CARES • Operations, Facilities & Programs

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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An informational presentation about programs, facilities and operations in the Cottleville Fire Protection District.


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Complete the information on the sign-in sheet

Operational Guidelineso Meetings will not be conducive to the format of an open

forum or debate.

o Meetings are work sessions that allow for the free exchange of ideas.

CARES Chargeo Create a long-range plan to meet the community’s level

of service and protection expectations.


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• 636-447-6655

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Meeting Materialso Cover Sheet

o Agenda

o Meeting #3 Summary Documents

o Verbatim Responses

o Executive Summary

o Informational PowerPoint Presentation

o Work Activity

CARES MeetingsDate Meeting Topic

Sept. 8 Kick-Off Meeting

Sept. 22 Staffing

Oct. 6 Equipment

Oct. 20 Operations, Facilities & ProgramsNov. 3 Fire District Finance 101

Nov. 17 Draft Community Recommendations Presented

Week of Nov. 28 - Draft Recommendations Presented At Open Houses At Each Fire Station. Details Coming Soon.

Dec. 8 Final Recommendations Presented

Operations, Programs & Facilities Presentation

Scott Freitag

Assistant Chief, Operations

What we will covero Review of last meeting

o Operations Division

o Facilities

o Special Programs

Operations, Facilities and Programs

District Operations

o Budgetingo Legalo Pensiono Personnel/Benefitso Trainingo Incident Response/

Commando Emergency Operationso Purchasingo Vehicle Maintenance

o Facilities Maintenanceo Equipment Maintenanceo Computer Networko Reportingo Public Fire Educationo Public Information Officero Community Liaisono Plan Reviewo Inspections

How are the duties divided?

o Operations Chief

Cottleville Central County O’Fallon FPD St. Charles FD Wentzville FPD

Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief

Operations Chief Operations Chief Operations Chief Operations Chief

Fire Marshall Training Officer Training Officer Training Officer Training Officer

Fire Marshall/Public Fire Education

Fire Marshall Fire Marshall Fire Marshall

Battalion Chief A Battalion Chief A Battalion Chief A Battalion Chief A

Battalion Chief B Battalion Chief B Battalion Chief B Battalion Chief B

Battalion Chief C Battalion Chief C Battalion Chief C Battalion Chief C

Human Resources

Risk Reduction Officer

Human Resources Dept

Human Resources

Shared Duties and Delegationo Training assistance on a part time basis

o Lot of volunteer hours

o Use overtime to fill in for public fire education where suitable

o Delegate special projects when possible

o Downside of delegation is consistency

o Only able to shore up the foundation of the organization

Battalion Chiefs & The Safety of Firefighterso Operations

o Proper Incident Size-up

o Implement Of Strategy & Tactics

o Accountability

o Incident Safety Officer With The Arrival Of A 2nd Chief Officer

o Administrationo Pre-Incident Planning

o Training

o Administrative Functions

The Administrative Aspects of Battalion Chiefso Public Education

o Fire Prevention Activities

o Community Outreach Programs


o Emergency operations center

o Disaster preparedness

o “Training Officer”

o Training – shift & hosting classes

o USAR Team

o Haz Mat Team

o Mentoring Officers

o Succession Planning

o Coaching & Counseling

o Asset tracking

o Alarm & Dispatch Board

o Communications equipment (radios, laptops)

o Pre-Incident Planning

o Mapping



Cottleville Firefighters are proficient and capable of performing their jobs. However, we struggle to meet standards due to a lack of funding and staff dedicated to training.

Annual Training Comparison

Full-Time Training Officer

Cottleville No

Central County Yes

O’Fallon Yes

Wentzville Yes

Annual Training Comparison

Cottleville Central County O'Fallon Wentzville0










Training Hours

Re-Certification Requirements

Area Hours Frequency

EMT 100 5 Years

Paramedic 144 5 Years

Instructor 24 3 Years

Investigator 30 3 Years

Inspector 30 3 Years

Training Budget

Cottleville O'Fallon Central County











Training Challenges o Fall short regarding NFPA standards for training i.e.

o 1002 Driver Operator

o 1404 Respiratory Protection Training

o Do not currently conduct two night drills

o Officer training is close to the requirements

o Falls short, not comprehensive

o Drivers training is shy by 12hrs per year per driver

Training Challengeso Need a pump operator proficiency drill

o Need an additional 3hr annual Haz Mat Drill

o Average 5+ hours short per month per person of the 20 hrs required

o Currently lack annual proficiency training at all levels

• Source Insurance Safety Offices (ISO)

Training Officer Responsibilitieso Will spend an average is 2-4hrs of development time

for every 1 hr of teaching o Source:(

o Audit training reports monthly

o Input structured training reports

o Quality control training reports daily

o Maintenance of certification database for 50 employees

Training Officer Responsibilitieso Maintenance of training files for all employees; currently

needs a full audit

o Will develop a comprehensive district wide training plan

o Attend monthly meetings of the St. Charles County Training Coordinates

o Coordinate CFPD responsibility for the County Academy

o Incident Safety Officer

Developed from job duties responsibilities of area training officers


Station 1: 1385 Motherhead RDo On site of original 1908 location

o Built 1987

o Renovated 2000 to remove admin offices

o Also serves as our training and community facility

o Renovation of bunks 2010

o Capable of housing 4 firefighters and one Battalion Chief, if we had one

o Ladder, Utility Pick-up

Station 1o Due to angle of approach,

cannot safely turn right off Hwy N

o Current policy, NO Right Turns Off N.

