
REFRESHING YOUR DEMAND GENERATION PLAN B2B/C2C: February 16, 2015 April S. Brown, VP Demand Generation Services, Televerde

Agenda • Introductions & Objectives

• Demand Generation Core Principals

I. Demand Generation imperatives: People, Process, Technology…and…Data!

• Exercise 2. 15 minutes

II. Personas: What do they really want? What are they really about?

• Exercise 3. 15 minutes

III. Buying Cycles: Influence vectors • Exercise 4. 15 minutes

I. Content Consumption Mapping Exercise 5. 15 minutes

II. Content Layering Exercise 6. 15 minutes

III. Definition of Success Exercise 8. 15 minutes

Q&A and Close

About Televerde

• Marketing and Sales as a Service Agency • Practice areas in Digital Demand Generation, Dialogue and

Data with Consulting from Cold to Close • 18 Years in business with Fortune 500 companies…and

Fortune 1000 • >300 people committed to assessment, strategy, execution

and measurement/optimization in all practice areas


Increasing mind share

Increasing market share


Formulating an opinion Making a Decision

Demand Generation Engine-Big Picture • People • Process • Technology • Demand Generation • Continuous Improvement

• Buyer Centric • Operational Mindset-People, Process and Technology • Content-relevance • Lead nurturing-perpetual and technology driven • Analytics and Optimization-managing what you can

measure • Sales Readiness-Enable Sales

Demand Generation Strategies-Core Themes

Buyer Personas

Relevant Conversation Paths

Content Marketing

Targeting Model

Revenue Performance

Identify key buyers and influencers

Determine conversation paths

Conduct a content inventory and audit

Design program logic-entries and exits

Lead Management

Lead nurturing and scoring logic

ROMI and funnel math

Understand buying cycles

Determine pain points+ triggers

Map content consumption to buying patterns

Define key conversations

Understand content engagement

Identify gaps

Create content strategy

Create content

Define data strategy, i.e., 3rd party lists

Develop inbound and outbound strategies

Lead stage modeling and definitions

Sales and Marketing alignment

Sales enablement tools + training

Reporting and Analytics

Actionable insight

Optimization and Testing

Execution-inbound and outbound

Develop re-purposing strategies

Demand Generation Tactics

Demand Generation Skillset Groupings Buyer


Identify key buyers and influencers

Understand buying cycles

Determine pain

points+ triggers

Map content consumption

to buying patterns

Create content strategy

Content Marketing

Conduct a content

inventory and audit

Identify gaps

Create content

Lead Management

Lead nurturing

and scoring logic

Lead stage modeling

and definitions

Sales and Marketing alignment

Sales enablement

tools + training

Revenue Performance

ROMI and funnel math

Reporting and Analytics

Actionable insight

Optimization and Testing

Targeting Model

Design program

logic-entries and exits

Define data strategy

Develop inbound and

outbound strategies

Execution-inbound and


Relevant Conversation


Determine conversation


Define key


Understand content


Develop re-

purposing strategies

• People-Build, Rent or Buy talent with key areas and work in teams

• Process-Build process Architecture that supports demand generation marketing efforts-inbound and outbound. Build Lead Management. Define quantitative success: KPIs and metrics. Align Marketing and Sales!

• Technology-Deploy and integrate MA, CRM and other relevant data sources for end to end efforts. Develop processes that are used across marketing organization

• Demand Generation-Design and build demand generation strategies that leverage personas, buying cycles, segmentation, nurturing and content

• Continuous Improvement- Always measure, make data driven decisions. Employ testing and optimization to refine demand generation programs

Demand Generation Engine

What is Closed-Loop Demand Gen? • A perpetual marketing and sales process with agreed upon goals and

SLAs between departments

• A plan that encompasses engagement throughout the marketing and sales funnel (top, middle and end), connected and monitored via web analytics, Marketing Automation and CRM platforms

• A process that relies on new and useful information to coach your prospects into becoming new customers – and keeping them

Closed System-Marketing and Sales Alignment

Exercise 1 • Map out an ideal state for your organization across three

dimensions: People, process and technology • Where do you have gaps in process? • Where do you have skillset gaps? • How well is your technology utilized? Integrated? • What would it take to have Sales and Marketing aligned? • How is your data? Quality, appends, hygiene? • How are you defining success?


