C. · Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 9 Jindnch Chrtek & Bohumil Slavik Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 3. Abstract Chrtek, 1. & Slavik, B.: Contribution to the flora of Cyprus.

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Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 9

Jindnch Chrtek & Bohumil Slavik

Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 3.


Chrtek, 1. & Slavik, B.: Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 3. - Fl. Medit. 4: 9-20. 1994. ­ISSN 1120-4052.

The third part of the results of a floristic investigation of Cyprus is presented, including 85 species. One species is new for Cyprus: Saccharum sponraneum. Two new combinations are made: Bellevalia pieridis and Bromus scoparius subsp. chrysopogon. 34 taxa are reported as new to some of the eight botanical divisions of Cyprus.


This is a continuation of our contributions on gymnosperrns and dicotyledons (Chrtek & Slavik 1981,1993), and covers the monocotyledons and fems as ordered and named in voI. 2 of Flora of Cyprus (Meikle 1985). The localities are arranged according to the botanical divisions 1-4 as delimited by Meikle (1977: 4-8). Following the localities are abbreviations of collectors' names (which also stand for the collecting period): C&S = J. Chrtek & B. Slavik in ApriI 1978; N &N = R. Neuhausl & Z. Neuhauslova in August 1981; D = J. Dostal in 'April 1982; C = C. Cthalik in May 1984. This contribution reports data on 85 species from 214 localities. One species (Saccharum spontaneum L.) is new to Cyprus. Two new combinations at the specific and subspecific ranks are given: Bellevalia pieridis (Holmboe) Chrtek & B. Slavik and Bromus scoparius subsp. chrysopogon (Viv.) Chrtek & B. Slavik. When one compares our localities with the distributions given in Meikle's flora, it appears that certain species are new to some of the four botanical divisions mentioned above. These include: thirteen taxa new for division No. 1 (Juncus bufonius, Vulpia ciliata, Lolium rigidum, Poa bulbosa varo bulbosa, Poa annua, Parapholis incurva, A vena barbata, A vena wiestii, Polypogon monspeliensis, Lagurus ovatus, Hordeum bulbosum, Hordeum leporinum, Arundo donax); one taxon added for division NO.2 (Bromus fasciculatus subsp. delilei), 13 taxa additional to division NO.3 (Juncus bufonius, Arum hygrophilum, Arisarum vulgare, Vulpia ciliata , Psilurus incurvus, Sclerochloa dura, Poa bulbosa varo bulbosa , Avena barbata, Bromus diandrus , Bromus fasciculatus subsp. delilei, Bromus rubens, Hordeum spontaneum, Arundo donax) ; and 7 supplementary taxa for division NO.4 (Allium junceum subsp. junceum, Catapodium marinum, Cutandia maritima, Triplachne nitens, Oryzopsis miliacea, Bromus fasciculatus subsp. delilei, Crithopsis delileana.

Additional records are given for some species reported by. Meikle (1985) from one or a few localities only, including Triplachne nitens, Crithopsis delileana, and Bromus fasciculatus.

Details conceming the Orchidaceae and Aegilops are missing from the present contribution. Material of the Orchidaceae was sent to specialists on loan and has not been

lO Chrtek & Slavik: Contribution to the flora ...

retumed. As for the rather copious material of Aegilops, containing at least four different taxa, we have failed to identify it reliably, even after a comparative study of revised herbarium specimens and literature.


Gynandriris sisyrinchium (L.) ParI. 1. Paphos, several localities, C & S. - 4. Paralimni, calcareous rocky places between

Pemera and Hagios Elias, D 41305, D 41306, D 41611.

Crocus cyprius Boiss . & Kotschy 2. In the neighbourhood of the highest hill resort Troodos, C&S 874; the summit area of

Mt. Olympus, in Pinus forest, 1950 m, D 41383.

Gladiolus italicus MilI. 1. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, C&S 881; Paphos, cultivated field near the hotel

Dionysos, C&S 925. - 4. Between Paralimni and Ayia Napa, rocky places, D 41764; Paralimni, shrubby places between Pemera and Sunrise, D 41516.


