Budget speech 05-06 - finance.karnataka.gov.in Sri... · among equals. In a society, which suffers from income disparities and social inequalities. It is the poor who suffer from

Post on 18-Apr-2020






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Honourable Speaker,

1. I rise to present the budget for the year 2005-06.

2. It is an honour for me to present my seventh

budget to the people of Karnataka. I thank the people of

Karnataka for giving me this rare opportunity to serve


3. The recent Tsunami disaster has shown how

small human beings are before the forces of nature. It is

a matter of pride for all of us that our country has faced

this disaster and has handled the consequent relief work

on its own strength. I salute all those who have

responded with affection and humanity and joined

hands with us in the rehabilitation effort.

4. The circumstances under which our coalition

Government came to power in Karnataka is known to

you all. The Common Minimum Programme (CMP)

reflected our programme of action for serving millions of

farmers & agricultural labourers, scheduled castes and


scheduled tribes, backward classes, women and children

and workers from both the organised and unorganised

sectors. The programmes that we put in place towards

ensuring justice to the socially and economically weaker

sections of the society have been successfully

implemented over the last nine months. I would like to

mention some of the important achievements of our

Coalition Government.

• Communal harmony has been the pride of our

Coalition Government. The celebration of Datta

Jayanthi in Chikkamagalore in a peaceful manner

bears testimony to this.

• On-line lottery, which was a curse on the people

of Karnataka, has been banned.

• We have addressed the problem of drinking water


• Increased allocations to programmes aimed at

universalisation of primary education like

Akshara Dasoha, Vidya Vikas and Sarva

Shikshana Abhiyan have led to significant


• We have reduced the interest rate on agricultural

loans from cooperative banks to 6%.


• We have settled the crop insurance claims of


• We have provided quality power to rural areas.

• We have implemented Weaver’s package for the

benefit of weavers.

• We have distributed food grains at concessional

rate of Rs 3 per Kg to the poor.

• With all the above, we have achieved fiscal

stability and consolidation.

5. We have many more achievements to our credit.

Our concern towards farmers, rural poor and weaker

sections of the society is reflected in every step of ours.

However, there is much more to be achieved. I am sure

that we are on the right path and therefore we will

continue to strive to achieve the goals we set for

ourselves in the CMP.

State of the economy:

6. The current year was the year of economic

recovery for our State. The State witnessed a growth of

11.7% in 2004-05 over 2003-04. This is the highest

growth achieved in recent years. With inflation at 3.9%,

the real growth rate for the current year has been

estimated to be at 7.8%. This is a substantial

improvement when compared to the real growth rates


achieved during 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04, which

were at 2.5%, 5.3% and 6.2% respectively.

7. The biggest contribution to this recovery has been

from agriculture and allied sectors. After witnessing

growth rates of (–) 14.5%, 0.8% and (–) 1.8% in 2001-02,

2002-03 and 2003-04, the sector grew at 11.2% in the

current year. Within primary sector, the growth in

agriculture is estimated to be 13.0%. The growth rates of

secondary and tertiary sectors at current prices are

estimated to be 11.3% and 12% respectively.

8. The share of primary, secondary and tertiary

sector in the economy during 2004-05 has been 18.7%,

28.3% and 53% respectively. Within the secondary

sector, the manufacturing sector has grown at 13.5%.

Within the tertiary sector, IT, BT and BPO sectors have

been the most important growth engines and are

estimated to have grown at an impressive rate of 22.5%

over the last year.

9. In this background our outlook for the future can

justifiably be optimistic. However, an element of caution

is very essential. If the State is to achieve an overall

growth rate of 8%, growth in the primary sector needs to

be sustained. We cannot afford our policy to lose its

rural focus. The State has to continuously invest in

basic infrastructure.


