BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION … · 2016-12-08 · INDEX . 451 Pngc . of Shoals ..... 421 Cnnthocamptus ..... 270 Cnpc Ann Advertiser ..... EO Can't Comc It. schooner.

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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I N D E X . A .

Pnge . Abbott. C . C ..................... .118.110.200. 24‘48 Aclilya .................................... 441

439 Acinota tuberoaa ........................... 244 Aciponser rubicundus ...................... 126 Actinophreys sol ........................... 241 Akers, Gcorgo F ........................... 215 Alund ...................................... 222

introduction of, into England ........ 218 Albert, Prince Alfred Emeet ............... 301 Aldrovnndi ................................. 81 “Alowife” ................................. a0 Alewives in Saint Croix River .............. 2iO

introduced with shad ............. 70 movements of. In Colorndo River,

Toms .......................... 00 summnry of fisliing rccordn for, at

Willow Branch Fishery, North Carolina ........................ 396

Alexnndor, William ........................ 370 Alico, schoonor, early capture of mackorcl

by ........................................ 00 Alligntor gar ............................... 126 Allen, Benjamin ............................ 113 Allmnn ..................................... 280 Allmutor ................................... 80 Alosa ..... .57,130,144,147,101, 104,280,281,200, 208

priestabilia ........................... 278 food of .................... 277

snpidissimo ...................... 08.125, 211 nrtifioial propagation and planting of . 211 rotnrdntion of clovelopmcnt of ovaof .. 177

Amberflsli ................................. 42, 43 of tho Unitcd States ............ 30

Amcricau birds and flahoa introduood into New Boalnnd ............................. 53

American Not m d Twino Compnny’a cod g i l lmts .................................. 8

Amia, food of .............................. 245 Amito, Louieinua, CalIforzlia salmon planted

at ........................................ 205 Amiurus ................................... 125

c a ~ u ~ .............................. 215 215

Amm0Cqpt.n Benuii ........................ 200 Ammba .................................. 3 4 , 243 Amorotti, Carlo ............................ 114 Amphioxus ............................... .22, 143 Anaohoris ............................. .28,238, 411 Andorson, 1 . J ............................ 200, 360 Anguilla ................................ 72,73, 120

acutirostris ..................... .110, 121 boatonionsis ........... .73,74,7U, 120, 121 mnrmorats ................... .73,07, 117

prolifera in carp disense .............

Ambloplites rupestris ...................... 125

oatus, ortificid planting of ........

Bull . U . S . 3’. O., 81-29

Page . Auguilla megaloatoma ..................... 73

mowa ............................. 73 rostrate ........................... 125 toxnua ............................ 73 vulgaris ...... .73,74,105,100.120,122, 120

Annio IIodgdou, boat, successful codflsh trawling by ..................... 420

Anodon .................................... 412 Anodouta .................................. 404 Anomolocera Patorsonii .................... 239 Anonymons ................................ 110 Anurma striata ............................. 403 Apoltes ................................... 20

quadracue, development of ......... 24 spinning habits of ...... 24 structure of ............ 24

440 “Aqunrinm fungus, ” a confusing to rm ..... Ardoron, Willinm .......................... 113 Argyriosus aetipinnis ...................... 30

Armistend, A. Wilson .................... .341, 349

Arnold, M . N .............................. Arrhamptua ............................... 284 Arthropoda ................................ 330

romcr ......................... 31 Ariatotlo ................................ .70,80, 81

Armstrong, Joseph ......................... 374 200

Arthropoda ns flsh food .................... 245 Artifloial propagation of flsh, aomo results

of tho .................................... 208 Ascaris libonta ............................. 04 Ascidia communis .......................... 230 Athonmus .................................. 80 Atherina ................................... 281 Athorinichthjs ............................ 284 Atherinidro ............................ ..845, 281 Atkins, C . G .................... ..2OQ, 272,276, 318 Atlec, Ur . Wnlter P ........................ 282 Atmotosoion ............................... 318 Atwood, Captain .......................... .40, 134

B . Bnch ....................................... 78 Bnotcria ................................... 242

destroying Saproleyin ............ 447 observations on ................... 177

Bailey, Mr ................................ 272, 278 Baird, Professor S . F ... .3,4,12,20,23,37,44,51,54,

55, 01, 05,07,08, GO, 70, 74,75. 113, i10,110,124,

200.201, 2t13,204,200,208, 200.270,271,273, 274, 130,162,174,202,204,210,217,220,237,240,25 R.

275,270,282,301,330,340,841, 345,347,340,351. 382,370,981,384,3UO. 3QO,402,412,410,421,425, 426,427,428 .

Bnirdiolla ................................ .313, 318 armnta ........................ .814, 310

450 INDEX . Page,

Baldner .................................... 7; Balfour .. .140.149, 150,151,188,288,289,205,200, 29 Ballou, William Hosea ..................... 12: ‘‘ Bnnded mackerel” ........................ 4!

rudder fish ....................... 4: B.anditten, Ebeu ............................ 38! Barnacles, mode of feeding of .............. 24;

. Barker & Tallman .......................... 41 Barker, Christopher ........................ 40, 4. Barnes, A . G ............................... 421 Barracuda .................................. 41 Bass ....................................... 37f

black .................................. 12: bipmouth black ....................... 201 green .................................. l?! rock ................................... 12t striped, arti5cisl propagation of ....... 174

propagation of ................ 6; 01

swagor ................................ 3Et the introduction of, into California .... yellow ................................ 12: yellow and green ...................... 12:

Basaett, Mr ................................ 271 William 6 ......................... 214

Bastard carps .............................. 5E Bat.mchus tau ............ ’. ................. 13s

Beach,Nat. hau ............................. 36e Bean, Tarleton H .................. ..09,125,204, 205 Bohr. vou ............................... 346, 347

395 Bdone .. .144,157,101,284,285,287,2~9,290,293,204,

297, 298 200 283

Bonecke, Berthold ..... .77,79,94,101,103,118,122, 123, 385

80 Benedenia .................................. 243 Benjamin & West .......................... 200 Bennett, A . W .............................. 411

Benjamin .......................... 360 “Captain ” ....................... 3 63 John .............................. 383

Bently. Captain .......................... .268, 381 Berlin flshery exhibition, a German view of

the American section of the .............. 57 Bessie W . Somcs, sohoonor, loss of .......... 381 “Bit Barker Fish Oil Factory” ............ 47 Black baas ................................. 125

in ponds ......................... 56 Black horse ................................ 125 Black-walnut shad flshcry .................. 354 Blackford, Eigcne .................... .40,216, 412 Blackman, Dr . Josiah ....................... 373

Elisha ......................... 362, 374 Blaiue,Hon . James G ...................... 131 Blakefield &. Minor ........................ 255 BlanchBre, H . de 1s ....................... .101, 117 Bleak ...................................... 58

Blue carp .................................. 389 387

Blue cat .................................... 125 Blucflsh ..................................... 30

Baucr, George .............................. 00

. Bellerophon, schooner, loss of ..............

derelopmont of heart., and blood of . longirostris, development . of ........

on internal characteristics of eels .


Blepharia crinitue .......................... 36

said not to exist ..................

Page . “Blno mold ” in salmon. disease ........... 432 Blunt-nosed shinor ......................... 31 Bodeman, Nr ............................... 222 Beeck, Axel ................................ 145 Bombinator ................................ 205 Bonellia .................................... 410 Bonito ...................................... 42 Boon, Benjamin .......................... .353, 307 Bootb,Mr . A .............................. .70, 210 Botrytie .................................... 441. Rowman. GenerH1 Isaac .................... 974 Bowman’s shad flahery ..................... 354 Boyd,Alex., & Co .......................... 212 Brnclisou ................................... 223 Bradr .................................... .238, 239 Brandt, Dr ................................. 411 Brefeld ................................... .433, 440 Brevoortia ................................ 193, 236 Brook trout, English ....................... 62

Englishiin New Zenlnnd ...... 52 natural food of ................ 66

Brooks ............................... .188,130, 438 Prof . W . K .................... .403,404, 407

Brown, Allen ............................... 309 Benjamin ........................... 300 Rumphrey ......................... 309 Jessc ............................... 382 Jog ................................. 213 Samuel ............................. 309

Brownell, Jonathan ........................ 47 Browntom shad flshery ................... 354 Bubnliebthgs urus ......................... 124 Buck. H . Ii ................................. 335 Buffalo, black ............................ .124, 125 . “Jack” ................ : .......... 32

lonp .............................. 125 ‘Bull Head ” ............................... 46

of McCloud River ............ 45 cat ........................... 125

376 Pierce .............................. 301

Steuben ............................ 375

. .

Butler, Col . Zebulon ........................ shad fishery ........................ 854

‘Buttor.flsh, IIump-backed” .............. 81

C . :ham hatehinpjar ......................... 63 7alnniis flnmarchianus ..................... 230 Jalberlh .................................... 105 7aliforni4 introduction of striped bass into . 01

mountain trout, rearing of ...... 20 quail in New Zealand ........... 53 salmon in New Zealand ......... 53

introduced into Indiana . 204 introduction of, into On-

tario .................. 347 planted in Louisiana .... 205 results of artiflcial prop-

agation of ............. 270 trout .......................... 52

:ambarus .................................. Ma .ampbell, J . B .............................. 44, 40

44 >anestrinf .................................. 116

on McClond River 5shee .....

INDEX . 451 Pngc .

of Shoals ................................. 421 Cnnthocamptus ............................ 270 Cnpc Ann Advertiser ...................... E O

Can't Comc It. schooner. tnking shad at 1810s

Capehart, Dr . W . R ........................ .176, 249 Caracino dorso crassior ..................... 880 Cnrnngidm ................................. 30

80 Carniigops ................................. 308 Carangus chryaos .......................... 35

eaculcntns ....................... 35 fnllax ............................ 85 hippos .......................... 34 Richnrdii ........................ 35

308 amblgrhynchus .................. .308, 300 bocps .............................. 30 (Carnngops) atrimnnus ............. 300 fnlcatua ............................ 308

Cnreg's shad 5shcry ........................ 354 Cnrluy, J . If .............................. .415, 410 Csrlislo, Arthur ............................. 114 Cnrolina pompano .......................... 30 Cnrp ..................................... .1?5, 215

a call for, from Ncvndn ............... 29 a request for, from Ontario .......... S80 nrtiflcinl propngation nnd planting of . 215 blue .................................. 387 pcculiaritica of ....................... 380 bluc leather .......................... 390 blue mirror .......................... 300 1)loo scale ............................ 300 bluc, tho existcnca of, clcniod ......... 887 cnstrating of ......................... 00 common ................................ 221 disenso trnnsferred to perch by inocu-

lation .............................. 430 English .............................. 52

introducetl into NowZenland . 62 (;orman .............................. 300

growth and spawming of, in Alabama ................... 424

. inscneibility of, to'froesing'. .. 402

supply of water ........... 215 gold, tho existenoc of, clcniod ......... 387 gold .................................. 387 gold bnstard .......................... 888 in tho Hudson River .................. 54 ];in g .................................. 888 loathor ............................... 388

a trnnsfcr of, from Washington to Scotlnnd ................. 841

mirror ......................... 220, 221, 888 on tho rnceB or vuricties of ............

