.

Mr. Lee Fisher who's cut was to

appear in thi^ issue is the proprietor

and ownf r of the most uui(|ue ton-

sorial parlor for wh te i .. this town.

It is not second to ativ in the Stale

It contains 5 chairs with all of tht-

other shop paraphernalia to makeit the shop of the State. Mr. Fisher

has accumulated some of this worlds

goods yet he is an iinu.ssumiug quiet

ijenlleman. Whatever money he

has accumulated he has put it to

good u$e. He is not loud nor rash

in his dealing with his fellowmen.

He is always ready and willing to

help and encourage a good cau.se. i

He owns a lovely home and com-

pletel\- furnished on I'.ast Higii St. I

Rfv. I). A. walki:n

Rev. D. A, Walker who's cut doe;;

not appear on account of beinjj spoil-


ed Is the P. Iv of the Ml. Sterling !

Dist. of the C. M. K. Churches. 1

Bro. Walker uas quite a reputation

as a tbrorough christian gentleman.

No preacher in this coinmunity is

more highly respected by all than

Bro. Walker. He has been a P. Iv

for a long time. His worth and in-

fluence to this community cannot

Ix; over estimated. He wasa memberj

ol theOen'l Conference of his church I

for many years. He was clerk of the I

Election in his voting precint for

sev eral years. He owns a nice homeon Willow St. He is identified wiih

several organization of our people

for good.


Bishop Lane of the C. M. K.

Conference preached at the C. M.K. Church in this city, la.st Sundaymorning at 1 1 o'clock. He preach-

ed from St. Luke 10 and 20 Not

withstanding rejoice not that the

spirits are subject unto you: b u t

rather rejoice because your namesare written in heaven." In his in-

tro<luctory remarks he spoke of the

vain pomp and glory of this v.orld,

ami how that men for the >ake of

earthly honor would go from one

extreme to the other. Tlien com-

ing to the text he refen^d to t h e

disciples, as to how the_\ gloried in

the fact that the evil spirits subject

to them; And how tl.at our l)le.s.sed

Lord had them to understand that

they were not to rejoice in anything saving thai their names were

written in heaven. In his peroation

he gave a very timely admonition

to the menibers of the chin ch and

as to their conduot in this world.

He is the Senior Bi.shop oi the

./.'IS. . CHA WA \

Jas. S. H .aaway is a funeral di

rector n- . embalmer. in the ciiv

of Lo'.isville, Ky. Where he is do-

ing quite a nice business. The e.Tr

ly part of his life was spent in thi^

county, his birth jilace. Mr. Hatha|

way is an officer of the a.ssociation !

of embalmers and funeral directors

of the state of Kentucky. He is

rated anion the leadiug business

men of the race, in the city of

Louisville. He owns some very val I

uable property in the city of Loui?


ville. Jas. from a boy up has alway 1

been a hustler. lie never forgets[

his widowed mother.|


Worthy goods, honestly rep

resented, rightly priced, all poin

tinp tu one moral. Buy here.

/ / TTI C I —C risp . frt'sli and"II !\ 20c. lb.

EOGS—lToni llw farm only^ - 15c Do/,.

RADDISHlis—To tickle tlwfialate .5c hundi

til TTI:H— The best Is mnkind^ .25c lb.

1*1:A CU I: - / '/-(//// Culil'tirnhi

itiid most liicioiis. 20c can

SA I.A I) l)lH:SSI\(j—Or .

(lusli ami there you are f .nu-

ly fur common food '',essiu<^

- - -Ot bottle


IS/" iinSTll'S

lie grownWc buncli


' '^—Attractiveafipeti/-

15c bottle

BACON-Lean and fat most-b' lean jr,, //,

S.\l.MU\—Llioicc ColumbiaRiver steak -20c cai^

1.1: \tU\S—<nundr>erft'i \emoms


E. T. Hon

THE KliPt ^iL.vLi.Nu, RV., Saturday. April 14 l9Ub


JAS. li. liHAW \. /'.

Prof. Jas. E. Bean is a graduate

of the State Normal School of tliis

sfHte. After his graduation he taughtin the citv Schools of this city for

several years: He was then elected

to the principalship of MidwayPublic Schools where is now teach-

,ing. He is a notary public of Wood-fotd Co. He was one of the first

two Neg-ro Councihnen to hold the

otfice in this town. Prof. ]5ean is

auiong that clas.s cf yoimgnieu whobelieve that whatever is worth doingat all is worth doino; well. He andhis family are livinor in Midwayfor the time being. When he wasiu this city he was always readv massist his people along all lines of

intereft to them.

