c2 Murican History

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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Chapter 4 The Colonial Period


Lost Colony


John Smith

Anglo-Powhatan Wars



Mayflower Compact

Wampanoag Indians

John Rolfe

 Nathaniel Bacon

Bacon’s Rebellion 

William Berkeley

Virginia House of Burgesses

Barbados Slave Codes

Lord Baltimore

Maryland Act of Toleration

James Oglethorpe

Great Migration

John Winthrop

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Salem Witch Trials

Roger Williams

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

 New England Confederation

Metacom/King Philip

Dominion of New England

Peter Stuyvesant

William Penn





Protestant Reformation

Joint Stock Company

Proprietary Colony

Royal Colony

Self-governing colonies

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

Sir Walter Raleigh

Virginia Company of London

Captain John Smith

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1558 Elizabeth I Becomes Queen of England

1585 Roanoke Colony founded

1607 Jamestown founded

1612 John Rolfe perfects tobacco raising

1619 First Slaves brought to the colonies/ Virginia House of Burgesses Established

1620 Mayflower Compact signed/ Plymouth Colony founded

1622 First Anglo-Powhatan War takes place

1624 Virginia becomes a royal colony/ Dutch settle New Netherlands

1630 Massachusetts Bay Colony founded by Puritans

1634 Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore

1636 Rhode Island established by Roger Williams/ Harvard College founded to educate young


1637 Pequot Wars take place

1643 New England Confederation established

1644 Second Anglo-Powhatan War takes place

1649 Maryland Act of Toleration

1664 New York acquired from the Dutch

1675 King Philip’s War occurs 

1676 Bacon’s Rebellion occurs 

1681 Pennsylvania established by William Penn

1686 Dominion of New England created under the leadership of Sir Edmund Andros

1691 Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes a royal colony

1692 Salem Witch trials take place1693 William and Mary College founded

1696 Barbados Slave Codes of 1661 adopted by South Carolina

1702 New Jersey becomes a royal colony

1703 Delaware granted an assembly by the crown

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1712 North Carolina officially separates from South Carolina

1713 Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe

Chapter 5

Colonial Society in the 1700s


Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield

Old Lights

 New Lights

Middle Passage

Triangular Trade

Power of the Purse

Peter Zenger

Seven Year ’s War  

George Washington

Benjamin Franklin

Albany Plan of the Union

Treaty of Paris (1763)

French and Indian War

Proclamation of 1763

Salutary Neglect

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1730 The Great Awakening Begins

1734 Peter Zenger arrested for libel

1754 Benjamin Franklin proposes the Albany Plan of the Union/ French and Indian War


1763 Treaty of Paris signed, ending the French and Indian War/ Pontiac attacks British

fort near Detroit/ Proclamation of 1763 issued

Chapter 6 the American War for Independence


John Locke

Virtual Representation

Actual Representation

Mercantile System

 Navigation Acts

Molasses Act

Proclamation of 1763

King George III

Sugar Act

Currency Act

Quartering Act

Stamp Act

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

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Stamp Act Congress

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Townshend Acts

Writs of Assistance

Crispus Attucks

Boston Massacre

Tea Act

Samuel Adams

Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts

First Continental Congress

Lexington and Concord

Second Continental Congress

George Washington

Battle of Bunker (Breed’s) Hill 

Thomas Paine

Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

General William Howe

Treaty of Paris (1783)


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1651 First of a Series of Navigation Acts passed

1733 Molasses Act passed

1754 French and Indian War begins

1760 George III becomes King of England

1763 Treaty of Paris ends French and Indian War/ Proclamation of 1763 issued

1764 Sugar Act passed/ Currency Act passed

1765 Quartering Act passed/ Stamp Act passed/ Declaration of Rights and Grievances issued/

Stamp act congress meets/ Sons and Daughters of Liberty formed

1766 Stamp Act repealed/ Declaratory Act Passed/ Townshend Acts passed

1769 Writs of Assistance issued

1770 Boston Massacre occurs/ Townshend Acts repealed, except for the tax on tea

1773 Tea Act passed/ Boston Tea Party takes place

1774 Intolerable(Coercive) Acts passed/ Quebec Act passed/ First continental Congress called

1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord takes place/ Battle of Bunker (Breed’s) Hill occurs/

Second Continental Congress called

1776 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense published/ Declaration of Independence issued  

1777 Second Battle of Saratoga occurs

1778 French declares war on England, joins U.S. efforts

1779 Spain declares war on England

1781 Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown/Articles of Confederation Written

