Capstone Final Moran

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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21st Century Skills


A Journey in 21st Century Skills

Molly Moran

Standing Bear Elementary


Standing Bear Elementary Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of Standing Bear Elementary will educate each student to his/her greatest potential through differentiated learning to become life long learners.  The foundation provided at Standing Bear Elementary will encourage respect and responsibility both academically and socially while maintaining high expectations.  Students from Standing Bear Elementary will be successful in a diversified society.


Lydia is a 6 year old attending full day kindergarten.

She has received speech services before coming to kindergarten, but has since tested out of the program.

Academically, in reading Lydia is preforming below the district (Omaha Public Schools) grade level expectations. She has made huge strides in the area of letter recognition and phonemic awareness.  She still has difficulty with reading comprehension and blending/segmenting. 

Socially, Lydia is a timid and shy child.  She is very pleasant to be around and has friends in the classroom.  She is good natured and kind.  She is very nervous when asked to speak in class. Lydia becomes visibly anxious during assessments and some activities.

Critical Thinking

Objective: Students will make connections to text. Students will understand an opinion vs. a fact. Students will share their opinion. Students will be introduced to the concept of persuasion.

In Action

Writing and Collaboration

Objective: Students will collaborate to express themselves using writing. Students will understand and give examples comparing and contrasting.

In Action

Digital Literacy

Objective: Students will use a variety of formats to retell a story.

In Action

Reflections on Learning


Integrating technology

Building critical thinking skills

Story Retelling and


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