Cnrangoid 5shcs of the Unitcd States ......

crumcnopthalmus ............... 33

Carnnx ntrimanus, now specics .............

transportation of. In a limited

nnkcd ................................ 220 387

pond. a Georgia.. ..................... G8 rcport on at. rip to Gcrmnny to sccurc . 220 8calo ................................. 887

868 bosP.uo " ........................... 380

Carpc commnne ............................ 387

ECdt?d ......... :. .................... 220 'Cnrpc h ciiiv " ............................

" CaI'JlC de u O U & 3 '. ....................... 360

Pngc . "Cwpc do'kollnr" ....... .._.___. ........... 388

reino" .............................. 380 '' Cnrpes d'or " ........................... 368, 800 Carpoides .................................. 125 Carr, John ................................. 114

Joscph .............................. 273 Cnrr's Islnnd ahnd 5nhcry ................... 353 Cnrns & Engelmnnn ........................ 114 Cars, Mr .................................... 374

Samuel ............................... 375 Cnsc.Mr ........................... ! ........ 257 Cnatomida?, food of young ................. 230 Cnst.rnting flah ............................. 50, GO Cat, blue ................................... 125

bull-head .............................. 125 coal boat ............................... 125 flat .................................... 125

Cntflsh ................................. 52, 215 artiflcial plnnting of ................ 215 bull-hcncl ........................... 125 blue ................................ 125 chnnnol ............................. 125 introduced into New Zenland ....... 52

. pr..osedintroductionof, intoGhent . 340

CnfAshes, food of ........................... 245 Cntostomuscommersonii ................... 125

oociclcntnlis ................... 46 Cnttio, S . TI1 ....... 03, 08, 105,108,123,127,120, 130 Cavalha ................................... 84 Cnvally .................................... 34 "Cavnsinn " ............................... 48 Centnychoida, food of .................... 245 Ccntrcpnges, nom species of ............... 200 Oerntacnnllius ............................. 144 Ccraticht~hya ............................... 125 Ccrdnlc ionthns ............................ 300

Cotlorhinu8 maximus ...................... 240 247

Cetochilus ................................ 239 Cotorhinus . (Sco Cotiorhinus) ............ 247 Cetorliinus maximus . (Seo Cetiorhinus

maximus) ............................. 247 Chadwick, B . P .......................... .330, 340 Chnllengerida ............................. 240 Channel cat ............................... 125 Cliapin Islnnd 8hnd flshcry ................ 354 Chnrles Carroll, schooner, loss of .......... 381 Chose ..................................... 03, 208

Ifr . Abncr .......................... 48 Chenn ..................................... 101 ChOsapQEke Bay, codflsh (taught near mouth

yCl10w ................................. 125

NUd ................................ 125

ycllow .............................. 128

now genus and specics ..... 332 . modo of feeding of ...........

Of ..................................... 381 . Cliilodon coronatus ........................ 248 Chinn, J . B ................................ 53 Chirocophali .............................. x17 Chironomua ............................... 20 Chiroostoma .......................... .14a,101, 286

notat& ......................... 284 Christic Cnmpbcll, schooner, cod taken by,

on trawls .............................. 15 chub ( 1 ) .................................. .125, 389

INDEX . Page .

Chub. common ............................. 125 borncd .............................. 126

Church, Joseph & Co ...................... 48 Chyodonis sphncricus ..................... 237 ' . C i c h m " ............................... 33 "Cigar-fish" .............................. 31 Citharichthys (Hemirhombus) latifrous ... 306

latifrous, new specica ....... 334 Clnm, devclopment of tho ................. 403 Clark, A . Howard ......................... 204

Frank N ..... .19,54,62, 65,179.204,205, 211, Clnrk & Robbins ..... , .................... 257 Clnrke,Mr . S . C ............................ 88

S.F ................................ 39 Clepsine ................................... 243 Clifford, Cwpt, Washborn .................. 49, 50 Clift, William ............................. 213 Clinton, DcWitt .......................... 114 Clupes .................................... 144

nlosa, cmca of ...................... 280 cncrasicolua, ceca of ............. 280 hnrengus ......................... 12 Irnrcngns, caeca of ................. 280

Clupcoids, food of ......................... 245 modo of feeding of ............. 247

Coal nshcs for raising mnckcrcl in seines . . 05 Cons, Cnptniu .............................. 05 Coates, Mary .............................. 376 Cod ....................................... 20

md halibut flshories new tho Shumagin Islands .............................. 259

notes on ............................... 804 Codfish, caught near mouth of Chosnpcake

Bay .............................. 384 young, an inquiry as to tho caphure

of, in Chosnpcake Bay ........... 401 Codfishing, with gill.ncta ................. .384, 449

in Ipswich Day ... 204 Cod gill-nets ............................... 344

American methods of making and rigging .................. 7

construction and rig of ........ 4 E . & G . W . Lord's ............. 8 in Mnssachuscttu .............. 343 Newfoundland mothodsof mnk-

ing and rigging .............. 6 Norwcginn, introduction of, in-

to the United States ......... 1 Norwegian methods of making

and rigging ................. 4 Codosiga ................................... 242 Cohn ....................................... 188 " Cojinua " ................................. 32 Coleps ...................................... 243 Collins, Cnpt . J . W ............... 1, 05,220,401, 402 Colorado River, Texas, movements of ale .

wivcsin .................................. 09 Common trout .............................. 40 COnfeIWB ................................... 69, 418 Conger ...................... 72,00,100,107,128, 120

obacrrationa on, in 1881 .............. 105 VdgaTle ............... 100, 107,120,127, 128

200, aoi, 408, 422

. .

Conger.ee1, 09 t4e mature malo sexual or . gms of the ............................... 126

Page . Coqjugatm ................................. 413 Connccticut. eo1 fairs in .................... 103 Convoluta .................................. 410

schulteii ... ..........._...... ... 411 Cook. Captain .............................. 53

IIenry ............................... 394 Mr ................................... 200

Cooley. Jacob ............................ .372. 373 Cope. Profcssor ..................... 27.34.192. 190 Corogonus. food of young ................... 260

albue ....................... .03.05. 987 albus. teeth of larval ........... e49 clupoiformis. food of young ..... 19. 402 lnvaretus in Michipn .......... 208 marmna ........................ 203 pnlmn .......................... 20

Corlisa. Captain .......................... .2a8. 381 cornu ...................................... 432 Corrinn. H . Bishop. eohoon'or. loss of. in

halibut fishing ........................... 208 "Corvina" ................................. 310

aramotn ......................... 314 acutirostris ..................... 314 chrysolcuca ..................... 310 dontex .......................... 318 (Homoprion) acutirostris ....... 310 (Homoprion) fiirthi ............. 315 macrops ........................ 310 ophioscion ...................... 315 rormioiilnris .................... 315

Costa. drone . Gnbriel._._. .................. 110 Costo. P ............................... 109. 110. 144 Cothurnia .................................. 241 Courtright. John ........................... 373 Covert. Dick ............................... 361 Cows. fish.eating. of Provincetown ......... 134 Crnig. Dr . Hugh .......................... 82 Crawford. Dr .............................. 371

William ........................ 370 Crcighton. Xobcrt J .................. .51.5?. 53. 54 Cropiduln glnucs ..................... .188.339. 405 Crcplin. Wedrich Christian Heiurich ..... 115 Crcst of tho Wave. schooner. in tho squid

fishery .................................. 271 Crovnllb ................................... 34 Crevcling. J . P. ........................... 209 Crivdll. Prof . Balsnmo ............... 82.84.85. 116 Crosbic. Dr., on salmon discaso ........... 420

Civstncca ................................. 20 ns fleh food ..................... 240

Cuba jurel ................................ 35 Cnlicida, .................................. 20 Cuvicr .................................... 82. 149

and Vnlcncionnca .................. 149 Cybium .................. .144, 207

maculatum ........................ 2.5 maculatum. devclopmont of ...... 135

Cyclcptus olongntus ...................... 125 Cyclopa ...................... ..20.238.Z46.250. 270

qusdricornla .... .I ............... 237. 239 Thomnsi. NSS .................... 209 thomnsi .......................... 403

Cynoscion ............................. 317.816. 319 album .......................... 8lD

CMSS&CO ................................ 81

INDEX . 453 Page .

Cgnoscion nobilo .......................... 320 othouoptorum .................. 320 parvipinne ..................... 320 parvipinnis ..................... 320 phoxocophnlUN ............... .306, 320 phorocephalum, now spooies ... 818 retioulntum ..................... 310 aqunmipinno .................... 820 stoltmmanni ..................... 820 xnnthulum ...................... 319

OSprids .................................. 249 Cyprinodotitids ........................... 245 Cyprinoids, food of ........................ 245 Cyprinus ncumiuntua ..................... 380

nlrpidotus ....................... 388 nurntus .......................... 224 brnmn ........................... 223 carnsiius ..................... .68,00, 223 onrpio .............. .215,220.223,224, 387

nrtiticinl propngntion and plnnting of ............. 215

trnnsforrcd from Waehin &- ton to Scotland ......... 321

elatus ........................... 380

kollari ........................... 388 mncrolopidotus .................. 388

orfhs ....................... .210.380, 387 reginn ........................... 389 rex-cyprinorum ..................... 220 rex cyprinorum .................. 388 speculum ....................... 388 striatus ......................... 388 tinca-nurata ..................... 222 tinoa var. auratus ............... 221

Cypris .................................... 20, 237

hungmicue ...................... 389

nudus ......................... ..220, 388

D . Dnl .lo ........................................ 113 Dttllrnor, Herr ................... 94,05,101,118, 118 Dana, Alvnn ............................... 302

Mr ................................... 350 Denner, Hormnnn .......................... 122 Dnphno galoata ‘4 ........................... 200 Daphnia ................................... 238. 238

pulox ........................... ..287. 289 Daphnia, ............................ 237,240. 240 Dsphuiada, ....................... .237,288,245, 240 Darcste, Cnmillo ................ .72, 78,07,117, 113

