Bulldog Ant

Post on 16-Nov-2014






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The bulldog ant is a dangerous insect that lives in rainforests and deserts in



The bulldog ant is one of the world’s dangerous animals. They have sticky, sharp claws to grip onto their prey, razor sharp mandibles to cut through their prey, and an extremely poisonous stinger, more poisonous than any other animal. One bulldog ant has enough poison to kill over 30 people. They have 6, very, very, strong ripping legs that can run faster than any human in the world. They can carry animals as big as small wild cats by them selves. They have three body parts that carry everything they need. They can grow over 3 inches long. They have the best sensors in the world. Their antenaes can feel vibrations and smell up to 10 km.

They eat fish, mammals, humans, birds reptiles, insects, and arachnids.

There are different types of bulldog ants. There are the workers, they look for prey, then tell the hunters and lead them to prey. The male workers and hunters have 4 wings. The hunters kill their prey and brings them back to their nest. The guards are the biggest and strongest ants with the best sensors. They guard the nest. The soldiers fight enemies, wipe out enemies, and lead the colony to new places to live. They can make armies of up to 10,000,000 or more. The female ants look after eggs, babies, clean up the nest, and sort out rooms.

The queen, the biggest bulldog ant, is the leader of the colony. She has 4 wings. She lays the eggs.

Bulldog ants killed most ofthe Aborigines and a lot of the Europeans that came to live in

Australia. They travel around Australia on water by building boats out of trees to find more food. People have tried to kill them with flamethrowers but their

bodies are fireproof.

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