Cartas de servicio Service Charters

Post on 24-May-2015






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Qué es y como implementar una carta de servicios What a service charter is and how to implement it


Tools for implementingour strategy

Service Charter

Ricardo De La Vega Alemparte

Three main points ………… to implement

1. Why ?

2. How ?

3. Which values ? (or how to involve our workforce)

Usually, managers are just really worried about tools, but it is not enough to have tools, we also need to determine points one and three

What do we find in the beginning?

Resistance against change

• We are really good now• Any customer is really upset for the regular quality level of the service we are offering • We currently have a nice amount of work (don´t need any extra, thanks!)• We are lacking resources to make it happen

• We do not have the knowledge• nor the trust

• nor the empowerment

• “I just don´t feel like doing that…” (laziness)

We need ideas to make things happen

First Idea

We live in a world of services

Organizations are made of people working together to serve other people

Our workforce makes possible to achieve our mission (and just they…)

Customer is the most important part of our system

We are actors / actresses and spectators are staring at us…

…and they have an opinion about us

When are we going to be satisfied?How do we measure our reality?

Are we going to adopt our customers’ criteria?

If our viewpoints do not match, we are in trouble!!

Second Idea

What does make a product different from a service


Things we can not do with a service:

• Put it in a shelve or store it waiting to be released• We are not able to do it equal again and again • We can not touch it• It is not as simple as measuring its performance (correct or not)


• A service is offered and consumed simultaneously (a “take away” paradigm)• Customer takes an important role in giving birth a service

Are we making our customers get lost in a labyrinth?

Haga el favor de poner atención en la primera cláusula porque es muy importante. Dice que... la parte contratante de la primera parte será considerada como la parte contratante de la primera parte. ¿Qué tal, está muy bien, eh?

No, eso no está bien. Quisiera volver a oírlo. Dice que... la parte contratante de la primera parte será considerada como parte contratante de la primera parte.

Esta vez creo que suena mejor.

Si quiere se lo leo otra vez.

Tan solo la primera parte.

¿Sobre la parte contratante de la primera parte?

DILBERT. Scott Adams

DILBERT. Scott Adams

Third idea

Why managing services can become so complicated?

A customer does not know necessarily what is he/she looking for

And this is our main duty, to identify his/her necessity

Transfer (no action) Transaction (participation)

Interaction’s Intensity and contact’s length

To start a process up





Short Long



Main rule: the higher the two parameters are, the more possible is to fail to fulfil the customer’s needs.

Higher Risk

Two variables for achieving a peak performance


Customer and producer make the service possible, working together

Fourth Idea

People have got expectations and necessities.

They value our service positively if the service meets his/hers expectations, not ours.

We MUST measure the VALUE we are generating

What do customers want?

Some examplesSome examples

Barómetro sanitario 2006

Barómetro sanitario 2006

Barómetro Sanitario 2006

Specialised assistance is valued lower for its seriousness.

Fifth Idea

What is our workforce thinking against us?

Do they trust in us?Do they think we act upon them fairly?

Can we count on them? Why not?


We need a service strategy

to create value for our customers

Looking at our mission, we must

Identify who is our customer

What do we want to offer him

How and how well we want to deliver our services

How to create a service strategy through a service charter

Do you know your customers


InterviewFocus groups




Have you defined what do you want to offer?


Service charter

Employees survey


Do you know what do employees think about it?


A really good way .........................

Performance Feedback

How to know

and not to guess

• Using a Survey

A tool to measure the customer’s level satisfaction

Other tools:• Focus Group• Critical Incident (Flanagan)

A very useful theory


SERVQUALWe can understand the services through 5 dimensions:

1. What you can see - tangibility -2. Reliability – to keep your statement up -3. Response capacity – to serve quickly -4. Trust - to be kind -5. Empathy –to adopt customer’s point of view -

We need to observe the service performance under a subjective perspective, not only objective !

UNA herramienta



D’acord amb el comunicat del ..........., et fem arribar un qüestionari dissenyat per analitzar quin grau de satisfacció tens respecte a la utilització dels nostres serveis.

El qüestionari es divideix en tres parts. No et portarà més de cinc minuts omplir-ho. La teva opinió és molt important, no deixis cap qüestió sense contestar.

Les teves respostes són confidencials i qualsevol informe final fruit d’aquesta enquesta només reflectirà globalment les respostes, mitjançant resultats estadístics que en cap cas no s’identificaran personalment. La Unitat d’Organització de la UPC es compromet a garantir aquesta confidencialitat en tots els casos.

