Building Fast, Modern Web Applications with Node.js and CoffeeScript

Post on 10-May-2015






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The slides for a talk I gave at the Bits & Bytes computer science talk series at the University of Minnesota Morris in October 2013. Video of the talk is available here: This presentation gives a brief overview of why and how many modern websites are built using Node.js and CoffeeScript. Using the plethora of libraries available for Node, I show how to quickly and easily develop a website with automatic server-client syncing which scales and can handle thousands of concurrent connections.


Node.jsBuilding Fast, Modern Web 2.0 Applications

Joe Einertson

University of Minnesota, Morris

October 30, 2013

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Table of Contents

1 What is Node?

2 CoffeeScript

3 Node Basics

4 Node in Practice

5 Conclusion

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

What is Node?

1 What is Node?BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

What is Node.js?

Network application framework built on Google’s V8JavaScript engine

Released in 2009, now widely used (Yahoo, Microsoft, eBay,LinkedIn, etc.)

Designed for scalability and performance

Single-threaded concurrency model

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

The Old Way

Older model of server design:

One thread per client

2MB per thread

I/O either blocks, is manually async, or is async throughexternal library

Large set of tools/capabilities built in

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

The New Way

Node (and other newer frameworks like Akka, Vert.x, Tornado,etc.) use a different model:

One thread, total

Non-blocking, event-driven I/O

Event loop drives entire server


Goal: 10,000 concurrent connections

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

Benefits of the New Way

Much less overhead per user

No concurrency = no concurrency bugs

Scaling is easy

Really fast

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

Benefits of Node

Some benefits are specific to Node:

Underlying engine is fast, mature and well-maintained

Same language on server and client (!)

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

BackgroundThe Old WayThe New Way

CPU-intensive = I/O

So, how do we handle CPU-intensive work? Turn it into I/O!

Spin off new process

Yield control

Resume when computation finished

Result is asynchronous and efficient

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes


2 CoffeeScriptWhat is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

What is CoffeeScript?

First released in 2009

Syntax inspired by Python

Transcompiles to easily readable JavaScript

Seeing wider adoption with popularity of Node.js

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

CoffeeScript Basics


# Variables aren’t typed or declared

x = 2 + 2

# Everything is an expression

height = if isMobile then 300 else 800

# As in JS, easily declare arrays and objects

arr = [1, 2, 3]

obj = {year: 2004, model: "Camry"}

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

CoffeeScript Functions


# Functions are declared with () ->

# Last value implicitly returned

square = (x) -> x * x

# Indentation is used instead of braces

area = (r) ->

if r <= 0



pi = 3.14

pi * r * r

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

More CoffeeScript


# Parentheses are optional in function calls

Math.pow(2, n) == Math.pow 2, n

# Useful for functional-style invocations

squares = [1, 2, 3], (x) -> x * x

# String interpolation is awesome...

console.log "#{x} + #{y} = #{x+y}"

# ...especially when compared to vanilla JS strings

console.log "" + x + " + " + y + " = " + (x + y)

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes

Destructuring Assignment...?


# Quickly assign multiple values

[quotient, remainder] = divide 7, 3

# Take apart and put together objects easily

{age, name} = dbResult

x = 3

point = {x, y: 4}

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

What is CoffeeScript?CoffeeScript in 10 Minutes


CoffeeScript has classes!


class Point

# Automatically assign params to instance fields

constructor: (@x, @y) ->

@sum = x + y

difference: ->

@x - @y

p = new Point(4, 5)

x.difference() # -1

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Hello WorldBasic Web ServerShow me the I/O

Node Basics

3 Node BasicsHello WorldBasic Web ServerShow me the I/O

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Hello WorldBasic Web ServerShow me the I/O

Hello World


net = require ’net’

net.createServer (stream) ->

stream.write ’Hello World!\r\n’

stream.pipe stream


Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Hello WorldBasic Web ServerShow me the I/O

Hello World


http = require ’http’

http.createServer (request, response) ->

# 200 = HTTP ’everything OK’ status

response.writeHead 200,

{’Content-Type’: ’text/plain’}

response.end ’Hello World!’


Response time: <1 ms

Apache response time: 100 ms

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Hello WorldBasic Web ServerShow me the I/O

Asynchronous I/O


http = require ’http’

db = require ’./server/’

http.createServer (request, response) ->

query = ’SELECT * FROM STOCK;’

db.request query, (err, stock) ->

return sendError response, 500 if err

response.writeHead 200, { ... }

response.end stock.toString()


Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion


Node in Practice

4 Node in PracticeLibrariesexpressSocket.IOBackboneswig

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Web server framework: express

Async control flow: async

Client-server sync + MVC: Backbone

”Push” framework: Socket.IO

Client library: jQuery/Prototype

Templates: swig/Mustache/Hogan

Utilities: Underscore

Libraries and dependencies handled with Node Package Manager(npm)

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



express is a widely used wrapper over the built-in Node HTTPlibrary.


express = require ’express’

app = express()

app.get ’/news/:slug’, (req, res) ->

res.send "You want the news about #{req.slug}!"

app.get ’/*’, (req, res) ->

res.sendfile ’index.html’


Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Socket.IO provides a ”push” framework - essentially, a pipebetween server and client.

Example (Server)

socketIO = require ’’

io = socketIO.listen(app)

io.on ’connection’, (socket) ->

ClientManager.add socket

socket.on ’getData’, (username) ->

socket.emit ’data’, cache.findPerson(username)

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Example (Client)

socket = io.connect ’http://localhost’

socket.emit ’getData’, auth.getUsername()

socket.on ’data’, (personData) ->


Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Backbone provides the client a MVC model as well as automaticclient-server syncing.

Example (Models)

class Message extends Backbone.Model

initialize: ->

@on ’change:message’, ’addEditMsg’

addEditMsg: ->

newMsg = "#{ @get ’message’ } (Edited)"

# Use silent: true to prevent infinite loop

@set {message: newMsg}, {silent: true}

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Example (Views)

class MessageView extends Backbone.View

tagName: ’div’

className: ’message’

template: ’message’


’click .name’: ’showMsgAuthor’

initialize: ->

@listenTo @model, ’change’, @render

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Example (Views)

class MessageView extends Backbone.View

# Even complex rendering is easy with Backbone

render: ->

data =

time: @get(’time’).toLocaleString()


if @get(‘byAdmin’)





Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion



Example (All Together Now)

# Make a model...

model = new Message(data)

# ...make a view for that model...

view = new MessageView({ model })

# ...and insert it into the document

$(’.messages’).append view.render().el

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion


Templates with Swig

Building views with templates is easy.

Example (message.html)

From: {{ name }}<br />

Date: {{ time }}<br />

{{ message }}

Example (Client or Server)

msgTemplate = swig.compile rawTemplate

msg = msgTemplate(msgData)

$(’body’).append msg # Client only

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions


5 ConclusionWebapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

App Demo

Simple webchat app

Multi-user chat

Changes propagate between server and all clients

Very little implementation logic

99% business logic

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

How Big?

Server: 200 lines

Client: 100 lines

HTML: 40 lines

CSS: 30 lines

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

Why Node?

Runs fast

Codes fast



Huge library ecosystem

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

Why CoffeeScript?

Compatible with JS

Cleans up JS syntax

About 30% shorter than equivalent JS code

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions

More Resources

Node’s own ”why?”:

The C10K problem:

My app’s code:

Everything Node, by popularity:

Joe Einertson Node.js

What is Node?CoffeeScriptNode Basics

Node in PracticeConclusion

Webapp DemoTying It All TogetherMore ResourcesQuestions


Any questions?

Joe Einertson Node.js

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