Case Rate Toolkit - National Council · Case Rate Toolkit Based on “Creeping and Leaping from Payment for Volume to Payment for Value” paper developed by The National Council

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Case Rate Toolkit

Payment  Models  

Measuring  Value  

Health  Home  Rates  

Bundled  Payment  

Treat    to  


Case Rate Toolkit

Based on “Creeping and Leaping from Payment for Volume to Payment for Value” paper developed by The National Council for Behavioral Health

•  Defining what a “case rate” is and what it is not •  Steps in developing case rates

–  Using Ohio Medicaid Reimbursement Rates •  Outcomes based case rates

–  Using Ohio Health Home outcomes

Definition: A single payment to cover the cost of a case based on the outcome decided upon by a payer. Example: An orthodontist charges $5000 for Phase 1 care

Goal: Aligned teeth Treatment: Spacers

Braces Retainers

Length: 1 to 3 years (primarily depends on patient’s compliance with treatment)

Cost: Based on the average length of care and type of treatment Example: 100 patients will require 1 year of care

100 patients will require 2 years of care 100 patients will require 3 years of care

Case Rate

Expanded Definition A case rate (or bundled payment) represents a pre-determined amount of money paid to a provider organization to cover the average costs of all services needed to achieve a successful outcome for a pre-defined episode of care. Example: A substance abuse agency is paid $3500 per person for six months to provide recovery services for people stepping down from an inpatient treatment center. Expected short term outcomes: Sustained sobriety, improved coping skills Expected long term outcomes: Zero recidivism

Why are payers looking at case rates as a strategy?

•  Fee for service billing is difficult to manage and to financially sustain.

•  For payers like Medicaid, there is a set amount of money budgeted, and a set number of people to cover.

Equation: Total amount of spending Total # of covered lives = Average cost per

case If everyone gets the same care – the cost will be more than the amount available to spend.

Case Rates vs Fee for Service

Examples of Health Home Case Rates •  Case rates by expected outcome:

–  Example: Employment pilot •  Case rates by Engagement Level

–  Example: New Jersey Health Home •  Case rates by Level of care determination

–  Example: CMS bundled rate pilot for post hospitalization services

•  Case rates by population –  Example: Michigan Medicaid Capitated Payment

•  PMPM  for  SMI  •  PMPM  for  SED  •  PMPM  for  I/DD  

What Case Rates Are Not

Case rates are not a fixed budget for a single case –  Some cases will require less care than others to achieve an outcome –  Some cases will require more care than others to achieve an outcome –  Some cases will require a single expensive service –  Some cases will require less expensive care than others

Data Requirements for Setting Case Rates

Start with questions, not answers………

•  What is the defined population you are serving? •  How much of the population do you plan to

serve? •  How much are reimbursement are you receiving

by client? •  What outcomes are you measuring? •  What service array is leading to good outcomes?

Creating Case Rates for Ohio Health Homes

Purpose: Using data from state and agency reporting, this exercise will compare the average cost of providing care under the fee for service payment model vs. using the Ohio Health Home rate

Ohio Reimbursement Data

State  Benefit  Limits   CPT  Codes   Benefit  Limit   Health  Home  Services     Reimbursement   Unit  per  hr.  Unit  per  month  

BH  Services                          

Individual  Therapy   H0004   52  hrs.  per  year           $90  per  hr.   $90.00      

Group  Therapy   H0004    HQ           $21.33  per  15  min   $85.32      

CPST   H0036   104  hrs.  per  year  

S0281  $83.32  per  hr.   $83.32      

Health  Home               $188  per  month       $188.00  

MH  Assessment   H0031   4  hrs.  per  year   $129.99  per  hr.   $129.99      

Pharm  Mgt   90863   24  hrs.  per  year  


$210.87  per  hr.   $210.87      

Psychiatric  Eval   90792   2  hrs.  per  year              



AOD  Services                              

AOD  Assessment   H0001  

30  hrs.  per  week  

        $96.24  per  hr.   $96.24      

AOD  Ind  Therapy   H0004           87.27  per  hr.   $87.27      

AOD  Group  Therapy   H0005           $9.52  per  15  min   $38.08      

AOD  CSM   H0007           $78.17  per  hr.   $78.17      

AOD  Med  Som   H0016                      

Range of Reimbursement Rate

Example: If a consumer received the maximum amount of services allowable under the Ohio Medicaid Benefit package, what would the cost of care be? Therapy: $4680 CPST: $8665* MH Assessment: $ 519 Pharm Mgt: $5060 AOD Services: $2600 Minimum : $21.33 per year cost Maximum: $21,524 per year cost* *Additional units of CPST can be provided if approved by Health Plan


•  Are the service provided leading to good outcomes? –  How do you know this?

