Causes the discovery of america

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Causes the discovery of



• In the XV century Cristobal Colon, that he had read a lot of the geographical and theological literature of his time and had an extensive maritime experience. He believe that he could to go to Asia westward across the Atlantic. He went to Spain becouse in Portugal he can’t . In Spain he went to Catholic monarchs Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, who gave their support to the initiative .

• He need the naves, like boats, two caravels and one nao , called La Pinta , La Niña and the Santa Maria, although They are known as the "Three Carabelas "

• Pinta was one of three carabelasnota 1 Christopher Columbus used on his first voyage to the New World in 1492. The other ships were the Nina and the Santa Maria, which was the flagship

• La niña was one of two ships of the fleet of three ships with which Christopher Columbus sailed west in 1492 and with which Europeans discovered for the Americas

• La santa maria was the largest of the three boats. It was owned by Juan de la Cosa .

but the discovery of America was discovered thanks to the Catholic kings who gave their authorization.They need a lot of food and drinks in his big trips. There were beetween 80 and 100 peoples. They drank wine becouse the wine conserve more than the water. When they arrived they found humans and foods of course, like tomatoes, Peppers, cocoa, avocados and turkey.

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