Case Study - Microsoft DOS

Post on 08-Apr-2015






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Case Study on Microsoft DOS By Nishant Vaity & Sushil Shinde




Operating System Case Study

Microsoft DOS



Group Members

o Nishant Vaity

o Sushilkumar Shinde

o Kishor Kambale

Introduction MSDOS is Operating System well known as MicroSoft

Disk Operating System.

This Operating System was the main Operating System for Intel 8086 PC’s in year 1980s.

Mostly IBM PC’s or compatible PC’s were able to use this operating system

MSDOS is also known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System)

Introduction It is single user Operating System

The command line interpreter of NT-based versions of Windows, cmd.exe , maintains most of the same commands and some compatibility with DOS batch files.

Command-Line Interface DOS Operating System doesn’t have GUI (Graphical User Interface) , it

works on CLI (Command Line Interface).

No mouse clicks are requires , every operation is done by using commands.

Some commands runs / executes directly but some commands requires to have parameters with it.

Example :


This command executes directly on DOS console

C:/>copy file1.txt file2.txt This command requires two parameters with it , like file1.txt and


File Management File Management includes all kinds of file and directory related operations

Creating Files or Directories

Naming Files

Copying Files or Directories

Moving Files or Directories

Deleting Files or Directories

Tree View Of all files and directories

Setting file atributes

File Management Creating Files

To create new file we can use edit command to open editor of console. When edited file is being saved on disk new file is created.


File Management Creating Folders

To create new directory / folder we can use mkdir or md command followed by new folder name

C:/>mkdir new_folder

File Management Naming Files

To rename existed file type ren command in console with old filename and new filename

C:/>ren file1.txt file2.txt

File Management Coping Files

To copy existed file type copy command in console with filename which you wish to copy with new filename.

C:/>copy file1.txt file2.txt

File Management Moving Files

To move file from one location to another , use move command in dos console with source file and destination file path.

C:/>mov file2.txt c:/new_folder

File Management Removing Files

To remove file saved on disk , use del command in dos console.

C:/>del myfile.txt

File Management Removing Directories

To create new directory / folder we can use mkdir or md command followed by new folder name

C:/>rmdir new_folder

File Management Tree View Of all files and directories

DOS file structure is like a tree view consist of files and subdirectories


File Management Attributes of files

Attributes of files can be set by using attrib command

C:/>attrib +s +h +r +a file2.txt

Batch Files

What are batch files ?

Lists of command line instructions that are batched together in one file.

For File management

For Web Server Scripts

Drive Controlling

Thank You !

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