1783 Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Revolutionary War

Chapter 7 Experiments in Government


Articles of Confederation

Land Ordinance of 1785

 Northwest Ordinance

Shays’s Rebellion 

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Constitutional Convention

James Madison

George Washington

Benjamin Franklin

Great Compromise

Three-Fifths Compromise

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

Electoral College


Patrick Henry Federalists

Alexander Hamilton

John Jay

The Federalist Papers

Bill of Rights

1781 Articles of Confederation adopted

1783 Treaty of Paris signed, ending the Revolutionary War

1785 Land Ordinance enacted

1786 Shays’s Rebellion occurs 

1787 Northwest Ordinance enacted/ Constitutional Convention held

1788 Constitution ratified/ George Washington inaugurated as first president of the United


1791 Bill of Rights adopted

Chapter 8 The Federalist Era

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George Washington


Alexander Hamilton

Judiciary Act

Bill of Rights



Thomas Jefferson

Bank of the United States

Hamilton’s financial program 

McCulloch v. Maryland

John Marshall

Whiskey Rebellion


French Revolution

Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793

Citizen Genet

John Jay

Pinckney’s Treaty 

Treaty of Greenville

Washington’s Farewell Address 

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Election of 1796

John Adams


XYZ Affair

 Napoleon Bonaparte

Election of 1800

Alien and Sedition Acts

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

James Madison

1789 Washington inaugurated as the first president of the United States/ French Revolution

Begins/ Judiciary Act passed by Congress

1791 Bill of Rights added to the Constitution/ Hamilton’s financial program approved by


1793 Reign of Terror begins in France

1794 Whiskey Rebellion occurs/ Citizen Genet tries to recruit Americans to invade Florida

and Louisiana/ Jay Treaty signed/ Battle of Fallen Timbers takes place

1795 Treaty of Greenville signed

1796 John Adams elected president

1797 XYZ Affair occurs/ Navy Department established

1798 Alien and Sedition Acts passed by Congress



Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions published

1800 Thomas Jefferson elected president

Chapter 9 The Republicans in Power 1800-1824


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Election of 1800

Thomas Jefferson


James Madison


John Adams

Midnight appointments

Marbury v. Madison

John Marshall

Four Pillars of Posterity

Louisiana Purchase

 Napoleon Bonaparte

Embargo Act of 1807

Macon’s Bill No.2 

War of 1812

William Henry Harrison



Fort McHenry

Francis Scott Key

Hartford Convention

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Treaty of Ghent

Rush-Bagot Agreement

Adams-Onis Treaty

James Monroe

Henry Clay

The American System

Tariff of 1816

Fletcher v. Peck

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

Monroe Doctrine

Missouri Compromise


1800 Thomas Jefferson elected president

1803 Louisiana Purchase made

1805 Treaty signed with Tripoli

1807 Embargo Act passed

1808 James Madison elected president

1810 Fletcher v. Peck decision

1812 United States declares war on England

1814 Francis Scott Key composes the Star-Spangled Banner/ New England states meet at

Hartford Convention/ Treaty of Ghent signed

1816 James Monroe elected president/ Tariff of 1816 passed/ Second bank of the United States

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1818 Rush-Bagot Agreement signed

1819 Adams-Onis Treaty signed/ Dartmouth College v. Woodward decision/ McCulloch v.

Maryland decision

1820 Missouri Compromise preserves balance of power in Congress

1823 Monroe Doctrine proclaimed

1824 Gibbons v. Ogden decision

1825 Erie Canal completed

Chapter 10 Jacksonian Democracy 1824-1836


Andrew Jackson

John Quincy Adams

Daniel Webster

Disputed election of 1824

Henry Clay

Corrupt bargain

American Plan

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears

Bank War


Panic of 1837

John C. Calhoun

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 Nullification Crisis

Ordinance of Nullification

 Nullification Proclamation

Force Bill

Compromise of 1833


1824 John Quincy Adams wins in a disputed presidential election

1828 South Carolina Exposition and Protest written in protest of Tariff of Abominations

1830 Indian Removal Act passed/ Webster v. Hayne debate takes place/ Trail of Tears begins

with Choctaws

1832 Worcester v. Georgia decision/ South Carolina nullifies Tariff if 1832/ Jackson vetoes

Bank Bill

1836 Specie circular issued/ Martin Van Buren elected president

1837 Panic of 1837 begins

Chapter 11 Growth, Slavery, and Reform, 1800-1850


Transportation Revolution

 National Road

Robert Fulton

Erie Canal

Cyrus McCormick

John Deere

Elias Howe

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Samuel F.B. Morse

Black Belt

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau

American Renaissance

Second Great Awakening

Temperance movement

Convention in Seneca Falls

William Lloyd Garrison

American Anti-Slavery Society

 Nat Turner


1793 Cotton Gin invented

1801 Interchangeable parts exhibited

1807 Fulton perfects the steamboat

1811 National Road begins



Erie Canal Built

1820s-30s The Height of the Second Great Awakening

1821 United States consists of 12 slave states and 12 free states

1829 David Walker’s appeal published

1831 Nat Turner Rebellion takes place/ Liberator published

1840 Liberty Party splits the American anti-Slavery Society

1844 Samuel F.B. Morse invents the telegraph

1840s American Renaissance in literature takes place

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1848 Convention held at Seneca Falls/ Martin Van Buren runs for president on Free Soil


1860 United States consists of 15 Slave states and 23 free states/ 4 Million slaves exist

Chapter 12 Expansion, Conflict, and Compromise, 1820-1850


 No Irish Need Apply (NINA)

Gag rule

Anti-Masonic party

American Party

Liberty Party


Lone Star Republic

James K. Polk

 Nueces River

General Zachary Taylor

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

Wilmot Provisio

Free Soil Party

Compromise of 1850

Golf Rush

Fugitive Slave law

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Stephen Douglas

Millard Fillmore


1821 Mexico Gains independence from Spain

1836 Texas-the line Star Republic- declares independence/ House of Representatives imposes

gag rule

1840 Harrison runs log Cabin Campaign/ American Anti-Slavery Society splits, forming the

Liberty party

1844 James K. Polk elected president

1845 Texas Admitted into the Union/ Mexican War begins

1846 Wilmot Provisio passes in the House, fails in the Senate

1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo signed/ Gold found in California/ Whig Zachary Taylor

elected president

1850 Clay introduces Compromise/ Taylor dies, Millard Fillmore becomes president/

Compromise passed

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