o Needs entrance from Hwy N redesigned

Station 1

o Structural cracks on Hwy N side bottom to top

o Damage to inside walls due to structural shifting

o Probable causes, ground shift/settling, and increased traffic on N causing vibrations

Station 2: 4065 Old Hwy 94 S.o Built in 1992 (19 yrs old)

o Houses 1 Rescue Engine and a USAR asset

o Capable of housing 4 firefighters

Station 2

o Needs interior renovation and maintenance

o Back ramp is shifting causing the retaining wall to shift

o Retaining wall is not structurally sound

Station 3: 6310 Weldon Spring Roado Built in 1989 (22 yrs old)

o Houses one Rescue Engine and the brush truck

o Capable of housing 4 Firefighters

o Ramp re-done 2010

o Bond Proceeds

o Needs interior renovation and maintenance

Station 4: 4340 Towers Roado Built in 1999

o Capable of housing 4 firefighters

o One Rescue Engine

o Reserve Engine stored here

Station 4

o Basement flooding

o Needs interior maintenance

o Engine bay needs maintenance

Administration Building

o Adjacent to Station 1

o Built in 1999

o All staff offices located here

Two Levy Funds Provide CFPD Revenueo General Fund

o Similar to your salaryo Used for operating costs (Personnel, Utilities, Supplies, General

Maintenance, Etc.)o Bond Fund/Levy

o Similar to a home mortgageo Used to pay the principal and interest on the District’s

outstanding Bonds for large scale capital improvements (new buildings, roofs, etc.)

o Spending from the two funds cannot be mixed

Fundingo A new roof or driveway is bondable

o General maintenance and repairs has to come from general revenue i.e. a leaky roof or new paint


Public Educationo Fire extinguisher training program

o Limited due to staff shortages

o In school programso No longer have a presence due to staffing shortages

and in school requirements

o Station tours provided on a regular basis

o School fire drills every October

2010 Public Contact

Residents NOT Reached


Residents Reached4%

Total Residents: 40,000Residents Reached: 1,579

Smoke Detector Programo Our goal is to ensure there are properly maintained and

working smoke detectors in the homes throughout our district.

o Door to door in targeted areas leaving information for those who are not home

o Assist with the installation of battery operated smoke detectors and/or changing batteries for those in need.

o CFCO helps with funding for door hangers

CERTo Started in 2007

o Purpose of CERT

o Coordinated by an Engine Company Captain who is assisted by one of our administrative assistants

o 30 members rostered, 10 active

o Funded through East/West Gateway and St. Louis Area Regional Response System

o Budget $5,200 per year with restrictions on how the money is spent

CERT Trainingo Initial training for new CERT members is 24hrso Training is provided by the fire district o Monthly training meetings (2hrs duration)

o Fire extinguisherso Search and Rescueo Patient Packagingo Disaster Scene Safety

o Annual 4hr county wide drillo Total of 28hrs of training each year

Summaryo Operations division is severely short staffed

o District is not meeting training standards

o No one person dedicated full-time to training

o No one dedicated to coordinating public fire education programs and training

o We have some programs, but not providing all that we should

District Operations

o Budgetingo Legalo Pensiono Personnel/Benefitso Trainingo Incident Response/

Commando Emergency Operationso Purchasingo Vehicle Maintenance

o Facilities Maintenanceo Equipment Maintenanceo Computer Networko Reportingo Public Fire Educationo Public Information Officero Community Liaisono Plan Reviewo Inspections

Small Group Work Activity

Select Recorder & Spokesperson

o Recorder Responsibilitieso Complete the requested information on your

group’s worksheet

o Spokesperson Responsibilitieso Facilitate Discussion

o Keep Group Focused/On Task

o Report Group’s Information

Complete the Worksheet o Make sure the information recorded on the

worksheet reflects consensus of the group

o Monitor progress to complete the worksheet in allotted time

o Only the group recorder’s worksheet will be collected

Small Group Work Activityo Task #1

o Based on the information provided in tonight’s presentation, what most surprised you? What most concerned you? oBiggest Surprise:

oBiggest Concern:

Small Group Work Activityo Task #2

o As we plan for the future of the District, how important is it to secure funding to provide adequate staffing in the area of operations?

o Keep in mind that the area of operations includes, but is not limited to, training, maintenance, equipment, technology, reporting, public information and public fire education.

Small Group Work Activityo Task #3

o Based upon what you learned tonight about operations, programs and facilities, what recommendations for the Board would you suggest?

Work Activity Reportingo What was your group’s biggest surprise?

o How important is it to your group secure funding to provide adequate staffing in the area of operations?

o One recommendation from your group: 

Thank You!

Next Meeting: Nov. 3

Topic: Finance 101

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