Agave americana L. 1. Paphos, waste pIace between Nea Paphos and Ktima, C&S .


Tamus communis L. 3. Amathus, shrubby slope N. of the hotel Amathus, C&S 884. - 4. Rocky slope of

Table Mountain W of Paralimni, D 41897; stony places between Paralimni and Hagios Elias, D 41925.

We agree with Meikle that Tamus communis cannot be divided into two subspecies (subsp. communis and subsp. eretica (L.) K. Tan, as done for Cyprus by Tan (in Davis 1984: 552-554) .


Asparagus acutifolius L. 3. Limassol, orange orchard W of the town, C&S 974, 975. - 4. Paralimni, calcareous

slopes of Hagios E1ias near Pernera, D 41318.

Asparagus stipularis Forssk. l. Paphos, Christian Catacombs, C&S 908,965. - 4. Table Mountain between Paralimni

and Ayia Napa, D 41630, D 4/63/.

Asphodelus aestivus Brot. l. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, on grassy slopes, C&S 778; Paphos, near Rock of

Dighenis, C&S . - 2. Kykko monastery, mountain slopes, D 41926, D 4/927. - 3. Amathus, road-side near the hotel Amathus, C&S.

Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 11

Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) Duby 2. Kykko monastery, mountain slopes, 1200 m, D 41324; Mt. Olympus, C 13.

Gagea graeca (L.) A. Terracc. l. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, rocky slopes, C&S 827.

Allium neapolitanum Cyr. l. Paphos, grassy places by the hotel Dionysos, C&S 918. - 3. Amathus, dry slope N. of

the hotel Amathus, C&S 939. - 4. Shrubby places near Hagios Elias between Paralimni and Ayia Napa, D 41667; seashore near Ayia Napa, D 41196.

Allium trifoliatum C y r. 3. TempIe of Apollo near Episkopi, C&S 847; Amathus, grassy slopes N of the hotel

Amathus, C&S 877. - 4. Shrubby places between Pernera and Sunrise near Paralimni, D 41513; calcareous stony places at the foot of Table Mountain near Paralimni, D 41455.

Allium ampeloprasum L. 4. Larnaca, edges of cultivated fields, C 39.

Allium junceum Sm. subsp. junceum 1. Paphos, Tombs of the Kings, D 41868. - 4. Paralimni, on rocky slopes of Table

Mountain, D 41842, D 41844, D 41845, D 41846.

Allium rubrovittatum Boiss. & Heldr. 4. Paralimni, rocky pIace between Hagios Elias and Table Mountain, D 41187.

Ornithogalum pedicellare Boiss. & Kotschy 1. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, grassy pIace, C&S 851.

Ornithogalum chionophilum Holmboe y

2. Kykko monastery , mountam slopes, D 41932; Mt. Olympus, C 42.

Ornithogalum narbonense L. 3. Amathus, grassy slope N. of the hotel Amathus, C&S 823. - 4. Sandy seashores near

Sunrise between Paralimni and Cape Greco, D 41168, D 41169; fallow fields near Pernera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41702, D 41717; rocky places between Paralimni and Ayia Napa, D 41750.

Urginea maritima (L.) Baker I . Paphos, rocky places near the lighthouse , C&S obs. &; Paphos, seashore E of the

town, C&S obs.

Bellevalia trifoliata (Ten.) Kunth 1. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, rocky slopes, C&S 882. - 4. Rocky and shrubby places

between Hagios Elias and Table Mountain near Paralimni, D 41174.

Bellevalia pieridis (Holmboe) Chrtek & B. Slavik, comb. nov. Hyacinthus pieridis Holmboe in Bergens Mus. Skr., ser. 2, 1(2): 51 (1914).

12 Chrtek & Slavik: Contribution to the flora .,.

1. Paphos, seashore by Tombs of the Kings, C&S 836. - 4. Paralimni, seashore near Pemera in the direction ofFamagusta, D 41233.