U. J). J()ll\ <()\

R. D. Johnson is the propnetoi

and owner of the leading tonsorial

parlor for White men in the townof Owining.sville Mr Johnson began

his trade in this townseveial years

ago. He ran a shop for colored here

foi a long time. He is al.so agent

for the leading newspapers and

magazines published. For manyyears w s the leader and teacher

of the Mt. Sterling Cornet Bands.

He isquite a uin.sician. Johnson has

oonstributed very largely to the sue

ce.ss of the Reporter. He was the

fir-st correspondent to write aline

for its columns. Mi. Johnso:: has

quite a loving wife and a swr-f i ! i

tie ^iil.

Spring 1906 S^mmer


The first days ot Sprinjr briiiic thoujfhts oti

new clothes and new furnishin.ics.

SPRING OPENING SALENot an openis:. hut an Openinjr Sale, for early

shoppers we offer specially attractive values.

Quality is our WatchwordIn every department of our big; store w e han=die the best known and most approved lines.

We endeavor to offer our customers g^oods

of the hijfhest quality and reasonable prices.

We invite your inspection of our New Goods.

In solicitinj? your patronajafe for the cominj^

season we have no hesitanc} in saying that

never in the history of this house has there

been such a vast selection to choose from andwe extend an invitation to all to visit this

store and inspect our jroods and compare our

prices. Whether > ou contemplate a purchase

or not you will be welcome and the goods

will be shown with a willinj^ness that will

make your trip one of real pleasure.

Sincerely Yours,

S. M. NEWMEYER.The Louisville Store

Special Agent

American Beauty Corsets,

Keith Kont|uwror Shoes.


B i ' niiltou is a plunil.t ;

an'' I ade, He has work-

\ ars at his trade For

w;!-- tli<- 'inly Negro

1• i luring ,tlic

XaUiiui. (..ajj fever town,

lit ha.s pioven himseK tobe eijuai

t > any of the white i>luml)er5 whohave been bofght here t)y other

merchants. He is at present in the

employ of Jno. \V. Williams, the.

leader in gas fixtures in this

town .Mr. Hamilton also has someknowledge t)f carpentering, and

when plumbing is dull /he worksat the carpenters trade. He owns a

nice dwelling in the vicinity of the

ci t \ ,

City; News

Rev. W. H. Brown who is con-

dncting arevival for Eld. Richard

in Carlis'e reports progress.

Easter exerci.se at all of the rlmu u

es in the city tomorrow.

The C. M. E Church raised J!20c,

40 in their barrel ral ley last Sun-day.

Charley. Hamilton of Pitt.sburg

is here vi.siting relations.

H..C. Ivveritt was up to see his

wife aiid parents last Sunday.

Mrs. Frances- Davis is visit! H'

her daughters iu Louisvi!

Rev. I. F. White, Bro. Robinsons

Succes.sor as pastor of the M.Church of this city made his first

appearance in the cit\ ,

and preached his first .scin»im las'.

Sunday. Bro. White is very affabk

and .seems to be an intelligent chri.st"

ian ireutleman. We extend to hima cordial welcome to participate

and parrake of the pleasures, tur-

moils and vexations of on^

Mrs. J. L. Thompson retiiiiu-il

to her home in Ripley, Ohio yester-

day after spending two weeks iu

our city at the bedside of hersi.ster.

Joe Hardy is very

home iu Smithville.

Ka.ster Rally at



ke\'. J. 'J'. Wheeler preached an

xcellent sejmon at the C "^I

'hurrh Suii<lav afternoon

20 THE REPORTBR. MT. STERLING, KY.. S3turday. April 14 1906.

Elder W. H. Brown

F,ld. W. H. Itrovvn is tti;; pastor

I f the HiRlTSirrat Cliristiiii C'linrch

I I has a i ijn><i t-satii>ii nl ul'oiil son

and a mei'»''.c-rshi ot 400.. tiollit-i

..luvvn hii . )'iisliirf-'l liiisohiiU'h tot

-ev eral^ V^ar^. Utiiiiit; lii-- jmsiov-iif-

1 f has luadf iiuiiiv iiii|ii(iviiirii;

ti.e erlifiip It is now lllr lllK t II

e II Christian Clmrcli in llie sl:ilr

Brown lias ]ji<»\t-n in ninif

iliaii one wa\ his inteiol in lh<j

|i-0|jlcof Ml. Sterliii!.;. Hi- is n aih

jiul vvillinti^ at all tin)«-s t<> help In t

i'-r the conditions of our )it-i']il<-

c-uei all v. He is at home in Ih;

I'.dpit. As n pastor his woiili lia^

bfcn shown this connrej^al ion in a

liuudred wa\s. He is one of the

loreniost pastors the Christian eluir

I i es. Nfine i s more ex!ensi\el\

known in or out of tliP state.

