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22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 5 , 2 0 0 9

C++ program to display a calender

A simple C++ graphics program to display a Calender.It also gives anintroduction to mouse programming in graphics. Save the file with a'.cpp' extension and compile it.

#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<graphics.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<dos.h>#include<string.h>union REGS i,o;initmouse();showmouse();hidemouse();void restrictmouse(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2);void getmousestatus( int *button,int *x,int *y);void findday();void menu();void cal();void main(){clrscr();int gd=EGA,gm=EGAHI;initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi ");menu();getch();closegraph();}void findday(){int k=1,m=11,mon,D,C,f,i,y,total=0,t,I,d,x1=115,y1=160,q,r,v;static int s=0;char st2[3],st3[9],st4[5];int days[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};char*month[]={"JANUARY","FEBRUARY","MARCH","APRIL","MAY","JUNE","JULY","AUGUST","SEPTEMBER","OCTOBER","NOVEMBER","DECEMEBER"};restorecrtmode();cout<<"Enter year : ";



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C Programming

22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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cin>>y;cout<<"Enter month : ";cin>>mon;if(mon>12){cout<<" Invalid entry !.....";delay(1000);setgraphmode(getgraphmode());menu();}y-=1;C=y/100;D=y%100;f=(k+((13*m-1)/5)+D+(D/4)+(C/4)-(2*C));i=f%7;if(i< 0)i+=7;y++;if(y%4==0)days[1]=29;for(t=0;t<mon-1;t++){total+=days[t];}I=total%7;d=I+i;if(d>=7)d=d%7;setgraphmode(getgraphmode());cal();v=mon-1;strcpy(st3,month[v]);itoa(y,st4,10);settextstyle(2,0,8);outtextxy(100,90,st3);outtextxy(250,90,st4);q=days[mon-1];settextstyle(1,0,2);setcolor(15);for(r=1;r<=d;r++){x1+=62;s++;}for(r=1;r<=q;r++){itoa(r,st2,10);if(s>=6){outtextxy(x1,y1,st2);y1+=30;x1=112;s=0;continue;

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}outtextxy(x1,y1,st2);x1+=60;s++;}s=0;getch();menu();}void menu(){cleardevice();int b,xx,yy;initmouse();restrictmouse(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy());setbkcolor(0);settextstyle(10,0,2);outtextxy(100,70,"***********MENU***********");outtextxy(100,150,"=> MONTH'S CALENDAR");outtextxy(100,200,"=> EXIT");settextstyle(8,0,1);outtextxy(350,300,"Made By: ANGAD");showmouse();while(!kbhit()){getmousestatus(&b,&xx,&yy);if(xx>=100&&yy>=150&&xx<=500&&yy<=200){getmousestatus(&b,&xx,&yy);if(b&1==1){hidemouse();cleardevice();findday();}}if(xx>=100&&yy>=200&&xx<=300&&yy<=260){getmousestatus(&b,&xx,&yy);if(b&1==1){hidemouse();cleardevice();setbkcolor(0);setcolor(15);settextstyle(10,0,5);outtextxy(100,200,"EXITING");int o=0;for(int n=0;n< 10;n++){outtextxy(380+o,200,".");o+=20;delay(200);}

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22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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exit(0);}}}}void cal(){cleardevice();int l=100,t=125,r=155,b=185,g,x=110,y=127;char *day[]={"SUN","MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT"};char st1[4];setbkcolor(0);settextstyle(10,0,7);setcolor(15);outtextxy(100,-40,"C");settextstyle(10,0,6);outtextxy(160,-20,"ALENDAR");setfillstyle(1,BLUE);bar(85,115,530,345);setfillstyle(1,0);bar3d(l,t,r,b,0,0);bar3d(l,t+30,r,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l,t+60,r,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l,t+90,r,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l,t+120,r,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l,t+150,r,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l,t+180,r,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t,r+60,b,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+30,r+60,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+60,r+60,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+90,r+60,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+120,r+60,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+150,r+60,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+60,t+180,r+60,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t,r+120,b,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+30,r+120,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+60,r+120,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+90,r+120,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+120,r+120,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+150,r+120,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+120,t+180,r+120,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t,r+180,b,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+30,r+180,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+60,r+180,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+90,r+180,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+120,r+180,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+150,r+180,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+180,t+180,r+180,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t,r+240,b,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t+30,r+240,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t+60,r+240,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t+90,r+240,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t+120,r+240,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+240,t+150,r+240,b+150,0,0);

