Business Intelligence for Education

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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SIVECO Education Analyzer

SIVECO Education Analyzer is a suite of software tools that allows any Ministry of Education to have a constantly clear and complete image over their national education system.

The Education Analyzer provides an intelligent and efficient approach for collecting, analyzing and presenting information needed for planning, decision making and education forecasting.

Business Intelligence (BI) for Education








At a macro level, SIVECO Education Analyzer:

¡ Offers a general framework for a professional and cost-effective forecasting upon national education policies and long term strategies;

¡ Contributes to an efficient calculation of all resources within the education system;

¡ Provides cutting - edge IT tools for supporting decisions within the entire education system;

¡ Contributes to the transparency of the Governmental decisional process for education evolution and modernisation.

Types of indicators managed by SIVECO Education Analyzer

¡ Analysis indicators such as: • Snapshot analysis;• Time series analysis;• Comparative (between similar indica-

tors) analysis;• Roll-up and drill-down analysis.

¡ Forecasting upon education system key indicators evolution;

¡ Assistance in decision making process;¡ Analysis scenarios available on each

organizational level.

The data can be presented in user friendly formats, using statistical tables, reports and graphs.

BeneficiariesBy providing multiple interfaces, the SIVECO Education Analyzer offers complex functionalities for all stakeholders involved in the education system, localised:

¡ At national level;¡ At regional level;¡ At school level;¡ For the general public.

The solution includes a set of software tools for supporting the administrative process of the education system - decision, evaluation, planning, forecasting and prognosis, monitoring and control - for the specific needs of:

Decision makers - the departments within the Ministry of Education that are responsible with Strategy and Educational Policies, Statistics and Human Resources, Finance and Accounting Department - all the parties using the system to extract data necessary for making decisions on schools planning or on costs per student and/or teacher.

SIVECO Education Analyzer








Central administration personnel and representatives of the central admini-stration - including regional subsidiaries.

This category is enabled to extract statistics about schools, students and teachers at regional or school level, data about teachers/students ratios, student’s distribution and other statistical information. This group consists usually in administrative employees like managers, operators, inspectors and head directors, that need monitoring and statistical information on part or on the whole educational system.

Local administration personnel - the principals and secretaries from each school can access relevant information about their own school or other schools, through comparisons.

The general public - the general public can access a wide range of information in education, through the school map interface and through a national education portal. These tools address students, teachers, parents, administrative personnel, education specialists, public institutions, private sector representatives and the media. This component provides a higher transparency degree for the status of a national education system.

TechnologySIVECO Education Analyzer leverages the power and flexibility of latest Microsoft technologies:

¡ By introducing the OLAP multi-dimensional analysis of education indicators the Beneficiaries gain access to powerful analysis being reserved so far only to economic and financial environments.

¡ Microsoft SQL Server 2008:• SQL Server Analysis Services;• SQL Server Reporting Services;• SQL Server Integration Services;

¡ Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010:• Excel Services

¡ Microsoft Performance Point Server 2007

Key outcomesThe most important output is the set of National Education Indicators (NEI), which provide accurate information regarding all schools, teachers and students enrolled in the education system.

By providing multiple interfaces, the system offers dedicated reports, multi-dimensional analysis scenarios of Education Indicators and general information is made available online.








¡ Public National Education Indicators, available through the School Map web interface provides accurate information regarding schools, teachers and students in the entire education system, like:• Number of urban / rural schools;• Number of students by gender;• Graduation rate;• Number of classes per school year;• Number of teachers in urban / rural

areas;• Number of qualified teachers;• Number of positions available;

¡ Private National Education Indicators - available only for the Ministry of Education stakeholders – provide in-depth statistical information on education, useful for strategic decisions regarding the evolution of the entire education system.

Indicators’ analysis provides information on overall education and individual school evolution and offers support in identification of any possible anomaly - sudden major increase/decrease of students, poor results for a certain subject, in certain regions etc;

Reporting history provides an accurate comparison for indicators’ values over time.

It can also track and display comparative evolutions of similar or connected indicators.