])nrwiu .................................. 85,80. 180 l)aviiino. Dr ......................... .408,404, 405

Daytors, food of ............................. 245

Dnvi(1 J . Adnms, echoonor., Succossfd had- doclr fishing by .......................... 235

~ ~ ~ i ~ , . J . C . Unncrofc ................. 301 ~ ~ ~ y , Ellmphroy ..................... .103, 114 Do Bary ................................... 444 Do Unrr ................................... 432, 430 Deblois, Capt . E . T ........................ 40 Uuoaiene, M ................................ 410 Decnpterus mncnrellne ..................... 31, 32

punotntus ..................... 31 Docker, IIorr ............................... 1% Doer, fallom, in Now Zonlnnd ............... 53

Page. 53

Du Geer .................................... 237


Dcor. rrd. in h-ow Zcnlnnd ................. DoKay ..................................... 31 Dennis, Cnpt . Jnmes P ..................... Dedongchnmps, Eudes ..................... 115 Dosmnrest, M ............................ .101, 110 Dowoy, II . C ............................... 373 Dinbnsis .................................... 3C4

flnviguttntua ..................... .323, 324 mnculicnude ....................... 325 par r s .............................. 322 sondderi ........................... 324 soxfnsoifitus ....................... 394 etoindrichneri .................... .306. 324 stciuclnchneri. new speoics ......... 32%

Dinpterus cnliforniensis .................... 328

Dinptomus grncilis vnr ................... .269. 320% dowi ............................. 320

sicilia ........................... 403 Didolphp virgininn& ....................... 2uU Dido, schooner, sucuesof, in haddock fishing 234 Diuubryon ................................. 242 DiopliteP, rudimcutnry coocn of ............. 210 Dodgo, Edmund .......................... .309, 370

Willinm ............................. 360 Dogtiall ..................................... 125 Dollur-flsh .................................. 31 “Dolly vardon ” ........................... 45, 40 “ Dories ” nt tho Berlin fislicry exhibition .. 67 Doris ................................... ..?41, 244 Doron,T.B.(P) ............................. 214 Dorrnnco, C ................................ 3G4

125 Dunue, Mr .................................. 3G2 Duignn, J ................................... 117 Dunkor, Hum ............................ .120. 323 “Dutoh ” phnd fishery ..................... 353 Duvornoy, Gco~go Louie .................... F 4 Dytiaoue Hoeaolii .......................... 81

E . Earl1,R.E ......................... 31,135,180, 242 Enatorn Queen, schooner . liwgest stook of

hrddock mado by ......................... 235 Eastem trout ............................... $2

in Now Zonlnnd .............. 53 Eborhnrd, Dr . R ..................... 80, M. 117, 119 Echinodermata ............................. 330 Eclcnrdt, Herr .............................. 389 Edinburgh intornationnl tishcrioe exhibition 390

hibition a t .................... 130

dock fishing ..... 233 lo88 Of ............. 881 thuuiirisiugsohoonor :US

E(1itorie1, Sitnbary Amoricnii ............... 110 EdWLtd lvubstur, schooner, fishing fofmnck-

Bel, nnciont beliefs conoerning tho repro-

Dorysoma copodinna var . hotorura .........

pnpots rolnting to fishuries oL .

Edith . POW, srhooDW, sucoc88 of. iu bad-

orel ....................................... 305

duction of ............................ 70 B ~ ~ ~ ~ k u o ~ f h o g o n c r n l tintiii. i.lhistorSof 77 Common ................................ 73 common black .......................... 1’25 common, obsorvntiom ou tho mnlo ..... 120

454 INDEX . Page .

gold .................................... 125

Eel. genernl note on habits of the ........... 74 geograDhioa1 distribution of the ........ 74

golden ................................ 125 Giinther. on the life-habits of the ...... 70 list of pnpers conocrning the ........... 112 notes on the life-history of the .......... 71 ovaries of tho ........................... 88 senroh for and discovery of the fcmalo . . 81 silver .................................. 125 spermatic orgnns of tho ................. 00 undoubted normalrcproductivc habits of

the ................................... 95 yellow .................................. 125

'LEel-fibirs" ............................... .77, 114 Eel, female, ann1 part of a ..................

lon$tudinnl section of abdomen of ............................

piece of a dcvoloped ovary of .. picoe of tho ovnry of ...........

male, anal pert of ...................... hnnt for nnd discovery of, by

Syrski ......................... lobes ofthe right testiclu of ...... pieca of the testicle of ........... section of abdomen of ............

mother ................................. Eels, external characteristic8 of ............

how to dintingukh male and female .. hnnt for young ....................... introduction of, into new wators in the

Unite4 States ....................... malo, (lo 1- vo the sea and enter fresh

wntert .............................. number of apeoius of ..................

in America ...... question ns to the viviparous nature of . young. on the movements of ..........

Egg.fungus, observations on ............... Ehlers . von .................................


89 89 80 92

84 91 0% 90 80 02 80 04


97 71 73 04

. 101 177 loa

Elnoab ........................................ 143 cnnadus ................................ 136

Elngatis pinnnlatus ........................ 43 Eleoato ................................ 147,288, 2.G

onnadus ........................... 288 Ellis, J . F ................................... 215 Elmer, Dr . George .......................... 371 ISlsner ...................................... 80,.81 "Elvna" .................... ."... .......... 103 Embryology of fishes, results obtained from

a study of the ............................ 22 Emma A . Osier, schooucr, codflshing with

gill-nets ................................ .394, 305 Empush .................................. .441, 444 Endlioh, Prof . F . M ........................ 413 English brook trout ........................ 53

carp ............................... 64 snlmon in New Zcalnnd ............ 52, 53 songbirds introduced into New

Zcallnnd ......................... 69 trout in New Zealnnd .............. 63

Ennie, Corieliue ........................... 360 EntomOphthOI'a ............................ 441 Entomoatraca .............................. 20 Enta, Dr . Goza ............................. 411

Pngo . Eolis ...................................... 24 I . 214 Ercolani, Gioranni Buttisto ......... .82.84,86, 140 Erimyzon Nucotta, food of .................. 2:G Eaox ....................................... 20 Euotenogobiua ............................. 331 Eucyclogobius .............................. 331 Eva May, boat, minx gill-nets for cod ...... 264 Evarta, Dr . H . C ............................ 241 Evolnnd, Mr ............................... 230 Erucmtus .................................. 284 Eroglussum maxillingua ................... 125

F . Fahlberg, Algot ........................ .80,81, 113 Fairchilrl, W . L ............................ BOG Fnlling Spring shad 5shery ................. 354 Fn"n1ow doer in Now Zcalnnd ................ 53 Farr, Mr ................................... 51 Fassett, Alvnh ............................. 3113

Mnjor John .................. 355,850, 300 Fccldcrsen, Arthur ......................... 110 Fcrpuson, T . B ............... ..03,177,264.403, 410 Ficld, The, extract from .................... 218 Finmarkcn Company ...................... 18

Whaling Company ............. 18 Finu, TV .................................... 110 Finseb, Dr . 0 ........................ .220,224, 2'25 Filth, Mr . J . C ............................. 51 Fischcr .................................... 404 Fisclbof, Lcwin ........................... 221 Fish, castrating ............................ 60

cnltuxo, coat of preparation for ....... 383 for proflt .................... 382 progress nnd results of ...... 300

Fish culturists, suggestions to .............. 55 Fish-eating cows of Provincetown ......... 134 Bish.eggs, a dopot for enibrjnnntod ........ 845

dry tinnsmissiou of .............. 345 treatnicnt of. n t aca .............. 340

F i s h h m k , a model of the atenmer, at Berlin ................................... 57

Fish ova oomparcd with those of other vcrto- brates ..................................... 283

Fish, young, destruction of, by unsuitable

Fisher, F . I3 ................................ 251 Fishcry now8 from Gloucestcr .............. 205 Fishca, gcnrsis of the blood in cnibryo ...... 283

results obtuinetl from XI study of tho embryology of ................... 2'2

Fish's Island shad flshcry .................. 354 Bitch. Chpt . Oeio B., suocrssful hnddock

fishing by ............................. 234 Flemming, Prof . W . ..138,187,18S, 180,335. 330,337.

3X3. 404 Floor18 in Potoupo X.iver ................... 258 Florida, flsliing nnd flsh culturo in ......... 251

shad fisliory, notus nnd supgoations

flahiiig iinplements ...................... 339

concoining tlic .................. 351 Fol ......................................... 187 Yui be8 ..................... ............... 280

Prof . S . A .. .lo, 20,230,243, 200, 303.304.305. 300. 402

Fowler, G ............................... .373. :J74 Gilbert .......................... .307, 3C8

INDEX . Pago .

Fowler. Mr .......................... ..355.356. 367 Foyn. Svond ................................ 17. 18 Fox. James ................................. 373 Frazor. George ............................. 373 Frois, ....................................... 241

produotn ............................. 241

Brelinghuyson. Fred’k T ................... 390 Freud, S ................................ 09.106. 120

fiiedrioh von Busso .................... ~ 3 4 5 . 346 Fuoecern .................................... 413 Fungi affoctod by I ‘ pollutions” of tho water 440

G . Gadus .................... ., 297

macrocephalus ....................... 250 morrhua .............................. 250

“G&topaail” ............................. 30 &illon. Banjamin .......................... 418 Gdvani. Camillo ............................ 8’1 Gmbusia ................................. 108 Gammaroe ................................... 20 Gar. alligator .............................. 186 Qrrrden ..................................... 34 Gar.flsh, ehort.noso ......................... 126 Gar pike .................................... 125

. .

