California’s New Accountability System · Although EL Progress is a new accountability measure, progress on CELDT, students meeting levels 4 and 5 and EL redesignation are not new

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California’s New Accountability System

An Overview of the California School Dashboard


MARCH 2017

Goals• Understand the background and key features of the California

School Dashboard

• Recognize important elements of the state indicators (local indicators only apply to LEA, not schools)

• Learn about the Dashboard interface

• Compare state indicators to CORE measures

Background• The State Board of Education (SBE) adopted a new accountability tool required

by LCFF, called the evaluation rubrics, that includes a set of state and localmeasures.

• The tool is the result of more than a year of stakeholder engagement and SBEactions.

• The Dashboard is how performance data from the evaluation rubricsare shown to LEAs and the public.

• Stakeholders can use the Dashboard to see how LEAs and schools aremeeting the needs of all their students.

Key MessagesMore thana singlenumber

Equity SupportsLocal


Status and Change

A quality education is defined by

more than a single test


Increasedfocus on

addressing disparities

among studentgroups

More information to

support the local strategic planning


Focuses on the most recent

results combined with change over


Key Features

The Dashboard includes reports showing LEA orschool performance on: 6 state performance indicators,and 4 local indicators

6 for county offices of education (COEs)

Users can view reports that present theperformance data in different ways.

Indicators by Priority

Note: This slide is excerpted from training materials prepared by CCSESA members which occurred in October and December 2016.* HS Only** County Office of Education Only

Local Control Funding Formula Priority

State Indicator Local Indicator

Priority 1 Basics Conditions at SchoolPriority 2 Implementation of StateAcademic StandardsPriority 3 Parent EngagementPriority 4 Academic ELA/Math Indicator

English Learner IndicatorPriority 5 ChronicAbsence Indicator

Graduation Rate Indicator*Priority 6 Suspension Rate Indicator Local Climate SurveyPriority 7 College/Career Indicator*Priority 8 College/Career Indicator*Priority 9 Coordination of Services for Expelled

Students**Priority 10 Coordination of Services for FosterYouth**

State Performance IndicatorsChronic Absence Indicator (Available in 2017-18)

Suspension Rate Indicator

English Learner Progress Indicator

Graduation Rate Indicator (HS Only)

College and Career Readiness Indicator (HS Only-Available in Fall 2017)

Academic Indicator◦ ELA Assessment (Gr. 3-8)◦ Math Assessment (Gr. 3-8)


Performance CategoriesFor each indicator, the combination of status and changeresults in a performance category.*

Each performance category is represented by a color.

GREEN or BLUE are the performance targets.

RED, ORANGE, or YELLOW means there is work to be done.


* Except for new / first-year data.






Overview of the ModelThe model uses percentiles to create a 5x5 grid that combine Statusand Change that are equally valued in making an overall determination for a Performance Category(represented by a color) for each indicator.

The model will be applied to all LEAs, schools (except Alternative Schools), and significant student groups.


Change is the difference between performance from the prior year and current year, or between the currentyear and a multi-year average - if applicable.




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The above color-blocks will differ slightly for each indicator

5 x 5 Reference Chart for Each Indicator Example: An LEA or school with a“High” Status and an“Increased” Changewill receive an overall performance of Green.



Dashboard Data: LBUSD Equity Report• See handout for full-size version• Reports overall student performance, # of

total student groups and # of at-risk student groups

• Student groups are identified with 30 or more pupils

• Foster Youth and Homeless are identified as a significant subgroup with 15 or more pupils (Note: Foster and Homeless data will not be reported until 2017-18)


Dashboard Data: LBUSD Status & Change Report

• See handout for full-size version• Reports overall student performance,

the most recent status performance and change from the prior year

• While a performance category (or color) will not be determined for LEAs, schools, or student groups with fewer than 30 students, the Status and Change data will be reported for groups with 11-29 students.


Dashboard Data: Student Group Report


• See handout for full-size version• Reports overall student performance

and the performance of each significant subgroup.