Meikle (1985: 1642-1643) relegated Hyacinthus pieridis to the synonymy of Bellevalia nivalis Boiss. & Kotschy without comment. According to the originaI description by Holmboe (1914), H. pieridis differs in several morphological characters and ecology. Our plants correspond to the characters of H. pieridis: a plant of lower altitudes, leaves 3-6 mm wide, with 12-18 veins, inflorescence few-flowered, with 4-8 flowers, fruit stalks at most 2.5 mm long. We have compared our material with the type specimen of B. nivalis ("Th. Kotschy, Iter Syriacum 1855, No. 58, in humo argilloso ad nives alpium Manschura alt. 6500 ped."). This plant differs conspicuously form our Cyprus material in having a thin inflorescence and strikingly long bracts (up to 9 x 3 mm). Authors merging these two species under B. nivalis within the Cyprian-Syrian distribution area (Feinbrun 1938-1940, Bothmer & Wendelbo 1981, Meikle 1985) were puzzled by the different altitudinal distribution, high alpine in Syria and lowland (predominantly in Cyprus). In our opinon, plants from lower altitudes of Cyprus are indeed different from high alpine Syrian populations, referred to Bellevalia nivalis but further field studies of both Cyprian and Syrian plants are required. The taxonomy of populations from the highest altitudes of the Troodos Mts. in Cyprus remains uncertain.

Muscari comosum (L.) Mil!. 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 926, 927. - 4. Stony places at

the foot of Table Mountain near Paralimni, D 41437; field near Pernera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41693; sandy seashore near Sunrise between Paralimni and Cape Greco, D s.n.


Juncus acutus L. l. Paphos, waste land between the hotel Dionysos and the Iighthouse, C&S 797.

J uncus bufonius L. 1. Paphos, moist depression between the hotel Dionysos and the Iighthouse, C &S 712. -

3. Moutayiaka, roadside S of the viII age between the hotel Amathus and the river Yermasoyia, C&S 839.

Meikle (1985: 1656) reports this species only from Region 2 (Troodos) at 3,600-5,000 ft. altitude, but notes that it may be commoner than it would appear. Our two localities from about 10-20 m above sea leve I indicate that this circumpolar species is spreading at lower altitudes on Cyprus.

Juncus hybridus Brot. 4. Paralimni, Table Mountain, D 41851.

Based on a study of the Israeli flora, Feinbrun-Dothan (1986: 146) assumes that this is merely a variety of 1. bufonius L. (var. congestus Wahlberg).

Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 13


Arum hygrophilum Boiss . 3. Moutayiaka, shrubs on roadside S of the village, C&S 843.

Arisarum vulgare Targ .-Tozz. l. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, shrubs, C&S 979; Paphos, waste pIace near Rock of

Dighenis, C&S; - 3. Yermasoyia, shrubs on the banks of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S obs.


Cyperus laevigatus L. l. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, C&S 888.

Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Sojak 1. Akhelia, streamsides of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 866. - 3. Limassol ,

streamsides of the river Yermasoyia near the hotel Miramare, C &S 949.

Schoenus nigricans L . l. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, C&S 982 .

Carex distans L. 1. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, C&S 955.

Carex halleriana Asso 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 959.


Briza maxima L. 1. Paphos, Tombs of the Kings, C&S 909; Akhelia, stony places on the bank of the river

Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 995. - 4. Rocky slopes of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41590; Paralimni, at the foot of Table Mountain, D 41442.

Catapodium marinum (L.) C. E. Hubb. 4. Paralimni, seashore near Pernera in the direction of Famagusta, D 41258.

Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubb. 1. Akhelia, grassy places on the bank of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 977. -

4. Paralimni, seashore near Pernera in the direction of Famagusta, D sine no.

Cutandia maritima (L.) Richter 4. Paralimni, pasture ground near the hotel Sunrise, D 41282, D 41283, D 41287.

Cynosurus elegans Desf. 2. Cedars ValIey, t 47.