Gar. ellvcr. devolopmont of ................ 283 Gars. bony. food of ......................... 245 Gasterostoidm .............................. 246 Gasteroatoua ............................... 144

loiurus ....................... 24 Gnetrosteue traohurna ...................... 246 Gaetrotricha ............................... 243 GayloId. MBjor Juatus ..................... 370 Geddea. Patrick .......................... .410. 411 Geneaoo River. salmon caught in ........... 23 Gonach ...................................... 20 Gonsch’sviow 0.8 to origin of Mood of fish08 27 Geoduo.clam. int..uotion of, upon tho At-

lnntic const ................ 200 babiteand distributionofthe . 200

"Geoducks" ............................... 21 Geoffrey, Mr ............................... 60 Georgia mrp pond. fi ....................... 08 Gorbe ...................................... 404 Gorrea ...................................... 320

aul\eolus ......................... ..300. 330 aUrO0lUS. nOW SpCOiCS ............... 328 exillaria ............................. 330 brovimnnda ......................... 330 oalifornioneis ........................ 320 dowi ................................ 320 gracilis ............................. 320 lineatus ............................. 330 peruvianus . i. ....................... E30 rhombous ........................... 830 equamipinnia ....................... 320 zebra ............................... 320

Gossnor. Conrad ............................ 80 Wm ............................... 281

Gila. ppeoice ................................ 40

W . L .............................. 427 Gill ........................................ 35

Captain ................................ 343 QIl.nots, cod. in Ipswioh Bay ........... ..204. a43

Gilbert.. Chnrlos If ......................... 306

455 Pnae . .

3iU.nota. in ood.fiahing from Glouwtor .... 384 in the cod.fislory. ................ 1

Sirard ..................................... 35, 7J

Iflobigorina, ................................ 240 Iflookner Gebriider ......................... 122 @J~ooytltis .................................. 411

April, 1882 ................... &20

flsh landod et, in April, 1889 .. .426, 427 fisheries, notes on .............. 268 flshory now8 .................... 265

notes from tho .......... 394 notes on tho ............. 2b3

f, .m .......................... 3R1 noten on tho flsherica of ...... .410, 425

Clpcria fluitans ........................... 60 Glyoimorie gcnoross ........................ 21

31me, Eorr ................................ 345

G;loucoster, amount oP flsh brought to, in

firstappearanceof flshat, in1881 . 06

Maasnohusctts, fishery notes

habits nnd distriibutiou of 260 introduction of, upon At-

lantic comt ............ 200 Cobius ..................................... 331

omblomnticua, now species .......... 330

Gooppe pe‘lt. ................................... 446

Gog&.eyo ................................. 125 Goggler .................................... 33

(Lopidogobius) emblematicus ....... 800

Gootte, A .................................. 204

Gold boetard carp ........................ 388, 3RP carp ................................ .388, ROO

said not to exist .................. 387 Gold-fish in Hudson River .................. 54 Golden maokord ............................ 35 Golclorfe .............................. .221,222, 223 Gomphonoma ............................... 243 Goode, G . Qrown .............. .3,30,40,71,226, 207 Gookin, Dimiol ............................. 371 Goolorn ..................................... 125 Gordon, TV. Alox ........................... 200 Grant, George .............................. 371 Grant’s shad flshery ........................ 363 “ Grnsanl ” .................................. 110 Great Lakos, ohanges in flshories of tho,187 0-

1880 ...................................... 252 Greon, Monroe A ........................... 271

Mr . Myron .......................... 44 Seth ......... 23,48,67,llD, 211,213,221,225, 421 Walter ............................... 3 8 ~

Greens, Wator ............................. 376 Grey, Cnpt . Albert ......................... 49 GrifBtbs ............ i - ...................... 214 Grind01 ..................................... 125 Grinnellia ................................... 241 Grist% Bar shad flshery .................... 364 I‘ CTrongo ”-.--. ............................ 00 Grouso, in Now Zoalnnd .................... 63 Gunthcr, Dr ............. .35,71,72,73,77,85,80, 130

on life-habits of tho eel ............ 7(1

H . Ennck, Diroctor E .............. .67. Os, 09. 120, 122 Euddock, abundonoo of, off Glouocstur in

April, I882 .................. .43, 427

456 INDEX . Page

Hnddock. notes on ......................... 39 mnnncr of caring for ............. 23 fishemon ........................ 22 fishery. apparatus nnd methods

of the ................. 22 dories .................. 22 of Now Xsglnnd. winter . 28 productiveness of the ... 23

23 trawls ................... 22

Hnddock fishing, baiting trnwls for ....... .224. 23 “ d o u b l e-bank in g the

tmwl” in .............. 23 grounds ............... .220. 22 “fishing single dories”

in ..................... 23: manner of out5t for ..... 231 mothods of ............... 23( running for tho market

in ..................... 23 .: I‘ setting undor sni l ” i~ . 23( vmsels .................. 22:

H . A . Duncnn. schooner. wcce8s of. in h d - dock 5shing ........................... 233. 201

Eneckd. l’rofussor ........... . 2& Hsemulon breriroetmm ..................... 324

caudimacula .................. ..322. 32L flavignttntus .................... 324 mnculosum ....................... 3% mnrgrcritif8rnm .................. 3% mazntlnnum ..................... 32t scuddori ......................... 324 soxfnscintua ..................... 324

undecimale ....................... 324 Enley. Jim ................................. 421 Enlibut iisberins near Shumngin lelnnds .. 259

notes on ........................... 394 Hamltn. Prof. C . E ......................... 273

William ........................... 177 IIampton, Dr . E . J .......................... 214 H.mk. William ............................. 309 Hnrding. Cbnrles W ........................ 428

Garrick M ........................ 56. 50 Earding’s uhnd fishery ..................... 354 “Hnrd-tnil“ ................................ 32 Eard-tnils ................................. 33 Harridcn. Johnny ......................... 235 Enrvey. Jnmeson ............. 354.356,350.357. 370

Jcnnison ........................... 368 IIathamay. Mrs ............................ 29 Hntschok .................................. 404 Hawkine. J . W ............................. 260 Ucckel & Xncr ............................. E86 Heilbuttcn ................................. 260 Helix ....................................... 205

arti5cinl culture of S ~ O C I O S of ........ 204 nspcrsa .............................. 205 pomntia .............................. 205 rhodostoma .......................... 205 ve1PlIculnris ........................ 205

Eemirhnmphus .......................... .101. 28 I unifnaointus ................ 284

Bemirhombus .............................. 334 IKemphill. Heurg .......................... .21, 200 &ndriok8, M . U ............................ 300

tho. 5fty yenrs ago ......

Pngo . Ecrmee. Dr . Ohto .... .80. Q8. DO. 120

ger ...................... 105

1882 ............................. 427 for hddock 5shing ............... 220 notes on ........................... 304 Ohio ............................... 125

. tooth ................. r ............ 125 Hcrtwig .................................. ~ 8 7 . 244 Hesscl. Rudolph ............. 204 Hickory shad .............................. 125 Hicster. Chnrles 1”, .... .: .................... 382 Hinckclmnnn. Herr ._ ....................... 124 Einckley. Xsnnc ............................ 134 Hind. Professor ........................... .348. 380 Hinkclmnnn ............................. .108. 130 Hippocampus ........ .loo. 101.1u2.103.104.195. ID8

nntiqugrum .................. 199

morphology of .. 191

of .............. 194

of .............. 195 Hirudo .............. .._ .................... 204

medicinalis .......................... 204 officinalis ........................... 204

His .............................. .148.286.207. 296 Kitt. Robert R ............................. 130 Hubbs. Orlando ............................ 125

124 Hohnbaum-Hornschuoh .............. 82.88.84. 115 Holbrook .......... .-.. .................... 35 Eollcnbnck ................................ 309

Mr ............................ as. 350 Georgc M. ...................... 306 Nelson B ....................... 30D

Holt. Lieutcunnt ........................... 282 Home ...................................... 405 Homo ...................................... 73 Homoprion ................................ 311 Hopping. Judge ........................... 213

observntionsby. outhe Con- . Herring. nbnndnnoe of. at Gloucestcrin April.

developmcut a n d

onrly dovclopmunt

lntcr dc~~clopment

on Ohio Xivcr fishes ........

Eornce .................................... 416 HOmcd chub ............................... 125 “Hors” ................................... 35 .. Horse Crovallb ........................... 32. 34 .. Horse-cyod Jaok ......................... 33 “Horse5ah” ............................... 30 Borsc mnckercl ......................... .32.35. SO Eortou. Dr ................................ 850

Georgc F ......................... 870 M&jor John ....................... 370

Kughes. Smith E .......................... 340 Rummcl’s fishery (shad) ................... 3VJ Eumped.bnckcd butter fish ............... 31 Bunlook. Mr .............................. 377

Jonathan ._ ...................... 354 Bunt. John ................................ 40 3unt’s fcmy shnd 5shery ................. 354 3uxluy. Prof . T . H ................ .247.207.830. 448

on salmon disenso ....... 420 Zvnl. Fredning af ........................ 17 Iydra ........................ 1 ............ 410. 411

Endaon River carp ........................ 54

INDEX . 457 Pago .

H j h ....................................... 206 Hyodon tergisus ........................... 125

"Hgpopleotrua I ) _ _ . _ . ..................... a22

lohthmlurus punotatus .................... 125 Icllthyobue bubalus ....................... 125 Iohthyologionl literaturo, strango miaatate-

menta in ............................... 100 Idoten ..................................... 410, 411 Idue molanotus ............................ 222

auratus .................... 221 Infusoria ................................... 330

attacking Saprolognia ........... 447 Ingham, Dr . Charles F ..................... 375

Joseph ........................... 309 354 13

Iaopisthus nfflnie .......................... 821 pnrvipinnis .................... a21 romifor ......................... 800

new apooics ............. 320 305

Hyodontidm ............................... 245

I .

lugham's Island shad fishery .............. Ipswioli Bay, cod gill-nota used in .........

Imnnhoe, sohoonor, fishing for mnckerol .... J .

' I Jnok " ................................... " JnokAsh " ............................ .32,42, 125

Jneobs, Cnpt . Solomon .................... 4.12 Jneobson, Hormnu, translation8 by . .17,58, ti!), 207,

259,345, 385 Jnoobg, Dr . L . .70, 80, 61, 64,85,60,02,04,05,00,07,09,

107,106.110,111.113,115,110,116.121,123,127, 130 108


Jnckaoq, William .......................... 218

Jnooby'e tour to Commnohio in 1677 ....... Jenkins. Mr ............................... 855

S ................................. 372 Jorome, Goorgo H ......................... 206 Jonnnis, L . do .............................. 115 Johllius nobilis ............................ 320 Johns, Cilptnin ........................... 218 Johnson, Mr . W 52, 68 JolInston, Dr 418 Jones ...................................... 423

........................... ..............................

