C Caswell Customer Insight 2011

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Go Beyond What’s ExpectedGo Beyond What’s Expected






Go Beyond What’s Expected.


Your brand is your most powerful marketing advantage, and the secret behind your success. Is it by design?

Don’t leave your business performance to chance.

Your brand speaks in everything that you say and do, and your customers form perceptions based upon your brand promises – what they see and hear in the sales centre, while visiting your sites, or talking to your staff. Are you living up to your brand promises for each and every customer and delivering a quality customer experience?

Leverage the word of mouth equity that you can generate through positive customer and employee experiences – in a world where consumers are drowning in, and tuning out, traditional advertising messages.

Customer Survey Programs.Simply put, homebuyers today expect more. Product quality and service standards are constantly being evaluated by your customers and shared with friends and family members from start to finish. Social media exposes the gaps between your brand offering, and the actual customer experience delivered – your customers have more power than ever before.

Don’t be the only one left out of the conversation.

Take control of your business growth strategy in order to stay competitive, by listening to the people who know you best – your customers, employees and trade partners.

With C.Caswell & Associates’ CustomerInsightTM system, you can fully customize your survey program to better understand buyer behaviour, attitudes and beliefs, trade and employee engagement, and customer satisfaction.

· Transform raw data into insight through ongoing reporting that you can share with management and front line staff · Access customer feedback in real-time through our innovative CustomerInsightTM customer experience management system · Link results to your processes and systems, and strategic incentive plans · Uncover strategies to differentiate your brand from the competition · Identify areas of improvement, and increase productivity by focusing on high-impact improvements Work with our team to create your own survey program, that will not only provide you with valuable insight, but also create new opportunities for customer interaction ... by design.




Prospective Buyer Surveys.1. Guest Card Survey | Whether prospective buyers are visiting websites or sales centres,

C.Caswell & Associates Inc., will research the experiences potential buyers have with pre-sales activities, from marketing campaigns, advertising, to the sales centre experience, and identify key drivers that impact the pre-sale process.

2. Market Research Survey | Have a new project in the planning stages? Aim towards your target market with precision when you engage your interest list of prospective purchasers in the process. Harnessthe enthusiasm of your potential customers at the critical phase in the planning process to understand their demographics, product preferences and effective marketing methods.

Customer Experience Surveys.

Learn about your customers’ experience every step of the way.

1. Pre-Close Survey | Are you setting the right expectations? Conducted 60 days prior to closing, the Pre-Close Survey provides actionable feedback on the customer service provided by your sales, marketing, design and construction teams, before the customer moves into their home. This data is invaluable for associate incentive programs and critical to understanding the type and quality of customer you have.

2. Welcome Home Survey | Did you deliver on your promise? Have you earned referral business? Capturing the overall customer experience 30 days after closing provides valuable insight of your performance with quality, service, handling deficiencies, and generating an intent to refer. You will receive real-time feedback about the quality of product and customer service you have delivered to your customer, and uncover their referral potential.

3. Anniversary Survey | Getting the most out of your customer? Don’t let your hard work go to waste after a year. Your customer has been living in their home for one year or more, their willingness to recommend you as a builder declines ... why? Find the cause, differentiate yourself from the competition by nurturing the relationship you have with your customer.






The secret to success … happy employees lead to happy customers. Shift your corporate culture to one where employees feel valued and empowered. When you start with the internal processes, you have better control over the outcome of your customer, and business performance.

Trades are customers too. You have more people working on your sites who are trade partners than you do employees, and you need to retain the best talent available. What are you doing to make sure you are their builder of choice?

Employee and Trade Partner Surveys.

Whether your firm is in start-up mode, or has years behind it, there’s simply nothing like the voice of experience from the outside to provide new and valuable perspectives.

If you’re facing ongoing challenges, you don’t have to face those challenges alone. The consulting group of C.Caswell & Associates Inc., have helped companies achieve better growth, profitability and stability, increasing the value to both owners and shareholders.