•  How much service is being provided to people? •  How do clinicians know how much service to

provide? •  How are services being provided?

–  Example: Groups are more cost-effective than individual services.

–  Example: Therapy provided by master’s level clinicians cost less than therapy provided by a doctor

Agency Specific Data Using  the  requested  data  elements,  provide  total  reimbursement  for  services:  

#    Level  1      Low  U\liza\on:        #  low  cost  consumers  that  will  be  eligible  for  Health  Homes  (may  be  low  cost  in  terms  of  MH  TX,  but  may  have  high  medical  care  costs)  

 #  Level  2    Medium  U\liza\on:        #    medium  range  u\liza\on  consumers  that  will  probably  be  in  the  health  home  

 #  Level  3  High  U\liza\on:      #  highest  u\liza\on  consumers  that  will  be  eligible  for  Health  Homes  

Direc\ons:      Take  a  look  at  your  reimbursement  data  and  sort  clients  into  3  categories:  

Consumers  with  low  u\liza\on  of  CPST  Consumers  with  medium  u\liza\on  of  CPST  Consumers  with  high  u\liza\on  of  CPST    Data  can  be  sorted  into  even-­‐numbered  categories,  or  in  predefined  categories  like  “Meds  Only”,  “Designated  CSM”  and  “Specialized  CSM”      

Agency Specific Data Example: Agency A

Agency A – took the Health Home eligible population, and sorted the total # by CPST usage (Low, Medium, High)


298  Level  1      Low  U\liza\on:        #  low  cost  consumers  that  will  be  eligible  for  Health  Homes  (may  be  low  cost  in  terms  of  MH  TX,  but  may  have  high  medical  care  costs)  

299  Level  2    Medium  U\liza\on:        #    medium  range  u\liza\on  consumers  that  will  probably  be  in  the  health  home  

298  Level  3  High  U\liza\on:      #  highest  u\liza\on  consumers  that  will  be  eligible  for  Health  Homes  

Reimbursement Data

Agency A – Reimbursement by CPT code and Level Unit  

per  hr.  

Unit  per  

month   Total  Reimbursement  

Level  1  

Average  Reimbursement  

Level  1  

Total  Reimbursement    

Level  2  

Average  Reimbursement  

Level  2  

Total  Reimbursement  

Level  3  

Average  Reimbursement    

Level  3  State  Benefit  

Limits   CPT  Codes   Benefit  Limit  Health  Home  

Services     Reimbursement          

BH  Services                                              

Individual  Therapy   H0004   52  hrs.  per  year           $90  per  hr.   $90.00      







Group  Therapy   H0004    HQ          $9.87  per  15  

min   $39.48                                                                              





CPST   H0036  

104  hrs.  per  year  


83.32  per  hr.   $83.32                                        40,980.00    






Health  Home               $188  per  month   $188.0


MH  Assessment   H0031  4  hrs.  per  year  

129.99  per  hr.  $129.9

9                                          65,552.00    






Pharm  Mgt   90863  24  hrs.  per  year  


210.87  per  hr.  $210.8

7                                      450,161.00    






Psychiatric  Eval   90792  2  hrs.  per  year  

                 $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐        



AOD  Services                                                  

AOD  Assessment   H0001  

30  hrs.  per  week  

        $96.24  per  hr.   $96.24                                                1,731.00    






AOD  Ind  Therapy   H0004           87.27  per  hr.   $87.27      







AOD  Group  Therapy   H0005          

$9.52  per  15  min   $38.08          

 $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐        

AOD  CSM   H0007           $78.17  per  hr.   $78.17            $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐            

 $                                                                  -­‐        

AOD  Med  Som   H0016                                                                5,353.00    


 $                                                                  -­‐        

 $                                                                  -­‐        

 $                                                                  -­‐        

 $                                                                  -­‐        

Observations for Agency A

Average usage of CPST by level: Level 1 (Low): $76.66 per year Level 2 (Medium): $1263 per year Level 3 (High): $4831 per year Average: $2076 per year 104 hrs of CPST: $8665 per year

On average, Agency A provides less than half the allotted CPST hrs per case. On average, Agency A provides an array of services to consumers, and does not limit itself to providing only CPST

Defining the Population Using state data, identify the number of people within your defined catchment area who will be eligible for population you are proposing to serve. In the case of Agency A, we are looking at Health Home eligibility.