Joncs & Trovnlle .......................... 250 Jordan, David S ...................... ..30,48, 300

in haddock fishing ...................... .238, 268

Jurel ....................................... 32 Cuba .................................. 35

Juilno ................................... .237, 280

'I Jurobado " ............................... 81 Josio M . Cnlderwood. schooner, suooe88 Of,

Jnncus ..................................... 60

KabQnu .................................... 250 Knlmbaoh, Mr ............................. 253 Xarauscho ................................. 228 Xnuffor .................................... 104 Xnumnnn, HelT ............................ 110 Xnup ...................................... 72, 73 "1Iawai" ................................... 61 Kcelor's shnd fishery ....................... 854 KOtOhlIN, JudgO Q . C ...................... 257 Kinchen, 0 . M. ............................. 200 Kingsloy, J . S .............................. 130

Pngr . Eirsc l~ ................................ 222.228. 224 Kirtlnnd. Mr ............................... 257 Klein ...................................... 167 Kiilliker. Professor ........................ 264 Kowalowsky ............................... 200 Krniiso. Dr ................................ 250 Kuffer ...................................... 08. 00 Kiibno ..................................... 183 Kumloin. Ludwig .... . 258 Kupffw ............... 204 Xupnert & Sons ............................ 222

L . Lnbidosthoa ................................ 264 Labracidm . food of ......................... 215 Labrndor duck ............................. 275 Labrav lineatus. caoa O f ................... Lacarno-Uutbiors ........................... 405 Lnighton. Cedrio ........................... 421 Lnkcs. gront. chnnges in flsheriea of. from

187Oto18RO ............................... 252 Lnmbcrt. Mr . Goorgo ...................... 47 Laminaris ................................. 241. 2.4

sncolinrina ....................... 238 Lnminnrim ................................. 238 Lnnd. Gordon .............................. 118 Lnnkoetor. Prof . Ray ..................... 404. 411

251 Leach. Frnnk B ........................... 212

Loathor-jacket ............................. 43 204

Leouwenhock .............................. 237 Anton de .................... 61. 113

Loidy. Professor ......... . 415 Leonnrd. J . A ........................ .BOO. 301. 301 Lopidoateus ........................... 100. 205. 290

platystomus .................... 125 Lepomis ................................. .125. 200

megalotis .......................... 206 Leptomitus ................................ 448

lnotons ......................... 440 Lepua cnllotis var .......................... 200 Loreboullot ................................ 140 Louciaous idns .............................. 218

molnnotus ........................ 218 Leuwonhock ................................ 80 Lowis. Prof . H . C ........................... 412 Lindoinnn. M ............................... 250 Lindenhain. Guido ....................... .loo, 122 Line's Ialnnd lowor shnd flsliery ............ 853

middl0 R h d fl8hul.y ........... 358 npper ahad fishery ............ 353

Link. W .................................... 221 Linnmus. Carolus ................... 34.97. 80. 113 Lit. holepis 8patula .......................... 126 Ljunguinn on food of flahos ................. 248 'Look-down ................................ a i Lophobrnuoh a mielonding term ............ 103 Lophobrnnchintos. a contribution to the do-

volopmont nnd morphology of ............ 101

274 205


Lnrsen. Unp t . Thomas ...................... Loathor carp ............................... 368

Leochos. modicinnl. artificial culture of ....

08BR118 .......................... 128

Lopliobranohii .............................. 102 Lord. W . Scott. osq ......................... Louisiana. California salmon introdnood into

INDEX . Pnge .

Lurco ....................................... 237 Lymnscus ................................... 245 Lyncei ...................................... 237 Lynceidre ................................. 237, 240 Lynceus .................................... 240

M . Mackerel .................................... 3638

flrst nriivnl of, in New Pork, 1882 . 402 flshery of 1881, notes on ........... 132 golden ............................ 35 in purae seines, coal nshes used in

raising .......................... 65 noteRon .......................... 394

. .

Mngellnn Cloud, schooner, cod flshing with gill-nets ................................. 304

Mnggi, L ........................... .82,84,85, 118 Magnus, Albcrtua ....................... .77,80, 81 Mnine salmon, disappearance of, from On-

results of artificial propaga-

. Maitland, Sir I . R . S ........................

tario ...................... 347

tion of ..................... 270

Mnnanose, development of .................. 403

Nnrquette, Gcorge R ....................... 258


Marion, Mr ................................. 257

“ Marse Bnnkcr ” ........................... 35 Martha C., schooner, flrst cngaged in Le

Have hnddock flsbery 227 largest haddock fare taken by ............ 234

success of, in hnddock

Martin, Cnpt . Chailes, succeRsfu1 haddock fishing ........ .233,208, 420

fishing by ....................... 234 Cnpt . George H .......... .7,8,12,13,15, 206 Cnpt . S . J . .05,00,133,227,220,233.263,264,

205,208,342,343,345,381,384,394,410, 425 S . J., on New England fishes ....... 202

Mather & Bell cone ......................... 03

Mnthews, Mr ............................... 254 Maud Gcrtrude, schooner, flshing for cod

Mnther, Fred .................. .57,llO, 271,340, 428

with g i l lmts ............................ 343 Mnury, Lieutennnt ......................... 240 Maxson, Orrin P ......................... .205, 206 Mnx von dem Borne ........................ “Mayflsh” ................................ 57 McCaskie, A ................................ 130 McCloskie . Professor ....................... 130 MeCloud River fishes, notes on ............. 44

salmon, mortality of ......... 134 McCord, John ............................. 305, 3GG

McGovern, Hugh D ........................ 122

MePherson, M r ............................. 377

Meigs. hlr .................................. 64 Melanogrammus regleflnus .................. 220 Nende, Trangolt ........................... 221 Menhaden ............................... .35,30, 4C

Gulf ............................. 34 industry, origin of ............... 4e


McDonald, Col . MarehaU.135,130,103,18?, 184,187, 215,292,422, 423

McKeuuon, Capt . John, succcesful haddock flshing by ................................ 233

Mcdregal ................................... 42

Page . Menhnden slircrs for hnddock flshing ...... 220

stenmcrs, influence of. on coast fisheries ........................ 260

Menzies, P . N ............................... 132 Merchant., Mr ............................... 05 MeiTitt, Gilbert ............................ 370 Mcrtie Delmar, schooner, onrly mackerel

catch by .................................. 425 Metridia armata ............................ 230 Meyer, Dr .................................. 41 Microbia ................................... 242 Microciona proliferum ...................... 246 Microdesmus ............................... 332

dipus ......................... 332 rctroooinnis .................... 306 retropinnis, new species ...... 331

Micropterns pnllidus ..................... .1?5, 200 snlmoides ..................... 125

Miles . Mr . G . V ............................ 50, 51 354

Miller, Betsy ............................... 378 George ............................ 305, 300 0 . F ................................ 83 S . B ................................ 200 Will, iam ............................ 373

Miller & McCord ........................... 357 Millet ...................................... 105 Milne.Edwnrd8. H ........................ .177, 103 Milner, J . W ......... .70,17R, 213,262,253,257, 3CG

Minor, Mr .................................. 258 Mirey, Eunry ............................... 44 Mirror carp ................................ 388

Mitchill, Samuel L .......................... 114 MGbins ................................... .240, 246 Moat, Samuel .............................. 374 Molinelli, Pietro ............................ 82 Mollusca ................................... 330 Mollusk, a valunlrleedible west const ....... 21 Mondini, carlo ...................... .82,83,113, 114 Yonor a .................................... 187, 330 Monocacy Island shad flahery .............. UG4 Monopterus ................................ 72 “Montata” ................................ 102 Monte, Cajetan ............................. 113 “Monteo ” ................................. 102 Monti, Prof . Cajetan ....................... 62 Moon-flub ........................... 20,30,31, 130

devtilopment oP brenst flns of ..... 25 Silver ............................. 31

Xordecai, E . R., N . D., on food of ahnd .... 2 7 Morgan, Davivid .............................. 373 Morril Boys? schooner, cod fishing with gill-

nets ...................................... 304 Moseley .................................... 240 Motella ..................................... 138 I‘ Mother leeches ‘ I . _ . ........................ 205 “Mother of orla ” ......................... 81 Mountain quail introduced into New Zonlnnd 53

23 Mucor ...................................... 440 . Mll(l.Cnt. .................................. 125

cephnlus ............................ 81

Mill Crock shad flshery ....................

on food of flshes ............. 240

Mitchell .................................... 37, 70

trout, rearing of Cnliforaia .......

Mugil albula ............................... 283

Mugilidffi ................................... 284

459 Pnge .

Miillcr. August ............................. 112 Otto Friedrich ................ ..a, 83, 113 Statius ............................. 112

Muiict .................................. 3% 34, 125 Mundini .................................... 83

Murrnna Anguilla ........................... 113 liolona .......................... ..OO, 112

Murrny, George ............................ 438 John .............................. 240

Mya ....................................... 130 arenarin ............................... 239, 408

fishjug.. ............................... .,23a, 420

Munroe ................................... 46

. . nigra ............................. 72

"?durena" .................................. 00

Mystic, schooncr, success of, in hnddoclc

Nyxostoma mncrolcpidota x.ar . dnquosnii ... macrolopido-


t a ......... 125 miwrolopidotum, food of.. ...... 236

Nnia ........................................ 237

Nnuclerus .................................. 4'2 hnuorntee duotor ........................ .40,41, 42 Nnrioula oatrearia ........................ .410, 418 Yohrkorn, Oberamtmann ................... 221 Nollic Rowc, schooncr, Ashing for mackcrcl . 395 h'cscopcck ehnd fishery ..................... 353 Nettio Rowc, schooner, 5rst now mackerel

brought by ............................... 402 h'ovnda, a call for carp from ................ 29 New England 5shoric8, not.cs on ............ 133

food.Ashcs, . uotos on .......... 202 winter hnddook Ashcry of ..... 226

Now Jersey, live ponds for 5sh in .......... 340 Few Zealnnd, flsh.culturo in ................ 61

N . Naasnuischo Fischcrci Actioan Goscllschaft . 221

Noynaber, Captain ........................ 846 Xicklns, Cnrl ............................... 120

Nilsson, S ................................... 110 &'octiluca ................................... 244 Nomanby, Xarquis of .................... 52 Nomy, E . R ............................ .07,68, 200

by ............ 12

hillson, S .......................... ........, 82

Northcrn Eagle, schooncr, cod gill-nota used

cod taken by, in

Bshing for cod


Norwegian cod gill.ncte, direct. ions for usc of introduction of, into

gill-nuts ....... 15

with pill-not8 343, 344

Boonc Islnnd .. 265 1

thcUnitcdStntes . 1 rotodolpphys nscidicola ..................... 230

Now Pork Evcning Post ................... ~ o t u r u s . - - - . - ............................. 200 110

0 . Odontoscion ................................. 318

arohidiunl ..................... 300 archidium, now species ........ 317

allnoher ................................ .188, 205 Ohio herring ............................... 125

Pnge . Ohio river fish ............................... 125

market flshee ..................... 124 Oljgoplitca occiden tnlie ..................... 43 '' Onoc a Ashcrmnn " ........................ 120

chouicha ..................... 210

nndplnntingof .... 210

dinna ............ 204

isiana ............. 205

in ........................................ 350 Opnlina .................................... 243 Ophioscion trpioua ......................... 315 Oppjm ..................................... EO Orbulina nniveraa .......................... 240 "Orfc" .................................... 210

introduction of, into England ........ 218 rod .................................. 210

