
Primary School of Pteleos, Greece2011

Carnival in Pteleos, Greece

People celebrate the carnival all around Greece. In our village, the carnival celebrations take place on the last Sunday of the carnival period, just before Clean Monday. This year, we celebrated the carnival in the central square of our village on March 6th.

Carnival in Pteleos, Greece

The celebration this year was great! The local choir sang beautiful traditional songs. Our school participated in the celebrations, too! Our PE teacher, Mrs. Despina Founta, taught us the traditional dances. We danced the traditional ‘Gaitanaki’ and the ‘Pepper’ song, which was a lot of fun. We also danced some other Greek traditional songs.

Carnival in Pteleos, Greece

A great party followed our presentation of the dances and in the end we burnt the king of the carnival in a big fire that people lit in the central square.

Primary School of Pteleos, Greece2011

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