Purpose:      This  worksheet  will  help  iden\fy  the  total  future  popula\on  of  Health  Homes  

1)    How  many  people  are  enrolled  in  Medicaid  in  your  catchment  area?  


a)    Total  #  of  Medicaid  enrollees  currently  in  services   #  

2)    What  is  the  total  #  of  people  iden\fied  in  the  catchment  area  /  popula\on  who  are  eligible  for  HH?   #  

 a)    Total  #  of  HH  eligible  currently  enrolled  in  services   #  

b)    Total  #  of    eligible  who  are  enrolled  in  HH   #  

Defining the Population Agency A data:

Purpose:      This  worksheet  will  help  iden\fy  the  total  future  popula\on  of  Health  Homes  

1)    How  many  people  are  enrolled  in  Medicaid  in  your  catchment  area?   1800  

a)    Total  #  of  Medicaid  enrollees  currently  in  services   895  

   2)    What  is  the  total  #  of  people  iden\fied  in  the  catchment  area  /  popula\on  who  are  eligible  for  HH?   1800  

 a)    Total  #  of  HH  eligible  currently  enrolled  in  services   895  

b)    Total  #  of    eligible  who  are  enrolled  in  HH   300  

Total  Medicaid  in  Catchment  Area  

Total  Medicaid  currently  in  services  

%  of  Medicaid  in  services  for  catchment  

area  Total  #  of  HH  eligible  in  catchment  area  

Total  #  of  HH  Eligible  Currently  enrolled  in  

services  %  of  HH  Eligible  at  


Total  #  of  eligible  currently  enrolled  in    

HH  Total  %  of  enrolled  HH  par\cipants  at  agency  

Total  %  of  enrolled  HH  eligible  for  catchment  


1800   895   50%   1800   895   50%   300   34%   17%  

Estimating the Penetration Rate

Purpose:      Agencies  may  be  iden\fying  specific  targets  for  enrollment  of  Health  Home  par\cipants,  which  will  created  an  expected  penetra\on  rate.    This  worksheet  will  provide  the  expecta\on  of  reimbursement  based  on  enrollment.    Enter  in  your  expected  enrollment  percentage  

1)    #  of  people  who  are  in  catchment  area  who  are  eligible  for  health  homes   #  

a)  #  of  people  if  target  %  of  eligible  are  enrolled   %  Target   #%  

    i)    Monthly  revenue  =  a)  X  rate  

Total  #  Eligible  for  HH  

Percentage  target   Enrollment  #  target   Monthly  Case  Rate  Monthly  Revenue  with  enrollment  

target  Annual  Case  Rate  

Annual  Revenue  

             $  188      $          $      2,256      $      

Estimating the Penetration Rate using Agency A data

Purpose:      Agencies  may  be  iden\fying  specific  targets  for  enrollment  of  Health  Home  par\cipants,  which  will  created  an  expected  penetra\on  rate.    This  worksheet  will  provide  the  expecta\on  of  reimbursement  based  on  enrollment.    Enter  in  your  expected  enrollment  percentage  

1)    #  of  people  who  are  in  catchment  area  who  are  eligible  for  health  homes   1800  

a)  #  of  people  if  target  %  of  eligible  are  enrolled   %  Target   30%  

    i)    Monthly  revenue  =  a)  X  rate  

Total  #  Eligible  for  HH  

Percentage  target   Enrollment  #  target   Monthly  Case  Rate  Monthly  Revenue  with  enrollment  

target  Annual  Case  Rate  

Annual  Revenue  

1800   30%   540    $  188      $    101,520      $      2,256      $  1,218,240    

Determining Actual Utilization

The purpose of this step is to look at what actual services are being provided to consumers by intensity level. •  Health Home consumers receive other services

that contribute to positive health outcomes beyond CPST.

