C++ for Marine Streamer Positioning and Navigation - ACCU 2011

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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The slides from my ACCU 2011 conference presentation.


C++ for Marine Streamer Positioning & Navigation

Mike LongSchlumberger Western Geco

Western Geco

Well Testing

Well Services

Integrated Project Management

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Data & Consulting Services

Our Technologies and Services

Reservoir Characterization

Reservoir Production

Reservoir Management

Drilling & Measurements



Artificial Lift

Western Geco : Seismic acquistion

You Tube - marine seismic acquisition

Deployment Configuration

Streamer Navigation & Positioning

Western Geco : Technical Challenges

Data VolumeTens of thousands of sensors acquiring real time data (+ranging and status)

PowerPhysically long streamers

CostProprietary hardware systemsCustom chip development

C++ On a ShoestringBuilding a gcc cross compile toolchain for the Stellaris LM3S8962 Cortex-M3


What is a toolchain and how to choose one?Building your own gcc cross compile toolchain.Stacks & Heaps: Linker ScriptsProgramming and On-chip debuggingThe time before "int main()"C++ on a dietTestable Embedded C++

What makes up a toolchain?

What makes up a toolchain

What makes up a toolchain

How to choose a toolchain

Step 0, surveying the options:Are there any options?Paid or Free?Are you paying for the compiler or for support?Does the compiler require a license?

Step 1: what is the lifetime of the product/target?Projects with a limited shelf life don't need to be too concerned about source availabilityExtended life products will benefit from source availability

How to choose a toolchain

Given that we make long-lived products, source availability is desirable. So: are there any companies providing toolchains?

How to choose a toolchain

Given that we make long-lived products, source availability is desirable. So: are there any companies providing toolchains?

How to choose a toolchain

Given that we make long-lived products, source availability is desirable. So: are there any companies providing toolchains?

+ Up and running quickly+ Tested and supported- Proprietary startup code and libraries- Licence management

How to choose a toolchain

Build from source:Some companies provide a "lite" gcc toolchain for free with full source.Some popular targets already have a gcc cross compiler out of the box.If you are really lucky it might even be part of your distribution:

#sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi qemu-kvm-extrasIf you are particularly masochistic you can build each component from the sources and independently verify each component and the dependencies (not for the faint of heart).Or you can use a toolchain builder (like crosstool-NG)

How to choose a toolchain


crosstool-NG is a tool to build cross-toolchains

Kernel-like menuconfig interfaceLarge number of supported architecturesuClibc-, glibc- or eglibc-based toolchain supportedCan create toolchains that target linux and bare-metalSupports both soft- and hard- float toolchainsDebug facilities (native and cross gdb, gdbserver)

Watch out though, the default configuration for cortex-m3 doesn't enable gdb. Remember to adjust the config!

Crosstool-NG#install crosstool-ngbzip2 -d crosstool-ng-1.8.1.tar.bz2tar -xf crosstool-ng-1.8.1.tarcd crosstool-ng-1.8.1/sudo apt-get install awksudo apt-get install gawksudo apt-get install bisonsudo apt-get install flexsudo apt-get install automakesudo apt-get install libtoolsudo apt-get install libncurses-devsudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev./configuremakesudo make installmkdir /home/user1/arm-eabi/cd /home/user1/arm-eabi/#copy sample file for baremetal build to new directorycp /home/user1/downloads/crosstool-ng-1.8.1/samples/arm-bare_newlib_cortex_m3_nommu-eabi/crosstool.config .config#build the entire toolchainct-ng build


Kernel-like menuconfig interfaceLarge number of supported architecturesuClibc-, glibc- or eglibc-based toolchain supportedCan create toolchains that target linux and bare-metalSupports both soft- and hard- float toolchainsDebug facilities (native and cross gdb, gdbserver)

Watch out though, the default configuration for cortex-m3 doesn't enable gdb. Remember to adjust the config!

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

Gcc uses a linker script to decide what goes where, and when:

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

Stacks & Heaps: Linker Scripts

From link-time to run-time:Programming and On-chip debugging

The time before "int main()"

The time before "int main()"

The time before "int main()"

C++ on a diet

C++ on a diet

The standard C and C++ runtime has many code and data greedy features.

How to shave off some of the bloat?Minimize standard library use?Disable exceptions?Restrict dynamic memory allocation?Custom heap allocator?Disable runtime type identification?

C++ on a diet





-Xlinker --no-gc-sections

C++ on a diet

C++ on a diet

C++ on a diet

Testable Embedded C++

Testable Embedded C++: HIL


Why would anyone do this?Time consumingDifficult to estimateHard


Why would anyone do this?Time consumingDifficult to estimateHard

Why would anyone do this?Vendor IndependenceFull sourceNo "magic"Fully configurableGreat learning experience



Choose You:http://www.flickr.com/photos/buzzbishop/3270420690/

Fish Stack: http://www.flickr.com/photos/14903992@N08/4053566319/in/photostream/

Fish Heap http://www.flickr.com/photos/bansal98/2389487868/



Go the right way:http://www.flickr.com/photos/elenahneshcuetphotography/4438510791/

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