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bar3d(l+240,t+180,r+240,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t,r+300,b,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+30,r+300,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+60,r+300,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+90,r+300,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+120,r+300,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+150,r+300,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+300,t+180,r+300,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t,r+360,b,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+30,r+360,b+30,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+60,r+360,b+60,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+90,r+360,b+90,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+120,r+360,b+120,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+150,r+360,b+150,0,0);bar3d(l+360,t+180,r+360,b+150,0,0);settextstyle(1,0,2);setcolor(15);for(g=0;g< 7;g++){strcpy(st1,day[g]);outtextxy(x,y,st1);x+=60;}}initmouse(){i.x.ax=0;int86(0x33,&i,&o);return(o.x.ax);}showmouse(){i.x.ax=1;int86(0x33,&i,&o);return(o.x.ax);}hidemouse(){i.x.ax=2;int86(0x33,&i,&o);return(o.x.ax);}void restrictmouse(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2){i.x.ax=7;i.x.cx=x1;i.x.dx=x2;int86(0x33,&i,&o);i.x.ax=8;i.x.cx=y1;i.x.dx=y2;int86(0x33,&i,&o);}void getmousestatus(int *button,int *x,int *y)

22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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Posted by Angad at 2:42 AM


Labels: C++, Calender35 comments

T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 1 3 , 2 0 0 9

Simple C program for Scan Line Polygon FillingAlgorithm

#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <graphics.h>


int n,i,j,k,gd,gm,dy,dx;int x,y,temp;int a[20][2],xi[20];float slope[20];

clrscr();printf("\n\n\tEnter the no. of edges of polygon : ");scanf("%d",&n);printf("\n\n\tEnter the cordinates of polygon :\n\n\n ");

for(i=0;i<n;i++){printf("\tX%d Y%d : ",i,i);scanf("%d %d",&a[i][0],&a[i][1]);}



/*- draw polygon -*/

for(i=0;i<n;i++) {line(a[i][0],a[i][1],a[i+1][0],a[i+1][1]);

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if(dy==0) slope[i]=1.0;if(dx==0) slope[i]=0.0;

if((dy!=0)&&(dx!=0)) /*- calculate inverse slope -*/ {slope[i]=(float) dx/dy;}}

for(y=0;y< 480;y++){k=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++){

if( ((a[i][1]<=y)&&(a[i+1][1]>y))||((a[i][1]>y)&&(a[i+1][1]<=y))){xi[k]=(int)(a[i][0]+slope[i]*(y-a[i][1]));k++;}}

for(j=0;j<k-1;j++) /*- Arrange x-intersections in order -*/for(i=0;i<k-1;i++){if(xi[i]>xi[i+1]){temp=xi[i];xi[i]=xi[i+1];xi[i+1]=temp;}}




22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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Posted by Angad at 12:53 PMLabels: Polygon, Scan Line


S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 0 9

Guide to prevent your computer from gettinginfected with Viruses that spread throughremovable media(like pen drives).

Most of us use removable media daily, for transferring data from onecomputer to another.We generally use pen drives with computers atoffices, colleges, cyber cafes, etc...The computers at such places mayor may not have anti-virus software installed. If the system you areusing is infected with virus, then this virus will also get transferredonto your pen drive along with other data. If you use a pen drivecontaining virus, it will infect your system, which intern may lead toloss and/or theft of your personal data and leave you with no otheroption but to format your hard drive. Most common forms of suchviruses are regsvr.exe,new folder.exe, etc..I have been using this method to prevent my computer from gettinginfected with viruses,contained in removable media, for quiet sometime now with great success, so I thought i'd share it with others.All you need, to follow this guide is a good anti-virus software ( Irecommend and use ESET NOD32 ).

