Business culture is changing, and so will technology, design and communication

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Today there are three different core principles for running a business. Communication is a strategic tool for all of these models, but in completely different ways. What businesses need to do is accept that these different models exist, understand or decide which type of business they are, and then make sure to use the right type of communications portfolio to reach their goals.


Until now I found all the new and brilliant ideas to be just fragments, colliding against a better knowing traditional business model... new ideas have been tested as satellites by the marketing department, but the business itself has continued with their business as usual. But now, there are voices shaping a new / next chapter of capitalism, where all these new ideas are merging together and shaping a completely different way of thinking about business.

But, it doesn’t end here..

Sharp increases in higher education, standards of living, social complexity, and longevity over the past century gave rise to a new desire for individual self-determination: having control over what matters, having one’s voice heard, and having social connections on one’s own terms.

- Shoshana Zuboff

then:why do we have these shifts?

now:why do we have these shifts?

then: communication is about creating demand

now: communication is about creating culture

companies want personal, long-term communication

The current state of tech, design and communication in business is based on one

solid fact: that the way we do business today, is a good way to do business...

But, is it?

“I’ve never met a company that understood its customers”

HMV and Jessops are both in administration.

It’s not that people don’t want to buy things, rather .. they want more than just to buy things



“Whether physically or through connected technologies, shopping is still best experienced socially”

- PSFK Future of Retail report


Unilever, who was kicked out of a Belgian supermarket

some years ago for being to bland has completely

redirected itself - the result is an outstanding success.

Now more than ever..

Today there are three different core principles for running a business. Communication is a strategic tool for all of these models, but in completely different ways. What businesses need to do is accept that these different models exist, understand or decide which type of business they are, and then make sure to use the right type of communications portfolio to reach their goals.

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