Titles are not Personas


Marketing Manager

Sales Rep

Director of IT

Account Executive


Procurement Professional

Business Analyst

Personas are more like this…

I need to ensure that we survive the drought that I am pretty sure is coming

I deserve a lot more bananas then the rest of these monkeys

I am getting older, am I still relevant to the


I bet there are some really cute girls on the

other side of the valley…

I just want things to stay the same

Will the others think I am cool if I show them my new ant eating tool?

Personas need to be constructed with both rational and emotional variables…

Emotional Rational Justifiable

All Justifiable Decisions…

B2B Marketers do this pretty well…

This one, not so much…

Engagement Motivations


Personal Identity Integration and Social

Interaction Entertainment

McQuail, Typology of Motivations, Mass Communication Theory

Engagement Motivations

Entertainment • escaping, or being diverted,

from problems • relaxing • getting intrinsic cultural or

aesthetic enjoyment filling time

• emotional release • sexual arousal

Information • finding out about relevant events and

conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world

• seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decision choices

• satisfying curiosity and general interest • learning; self-education • gaining a sense of security through knowledge

Personal Identity • finding reinforcement for

personal values • finding models of behavior

identifying with valued other (in the media)

• gaining insight into one's self

Integration and Social Interaction • gaining insight into circumstances of

others; social empathy • identifying with others and gaining a

sense of belonging • finding a basis for conversation and social

interaction • having a substitute for real-life

companionship • helping to carry out social roles • enabling one to connect with family,

friends and society

Engagement Dimensions





Forrester, 2008





Marketing Engagement Dimensions

Decision making (especially buying decisions )reflect fundamental and emotional drivers :

• Needs • Wants • Desires • Fears

Which migrate into higher order constructs like: • Progress forward • Mitigation of Risk • Status • Stability

• Needs are: • individual • Collective/group based

Engagement as an indicator of Emotional Involvement

• Needs • Wants • Desires • Fears

• Progress forward • Mitigation of Risk • Status • Stability

• Individual • Collective/group


Personas: Psychographic & Firmographic & Demographic

Influence Vectors-What Happens in the “Pack”? • Needs • Wants • Desires • Fears

• Progress forward • Mitigation of Risk • Status • Stability

• Individual • Collective/group


So, What to do and How to Do it?

What: • Persona based marketing? • Behavioral targeting? • Psychographic profiling? YES! How: • Research? • Technology? • Humans? YES!

Link them!

Link them!

Understand Prospect emotions, as individuals and as a collective

Marry this with Rationality to provide justification

Cultivate Reciprocity through People and Technology

Engagement: Cold to Close

Exercise 3. • What do you know about your target personas? • Who are they? • What are their fears, needs, wants and desires? • What keeps them up at night? Status? Risk? Or…?


Buying Stages by Persona

Exercise 4. • Draw what you believe to be the buying stages of your key

personas • What would you need to do to validate this information? • Would your Sales organization agree to what you believe

to be the buying cycle?


Content Consumption Mapped to the Buying Cycle

Social Communities by Persona

Exercise 5. • Based on your work today on personas and buying cycles,

sketch out a content consumption map • What would you need to do to validate this information?


What is Content? • A vehicle that transmits knowledge • A collection of information that activates the desire to learn, interact and take

action • Words, sounds, visuals that convey meaning & context that elicit a response

• Infographics • Newsletters • White papers •eBooks •Slideshare presentations •Web apps/Web experiences • Case studies •Videos •Webinars •Podcasts

•Social media micro-blogging (Tweets, Updates, etc.) • Blog posts • Web pages •Marketing Collateral • Streaming Audio/Video • Mobile applications • Text messages • Direct mail pieces, etc.

Understanding the Acronyms • BCC = Buying Cycle Content

• First content layer of perpetual Demand Gen program • Content directly tied to pain points and behaviors at that respective stage in the

buying process • Content is less promotional in nature and more direct and informative

• PC = Promotional Content • Second content layer of perpetual Demand Gen program • Content tied to pain points at the respective buying stage • Utilize alternative, easily accessible formats (slide share, case studies, video,

webinar, infographic, etc.) to encourage engagement and movement through the program

• Drip =Third content layer of perpetual Demand Gen program • Top of mind content sent on a regular cadence • Content tied to relevant industry topics, articles and news of interest to target

audience and current trends to re-engage respondents to move through the program

Content Layering

What now? • Know your buyers – do primary and secondary research on

your recent buyers, lost deals, long-time customers to determine what triggered a purchase and how they became a customer or competitor customer