14 Chrtek & Slavik: Contribution to the flora ...

Dactylis glomerata L. 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 921. - 4. Paralimni, rocky slope

of Table Mountain W of the town, D 41885, D 41886, D 41887.

Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel. 2. Kykko monastery, waste pIace, D 41342, D 41376.

Vulpia ciliata Link 1. Paphos, in ruins Saranda Kolones , C&S 828; Paphos, waste pIace near Rock of

Dighenis, C&S 857. - 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 798.

Lolium rigidum Gaud. 1. Paphos, stony pIace in a field near the lighthouse, C&S 834. - 3. TempIe of Apollo

near Episkopi, C&S 862,863; Yermasoyia, on the banks of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S 826. - 4. Larnaca, seashore near the airport, C&S 998; Paralimni, Table Mountain, D 41449, D 41861, D 41862; roadside between Pernera and Hagios Elias, D 41304; Hagios Elias, rocky pIace, D 41595; Pernera, edges of fields, D 41783; seashore near Sunrise between Paralimni and Ayia Napa, D 41161; seashore between Dherinia and Paralimni, D 41556; Larnaca, edges of cultivated fields, C 07.

Psilurus incurvus (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 784.

Sclerochloa dura (L.) P. Beauv. 3. Moutayiaka, roadside near the village, C&S 890.

Poa bulbosa L. var. bulbosa I. Ayios Neophytos, waste pIace near the monastery, C &S 842. - 2. Pano Panaia,

roadside near the viII age, C&S 854. - 3. Amathus, hill NE of the hotel Amathus, C&S 889.

Poa bulbosa var. vivipara Koeler 2. Kykko monastery, 1200 m, D 41338, D 41339, D 41340, D 41341; Kakopetria, Solea

valley, 650 m, D 41398; Pedhoulas, shrubby slope, D 41414, D 41415; Cedars Valley, C 27.

Poa annua L. 1. Roadside between Paphos and the river Ezousas, C&S 719. - 2. Kato Platres, in the

viII age, C&S 773; Kykko monastery, D 41378. - 3. Yermasoyia, stream bed of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S obs.

Poa infirma Kunth 1. Paphos, edges of cultivated fields near TempIe of Apollo, C&S 846; Ayios Neophytos,

waste pIace near the monastery, C&S 830.

Parapholis incurva (L.) C. E. Hubb. 1. Paphos, between the town and the river Ezousas, C &S 912. - 4. Seashore S of Pernera,

D 41269, D 41271, D 41577, D 41582; seashore N ofPernera between Dheriniaand Paralimni, D 41268, D 41559; Table Mountain, D 41855.

Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 15

Avena barbata Pott ex Link l. Paphos, waste pIace near the harbour, C&S 894; Akhelia, streamsides 'of the river

Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 907. - 2. Pedhoulas, shrubby slope, D 41411, D 41417, D 41418. - 3. Yerrnasoyia, streamsides ofthe river Yerrnasoyia S of the village, C&S 808. - 4. Paralimni, fields near the hotel SunÌ"ise', D 41299, D 41300.

A vena ludoviciana Durieu 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S (S 658a). - 4. Paralimni, fields

near the hotel Sunrise, D 41301; fields near Pemera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41542; Paralimni, rocky pIace on the foot of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41601; Lamaca, edges of cultivated fields, C. 36.

Avena wiestii S teud . l. Paphos, Tombs of the Kings, C&S 870; Paphos, waste pIace near the hotel Dionysos,

C&S 942. - 3. Amathus, roadside E of the hotel Amathus, C&S 961.- 4. Fields near Pemera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41710, D 41729.

Arrhenatherum album (Vahl) W. D. Clayton 2. Pedhoulas, shrubby slope, D 41412.

Lophochloa berythea (Boiss. & BIanche) Bor l. Paphos, waste pIace near the harbour, C&S 848; Paphos, christian catacombs, C &S

829; Paphos, weed in a field N of Paphos Beach Hotel , C&S 800; Akhelia, streamsides of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 928.