Només cal que marquis amb una creu () la resposta que et sembli més indicada o escriure-la si és de text. Si t’equivoques en respondre,

esborra o guixa la creu i posa’n una altra a la casella que consideris més adequada. Si tens algun dubte o problema per omplir els qüestionaris, truca al ........... o envia un correu electrònic a ................

INSTRUCCIONS. Dóna’ns el teu parer per a cada qüestió marcant amb una creu () la casella que correspongui.

1 Molt insatisfet 2 Insatisfet 3 Neutre 4 Satisfet 5 Molt satisfet A No l’he utilitzat

Valora el servei que t’oferim

1 Els horaris d'atenció s'adeqüen a les meves possibilitats 1 2 3 4 52 Els serveis s'adapten a les meves necessitats 1 2 3 4 53 Conec totes les prestacions que m'ofereix l'oficina 1 2 3 4 54 Els personal de l'oficina resol els meus problemes 1 2 3 4 55 No he de resoldre problemes per errors que es cometen 1 2 3 4 56 Els serveis oferts solucionen els meus problemes 1 2 3 4 57 Normalment, no m'he d'esperar per ser atés/atesa 1 2 3 4 58 Qualsevol problema fora del que és normal és resol amb agilitat 1 2 3 4 59 El tracte que rebo del personal de l'oficina que m'aten és cordial 1 2 3 4 510 En general, estic satisfet amb el servei que rebo 1 2 3 4 5

Valora les prestacions que t’oferim

1 Consultar informació especialitzada al web del SRII 1 2 3 4 5 A2 Rebre suport per establir contactes inicials amb institucions estrangeres 1 2 3 4 5 A3 Rebre assessorament en la presentació de les sol·licituds dels ajuts a la mobilitat internacional 1 2 3 4 5 A4 Rebre informació sobre els tràmits que haig de fer abans de marxar del país (seguretat social, visats,..) 1 2 3 4 5 A5 Solucionar les consultes sobre el Pla de Mobilitat de la UPC 1 2 3 4 5 A6 Solucionar les consultes de les Llicències Sabàtiques de la UPC 1 2 3 4 5 A7 Rebre informació sobre programes d'ajuts i subvencions de les diferents administracions públiques 1 2 3 4 5 A8 Rebre assessorament sobre els tràmits d'entrada i de treball en el país de destí 1 2 3 4 5 A9 Tramitar els visats davant les ambaixades i consolats estrangers per estades de mobilitat 1 2 3 4 5 A

10 Informar sobre cobertures sanitàries 1 2 3 4 5 A11 Rebre suport en la interlocució amb la institució de destí per facilitar la meva estada i especialment l'allotjament 1 2 3 4 5 A

Si us plau, afegeix qualsevol comentari que consideris rellevant sobre el servei que t’oferim, o qualsevol altre aspecte que vulguis remarcar.

Moltes gràcies per la teva col·laboració.

Service Charter - SC -

Is a way to give expression to our commitments with our customers.

• In a tangible way – we MUST measure it • To be clear and respectful with our customers• No subjectivity allowed!

We can use it to transfer the customer’s requirements into service specifications

Road Map

1. Define main purpose2. Define team and time duration3. Define scope (customer)4. Identify services5. Identify attributes 6. Establish compromises7. Identify compromise indicator

(between what is desired and what is possible)

8. Design it9. Manage it10.Improve it

A service is any unit of activity available to be requested for our customer

Is a unit that a customer can order, but is it not a part of our work !

To repair a PC

As changing parts of a pc

An Attribute is

A characteristic or trait that is visible to a customer

For example, we will deliver you’re a pizza in less than 30 minutes

Now, we need a commitment’s declaration




And finally, we must be able to measure its performance level of quality! How it is working (indicator)


2. ......

3. ......

Service level agreement or SLAs

What a SC needs to include

1. Mission2. First Manager statement (with a photo)3. Services offered4. Commitments5. How to access 6. Indicators7. What we expect from our customers8. How to complain 9. How to contact with us

Service Charters in UPC

1. FIB estudiantes SBD SRII Servicio de Economía DAC (not accessible by Internet)

6. Servicio de Lenguas EUOOT FIB PDI (no accessible by Internet)

• We are able to manage only what we can measure!


Working together !!

Empowering our workforce !

That’s all folks

Any questions? ..............................

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