• Map out the buyer journey by your top 3 buyer personas • Devise a campaign strategy based on how and why

customers buy your products or solutions • Develop a content creation and distribution plan using

all online and offline marketing resources • Execute your plan with a mix of internal & external experts • Measure results and recalibrate based on data

Perpetual Nurture

•  Each Stage is built out as a separate program •  You can add Stages, or roles, segments and variants within each stage •  The content is layered with different types of media to address each stage

of the cycle •  Movement from one stage to the next requires content consumption •  If prospect does not consume second layer of content, they are

automatically dropsped into drip with an opportunity to reengage


This framework is perpetual and scalable by role, industry, segment, or buyer stage

Exercise 6. • Sketch out a sample nurture program, concentrating on

the kinds of content that might resonate with your target personas

• How would you use drip content to stay top of mind with your prospects?

• What ways could you repurpose content to be more efficient with your content repository?

Marketing Measurement It’s not easy.

Wandering the data maze and complex interdependent relationships

What is a KPI?

A KPI is a quantitative measure over time

Defining KPIs Having KPIs in place requires the right environment to do so: This means: • Clearly articulated goals that are measurable, relevant and time based • Having defined business processes • A way to capture data at relevant points • The ability to compare results with defined goals • A way to investigate the delta from goals • And most importantly, the ability to refine efforts to get closer to goal

Leading performance indicators 1. Increase in win rate over time (better qualified leads) 2. Pipeline acceleration (better qualified leads) 3. Unique visits and duration of visits over time (targeted content, segmentation) 4. Number of asset downloads increasing (targeted content and segmentation 5. Social media (awareness and share of voice) 6. Form submits and abandonment rates 7. Change over time in Email opens and click though ratio 8. Change over time in number of MQLs over time 9. Change over time in number of SALs, SQLs 10. Increase in database size over time (contact count, hard bounces)

Lagging performance indicators 1. Revenue attributable to marketing efforts 2. Profit attributable to marketing 3. Return on marketing investment (ROMI) 4. Customer lifetime value

KPI Metrics description Implications

Close ratio Percentage opportunities to wins Uptick in close ratio indicates that Marketing is delivering higher quality leads to Sales

Pipeline velocity Expected time for opportunities to move from one stage to the next)

Increase in velocity means shorter time to sale and with the close ratio indicates pipeline efficiency

Website activity Change in number of unique visits and duration of visits Increase in visits and duration is an indicator of interest and engagement

Asset engagement Change in number of assets downloaded Greater number of assets downloaded means relevant content

Brand engagement Social media “share of voice” More conversations relate to “buzz” about brand


Form submits and abandonment rates

Interest in and desire to get and give more information. This allows for closer targeting

Response rates

Change over time in Email opens and click though ratio

Open rate is important, click though rate even more so—indicates willingness to learn

Marketing contribution to Sales

Change over time in number of MQLs

Greater number of MQLs is an important indicator marketing effectiveness, particularly targeting

Sales pipeline activity

Change over time in number of SALs and SQLs

Increase in SALs and SQLs directly relate to Marketing and Sales alignment and is an important measure of effectivesnss

Database health Increase in database size Lower number of dupes and junk Lower rate of hard bounces

Database health in terms of hygiene and growth are critical to ongoing marketing efforts

KPI Metrics description Implications

Attribution Revenue Amount of revenue directly attributable to Marketing

Gauges the influence marketing effects have on revenue. An increase in attribution has budget implications

ROMI Return on Marketing investment Increase in visits and duration is an indicator of interest and engagement

Profit attributable to Marketing

Profit of above (takes into account variable costs)

Important in terms of bottom line numbers

Loyalty Customer Lifetime Value An increase in CLV is a key measure of marketing effectiveness over time.

Lagging performance indicators 1. Revenue attributable to marketing efforts 2. Return on marketing investment (ROMI) 3. Profit attributable to marketing 4. Customer lifetime value

Additional Content Metrics to Track • Open rate • Click Thru Rate • Form submits • Lead stage conversion rate • Content asset performance • Performance based on title • Velocity + Throughput • Email volume by stage • Messages sent per person (frequency distribution: number

of people receiving 0, 1, 2, etc. messages last week) • Stage movement (number people entering and leaving

each stage last week, including in and out of drip) • Stage counts (number of people in each stage

Exercise 7. • Specific to your organization’s objectives, what KPIs

and/or metrics would you use to define success?


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