•  What is the total cost of care for a consumer? –  Health Home eligible service + other BH services –  What is the range of Health Home eligible service

provided by level of intensity

Agency A Utilization Data

    Low  intensity  Services  Medium  Level  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

CPST    $                                  40,980.00      $                              377,862.00      $                      1,439,712.00      $                      1,858,554.00    

BH  Assessment    $                                  65,552.00      $                                  19,920.00      $                                  19,676.00      $                              105,148.00    

Other  MH  services    $                              563,006.00    $                              781,320.00      $                              911,337.00      $                      2,165,663.00    

AOD  Services    $                                  22,491.00      $                                  21,862.00      $                                  21,893.00      $                                  66,246.00    

Total  Reimbursement    $                              692,029.00      $                      1,200,964.00      $                      2,392,618.00      $                      4,285,611  

Eligible  HH  Services  (CPST)  

 $                              40,980    $                              377,862      $                      1,439,712      $                    1,858,554    

Utilization Data

    Low  intensity  Services  Medium  Level  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

CPST    $                                #    $                              #    $                      #      $                          

BH  Assessment    $                                  #    $                                  #    $                                  #    $                                  

Other  MH  services    $                              #    $                              #    $                              #      $  

AOD  Services    $                                  #    $                                  #    $                                  #    $                                      

Total  Reimbursement    $                                    $                            $                            $                          

Eligible  HH  Services  (CPST)  

 $                                  $                                      $                            $                          

Range of CPST Provided

With comparing HH potential revenue with actual fee for service reimbursement, we need to look at actual range of use, rather than anticipating that all cases will need and are currently receiving the maximum amount of CPST ($8665)

Eligible  HH  Services  (CPST)  

 $                                      $                                      $                            $                          

CPST  Cost  Range  

$#   $#   $#   #  

Low  intensity  Services  Medium  Level  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

Agency A Range of CPST Provided

For Agency A, CPST usage was low for both low intensity and medium intensity consumers. The range for high intensity users was wide.

Eligible  HH  Services  (CPST)  

 $                            40,980    $                              377,862.00  

   $                                    1,439,712.00    

   $                        1,858,554.00    

CPST  Cost  Range  

$0      -­‐      $341.28   $341.28  -­‐        $1872.72   $1877.72  -­‐  $11517.70   $0  -­‐      $11,517.70  

Low  intensity  Services  Medium  Level  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

Replacing Fee for Service Reimbursement with Case Rates

Using data from Agency A, this worksheet replaces the reimbursement from CPST and MH Assessment with the monthly case rate:

    Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

Health  Home    $                              672,288.00      $                              674,544.00      $                              672,288.00      $                      2,019,120.00    

Other  MH  services    $                            628,558.00    $                              801,240.00    $                              931,013.00      $                      2,360,811  

AOD  Services    $                                  22,491.00      $                                  21,862.00      $                                  21,893.00      $                                  66,246.00    

Total  Annual  Reimbursement    $                    1,323,337.00    $                      1,497,646.00    $                      1,605,518.00      $                      4,446,177.00  

Digging Deeper into the Data

For Agency A, looking at the range of case specific data, only 36 of the Health Home eligible consumers received services reimbursed at more than the Health Home Rate. The primary difference in reimbursement is with the high intensity utilizers of CPST.

Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   All  Services  

0   28   298   326  

0%   0%   100%   32%  

Comparing Fee for Service Reimbursement to Health Home Reimbursement

Using Agency A’s data, we will compare reimbursement for Health Home eligible services:

Health  Home  Only  Services   Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

Health  Home    $                              672,288.00      $                              674,544.00      $                              672,288.00      $                      2,019,120.00    

CPST    $                              40,980.00      $                              377,862.00      $                      1,439,712.00    $                      1,858,554.00  

Difference    $                            631,308  .00    $                              296.682.00    $                          (767,424.00)    $                                160,566.00  

For  Agency  A,  moving  to  Health  Home  case  rates  for  100%  of  consumers  will  result  in  a  $55,418  surplus.          Other  conclusions:  -­‐  Enrolling  an  even  mix  of  Low  /  Medium  /  High  intensity  services  will  yield  possible  

savings.  -­‐  Enrolling  only  High  intensity  services  consumers  will  result  in  a  loss  of  revenue  

Comparing Fee for Service Reimbursement to Health Home Reimbursement

Using Agency A’s data, we will compare reimbursement for all behavioral health services: All  Behavioral  Health  

Services   Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Reimbursement  

Health  Home    $                      1,323,337.00      $1,497,646    $                      1,625,194.00      $                      4,446,177.00    

Fee  for  service    $                              692.029.00      $                      1,200,964.00      $                      2,392,618.00      $                      4,285,611.00    

Difference    $                              631,308.00     $                      296,682.00    $                          (767,424.00)    $                                160,566.00    

Looking at Outcomes We know that reimbursement is only one part of case rate. We have to compare the services that are provided to the outcomes that we want to achieve

Paying for the Outcome

Going back to the definition of Case Rates: A case rate (or bundled payment) represents a pre-determined amount of money paid to a provider organization to cover the average costs of all services needed to achieve a successful outcome for a pre-defined episode of care. What if payment was based on the outcome of the services?