Orthostmehue mnculicnuda ................ 325 Oeborn, J . H ............................... 351 O'Shnuglmessy ............................. 415 Osmorus cpcrlnnus ......................... 428

mordas ........................... 4'8 viridcsccns ....................... 428

Oatorhont, Isnac S .................... .386.357, 876 p . M: ...................... 354,357, 361

Ostracods .................................. 210 Oatrca odnlie ............................... 412

rostralis ...... 1.. 403 virginion ........................... 403

Otolithus nlbus ............................. 310 cnliforniensis ..................... 320

reticulatus ....................... 310 squamipinnis .................... 320

Owen ...................................... 102 Owsjnnuikow .............................. 200 Oyster, notos on tho brooding, food and

Oncorhgnchus ........................... .140, 101

arti5ainl propagation

introduced into In-

introduced into Lou-

Ontario, scarcity of mnlo and grilsc salmon

................... "Oswcgo Bnas" ...................... .357,364, 306

magdaleurn ....................... 320

etoltzmnuni ...................... 320

grocn color of tho ......................... 403

P . Pncbnly, Arno Gustav ..................... 207 Paohnlg'a Asli-trnn.9porting cnr ............. 207 Packard, Prof . A . S ........... .86,105,110, 121, 127 "Pacligurua" .............................. 811 Paddock, W . W . R: Co ...................... 280 Page, W . F .............................. 210 Palmclla ................................... 411 Pampano ................................... 32, 85 Panizzn, Bartolomco ..................... .112, 118 Panama, ninotcon new spcoies of flrhes from

Pnratrnctus pisquotus ...................... 32 parephippus ........................... 25, 144, 100

. fabcr ......................... 130 Park, Chester ............................... a02 Pnrkhuret .................................. 212 Pnrncll, Dr ................................. 240 Pnrtridges in New Zaalnnd ................. 53 " Pnacento" ................................ 110 "Pnsciuti" ............................... 100, 110

tho bag of ................................ 300

460 INDEX . Page .

“Pasciuto” ............................... 100 Pnaco, I D ................................ 20, 30 Pasteur ................................... 1R1 Paul, Dr .................................. 105, 127 Pnullini, Christinn Branz .................. 81 Paul Revere, schooner, loss of ............. 381

the missing schooner ........ 208 Pauly, Dr . A .......... I ............ .98, OD, 104, 122 Pavia ..................................... 84

5R Pcdicellina americans ..................... 247 Prirce, Capt . N . P ........................ 349 Pelodichthys olivaris ...................... 125 Penicillium ................................ 440

432 Pcrca flnviatilis ........................... 58, 124 Perch ..................................... 58. 59

Bunulo ............................. 125 trout ............................... 124 white .............................. .124, 125 yellow ............................ ..124, 125

Perches, food of ........................... 245 l’ercival. Cnpt . Fmuklin .................. 384 Parcopsis guttatus ........................ 124 Pcremeschko .............................. 335 Permit .................................... 40 Peronospora ......................... .437,443, 444

infcstans ..................... 437 415

Petromyson fiuvintil@ ..................... 112 marina ....................... 112 plnneri ....................... 112

PAtzncr, W .............................. .187, 335 Phnntom, schooner, herring catch by ...... 427 Phcnsants in New Zealaud ................ 83 Philozoiin ................................. 411 Physa ..................................... 215 Pickerel in ponds .......................... 50 Pike ................................... 58,G0, 125

food of ............................... 245 gar .................................. 125

Pike, 1. . G ................................. 211 Pilot ..................................... 41 Pilot fish ................................ .40,41. 42 Pimelepterua .............................. 328

analogus ..................... 828 boqci ........................ 327

lutcscens .................... 328

Peat bogs as fish ponds ....................

glaucum in salmon disease ....

bnchelor. ........................... .124, 126

not active in dqg weather ....

ClCgcLUs ...................... 328

ocyunie .................... 306, 328 ocyurue, new species ........ 327

Pipnotheres ............................... 242 Pirate perohcs, food of .................... 245 Pison8 ..................................... 150 Pi t t River, Califoinia, doscription of fleh-

way in .................................. 202 Plnnorbis .................................. 24s Plectropoma ............................... 322

chlorurum ................... 322 Pliny ...................................... 80, 415 Podophrya gemmipara .................... 244

quadripartite .................. 244 Poey, Professor ............................ 34, 35 Poli ........................................ 405

Page . Pollock fishing in Bostou Bay .............. 342 Polgodon folium ........................... 125 Polgodoutidao .............................. 245 Pomolobus chrysochloris ................... 125 ’

mcdiocriri ....................... 213 Pombxys anuularis ......................... 124 Pompnno ................................... 87, 30

African ........ .: ................. 30, 40 banncr ........................... 31. 10 Carolina. ....................... 36, 30 common .......................... a7, 38 round ......................... 30,37, 30 shore ............................. 30

Pompnnoes .............................. .30,30. 38 of tho United States ............ 30

Pompilus ................................... 41 Pond cultivation, recent contributions to ... 385 Ponds, live, for iiah, in New Jersey ......... 340 Pontalla .................................... 288 Potamogeton ............................... 238 Poteriodendrou ............................ 242 Potomac River, cxtraordinary floods in .... 258

shad .............................. 125 Potter, captain ............................. 200 Prairio chickens introduced into Ncw Zca-

land ...................................... 53 Prentiss, Henry M ......................... 273 Pringslieirn .......................... .432,430. 440 “Priscetti” ................................ 109 . Pritehnrd .................................. 237 Procyon lotor .............................. 200 Prorodon ................................... 243 Protococcus ................................ 240 Protophytos as food of flshea ................ 230 Protoplnsts ................................ 330 Protozoa ......~: ............................ 242

280 Ptychochilus oregonensia .................. 46 Ptychostomua .............................. 1?5 Pug-nosed shiner ........................... 31 Putnam, Frcdcriclc TV ..................... 120

Pyroojstis fusifonnie ...................... 240 noctiluca ....................... 240

ns food of Ashes ...................

Pnyeegur, M ............................... 410

Pyrsonxmphn .............................. 243

Q . Quail, California, in New Zealand .......... 58 Quenux .................................... 21 Quick, James .............................. 300 ‘ I Quinnat ” salmon ....................... .210, 880

R . Rabl.Riickhsrd, Dr ....................... .107, 128 Rachitis in eels ............................ 73 Radiolaria .................................. 240 Rainbow trout ............................ .45, 210 Italson, Nr ................................. 348 Rana ....................................... 205 Randall, Josiah ............................ 421 Ransom .................................... 141 Rnthkn, Mnrtin Heinrich . .26,82,83,84,88.114,11.5,

100.193.240, 208 Rauber, Professor ................. .85,288,207, 208 Rod deer in New Zealand ................... 53

INDEX . raga

Redding. B . B ............................. .62. 213 Xedfioh ..................................... 32 12odi. Francisco ...................... SO. 81.102. 112 Rod horse .................................. 125 Red.sidcd trout ............................. 45. 40 Reedor. H . J ................................ 200 Reporter. schooncr. success of . in haddock

fishing .................................... 420 Retardation. appendix on tho histoloyicnl

rntionnlo of ............................... 187

Ricli. Isnno ................................. 235 Eichard. Mr . J . E ........................... 35 lticlinril Lester. scliooner. sucecss of. in hnd-

doclc fiehing .............................. 234

Rlripidodendron splendidurn ................ 242

.. Rifle pike ............................... 44.45. 40 liisfng Star. schooner. cod-flshingiu Ipswich

Bny ....................................... 425 Risso ........................................ 110 Rixford. George C .......................... 306 Roberts. Hcnry ....................... .354.356. 301 Robin. C ................................. R4.98. 123

Sninucl .......................... 421 Robson. John S ............................. 210 lloccus lincntus ............................. 174

a pond for hatching. inDela- waro Bay ................. 200

artifloin1 propagation of ..... 174 Rocknfeller's shad fishery ................... 353 Rock base .................................. 125 Xock Ash. rudimentary cmca of ............. 279 .. Rock salmon ............................... 42 Rogers. 3 . B ................................ 215 llolldelct ................................... 80. 81 Xooserelt. Robert B ............... .67.118. 11D. 120 "Root oer-io ................................ 219 Eound Robins .............................. 81 Rudder Ash ................................. 41

bnnded .......................... 42 Rulluor ..................................... 43 Xusconi ................................... .ZOO. 290 Russell, Lord Arthur ....................... 210 Xyder. Francis W ........................... 884

John A .. 282.283. 335..403. 422

. . Robinson. Captain .......................... 54

Snchs ............................. ...-. ...... 413 Sn1nrnnndt.a ................................ 337 Siilbling, growth of, in Old Colony trout

ponds ..................................... 427 Snlen&y .............................. 200, 208, 404 Snlrno ...................................... 193, 337

c. allis ................................. 880 eporlanus, cmca of ................... 280 fontinnlis .......................... .88D, 427 irideus ............................... 40, 210

artificial propagation and . planting of ................... 210 rearing of .................... 28

leronensie ........................... 342

Page . Snlmo ealar ............................... .ZOO. 337

artificial propagation and plnnt- in$ of ....................... .208. 200

caecaof ......................... 280 snlvdinus. growth of. in Old Colony

tront ponds ....................... 427 scoulori .............................. 380

Salmon .................................... 51. 879 appearance of the discnsed skin of . .411. 442 artificially introduced into Restigou-

che Rirer ........................ 270 black ............................. .124. 125 Cnlifornia. D, shipment of. to Indiana 204

53 introduotion of. iuto On-

tario .................. 347 results of artificial prop.

agation of ............. 270 .. Canadian Cnliforuinn ............. 881 caught a t Mt~gnolia ................ 271 caught a t Mnrtlin's Virreyard ..... .270. 211

. caught in Connecticut ............. 214

California. in New Zenlnnd .........

cnughtntmouthof Westport Nirer . 271 caught a t Sconticut Neck ......... .270. 271

75 cnnght in Hud8on River ........... 271 cnught in Mnine ............... .271.272. 273

271 caught nenr Slocum's River ........ 271 discaso among tho. in English and

Wclsh rircrs ............ 420 apparently D, cutnncoua nf-

fwtion ................... 444 charnotor of ................ 400 conditions noting with Sa-

prolepin in procluci~~g .. 447 doscription of nppqarnnce

of ....................... .431. 432 effect of. on tho flush ....... cxtcnsion of ................ 431 first symptoln of ........... 430 fungus in .................. 432 influencod by landunder cul .

tirntiou ................... 440 mistnlten for mcolinnical in- j nry ...................... 431

uot confined to tlio epidcr- lllk ...................... 430

rnpid increase of ......... .430. 431 sproad of, b~nffecteil flrrh . . 447

disenaed. extirpation of. thcoroti- cally justified .................... 448

clog ................................ 380 English. in Now Zcnland ........... 52. 53 Iiooltod-nosed ...................... 380 iu GoneRoo River. New pork ....... 23 introduced into New Zcalnnd ...... 81 in Saint Croix Rivor ............... 275 1nndJocked. capturo of, in '~~oodhu11

Lako. New Tork ................ 421 introduced into Woodhull Lake. Nom Pork ....................... 421

caught in flsh baskets ..............

caught in Restigouche River ......