The system offers:Statistical data¡ Operative status at the beginning of each

scholar year;¡ Number of students enrolled - by levels of

study, grades;¡ Number of personnel and active positions

and other relevant information.

Statistical research on education¡ Number of students by various criteria, like

level of study, scholar year, age, nationality, country of residence, native language;








¡ Personnel by categories and age groups;¡ School status at the end of each scholar

year: • Enrolled students, graduated students,

school abandonment.

Types of reports that can be generated by the system

¡ Standard reports based on templates provided by the Ministry of Education - including titles, headers, footers and logos. These reports can be printed directly from the system, to be included in official documents and studies;

¡ Custom reports, generated by users with the included report builder;

¡ Graphical reports based on existing national education indicators.

Main components for a complete solution for educationSIVECO Romania offers a complete and integrated solution for education, built upon solid and reliable components, addressing the management of and support for all the educational processes within a national education system.

AeL Learning and Content Management System (LCMS)¡ Provides a modern learning experience

for learners and provides support for teachers;

¡ AeL Learning and Content Management System (LCMS) is suitable both for synchronous and asynchronous learning (distance learning) and for testing and evaluation;

¡ It provides a virtual classroom, a course management and an educational content area where both learners and teachers can collaborate on creating educational content.

AeL eContent libraryAeL eContent offers an optimum mix of pedagogy and entertainment, combining videos, interactive activities, experiments, simulations and tests, all aimed at motivating different types of learners. The learning process is therefore transformed into an exciting activity; a way to discover and explore, to observe scientific principles at work and to apply the abstract theory in everyday activities with the help of attractive educational materials suited for learner’s age and interests.








AeL School Manager (ASM) Offers support for school management, including:

¡ School’s organizational management - by study levels, schools, components;

¡ Management of classrooms / virtual learning spaces.

Management of learners’ results:¡ Grades, attendance records, results,

activity¡ Extra-curricular activities, contests and


Human resources management:¡ Organisational charts: teachers, students,

class masters, auxiliary personnel;¡ Information on students and teachers:

personal information, qualifications, current and past activity;

¡ Scheduling - schedule rules and generation, detailed schedule for each teacher/student;

National Education Database (NED) ¡ Accessible at national, regional and school

levels;¡ Consists of central data collection and

business services, accessible through an user friendly and productive collection and management interface;

Business Intelligence¡ Accessible at national and regional levels;¡ Offers advanced analysis and reporting

based on NED system;








School Map¡ Public executive overview and information

web portal;¡ Provides general interest information

on the education system: list of schools per region, school information, statistics and performance indicators at national, regional and school level;

¡ Provides a drill-down interface allowing the visitors to narrow the visible data to the particular needed information;

¡ The module uses the NED directly, therefore any new information is instantly updated on the web.

ConclusionsSIVECO Education Analyzer provides an intelligent and efficient solution for education, by:

¡ Offering a permanent overview of the education system;

¡ Accelerating the workflow for collecting, processing, generating and presenting accurate indicators;

¡ Significantly reducing the workload of administrative personnel;

¡ Helping at developing the educational public services;

¡ Encouraging the transparency of the decision-making process;

¡ Facilitating services to become more cost effective and more accessible;

¡ Enabling the citizens to participate in the decisional process in education;

¡ Improving and modernising the national education system.

More information about the company and its products is available at and

SIVECO RomaniaVictoria Park, 73-81 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Drive, C4 Building, District 1, 013685 - Bucharest, ROMANIAPhone: +40 (021) 302 3300; Fax: +40 (021) 302

©2011 SIVECO Romania. All rights reserved. Content of this material cannot be reproduced without written permission from SIVECO Romania SA.

SIVECO Romania focuses its efforts to enable all stakeholders in education to access quality information, to better handle the decisional process and to sustain the modernisation of the national education system. For achieving these goals, we offer an efficient decision-making tool for the entire education system, by leveraging the power and flexibility of latest techniques and technology, combined with our vast expertise acquired through successful nation wide implementation of similar projects.

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