

in PembridgeHall School

By Year Six Students


Collated by Lilac, Sofia, Katy and Gina


What we enjoy about Philosophy

Collated by Isabella, Lauren, Defne and Lucia.

What we enjoy…

• We can see different views of questions and topics.

• There is no wrong or right answer.• Everyone gets a chance to speak, at least once.• We enjoy discussing interesting subjects like

Greek Myths.• It gives me self esteem - everyone’s opinion is

important.• We like how every answer is original and can link

onto another way of viewing the topic.

More things we enjoy…

• We love that we are given such hard dilemmas, but then we realise that they’re less complicated. Other people’s ideas help us create new ideas.

• We sometimes learn about ancient philosophers and the way they thought hundreds of years ago. Even now these ideas are interesting to discuss.

• Mr Day tells us intriguing stories/poems.

• Philosophy helps us think of many little, but still significant points and views.

Things That Are Not So Great

Collated by Rosa and Celeste

How has


benefited us?

• Philosophy helps us to understand, listen to

and evaluate other people’s thoughts.

• Philosophy broadens our understanding of topics and teaches us to think more deeply.

• It helps us with sharing our opinions because we have to share opinions in Philosophy in order for the discussion to build.

• It helps us to be more open-minded because the questions have more than one answer.

It makes me look at things

from a different perspective because other people’s points get me thinking about whether I agree or disagree with them and sometimes they can convince me to agree with them. Listening to other

people can sometimes teach

me to change my perspective.


• I am more confident about expressing my

opinion even though it may be different to

the opinions of others in the group.

• Philosophy lessons have helped me with

interviews because it made me feel like I

did not have to give this one, specific

answer, I just had to give an interesting

opinion that made sense.


• It has helped me be more patient, since

often I do not get to share my opinion

when I want to but must wait until I am

given the opportunity to speak.

• However, I am always allowed to give an

opinion about something, even if it is long

after the discussion has moved on from

that point.

Listening:I have become a better listener….

• It helps our listening because in Philosophy

sessions we must listen to other people’s

points and ideas and often we have to link

them to our own points and the points and

ideas of others.

• I can concentrate for quite a long while

during a discussion, even if I do not get the

chance to share my views.

I have become a better listener……

• I am better at spotting connections and

contradictions in the views shared.

• It is fun seeing how the ideas build on

each other and lead to a whole new idea.


• We are more respectful of the

opinions of others – it is not about

having a ‘cool’ idea or a very

‘intelligent’ view – it is more

important to have a thoughtful

idea that will lead to more ideas.


• I am much better at organising my

thoughts and sorting them into

separate points.

• It has given me the confidence to take

the time to think and not feel under

pressure to speak to break the silence.

Comprehension• I am comfortable with the idea that there may

not be one right answer and I strive for an

answer where I can give points or evidence

to support my views.

• I have a store of language structures that

help me write clearer answers. (e.g. ‘contrary

to..., while it is true to say.., building on ...,

following on from.., counter argument)

A Sample of questions discussed in the Philosophy sessions:

• The Clock Work World is very

organised and predictable and the

Wind Swept World is full of

uncertainty and chance.

Which world is more like our world?

Which world would you

prefer to live in?

Runaway Train question:

There is a train track which

branches into two tracks.

10 people on one track, 2 people on the

other. It is going to run over either the 2

people or the group of 10.

If you have control over which track the

runaway train can take which one would

you choose?

What if the 10 are children/old people/

‘important’ people/people who were

unloved/dearly loved...?

Story of Odysseus:

Who is more free:

(a) Odysseus who was bound to the mast

by his own orders

(b) the crew members who were

following Odysseus’ orders and

deafened with the ear wax

(c) the sailor who took the earwax out of

his ears, jumped overboard and swam

to the sirens?

• Are we more like machines or animals?

Finally, a quote from Ella...

‘I love that you are given such

hard dilemmas, but then you

realise it is actually less

complicated when you hear

other people’s ideas and I feel

my brain physically


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