462 INDEX .

. doublfully tho salmon fun- Fns ......................

(monoica) ................ forms of spornngia and sporcs

of .......................... growth of, favored by abon-

rlnncc of dond insccts ........ hyphoe, action of, upon salmon .

disnstrous cffcct of upon tissues ..............

monoica ....................... non-germination of, in some

cnses ........................ not an indcpcndcnt cause of

salmon discaso .............. not dependent onliving snlmon .

enlmon a t all . not indepcndcnt in salmon dis- . ease .....................

on dew1 flies ... :.-. ............ possibly only dormant in snlt-

A t o r ....................... probably killed by snlt.wntcr .. process of growth and dcvclop-

436 440


440 444

443 430


445 437 437

447 440

444 443

Pagc . Salmon. Maine ............................ 209

plnnting of .............. .208, 200

rio ........................ 347

tiou of .................... 270 134

arti5cinl propagation and

disnppcarnnce of. from Ontn-

results of nrtiflcinl propngn-

NcCloud Rivcr, mortnlity of ....... nuclcar clcavngo-figures developed

during tho segmentation of tho gcrminnl disk of the cgg of tho .. 335

prcsencc of Saprolcgnia in discnsed skin of ........................... 442

Quinnat ............................ 210 artificial propagation a n d

planting of .............. 210 scnrcitp of male and grilsc,

in Ontario ............... 370 stmctnrc of tho hcnlthy skin of ... 441 trout in Now Zcdnnd .............. 53 white .............................. 124, 125

Snlpa ...................................... 240 Snlpingzca ................................ 242 Snlvclinua malma .......................... 40 Snlrinni ................................... 81 Snncnssiui ................................. 81 Sang-sue-vaches ........................... 265 Saprolcgnia . .432,434,435,430.437,438,430.440,441,

442,443,444,446,447, 448 conditions whirh favor tho

coursc of tho hyphm of, in dis- eased snlmon skin .......... 4 2 , 443

cultivntion of .................. 438 fcrnx ..................... .436.438, 430

growth of ................... 445

mcnt of ..................... .435, 486

of ........................... 435 430 443

rapid growth and dcvelopmcnt

rclatcd to destruction of flsh ... the cnusc of salmon disease ....

P11gc . Snprolcgnia thurcti ........................ 436

toruloaa ..................... .436, 438 trnnamission of ................ 438 vnriatione in development o f ... 486

Snprolcgnize .............. .1 ...... .438,434,438, 446 definition of ................... 434 grow on dead animal and vogc .

tablc substances ............ 441 on flies ........................ 434 rate of production of .......... 445

Sara, G . 0 .................................. 136 Saucrhoff ................................ .103. 203

m . P ......................... .135, 101 Sauvage, Dr . H . E ........................ 322 Savnge, P . W .............................. 401 Sawyer, 3 .6 ............................. 120

R . J .............................. 210 Scad ...................................... 35 Scaphyrhynchops plntyrhpchus .......... 125 Schnumburg-Lippo, Princc of ............. 2’21 Schcnkcnbnrgcr, Jncoh .................... 253 Schichcr, Fishcrmnstcr .................... 221 Schliiscr, Guiliclmue ................... .82,84, 115 Schmid, Privy Counscllor ................. 105 Schmidt, Herr ............................ 120 Schoch, Dr . Gustnr ....................... 00.118 Scliooncr “Christie Campbell” ............ 15 Schwann .................................. 188 Schwarzenburg. Prinz ..................... 221 “Scioena” ................................. 310 Scioena .................................... 314

nlntn? .............................. 310 nquilm .............................. 310 archidium .......................... 316 armat a ............................. 314, 316 (Bnirdiclln) cnsifcra ................. 306 chq-solcuca ........................ 313, 310 ensifcra ............................. 210 cnsifcrn. now spccics ................ 313 cricgmba ............................ 315 cricymbn, new species ............... 311 fiirtbi .................. 310,311,31?, 813, 315 icistia .......................... 313.314, 310 imiccps ............................ .300, 315 iniiccps, new 8pccies ................ 300 mncrops ............................. 310 occllntm ............................. 310 ophioscion ................. 300. 310,313. 315 oscitnns .................... 311,312,313, 315 oscitnna, ncw specics ................ 312 stellifera ............................ 311 (Stcllifcrus) cricymba ............... 306 (Stelliferus) oscitnns ................ 800 vcrmicularis ...................... .310, 815

Scimuoids, food of .......................... 245 Sciznops ................................... 310 3combcrcsocidm ............................ 284 3comberesox ............................... 101, 284 Scott ....................................... 150

Gcnio ................................. 38 John ................................. 301

3cott’s shad flshery ........................ 353 3covcl’s Idnnd shnd 5shcry ................ 854 lcrobiculnria ............................... 405

I N D ~ X . 463 Pngo .

Sea cabbage ................................ 410 ~oa.horso, dovolopmcnt and morphology of

tho ...... l ................................ 101 Sea shnd ................................... 125 Sonl, W . P .............................. 24,20, 238 Solone argontea ............................ 31 Solf.pickor, the ............................ 02 Solkirk, J.H ............................... 00, 70 Sollin. W ................................... 110 Somotilus .................................. 125 Soriola bonariensis ......................... 42

Lalnndii ............................ 43 zonatn .............................. 42

&manus ohlorut116 ......................... 322 Inmprurus, now spccira ........... 322 (Ploctropomn) lamprurus ......... 306

Shad ...................................... .03, 211 R ~ O a t which it begins to feed ......... 248 appearnuco of tooth io ................ 248 artiflcinl propngation and planting of .. 211 catoliing in tho oldon days ............. 304 oaught at Isloa of Shoala, New Hnmp

shire ................................ 421 caught in flsh.bnsko18 ................. 75 fishorioe, cnrly, of tho north brnnch of

tho Susquchnnua Eivor ............. 852 Bshorios of Susquolinnna Bivcr flftr

yenrs ngo .......................... 201 fishery, notos and suggcstions concorn .

ing tho Florida ...................... 351 food of, ndolt ........................ 249, 250

and functions of tho pyloric cmca 277 young .......................... 247

hickory .............................. 126 in Cnlifornia .......................... 62 inquiries concerning tho propngntioa

of Amerionn ........................ 428 ova. rotarclation of dovolopmcnt of ... 177

Potomno .............................. 125 retardation of dovolopmont of tho ova

of .................................. 422 sea...-.. ............................. 125

. ova, poriods of yolk-absorption in ... 247

summary of flshing rooords for, St Willow Branoh Bishcry, North Car- olina ............................... 390

shafw, Peter ............................ . 3 n , 873 Shnffor ..................................... 412 Shark ................... ----.I. ........... 41 SllOarS, E . E ................................ 64, 66

' Shiner, Blunt.nosCd ........................ 30, 91

' 4 Shocmakpr " .............................. 43

Shovel fish ................................. 125 whit0 ........................... 125

Shrimps ns food for striped bnss ........... 02 Shumagin Island, cod nnd halibut tiaholios

near ...................................... 250 Sliurtlo ff. Benjamin ......................... 213 Sicbold, Carl Tlieodoro Erne: van ..72,82,60,67,07,

0% 102,105, IO?, 108,112,11(1,127, 1%0, 130 Silvor fish in JIudson Rimr ................. GP Silvor p r , dovolopmont of .............. ..283, 284

moon fish ............................ a i

Pugnosod .......................... 31

Shoomnkcr fish ............................. 30

Page . Silvoraides ................................. 195

Skin nffoctions in fishes which aro not Simocophalas .............................. 270

cnnaod by fungus ......................... 440 Skinner, William ........................... 132 Skinnor's Eddy ehnd fishery.'. ............... 3M Skip jaok ............................... .3?. 43, 125 Slippor limpot ............................ 188, 404 Sloano, . Mr ................................. GO, 01 Smniis linoatus ............................ 330 Smolt ...................................... 20

inquiries oonoornirig tho propngntion of Amoricm ....................... 428

Smiloy, Charlcs W ..... .................... 252 Smith, Ercrott ............................. 272

Frnncis ............................. 200 Joe ................................. 235 Margery ............................ 378 Prof . S.I ........................... 407

on food of flshea .......... 240 Silns ............................... 378 W.G .............................. 437, 438

Smith's shad flshory ........................ 353 Spnllnnznnl, Lnzzaro ............... .78,83,113, 114 Spanglor, Goorgo ........................... 215 SpMiSh mnckcrcl .......................... 20. 32

hlaetodorm and sogmontn- tioncavityof.-.--- ....

dovclopmout of ........... brenet fins

of ...... impregnntion of egg of .... origin nnd formntion of

gcrminnl diak of ........ ovarios nud ovarian egg8

of ...................... physiolugicnl ohnractorie-

tics of unfcrtilized ogg of sogmrntntion of gorruiunl

striioturu of spermatozoa of ........

testes of ... unfortilired

ogg of .... strncturos dovelopud in,

nftor hatching .......... strnoturos iloTOlUped in

tho embryo ............. tC&h Of hI'VR1 ..........

Spnrling ................................... Sponoer, Horbort .......................... 3pincllo's pound, pompnnoca caught in ..... Spirling ................................... 3pirulo ....................................

disk of .................

140 135

25 145





130 130




240 428 177 37 12

241 qpongilla ................................. .410. 411

;tnlford, Benjamin ........................ 300 John ............................. 800 Joscph ........................... 300

Sttinding-stouo shnd fishcry ............... 3M 3tonmcrs, mcnhndcn, influence of, on const

fl8liorh3 ................................. 200

Steclc, Georgo ............................. 234

Spoon-billa 9 125 ................................