Lophochloa cristata (L.) Hyl. 3. Kophinou, denudated hillside, D 41873 . - 4. Paralimni, seashore near Pemera in the

direction of Famagusta, D 41248.

Phalaris minor Retz. I.Akhelia, streamsides of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 895. - 4. Lamaca,

edges of cultivated fields, C 21. .

Polypogon maritimus Willd. 4. Paralimni , Table Mountain, D 41633, D 41850, D 41852.

Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. l. Paphos, roadside S of the hotel Paphos, N &N (No. S 1168a).

Triplachne nitens (Guss.) Link 4. Paralimni, seashore between Pernera and Dherinia, D 41216; Paralimni, pasture ground

near the hotel Sunrise, D 41284, D 41285, D 41286.

Meikle (1985 : 1788) reports this species only from two localities in Region 8 (both from 1880).

Lagurus ovatus L. l. Paphos, in cultivated fields near the Iighthouse, C&S 899. - 4. Stony seashore S of

Pemera, D 41572.

16 Chrtek & Slavik: Contribution to the flora ...

Stipa capensis Thunb. 1. Paphos, grassy slope near the hotel Dionysos, C&S 970; Paphos, christian catacombs,

C&S 981; Paphos, near Rock of Dighenis, C&S 885. - 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 993. - 4. Lamaca, seashore near the airport, C&S 997; fallow fields near Pernera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41691; Paralimni, rocky pIace on the foot of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41591, D 41603, D 41604, D 41820; Paralimni, stony pIace at the foot ofTable Mountain, D 41445.

Oryzopsis miliacea (L.) Aschers. & Schweinf. 1. Paphos, waste pIace between Nea Paphos and Ktima, C&S 933, 936. - 3. Amathus,

grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 971. - 4. Paralimni, rocky pIace between Hagios Elias and Table Mountain, D 41175.

Bromus arvensis L. 4. Stony pIace between Paralimni and Hagios Elias, D 41922.

Bromus diandrus Roth subsp. diandrus l. Paphos, Christian Catacombs, C&S 947. - 3. Yermasoyia, edge of dried-up stream bed

of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S 944; Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 910.

Our plants had a lax, spreading panic1e, branches mainly longer than spikelets, scar of rachilla segments ovaI and anthers 1.0-1.4 mm.

Bromus diandrus Roth subsp. rigidus (Roth) Bol. & al. 4. Paralimni, edges of fields near Pernera, D 41784; seashore between Pernera and

Dherinia, D 41217; rocky pIace on the foot of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41605, D 41606, D 41607.

Our plants had a contracted, stiffly erect panic1e, panic1e branches mainly shorter than spikelets, scar of rachilla segments elliptic and anthers 1.0-1.4 mm long.

When identifying Bromus rigidus and B. diandrus , we encountered some difficulties because of the variation found in both species and of discrepancies in anther length as given in various floras. This character is often described in a contradictory way, and is rarcly found in keys. For instance, Meikle (1985: 1800) reports anthers 0.8-1.5 mm long in B. diandrus , while Smith (in Davis 1985: 292) gives 2-5 mm. B. rigidus should have anthers up to 5 mm according to Meikle (1985: 1802) but only 1 mm according to Smith. In a recent paper on Bromus (Sales 1993: 8), the length of anthers, as used in the key, is 0.7-5.9 mm in B. diandrus and up to 0.7 mm in B. rigidus. Sales considers the two species to be merely varieties, B. diandrus var. diandrus and varo rigidus (Roth) Sales. We prefer their treatment at the subspecific leve!.

Bromus fasciculatus subsp. delilei (Boiss.) H. Scholz 2. Kykko monastery, C 32. - 3. Amathus, grassy slope N. of the hotel Amathus, C&S

996. - 4. Paralimni, shrubby pIace between Pernera and Sunrise, D 41514, D 41515; seashore between Dherinia and Paralimni N. of Pernera, D 41535.