Iv VV. Stockton Ti-.e Tailor will

enlarge tiny picture yon hiin^ to

l.irti free of charsfc if von \ ill pit

loiiixe hiin.

C. U' I,ower\' 'I'lie I'li'iiHi-

Man The pliotowrapliei wl.o ni;i'!.|

i.eai l\ J II of I he pii 1 111 es v\ ho t- . 11!


app- ai in ihis issue. \'on'll 'Ui kmj

t'l ^^e.|lllll wl'.tn von want \\<«rk Oj-

thin kind done.

.Mis .-s.!!;!!! Fieiu'h. Hiovvii \isi

ted .Mrs Calch. Clxnanll list w.->eK

Ji)e I leti lier and Mi.ss Anna K.;j

zoi Were (piictlv niarriv-d at iiuj

liome of tile hriili'sThiii.sda\' Ap i

I2th. 'I'he\ are l.oih ii.d nsi r:oiis|

\ oiiiix i>eoplr and we hope for I h- ni I

J f>ri)d;lit fiitiiie.

Samuel Coekull in. I Mi^s l.nLi

Wilson were ipiiellv iiiariied at the!li me of grooms last ."salnidiv iiiijiil

Apiil 7.I1. Tht\ ait both iiiditM:i|

I li'. > <ilinj; ].t< ]At ul ;: !


for I hem a hajipx fni 11


We are recognized as the'

tdshionable ladies' halters of

this community. Our guaran-

tee as to correctness of style

goes with every hat we sell.





Officers and Teachers of High treet Christian Church Sunday SchoolCtABKIKI. C.ATKWOOK, Slipt

-^^ j,,, ^ \,,\ \( Set

OWEN LAUGHLIN & SONR:m''es cheaper than anybody.

Have them pipe your house.for Gas and sell von a Gas

EASTER MORNW ill test our every claim as fashion promoters. The originality oi uic .i>ar

mentsfrom the House of WALSH BROS, will be in evidence in every Catherine: o*

w ell dressed men Hundreds of suits have all ready left our counters and racks called

to duty in the different walks of life to bring pleasure and comfort to our patrons.

Thousands still remain waiting your inspection. We want you to do us the honor

iv> look.

Easter Neck Wear

In all the Newest colors and com-


25c, 50c and $1.

Easter Hats

Knox All

In thr- Intest colors nnd sha]ies

1. to s^5.

Easter Shoes

The J. .Sr M. Low and '

W T<. nonglass.

All 1^


Lent lit

yoti to ins}'--ct aiui

Shinev and Dnll

Easter Shirts

For i;i>- and night wi-ii

fai' 1:0 sec onr stock.

50c up

See our Iv.\STEK \VINr)0\\'S.

They give a ] rettv s;oofl idea i.l

things within.

Mverylhing M.iX or ^^0^' wcrir'-

cMi be found heri

Beautiful Druid Sack Suits, Bt autiful Lipton Sack Suits,

Beautiful English Sack Suits, Beautiful Saxon Sack Suits

in fashions faovred fabrics, in colors becoming every occasion for day or eveningdress.

Easter is just beyond. Remember we want you to see the new things w hetheryou buy or not. We sell the best goods and newest styles at the same prices you w ill

Have to pay for common goods. Why don't you comt here for your Spring Clothes.

EASTER SUITS in all the newest shades of Gray, Blacks and Blues: In single anddouble breasted: Made in the new Long Styles, with swell or center opening in theCoat: Big Hip Peg Top pants. We sell suits like these as low as

$5., $7.50, $10.,

Don't spend a Dollar till you see Our Styles.

$12.50, $15.


WALSH BROTHERSWe do the business.










fiii TO

o Harry Linthecum's, The Comer Groceryman.



Has moved his SHOE STORE opposite the odd Fellows

»,»iini!aj i (

Building, two doors West of Montgomery National

A full line of men. women and children,s shoes.

Fair dealing and good treatment.


l^t. sterling. Kly.

..al $50,000. Surplus and undivided Profits $30,000.



it ^







Your Account Solicited.




^^V^^ V V

top related