Care2 attract-and-activate-your-tribe-online

Post on 18-May-2015






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Justin Perkins of and OLOMOMO Nut Co shares 6 secrets to activate and engage your tribe of passionate brand advocates for your nonprofit or brand.


Teach and inspire me, and I’ll follow you anywhere.

Secrets to Attract and Activate your Tribe online.

Justin Perkins

4Copyright Olomomo Nut Co, 2013

Big Idea

What would you do with another 100,000 Brand Advocates on your side?

Have you engaged the critical mass of your target audience – your tribe - online?


So… How is your brand doing on the internets?

Raise your hand for any of the following statements that apply to you:

(Rapid fire)

1. Doing great. Growing virally with thousands of new people per month.

2. We’re stuck at 1,000-20,000 email subscribers and/or social media Fans?

3. Not doing much to grow our fan base.

4. Don’t really have a strategy.

5. Our strategy is to hire an intern.

6. Not sure where to prioritize staff time or budget.

7. Seeing mediocre revenue or growth online.

8. Don’t really know how to measure ROI online.

9. We bought a list once. It bombed.

10. We bought some banner ads. They kinda sucked.

11. The internet is a series of tubes.

Pay attention. Key point ahead.

Proof this works.

One Care2 member recently made 1300+ comments and petition signatures in one day

Activate your tribe.

8 years boiled into5 Key Strategic Tips

1. Maximize your email strategy.

Social Loves Email Part 1 of 2

2. Go direct. Own your data

2. Own your data

With Facebook’s recent changes, reach is low. You’re perpetually “renting” your community.

3. Hone your storytelling(Hint: you’re not the hero).




4. Know thy tribe.

Who is your tribe?

HALEY• Under 30 yrs old (29% of users)

• Very active social life on and offline. In a committed relationship and has one pet.

• On Care2, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites obsessively. Loves to be the first “in the know”

• Considers herself to be a self-sufficient, and is more independent than most of her friends.

• Outspoken and opinionated.

• Socially conscious and cares about the environment.

• Health conscious, exercises regularly and prefers vegetables, fruits, whole grains and soy over dairy products and meat.

JILL• 30-44 yrs old (30% of users)

• Does yoga several times a week.

• Very busy with a job, husband, two young children, and a pet.

• Owns her own house and works on it often.

• Checks the Care2 site for news, recipes, and ways to maintain a healthy home.

• Loves to garden with the kids.

• Looks at the ingredients of a product before she buys it.

• Prefers natural and chooses healthier when she can, especially when it comes to her children.

TRISH• 45+ yrs old (41% of users)

• Enjoys hiking with her husband and two rescued dogs.

• Has more time to do the things that are important to her.

• Spend lots of time on the Care2 site and has made many friends.

• Donates to charities.

• Owns her own house.

• Is willing to pay more for healthier, greener products.

• Grows her own herbs and vegetables.

• Loves sending e-cards to her friends.

• Takes ethical considerations into account when investing her money.

6. Focus. Go small and deep to go big.

Showcase the heroes.

5. Develop daily content curation habits across your


(Hint: ditch the newsletter)

6. What would a Rock Band do?

Next Steps – call to action

Are you ready to go big?

Doing it yourself is hard.

Ask for help.


Calculate Social Media ROI:

Email acquisition ROI and Listgrowth:

Nonprofit Times – Digital Marketing Strategy:



26+ million members. Doing good. Since 1998, Care2 is the largest online social network community of good people. Supporting social justice, saving the environment and living healthier, more sustainable lives is the standard – not the exception.

We already found and activated the good people. We can help you recruit them to your brand’s tribe.

Care2? It’s an online ecosystem of goodness.

CARE2 FOR CONSUMERS: more than a media site – an active online community where individuals can find a clearing-house of educational, engaging and inspiring content & connections to make an actionable difference in the world, their communities, and their own lives.

CARE2 FOR BRANDS AND NONPROFITS: the largest online concentration of 40+ female, wealthy, “conscious consumers” and eco-influencers who shop with their values, donate, and shout from the rooftops about the causes and brands they support. We can help you efficiently “find your tribe” of engaged advocates, champions, and brand evangelists.



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