Meikle (1985 : 1802-1803) reports only Bromus fasciculatus var. fasciculatus, in which all parts of the spikelet are glabrous (one locality, Lakovounara Forest, in division 7, in

Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 17

the Turkish part of Cyprus). He states that B. fasciculatus varo alexandrinus Thell., in which the parts of the spikelet are hairy, has not yet been colIected in Cyprus. However, our material contains one specimen with conspicuously hairy spikelets (no. 41535). Scholz (1987) studied this species in detail and arrived at the concIusion that it can be divided into two subspecies, B. fasciculatus subsp. fasciculatus and subsp. delilei. He incIuded varo alexandrinus in subsp. fasciculatus . Sales (1993) does not recognize any subspecific taxa in this species. According to Scholz's concIusions, alI our material belongs to B. fasciculatus subsp. delilei (lemma calIus, abscission scar on the rhachilla intemode, leaf sheaths hairs) which is so far known from Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Syria. We compared our plants with some specimens cited by Scholz, incIuding the lectotype (Egypt, Wadi Hamata, 12 Apr 1880, G. Schweinfurth 456). AlI plants of the lectotype have conspicuously patent, hairy spikelets which are also present in our collection no. 41535. The other collections from our three localities in Cyprus are only appressed-hairy (hairs short).

Bromus lanceolatus varo lanuginosus (Poir.) Dinsm. 4. Seashore between Dherinia and Paralimni N of Pemera, D 41551, D 41552; Lamaca,

edges of cultivated fields , C 43.

Bromus madritensis L. varo madritensis 2. Pedhoulas, shrubby slope, D sine no.; Kykko monastery, 1200 m, D 41342d, D

41345, D 41346, D 41379, D 41380; Cedar Valley, C 29.

Bromus madritensis varo ciliatus Gus s . 1. Paphos, christian catacombs, C&S 972.

Bromus rubens L. 3. Amathus, hill NE of the hotel Amathus, C &S 913 (spikelets hairy). - 4. Larnaca,

seashore near the airport, C&S 906 (spikelets hairy); Paralimni, rocky slopes of Table Mountain, D 41900 (spikelets glabrous); shrubby pIace on the foot of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41592a (spikelets glabrous).

Bromus scoparius subsp. chrysopogon (Viv.) Chrtek & B. Slavik, comb. & stat. nov. Bromus chrysopogon Viv ., Fl. Lib. Specim.: 4. 1824.

I. Paphos, road-side between hotel Dionysos and PaphosBeach Hotel, C&S 901; Akhelia, streamsides of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 931. - 3. Yermasoyia, edge of dried-up stream bed of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S 983. - 4. Larnaca, seashore near the airport, C&S 994; Paralimni, rocky slopes of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41461, D 41592; between Paralimni and Hagios Elias, D 41920, D 41921, D 41923.

AlI our specimens, from six localities in differentparts of Cyprus, correspond by their characters to Bromus chrysopogon. This was studied and evaluated in detail by Scholz (1974); and is widespread in northem Africa from Algeria to Egypt, in the Near East in Asia Minor, Greece and some Mediterranean islands. It has been reported from Cyprus as B. szaboi by Pénzes, based on Sintenis & Rigo 367. Scholz (1974) merged B. szaboi with B. chrysopogon. In a subsequent paper, Scholz (1989) referred one more specimen from Cyprus (Kneucker 526) to B. chrysopogon. Meikle (1985) divided B. scoparius L. into two varieties (var. scoparius and varo hirtulus Regel); in a note under the first variety, he stated that some plants from Cyprus may be identified as B. scoparius varo stenanthus

18 Chrtek & Slavik: Contribution to the flora ...

Stapf, a synonym of B. chrysopogon. However, according to Meikle, the variety is hardly more than a favourable habitat state of typical B. scoparius. Based on our study of herbarium material of the B. scoparius complex, we accept B. chrysopogon as a subspecies of B. scoparius, defined by its morphology and geographical distribution, but not a separate species. All material from Cyprus seen by us corresponds to B. scoparius subsp. chrysopogon. We found no specimens of subsp. scoparius, either in the field or in the herbaria. Scholz (1989) arrived at a similar conclusion for the Aegean islands Rhodos and Symi.