Pre-Health Home Data

Using data from Agency A, we look at three outcomes: •  Inpatient admission rates •  Emergency Department admission rates •  12 or more pharmaceuticals rates

Pre-Health Home Data

Inpatient Admission Data

    Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   #   #   #      


Range   #   #   #      


Agency A Pre-Health Home Data

Inpatient Admission Data (9 months -2014)

    Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   148   173   177   498  

Average   0.50   0.58   0.59   0.56  

Range   0-­‐15   0-­‐20   0-­‐20      

Health  Home  eligible  consumers  had  a  total  of  498  admissions,  with  a  .5  admission  rate  per  person.  Range  of  admissions  for  medium  to  high  intensity  consumers  was  0-­‐20  

Pre-Health Home Data Emergency Department Admission Data

    Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   #   #   #   #  


Range   #   #   #   #  

20  plus  (ave  2X  per  month)  

#   #   #      

ED  admission  rate  was  HIGHER  with  the  low  intensity  service  populaKon  The  range  of  admissions  was  0-­‐49  admissions  A  small  porKon  of  the  low  intensity  and  high  intensity  consumers  had  20  plus  admissions  in  a  9  month  period  

Agency A Pre-Health Home Data Emergency Department Admission Data (9 months – 2014)

    Low  Intensity  Services   Medium  Intensity  Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   991   755   835   2581  

Average   3.33   2.53   2.80   2.88  

Range   0-­‐46   0-­‐49   0-­‐46   0-­‐49  

20  plus  (ave  2X  per  month)  

8   2   8      

ED  admission  rate  was  HIGHER  with  the  low  intensity  service  populaKon  The  range  of  admissions  was  0-­‐49  admissions  A  small  porKon  of  the  low  intensity  and  high  intensity  consumers  had  20  plus  admissions  in  a  9  month  period  

Pre-Health Home Data

12 or more pharmaceuticals

    Low  Intensity  Services  Medium  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   #   #   #      


Consumer  with  low  intensity  services  were  more  likely  to  be  prescribed  12  or  more  pharmaceu\cals  than  consumers  high  intensity  services  

Agency A Pre-Health Home Data

12 or more pharmaceuticals – 9 month data 2014

    Low  Intensity  Services  Medium  Intensity  

Services   High  Intensity  Services   Total  Popula\on  

Total  Number   161   157   115   433  

Average   54%   53%   39%   48%  

Consumer  with  low  intensity  services  were  more  likely  to  be  prescribed  12  or  more  pharmaceu\cals  than  consumers  high  intensity  services  

Data Collection Needs •  Agencies need to have someone who can work

w/ spreadsheets –  Having raw data makes it easy to sort –  The data should not come w/ conclusions

•  Don’t make it complicated –  If there are other factors / sources of income –remove

them out of the equation •  Be open about looking at the data

–  Don’t use the data to prove a decision you have already made

Data Collection Elements •  Agencies need to have access to the following data:

–  Current Medicaid eligibility & enrollment by catchment area –  Current agency reimbursement by client

•  Works best if the data spans 1 year –  IF the only available data is for less than a year, formulas in the

worksheet need to be adjusted •  By CPT code

–  Separate out CPST –  Can add BH services together

»  Therapy codes, group codes, pharmacy mgt, psych eval, assessment

–  Current range of reimbursement •  Necessary in order to start drilling down the data

Data Analysis •  Decisions to make:

–  Health Home enrollment target •  If you are just starting out – what is your target?

–  Separate out by program type •  Ex: Low intensity = Traditional Outpatient Services

Medium Intensity = Community Case Management High Intensity = Specialized Case Management

–  Separate out by CPST usage evenly •  Ex: 900 consumers

»  Sort into 3 groups w/ # of CPST units ranging form high to low

Drilling it Down •  Drill data down by program •  Add in other reimbursement data

–  Health Homes are not stand alone programs •  Agencies need to look at outcome data

–  Are the services provided making a difference? •  By Program?

–  Which services?

•  Agencies need to look identify their target populations –  High intensity consumers –  Mix of intensity of consumers –  Varying % of intensity of consumers


•  The data analysis is just a starting point –  Data should lead to more questions –  Data should generate a lot of discussion

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