STEP 1: Click 'start' and then select 'run'.

STEP 2: In the dialogue box type 'gpedit.msc'.Doing this will give youaccess to the group policy editor.

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NOTE:- the group policy editor can only be accessed from theadministrator's account.

SETP 3: A new window should now open. Click on 'Administrativetemplates'.

STEP 4: Now on the left hand side, double click 'system'.This is whatyour window should look like.

STEP 5: From the list, find the line that reads 'Prevent access toregistry editing tools'.

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STEP 7: Double click it and a new window should open.

STEP 8: Select 'enabled' and click 'apply'.

This will prevent an unwanted application (Virus) to make anychanges to the registry.

STEP 9: Now select 'turn off autoplay' from the list and double click it.

STEP 10: Select 'enabled' and from the drop down box select 'alldrives',click apply.

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This is what your window should look like:

The virus contains an 'autorun.inf' file. Whenever you plug in your pendrive into the usb port an interrupt is generated,your computerservices the interrupt with the appropriate ISR (interrupt serviceroutine), this is how the computer (and the virus) know that someremovable media has been connected to your computer. The autoplayfeature reads this autorun.inf file and executes the commands listedin it. These commands are responsible for installing the virus filesonto your system without your permission.So turning 'off' the autoplaywizard, does not allow the 'autorun.inf' to execute its code.

STEP 11: Now plug in the pen drive and go to 'my computer'.

22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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Posted by Angad at 1:23 PM

Step 12: 'Right click' on the icon that corresponds to your pen driveand select 'advanced options' and then 'clean files'.

STEP 13: Nod32 will now start scanning the removable media forviruses.

STEP 14: Once the scan is complete, select and delete all the infectedfiles from the scan log.

STEP 15: Just to make sure that the autorun.inf file is no longerpresent on your pen drive, go to 'start',click run and type cmd (givesaccess to the command prompt). Type your drive letter followed by':'. For eg. if my drive letter is 'i', I will type 'i:'. On the next line type'dir'.This should give you a list of all the files present in your pendrive. If you see the 'autorun.inf' file in the list the simply delete itusing this command 'del autorun.inf'.

STEP 16: The virus changes the attributes of all the folders on yourpen drive to 'hidden', so to collectively remove the hidden attributefrom all the files and view the files once again just type this in thecommand prompt:I:\>attrib -H -S \*.* /S /D

STEP 17: Now open my computer and 'explore' (do not double clickand access the drive as yet) your pen drive. At this point you shouldbe able to see and access all files on your pen drive. Simply deletethe files that you don't recognize or alternatively just copy all therequired files onto some other location.

STEP 18: After all the required data as been recovered, format yourpen drive !!

Labels: new folder.exe, regsvr.exe, Virus removal4 comments

C++ program to make a pie chart


22/02/12 17:22C Programming

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Posted by Angad at 4:32 AM

Older Posts

#include<conio.h>#include<math.h>#include<graphics.h>#include<dos.h>#define round(a)(int(a+0.5))void main(){double total=0.0,a=0.0;double x2,y2;int i,n;int gd=DETECT,gm;initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI");cout<<"PIE CHART"<<endl;cout<<"Enter the no. of regions"<<endl;cin>>n;double values[10];double per[10];double angle[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};double b[10];cout<<"Enter the values of the regions"<<endl;circle(300,300,100);line(300,300,400,300);for(i=0;i<n;i++){cin>>values[i];total=total+values[i];}for(i=0;i<n;i++){per[i]=((values[i]/total)*100);a=((per[i]/100)*360);if(i==0)b[i]=a;elseb[i]=b[i-1]+a;angle[i]=(3.14*b[i])/180;x2=(300+100*cos(angle[i]));y2=(300-100*sin(angle[i]));line(300,300,round(x2),round(y2));setfillstyle(1,i+1);if(x2>300&&y2< 300)floodfill(x2+2,y2+2,15);elsefloodfill(x2-2,y2-2,15);}getch();closegraph();}

Labels: C++ program to make a pie chart2 comments

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