By Erick Arellano December 2012. Description The Westminster Ponds Mills complex is one of the largest Natural Areas in London, comprising some 300 hectares.

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Westminster Ponds Mills Environmentally Significant Area


By Erick Arellano December 2012


The Westminster Ponds Mills complex is one of the largest Natural Areas in London, comprising some 300 hectares over an area 3 kilometres long and 1.5 kilometres wide.

The Westminster is significant because it possesses a rich variety of natural habitats in a relatively undisturbed state, even though it is situated within the boundaries of a major urban centre.

There are two type habitatsAquatic Habitats

Ponds & StreamsMarshBogs Swamps

Terrestrial HabitatsMeadowShrubsForestPlantation

Pond and Stream

This ecosystem has an area of 36.4 hectares, accounting for 12.2% of the total area. A pond is a standing body of water, while a stream is flowing water. The area has six major ponds.


This ecosystem has an area of 12.5 hectares and represents 4.2% of total area. Is identifiable by continuous stands of tall emergent vegetation such as cattails, sedges and rushes.


This ecosystem is the smallest with an area of 1.2 hectares representing 0.4% of total area. It is composed of a deep layer of saturated peat, and moss (sphagnum).


This ecosystem has an area of 21.0 hectares and represents 7.1 % of total area. This habitat type is characterized by closed canopy of hardwood trees or tall shrubs growing in an area where the water table is at the surface.


This ecosystem has an area of 27.5 hectares, accounting for 9.2% of the total area. The dominant species are grasses and forbs which are usually less than two feet in height.


This ecosystem has an area of 32.0 hectares, accounting for 10.7% of the total area. Scattered woody plants up to twenty feet in height are typical of this habitat.


This habitat has an area of 167 hectares, accounting for 22.6 % of the total area. This type is characterized by a closed canopy of tree species over twenty feet in height.


This area has 2.8 hectares, accounting for 0.9 % of the total area. Just four plantations are present.

Diversity of species757 species of vascular

plants, including 30 that are nationally and/or provincially rare

Over 200 species of birds19 species of fish14 species of amphibiansNine species of reptilesNumerous insect species

We must have to protect this valuable natural resource

Work citesCity of London, ENVIRONMENTAL

MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, London, Ontario, 2007.

City of London, MASTER PLAN 2005, London, Ontario, 2005.

City of London, BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE PROPOSED, London, Ontario, 1981.

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