Bromus alopecuros Poir. var. alopecuros 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 991.

Bromus sterilis L. var. sterilis 2. Kykko monastery, c. 1200 m, D 41331.

Bromus tectorum L. 2. Kykko monastery, waste pIace, c. 1200 m, D 41342b.

Trachynia distachya (L.) Link 3. Yermasoyia, edge of dried-up stream bed of the river Yermasoyia S of the village, C&S

940; Amathus, foot of the hill NE of the hotel Amathus, C&S 887. - 4. Larnaca, seashore near the airport, C&S 992; Paralimni , rocky slope of Table Mountain, D 41880.

Crithopsis delileana (Schult.) Roschevicz 4. Paralimni, shrubby pIace between Pernera and Sunrise, D 41520; rocky slope of Table

Mountain, D 41853, D 41899; field near Pernera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41670, D 41708, D 41714.

Taeniatherum crinitum (Schreb.) Nevski 2. Kykko monastery, D 41342a.

Hordeum bulbosum L. 1. Paphos, waste pIace near Rock of Dighenis, C&S 868.- 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of

the hotel Amathus, C&S 859. - 4. Paralimni, rocky slope at the foot of the hill with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41593, D 41594, D 41596, D 41597; Larnaca, edges of cultivated fields, C 08.

Hordeum glaucum Steudel 4. Seashore between Dherinia and Paralimni N of Pernera, D 41541.

Hordeum leporinum Link 1. Paphos, waste pIace near Rock of Dighenis, C&S 893; Paphos, Tombs of the Kings,

C&S 919; Akhelia, streamsides of the river Ezousas SW of the village, C&S 704.

Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 749.

Flora Mediterranea 4 - 1994 19

Arundo donax L . 1. Paphos, near christian catacombs, C&S obs.; Akhelia, seashore near the mouth of the

river Ezousas SW of the vilI age, C&S obs. - 3. Yerrnasoyia, edge of dried-up stream bed of the river Yerrnasoyia S of the vilIage, C&S obs.

Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. 3. Yerrnasoyia, on stream bed of the river Yerrnasoyia S of the vilIage, C&S obs.

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Per. 4. Lamaca, seashore, C Il.

Andropogon distachyos L. 3. Amathus, grassy slope N of the hotel Amathus, C&S 985.

Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf 1. Paphos, dry brook bed N of the Paphos Beach Hotel, C&S 976; Akhelia, dry sandy

bank of the river Ezousas SW of the vilIage, C&S 708. - 4. Rocky slope of the hilI with the chapel Hagios Elias, D 41490, D 41491 , D 41608; Paralimni, Table Mountain , D 41849, D 41864; fields near Pernera between Paralimni and Dherinia, D 41676, D 41707, D 41 713; between Pemera and Hagios Elias, D 41609, D 41610; Lamaca, edges of cultivated fields , C 20.

Saccharum spontaneum L . 3. Yermasoyia, edge of dried-up stream bed of the river Yerrnasoyia near the hotel

Miramare, C&S 963.


Adiantum capillus-veneris L. 1. Neokhorio, Baths of Aphrodite, C&S obs.


Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn 2. Prodhromos, Pine forest, C&S obs.


We express our gratitude to Prof. Dr. J. Dostal (Praha) for hi s kind loan of herbarium material collected in Cyprus in 1982. Thanks are also due to Dr. C. Cthalik (Olomouc), who placed some interesting herbarium specimens collected in Cyprus in 1984 at our di sposaI.


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Addresses of the authors : Dr. J. Chrtek, Department of Botany, National Museum, CZ-252 43 PrBhonice near Praha, Czechia. Dr. B. Slavik, Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences, CZ-252 43 PrBhonice near Praha, Czechia.

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