by Peng Xianjun Revision Units 17-18 SBI Key points.

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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by Peng Xianjun

Revision Units 17-18 SBI

Key points

It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.    [用法 ] ‘固定结构。意思是 根据现在情况看;

’就现在的样子 ,常用于句子的开头或结尾。

[举例 ]   我原以为情况会好转,但照现在的样子,只会更糟。 I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse. 

What has become of her?  [用法 ] 发生于 , 发生 ...情况 [举例 ]    父母去世了,孩子们会怎样呢? What will become of the children now that their parents are dead? The impression she makes on me is ...   [用法 ] n. [C] 感想;印象  [举例 ] 我对他的印象极好。 I had a very good impression of him.        你看完那本书后有什么印象?   What are your impressions after reading the book?       

die down ( of wind, fire, light, excitement or sound ) become less strong or violent例如: The fire is dying down. Please get more coal. It took a long time for the excitement to die down.比较:die out = (of families , races, customs and ideas) to disappear completely. 例如: The practice of educating the oldest son to be a priest is dying out.把长子教育成为牧师,这个习惯快要消失了。

die back (植物)枝叶枯萎die away 逐渐停止,逐渐消失The noise of the motorcar died away.die hard (旧习惯等)难改掉,难消失Olds habits die hard. 旧习难改。die off 相继死去die of an illness 因病死亡die from lack of fooddie for the people is a glorious deathThe secret died with him. The day is dying in the west. 日薄西山。My love for you will never die. ( 喻 )

   regret  [用法 ] v./n. 遗憾,懊悔,抱歉   [举例 ]          She regretted having missed the film.   I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.   Much to my regret, I didn’t go with them.   a matter for regret     一件憾事    refuse … with much regret       婉言拒绝  express deep regret at   …对 深表遗憾  [难点 ] I regret to say that you didn’t pass the driving test, Mr. President.         

What are the positions of the waters in relation to China?   waters  [ 用法 ] ( 国家的 ) 海域 , 领海 ; 大片水域  [ 举例 ] The ship was in European waters. 船在欧洲水域航行。 in relation to  [ 用法 ] 关于;和 ... 有关  [ 举例 ] I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.    关于那件事我有好多话要说。    In relation to London, our town is very small.

What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica.


What else would I do but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica?除了去世界另一头南极洲旅行,还会干什么呢?

else (adj.) 其他的 不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词或不定代词之后。所有格是 else’sIs there anything else you want to say?

Who else’s advice do you want to take?

or else “ 否则的话,要不就…”

Get up quickly, or else you’ll miss the first bus.

but (prep.) 除了…

相当于 except 常与不定代词 , 疑问代词 , 不定式等连用 .

1. In winter, bears can do nothing but lie down and sleep. 2. I have no choice but to work hard.

another (pron./ adj) 再一,又一

I don’t like this hat, please show me another one.

another 后接单数名词 , 接复数名词时应将它们视为整体 .I’ll have another three cups of coffee

=I’ll have three more cups of coffee.


be about to do

即将发生的动作或动作刚要开始 不与表示时间的副词或其他的时间状语连用,但可以用在 be about to do…when… 结构中

The English party was about to begin when the lights went out.


He is about to write the letter tomorrow.

She is about to finish the homework this afternoon. ?x

value v. (1) 珍视 , 重视

1. He valued my advice. 他看重我的忠告 .

2. I’ll value the friendship with Lily.(2) 估价

1. We valued the house at $3500.2. How much do you value the the painting


n. 价值 , 币值 This work has no value.

be worth + money(the price) be (well) worth doing (sth) of sth be worthy of being done to be done it be worthwhile to do/ doing sth be worthwhile△I paid only £ 3000 for this used car but it’s worth a lot more.

△ The book is worth reading. It’s worth reading the book.

△ of careful study.The article is worthy of being studied carefully to be studied carefully.

长城值得一游 .※The great Wall is worth _______.※the Great Wall is worthy of ______. ______※The Great Wall is worthy ____________.※It is worthwhile ______ the Great Wall. _________

※ ________the Great Wall is worthwhile. ________

visitingbeing visiteda visit

to be visited visiting

to visit To visit


Key sentence patterns

1. … and I found myself spending a whole  day in my tent.

2. I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that  I had to put my tent up before the winds  became too strong.

3. A few days later, I was moving forward  over a slope that seemed safe when  suddenly without warning my world  dropped out from under my skis.

4. In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments  and difficulties in people’s lives.

5. Being black and a woman made life even  more difficult in American at that time.

6. For many women such hardship would  be too heavy to bear.

7. Anther journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.

8. But changes were just around the corner.

9. The boy’s team has some good players, but the girl’s was a better team.

10. Success and happiness in life are within reach for everyone.

11.  Describing location and direction  It is in the east of ...  It is to the north of ...  It is in the northern part of ...  Northeast of Sichuan is ...

12. New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia, which is made up of two large islands.

13. Caption Cook took possession of the island in 1769.

14. The Maori signed an agreement with the settlers.

15. The happier events are marked with speeches, singing and dancing.

16. New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.

17. Despite the fact that New Zealand is so far away, ties have existed between the nations from early on.

18. While I admit what you say is reasonable, I won’t follow your advice.

19. The length of the freeway is now double what it was two years ago.

20. The people in that country are mostly from south Asia. Almost all the work is done by hand. Most of them are teenagers of 14.

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