LBUSD Suspension Rate Indicator


All Schools Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

79 1 10 20 26 22

District Percent of At-Risk SchoolsLong Beach 14%

Los Angeles 7%

Fresno 39%

San Francisco 17%

Garden Grove 20%

San Diego 35%

LBUSD EL Progress Indicator


All Schools Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

64 30 13 11 8 2

District Percent of At-Risk SchoolsLong Beach 67%

Los Angeles 52%

Fresno 45%

San Francisco 48%

Garden Grove 37%

San Diego 45%

LBUSD Graduation Indicator


All Schools Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

9 1 1 0 3 4

District Percent of At-Risk SchoolsLong Beach 22%

Los Angeles 25%

Fresno 0%

San Francisco 35%

Garden Grove 14%

San Diego 9%

LBUSD English Language Arts (3-8) Indicator


All Schools Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

69 2 7 42 11 7

District Percent of At-Risk Schools

Long Beach 13%

Los Angeles 24%

Fresno 39%

San Francisco 37%

Garden Grove 6%

San Diego 9%


Declined Significantlyby more than

15 points

Declinedby 1 to 15


MaintainedDeclined by less than 1

point orImproved by less than 7


Increasedby 7 to less

than 20 points

Increased Significantly

by 20 points or more

Very High45 or more

points aboveYellow Green Blue Blue Blue

High10 above to less than 45 points


Orange Yellow Green Green Blue

Medium5 below to less than 10 points


Orange Orange Yellow Green Green

LowMore than 5 below to 70 points below

Red Orange Yellow Yellow Yellow

Very LowMore than 70 points below

Red Red Red Orange Yellow

LBUSD Mathematics (3-8) Indicator


All Schools Red Orange Yellow Green Blue

69 2 7 38 13 9

District Percent of At-Risk SchoolsLong Beach 13%

Los Angeles 22%

Fresno 30%

San Francisco 41%

Garden Grove 4%

San Diego 12%


Declined Significantlyby more than 10


Declinedby 1 to 10 points

MaintainedDeclined by less

than 1 point orImproved by less

than 5 points

Increasedby 5 to less

than 15 points

Increased Significantlyby 15 points or


Very High35 or more points

aboveYellow Green Blue Blue Blue

High5 below to less than

35 points aboveOrange Yellow Green Green Blue

MediumMore than 5 points below to 25 points


Orange Orange Yellow Green Green

LowMore than 25 points below to 95 points


Red Orange Yellow Yellow Yellow

Very LowMore than 95 points

belowRed Red Red Orange Yellow

PREPARED: Does the graduate meet at least 1 measure below?

A Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Completion plus one of the following criteria:● Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on English language arts/literacy (ELA) or

Mathematics and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area● One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE subjects)

B At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on both ELA and Mathematics on Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments

C Completion of two semesters/three quarters of Dual Enrollment with a passing grade (Academic and/or CTE subjects)

D Passing Score on two Advanced Placement (AP) Exams or two International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams

E Completion of courses that meet the University of California (UC) a-g criteria plus one of the following criteria:● CTE Pathway completion● Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or Mathematics and at least a Level 2

“Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area ● One semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE subjects)● Passing score on one AP Exam OR on one IB Exam

College and Career Readiness Indicator (CCI) Model


LBUSD College-Career Indicator

“Prepared” Measures Percent of 2015-16


Scored 3 on both ELA and Math 22%

Passed 2 AP Tests 15%

Met A-G 45%

Met A-G and Scored 2 and 3 on ELA and Math


Met A-G and Passed 1 AP Test 25%

Note: Other measures include dual enrollment for 2 semesters and CTE Pathway completion

Comparison to CORE MeasureState Measure Similar CORE or LCAP Measure Degree of Alignment

Chronic Absenteeism Chronic Absenteeism

Suspensions Suspensions

EL Progress LTEL Redesignation Rate

Graduation Graduation

ELA and Math ELA and Math

College-Career A-G, AP, CSU Readiness





* Although EL Progress is a new accountability measure, progress on CELDT, students meeting levels 4 and 5 and EL redesignation are not new measures of progress.** Although the State and CORE both use SBAC to measure progress in ELA and Math, the methods are distinct.*** The majority of measures on the State’s College-Career indicator are either part of our LCAP or part of a district initiative.


Suspension Rate IndicatorThe suspension rate calculations are based on the unduplicated number of students suspended in an academic year. (Repeat offenders are counted only once.)


Number of Students Suspended

divided by

Cumulative Enrollment Multiplied by 100

Same as CDE


Suspension Rate IndicatorCHANGE is the difference between the current year suspension rate and the prior year suspension rate

School-level STATUS and CHANGE cut points are different than LEA-level


Suspension Rate Indicator: District STATUS and Change cut points

Status Level Unified School District

Very Low Suspension rate is 1.0% or less.

Low Suspension rate is greater than 1.0% to 2.5%.

Median Suspension rate is greater than 2.5% to 4.5%.

High Suspension rate is greater than 4.5% to 8.0%.

Very High Suspension rate is greater than 8.0%.


Change Level Unified School District

Declined Significantly

Suspension rate declined by 2% or greater.

Declined Suspension rate declined by 0.3% to less than 2%

Maintained Suspension rate declined or increased by less than 0.3%.

Increased Suspension rate increased by 0.3% to 2%.

Increased Significantly

Suspension rate increased greater than 2%.

Suspension Rate Indicator: School-level STATUS cut points

School Level Status Elementary School Middle School High School

Very Low Suspension rate is 0.5% or less.

