Carl Kruse | Tips To Stay Productive During The Holiday Season

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Tips To Stay Productive During The Holiday Season

Carl Kruse

Enjoy The Time

Being productive doesn't just mean figuring out ways to work better, it also means figuring out how to rejuvenate yourself. The holiday season is something we all look forward to every year. Do something special; spend quality time with your loved ones.

Shake Things Up At Your Work

Try to create a festive atmosphere at work. Holiday decorations, lightings and treats might seem childish to some, but they boost the morale of the entire team. Not only does incorporating a festive atmosphere at work positively affect the performance of employees but not paying attention to the fun nature of the season might inadvertently leave a bad taste in their mouths.

Make A List & Check It Twice

Don't be afraid to have a list for everything. Whether it’s buying gifts for friends, family and coworkers, or having a list of projects that need to be wrapped up before the New Year, a checklist makes everyone more productive.

Stick To A Healthy Routine

The holidays are a time when routine goes out the window. We have all had that moment in January when we look back on all the ways we indulged in during December and regret some of the choices we made. Sticking to your regular exercise routine and controlling portion size over the holidays will allow you to keep a semblance of normality.

Make The Most Of Lunch Hour

December may be the month to stick to your desk during lunch, so you can leave an hour early to run errands. Or you can be proactive and use your lunch hour to write holiday cards, address gifts or do a quick a shopping run.

Don't Get Distracted

This is the time of year when everything is pretty, frosted, tasty and shiny. It's great to get excited about the holidays, but now that you've made it this far, don't lose sight of those important tasks so you can wrap up the year in style.

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