A Team to Coach You to the Next Level.

Re-focus your Sales and Marketing Strategies.

The customer that just walked into your sales centre thinks that all homebuilders are the same.

How do you know if your sales associates and marketing messages are living up to your brand promises and setting you apart from the competition?

1. CustomerInsightTM Mystery Shopping Program | Our Mystery Shopping Program is a research method used to observe and evaluate various components of your sales and marketing strategy. Our mystery shoppers are the ‘eyes’ of your customers.

2. CustomerInsightTM Competitive Shopping Program | Our Competitive Shopping Program is designed to uncover the unique selling propositions and sales strategies of your competition to help you develop winning strategies that will differentiate and out outsell the competition.

3. CustomerInsightTM Training and Continued Education | The results of the CustomerInsightTM Mystery and Competitive Shopping Programs are used for an initial assessment and ongoing performance reviews. Sales training programs are available through one of our partner programs or our CustomerImpact Sales Training Program.

CustomerImpact Sales Training goes beyond needs-based selling to teach professionals how to target and attract the right people with discovery prospecting, identify and tailor persuasive strategies to a prospect’s decision-making style, accelerate prospects forward through the stages of the sale, and more.

4. Website Audit Program | 87% of new home buyers will research your company online before they even visit your sales centre. Is your website driving traffic to your sales centres? Are you taking advantage of social media? C.Caswell & Associates Inc., will analyze the design, layout and effectiveness to ensure you’re getting the most out of your website.

5. Website Development Program | Let us help you put the website audit into action. You have a story to tell and prospective buyers want to hear it. Effective storytelling starts with a sound strategy, adds outstanding creative and follows through with appropriate media – all integrated for maximum reach and impact. Done right it means your story breaks through, is heard and understood.

Understanding the performance of your marketing campaigns and sales professionals is the first step to prevent the loss of your most valuable asset, your hard-earned customers.

It takes years to gain a customer – but just seconds to lose one.


Building your Brand, After the Sale.

Maintaining open, honest and consistent communication with your homeowners is the key to delivering an exceptional customer experience – marketing your brand doesn’t end at the time of sale, you have only just begun the conversation.

1. Homeowner Playbook | The home buying process is incredibly complex and over whelming for most homebuyers. Adding to this frustration is an endless amount of impersonal communication, such as form letters, brochures, handouts, fact sheets and notifications. This informational clutter is hard for the customer to absorb since messaging may not be consistent, and the information may not be provided at the right time, if at all. Take control of your customer communication by presenting each and every homebuyer a comprehensive homeowner playbook at the time of purchase that contains all the information they need in one book.

2. Stay connected to your customers ... for life | HomeProfile® makes it easy and affordable for builders and developers to deliver the same outstanding service, quality, and value to their clients after the home closes that they work so hard to provide during the construction phase.

This translates directly into happier, better informed homeowners while creating a better reputation for the builder.

HomeProfile® also gives homeowners the ability to submit their service or warranty requests online, after which the builder is notified via email and may access the builder’s HomeProfile® account to manage service requests, create work orders, add notes on progress, and archeive service requests for risk management. Reports are available to measure effectiveness and uncover inefficiencies.



Now it’s Time to put that Plan Into Action.

We coach your staff to develop and manage ‘customer centric’ strategies, driving both customer acquisition and retention with greatly improved ROI. Your team becomes more skilled in tactical practices. Importantly, we can help develop a cohesive brand positioning that ties channels together for added marketing power.

With feet firmly planted in the best practices of marketing across Canada, C.Caswell & Associates Inc. consulting partners have all owned or managed businesses themselves – they understand the challenges you face and give practical and actionable, rather than theoretical, advice.

Our working philosophy calls for learning, developing strategic and tactical plans, and executing for results.






C.Caswell & Associates Inc.

705. 252. 5314ccaswell@ccaswell.com

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