Suspension rate is 0.5% or less.

Suspension rate is 0.5% or less.

Low Suspension rate is greater than 0.5% to 1.0%.

Suspension rate is greater than 0.5% to 2%.

Suspension rate is greater than 0.5% to 1.5%.

Median Suspension rate is greater than 1% to 3%.

Suspension rate is greater than 2% to 8%.

Suspension rate is greater than 1.5% to 6%.

High Suspension rate is greater than 3% to 6%.

Suspension rate is greater than 8% to 12%.

Suspension rate is greater than 6% to 10%.

Very High Suspension rate is greater than 6%.

Suspension rate is greater than 12%.

Suspension rate is greater than 10%.


Suspension Rate Indicator: School-level Change cut points

School Level Change Elementary School Middle School High School

Declined Significantly

Suspension rate declined by 1% or greater.

Suspension rate declined by 3% or greater.

Suspension rate declined by 2% or greater.

Declined Suspension rate declined by 0.3% to less than 1%.

Suspension rate declined by 0.3% to less than 3%.

Suspension rate declined by 0.3% to less than 2%.

Maintained Suspension rate declined or increased by less than 0.3%.

Suspension rate declined or increased by less than 0.3%.

Suspension rate declined or increased by less than 0.3%.

Increased Suspension rate increased by 0.3% to less than 2%.

Suspension rate increased by 0.3% to less than 4%.

Suspension rate increased by 0.3% to less than 3%.

Increased Significantly

Suspension rate increased by more than 2%.

Suspension rate increased by more than 4%.

Suspension rate increased by more than 3%.


EL Progress Indicator[Annual CELDT test takers who: Increased at least one CELDT level compared to the prior year OR Maintained Early Advanced/Advanced] AND ELs who were reclassified

in the prior year

divided by

Total number of annual CELDT test takers AND ELs who were reclassified in the prior year


Step 1: Percent of annual CELDT test takers who advanced at least one performance level (or maintained Early Advanced/Advanced English Proficient) on the 2015 overall CELDT compared to the 2014 overall CELDT

210/250 = 84%

Step 2: Number of ELs who were reclassified in prior year (2013–14) 20 students

Step 3: Add reclassified students to the numerator and denominator of Step 1 and calculate the rate.

230/270 = 85%


EL Progress Indicator

Previous CELDT Overall Level

Current CELDTOverall Level

Beginning Early Intermediate

Early Intermediate Low Intermediate

Low Intermediate High Intermediate

High Intermediate Early Advanced

Early Advanced or Adv Not Proficient

Early Advanced or Adv Proficient

Early Advanced or Adv Proficient

Early Advanced or Adv Proficient

Annual CELDT takers must advance at least one CELDT performance level from prior year to current year to be included in the numerator of the EL calculation.


Graduation Rate Indicator (HS Only)Based on the four-year cohort graduation ratesA graduation cohort is a group of high school students who could potentially graduate during a four-year time period (Grade 9 - 12).

Number of students who earn a regular high school diplomaby the end of 2014–15 cohort

divided by

Number of first-time grade nine students in 2011–12 plus students whotransfer in, minus students who transfer out, emigrate, or die during

school years 2011–12, 2012–13, 2013–14, and 2014–15.


ESSA requires states to identify all high schools with a graduation rate below 67% to be identified for support and potential interventions - so all these will be RED.

Change is the difference between the current four-year cohort graduation rate and a three-year average (e.g. 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14).


Graduation Rate Indicator (HS Only)

Academic Indicator (K-8 Only)Distance from Level 3 “Standard Met” scale score from SBAC. The distance above or below Level 3 is calculated for each student’s scale score. This is then averaged across the school or LEA-level.

ELA and Math have different cut scores for STATUS and CHANGE.

CHANGE will compare one year of SBAC to prior two years (for initial release, will only compare one year to prior year)

Grade 11 SBAC will be included in the College and Career Readiness Indicator in the future (not this year).


College and Career Readiness Indicator (CCI)

For 2016-17, three Performance Levels:

● Prepared

● Approaching Prepared

● Not Prepared

The formula is:

Graduates Who Meet the CCI Benchmark for “Prepared”

divided by

Current Graduation Cohort Minus Students Who Take the CA Alternative Assessment


APPROACHING PREPARED: Does the graduate meet at least 1 measure below?

A CTE Pathway completion

B Scored at least Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on one or both ELA and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments

C Completion of one semester/two quarters of Dual Enrollment with passing grade (Academic/CTE subjects)

D Completion of courses that meet the UC a-g criteria

NOT PREPARED: Student did not meet any measures above, so considered NOT PREPARED


College and Career Readiness Indicator (CCI) Model

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