Business Seminar - England's strongest man

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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B. Braun

Paul Smith

My journey through Strongman

What is Strongman

A test to find the most powerful man/woman Ancient roots, test of manhood, military Varying events; Lifting, carrying, throwing,pulling

Circus Sideshow to sport

Many circus strongmen 19th and 20th century Speciality lifts of certain people/areas Adapted into modern test, Worlds Strongest Man First contest in 1977, held annually First 6 years had American winners Current Champion Brian Shaw from USA 6”8 tall 205kg (33 stone) bodyweight

The top 3

The Brits

Three British winners of WSM Geoff Capes, Jamie Reeves, Gary Taylor Current Britains Strongest Man Eddie Hall Current Europes Strongest Man Laurence


The Brits

How I Started

How I started

14th birthday Got a weight set as a present Trained in my room Just over a year Joined the local gym

My First Competition

August 2011 16 years old Stocksbridge 2nd to last place Caught the bug

The next step

“Novice” competition “Opens” competition 16 months in the gym January 2013, on the strongman circuit Gradual improvement The young kid

Getting somewhere

2014 Rising up the ranks Near successes Failure and disappointment Ending on a high

Getting somewhere


2015 First competition wins Making up for last year Ready to step up


The big Leagues

2016 First big competition win Englands Strongest Man Going international Recognition Realising new challenges

The Big leagues


Motivation Feeling pressure “Impossible” Success breeds success Mental blocks

What I've learned

Have a plan There is no secret Self belief is everything Not giving up Objectiveness Excuses

The next step

Extremely tough feats Pushing the limits Worlds Strongest Man

My favourite moment

Junior Uks Strongest Man 2015

Thank you for listening

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