Stonrns, Silns .............. ..32,33,34,36,40,42, J3

464 INDEX . rego .

Stein ..................................... .242, 411 Steindnchner ............................... 314 Stclliforus ........................ .310,311,312, 314 Stemann, von ............................. 103 Stengol, fishery inspoctor ................. 221 Stentor .................................... 411 Sterling Island shad fishcry ............... 354 Stewart . James ....................... 353.373, 376

Widow ........................... 377 St . Hilnirc. X . Geoffroy ................... 72 Sticklobacli ............................... 26

dorclopment of blood corpus- cles of tho ............ .r . . .. 26, 27

spinning habits and structurc of tho malo ................. 28

four.spined, dovclopmont of .. 24 spinning .habits

of .............. 24 strncture of ..... 24

Stilwell, E . M ............................. 272, 273 Stirling, Mr ...................... .436,438,430, 440 Stizostcthium vitreum .................... 124

124 Stokko whaling company .................. 18 Stone, Livingston ............. .61,134,210,212, 427 Stonetotors ............................... 125 Stover ..................................... 34 Strasburger ............................... 166 Straus ..................................... 237 ' I Striped baas" ........................... 387 Stripcd bnss, a pond for hntcliing, in Dela-

artificial propagation of. on Albemnrlc Sound .......... 174

propagation of ............... 174 rudimcntary cmca of ........ 279 t h o introduction of, into Cali-

fornia ..................... 01 Stump, John .............................. 202

Thomas .......................... .201, 202

rod .............................. 125 shovcl.nose ...................... 125 spoon-bill ....................... 125

Sucker .................................... 40, 125 of McCloud River. ................. 45

Suckers, food of ........................... 245 Suctoria ................................... 243 Sullivan, Gencral ......................... 371 Sun.6sh ................................... 30, 85 Sunilsh .................................... 125

common ........................... 125 Sun.fishe8, food of ......................... 245 "Suequehanna bass" ...................... 367

Rivcr, carly ellad fisheries of tho north branch of the . 352

shnd fisheries fifty years ago ....................... 201

" Suequehnnna salmon " .................. .357, 306 Swagor bass ............................... 360 Sweat, Nathaniel .......................... 272 Swetitsch, Joaoph ........................ .345, 340 Symbiosis ................................. 411 Sgmbrnnchidm ............................ 72 Syngnathus .................. .147,180,101,104, 105

vitrcum Tar . snlmoneum ....

ware Bay .................. 200

Sturgeon ................................... 125

rag0 .

Syrski, Dr ... .63.85.86. 67. 105.107.

Syngnathus ophidion ...................... 101 pockinnus ..................... 104 130

T . Tallman. Capt . Bonjamin .................. 48

John ............................ 40, 47 Capt . Nicholas .................. 46

plantodin ............................... 205 Tnnnor's Creek, Indiana, California snlmon

Taylor, John .............................. 300 Mnjor John ........................ 370 William, & Co ..................... 125

3.54 Taloostcau ovum compared with that of

other vertebrates ........................ 205 Telcostoi .................................. 150 Tench .................................... 56 Tcntaculifera .............................. 243 Tcrry, Jonathan ......................... .3GB, 370 TcrrStONu shad flEhCl'y .................... 3.54 Tctragonurns ............................. 284 lhomaa, IIcnry ............................ 37.1

Paak ............................. 214 Thompson, Isaac .......................... Y75

J . B ........................... 210 Wyvillo ....................... 240

Thomson, Eaquirc ........................ 373

Tajlor's Island shad fishcry ..............


John H ........................ .270. 271 Thorpc, Xov . T . M ........................ 215 Thrond.fish ............................. .l . 30 Throe Brotliors' Island shad flshery ....... 354 Throckmorton, S . R ................. 61.62,202, 204 Tickfaw, Louisiann . California salnion

plantod a t ............................... 205 Tintinnus ................................. 241

Pergusonii, now spooiee ......... 241 Tipulida: found in young shad ............ 210 Todd, Prauk ......................... .275,270, 277 Tooth 11eITing ............................. 125 Topminnow, structure nnd ovarian incuba-

tion of ................................... 140 Trachurus plumierianus ................... 35 Trachynotue carolinus .................... 30. 37

glaucus ...................... v7, 40 . gorecnsia .................... 30, 40

Trichonympha ............................ 243 Trout ..................................... 370

California ........................... 52

land ..................... 62. 53

con1mon ............................. 40 oaste rn .............................. e2 in Now Zealand ...................... 53 introduced into New Zoaland ......... 52 English; in Now Zealand ............. 63 rninbow ........................ .45, 210, 211

art. iflcial propagation a n d planting of ................ 210

rodaided .............................. 45 rrout.flsh, ponds for ....................... 840 l h m n n .................................... 20

ovatus ....................... ao, 3u

int. roducod into Now Zca-

castrating of ........................ GO, 00

INDEX . 465 Pago .

Tryon. Goorgo w .. .i r ...................... 21 Tuolcalloo Rhad fishery ..................... 353 Tiill. Sainnul ............................... GO l‘urtlu. black soft shall ..................... 125

hbrd shell .......................... 125 snapping ........................... 125 soft shall ............. ............. 125 ynllow soft 8hdl .................... 125

Tnthill. Charles ............................ 47

scapdariH ....................... 30G soapularis, now spooioe .......... 307

................................... 181

Tylosurue longirostris ...................... 307

. . ~y111Iall

U . Ulva ....................................... 410

lntissiina .............................. 410 Ulvm ....................................... 418 Uiiibrida .................................. 245 Uiigo~ oii anrp diaoasu ...................... 439 Unitnd Stairs Biah Commission, romlts o f

nsh propagation and planting by the ...... 208

Uraniclon, sp ............................... 46 Urnlopliiis aflpidurns ...................... 306

impiduiiis, now spooios ......... 307

Commissionor ......... 270

niiindns ......................... 307

V . Valisneri ................................... 81 Vallisnori, Antonio ........................ .82, 113 Vallisneria ................................. 238 Valsalva, Profassor ........................ 81 Vampyrolh ................................ 243 Van Uamboko ............................. 140. 298 Van Bomboko .. ! ........................... 143 Vnn Bonodon, Edward ............... .130, 143, 144 Van Kirk, Mr .............................. 350

Josoplr ......................... 300 Vortobrat tR ................................ 33C Vincont, Dr . I1 . C ......................... 204, 206 VirGhow, 1’rofoHsOI’ ...................... 94, 05 vopt. C ~ r l ................................. .20. 116

Baor .................................. 149 Von Bollr ................................. 340.347

. Von’Honaon ................................ 187 Ton Jliering ................................ 405 Tortioolla ............................ .241, 242

W . W a ~ O r .................................. 224. 290 Wnlko, E . II. ............................. .177, 293 Wi~lloin. Brodoriok M ...................... 4.5, 0 \vlilpoIo, s ................................. 446

on sdtnon diacaso .............. 429 \Vndr, iiotos on tho ilsherios of tho ......... 42E

Wlltor dogs ................................. 12: Wiry. Mr .................................. 251 Wt!:tlr.lish, ponds for ....................... 349


Oyfltt? r.bc?dfl Of tho .................. 429

t:bkon with a purso soiiio ....... \Vl\bb, 6Ol~lllOl .......................... 353, 367 \VClkligO, I I O I T ............................. 59, 61 IVOIHIIW . I1 . TV .............. .220,221,.233, m, 225

Bull . 11 . 5 . li‘. O.,’Sl-:So

rag0 . Wolls. Capt . William N., suooossful had-

Clock fishing by .................... 234 Danio1 .............................. 47 Henry E ............................ 61 Samuol ............................. 360

Wes#$old Company ........................ 18 Whaling Company ............... 18

Woatwood ............................... 245 Whales, protootion of ..................... 17 Whitohor, Mr .............................. 349 Whitoomb’a Island dmd-fishory ............ x14 Whitotlflh ..................... .43,45,46,61,63,. 370

first food of young .............. 402 food of young . .’. ................. 19. a?!) for Now Zoalmd .................. X I Goman, in Michigan ............ 004 introduced inbo Now Zonl.~nd .... 51 on tho roaring of . in spring.watoi. :!01

Whit6 porch, niioropylo of tho egg of tho .... 282 .. Whito salmon ” ........................... 411 Widdrington, 8 . E .......................... 115 Widogron. on food of flflhefl ................. 240

402 Wigton. William ........................... 370 Wilcor. Crandnll ........................... 3175

inothod of using .......................... 66

E . 8 .............................. 34

W i g , Dr . Goorgo .........................

W . A .............................. 4U:! Wilhril’s patant pookot for ~naokorol,

\villiaNs .................................. 213

Willis, H .................................. 2g1

Willughby ................................. 219 Wilmot, Samuel .......................... .347, 370 Wilson, E . B ............................... 139

H . c ............................... 301 Sirs ............................... 52 Thomas ............................ 340

Windross, Mr .............................. 285 Wintormoot Is lmd shad flahory ............ 354 Wit.t.mack, Dr . Ludwig ..................... 117 Wood, Willinin. ............................ 374 Woodhull Ld.0, Now Pork, land-lookod sal .

111011 takon in ............................. 421 Woodward, H .............................. 249 Worth, S . (3 ..................... ..174,177,210, 211 Wright, AbolA ............................ 68, G!)

Calob ............. i .............. .3M, 378 Capbin ........................... 381 B . P .............................. 411 Harrison .................... .352,359. 36s

Wyahisiug Crook shad fLehory ............. 3~ Wynnt. L . B ............................. 362 “ Wyo.ilar-dook.it”. ........................ 45 Wyoming IIiatoricd and ~ o o l o g i ~ ~ 1 socio .

t.Y ’e rowrt m cwly shad ils~icrios of the mrt. h brniicli of tho SUHl~llO11IL111):L Kivor .. 382

X . Xeniolitlrgs ................................ xx

.Lgawizii ....................... 3 3 c:Llili)riiionfli8 ................ .335. 3% santi ........................ .325, a”6 XOll01)H ........................ 306, 3’20 xt’nnps . iiow spooios .......... 3% S~!IIIII’IIH ....................... 82G

466 INDEX . Y .

Pagc . Ynrrclt .................................. .109, 220

William ............................ 115 Yullow and p c c n bass ..................... 125

'bass ............................... 357 cnt .............................. , 125 m.w herd ......................... .'%, 35 tail ................................. 43

Ylilon, Gcrhnrd v .......................... 119 YOllllg . Al'Phih1d ............... ..131.132. 391

2 . Page .

Zentz. B ................................. .387. 389 Zonrccs ............................ . . .20, 94.100. 309

viyiparus .......................... SO. 94 Zoniohthys fasciatus ........................ 42 ZoGcl~lorclln ........... e ................. 411 Zo6thamninm ......................... 242. 244

altornnnns ..................... 24% Zoiixunthclki ............................... 411 Zygonootus ............................... .140. 101

malanolops ....................... 200 iiotntiis .......................... 200

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