Building Brand Advocacy Through Email

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Tanya Wheeler-Berliner Director of Marketing, Email on Acid @tanyawb


Email on Acid provides email testing, troubleshooting and tracking tools to help you simplify and improve your email marketing efforts.

About Email on Acid


Cliff Corr VP of Strategic Services, Spendsetter @cliffscorr


Spendsetter is a Advocate Marketing Platform that allows brands to identify and reward their most influential customers.

About Spendsetter



The Importance of Brand Advocates


The Importance of Brand Advocates

Brand Advocates spend 2x more and

recommend or share 2 to 4 times more than

average customers.(Source: Deloitte, March 2010)

2xThey are passionate about your brand


The Importance of Brand Advocates

Brand advocates are 83% more likely to share information

(Source: Bzz Agent Field Guide to Brand Advocates)

83%Brand Advocates are

90% more likely to write a positive review

(Source: Talent house)

90%They want to be helpful to others


The Importance of Brand AdvocatesThe constantly changing world of digital marketing


Consumers are Constantly Connected

According to Flurry, 280 million people worldwide are "mobile addicts" who launch applications on their devices 60 times or more per day on average.



Mobile Growth & Its Effects

Mobile is being used to access emails more than ever before

66% of emails are being opened on a

mobile device. (Source: Movable Ink)

66%67.2% of consumers use a

smartphone to check their email.(Source: BlueHornet “Customer Views of

email marketing 2015”)



Mobile-Friendly is a Must-Have for Email

If you don’t have emails that are mobile-friendly, you risk losing your audience.

70% of smartphone users say they will delete emails immediately if they do not

render properly. (Source: Acxiom)

70%Responsive emails help to not only

retain your audience, they allow you the opportunity to turn those individuals into brand advocates.


Email Best Practices to Create Advocates


Make a Great First Impression

33% of email recipients open an email based on subject line alone.

(Source: Salesforce)

33% From name / Reply to address


Subject Lines Matter


Stand Out in the Crowd


Use Compelling Preheader Text


Responsive Design Makes a Difference

Non-responsive design = a failed email experience


Ensure a Flawless Experience in any Inbox

Responsive design wins again


Be on Brand

Marketers rank content and design as the most important elements in email campaigns.

(Source: Pardot)

Look Tone Conversion


Start with the Visuals

• Logo • Colors • GraphicsLook

Follow your brand guidelines in regards to:


Followed by the Copy Tone

• Word choice • Content lengthTone

Your brand voice matters and should be evident in your:


Complete the Experience

• Landing pages consistent with email campaign

• Think about the entire journeyConversion

Every touchpoint along the way should point to your brand.


Be in the 48%

48% of marketers build a specific landing page for each marketing campaign. (Source: MarketingSherpa)



Personalize Your Content

Personalized emails improve click through

rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%

(Source: The Aberdeen Group)



Beginner Personalization

Start simple, but start doing something to personalize your content.

Merge Tags


Intermediate Personalization

Send the right message to the right audience.

List Segmentation


Advanced Personalization

A wide range of tools are available to personalize your email experiences.

Dynamic Content Tools


Brand Advocacy Program

Why email is the best start for advocacy?


Respect the Relationship

• Trust is most important • Thoughtful touch points • Open two-way communication


Drive the Personalized Experience

• Do good with what you know • Surprise and delight • Put yourself in their shoes


Keep Them in the Know

• Exclusive access • Special offers • Private contests • Early notifications



• Email is the strongest tool for brand’s to utilize when kicking off an advocacy program.



• Along with an effective push notification strategy, emails have shown to increase ongoing advocacy engagement.


How Email has Improved Our Product


Average Customers Vs. Brand Advocates


Questions & Answers

Cliff Corr VP of Strategic Services, Spendsetter | @cliffscorr

Tanya Wheeler-Berliner Director of Marketing, Email on Acid | @tanyawb

Thank You

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