Union Budget and the State

10. Union Budget has evoked mixed feelings in me.

The increased allocations in the Union Budget for rural

employment and health programmes will certainly

benefit rural poor. The vision of “Bharat Nirman” will

hopefully bring visible changes in rural areas. Primary

education system will improve with increased allocations

to programmes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Mid-

Day meal scheme. I am happy to note that our premier

educational institute. The Indian Institute of Science will

be upgraded as a world-class university and that Rs 100

crore have been provided for this purpose in the Union


11. Some of our concerns, however, remain

inadequately addressed in the Union Budget. For

instance, irrespective of our party affiliations, we have

been requesting the Government of India to provide a

special status to the ‘Hyderabad-Karnataka’ region. This

problem has not been addressed at all. Secondly, we

have been urging Government of India to provide 100%

financial support as grant to the social sector

programmes in the area of education, health and social

welfare. However, all the programmes of Government of


India continue to come with a built in obligation to be

met by the state government.

12. The State is ready to shift over to the VAT regime.

This will be a new experience to the State.

Manufacturers and traders will get relief with the shift to

the VAT regime. However, the shift will lead to decrease

in the revenue for the State in the transition period. I

welcome the support being extended by the Government

of India to compensate the revenue loss on account of

introduction of VAT. However, our request regarding

empowering states to levy Service Tax and our

suggestion to raise the limit of professional tax has not

been considered as yet.

Twelfth Finance Commission

13. From the recently released report of the Twelfth

Finance Commission, I find that the entitlement of

Karnataka for devolution from the Divisible Pool has

been reduced. The commission has awarded special

assistance to certain revenue deficit states. As the

performance of Karnataka is above the national average

in the areas of education and health, we are not getting

any assistance for these sectors. The Twelfth Finance

Commission, however, has recommended grants for road

infrastructure development, building maintenance,


heritage protection, forest conservation and more grants

for rural and urban local bodies. On account of our

compliance to Fiscal Responsibility Act, we will get the

benefit of restructuring of central loans. The detailed

guidelines are yet to be received from Government of


State finances:

14. Finance is the blood of administration. Financial

health determines the extent to which the state can

support its policies. Karnataka is on the path of fiscal

reform. After a long period of eight years, a revenue

surplus budget was presented for the year 2004-05 in

which we had put in place a fiscal policy aimed at

achieving rapid economic growth with equity. We had

adopted programmes for achieving significant increase in

tax and non-tax resources. We had planned to ensure

visible and sustained reduction in non-development

expenditure and to enhance allocation for developmental

activities. It was our objective to enforce efficient subsidy

management across all sectors and to improve

productivity of public expenditure. We had planned to

strengthen institutional mechanisms against corruption

to prevent leakages in revenue collection as well as in

programme implementation. All these objectives, we had


resolved to achieve within the limits of Fiscal

Responsibility Act.

15. I would like to report to this august house that we

have achieved a significant increase in tax and non-tax

resource mobilisation through rationalization of the tax

structure. The growth rate achieved in commercial

tax by us is the highest in the country. On the excise

side, through simplification of procedures, reduction in

duties and plugging of loopholes, the revenues have

been improved. Similarly, higher revenues have been

realized from stamp duty and registration charges. As

against the budget estimate for tax revenue of

Rs. 14,957, crore the anticipated collections by

March 2005 is Rs. 15,747 crore.

16. Swapping high cost loans and right sizing of

government have brought down our non-development

costs. We are following a Medium Term Framework in

order to ensure smooth implementation of the reform

process. For the first time in the last several years a

revenue surplus budget was presented and is being

protected. For the first time in the last several years the

budgetary targets in resource mobilization would be

achieved. For the first time in the last several years the

plan was not subjected to cuts. Therefore, I feel proud to


present this budget in the backdrop of these first time


17. One of the key elements of our fiscal policy was to

enhance allocation on development expenditure on key

social sectors. We must step up investments in economic

and social infrastructure and in human resources. On

the expenditure side, poorly targeted subsidies,

imprudent investments in non-performing assets and

burgeoning establishment costs are to be reduced. In

2002-03 the non-development cost, which includes

salaries, pensions and interest payments accounted for

62% of the total revenue receipts of the state. In

2004-05, this ratio has been brought down to 45%.

Thus it was possible to protect the budgetary allocations

to primary education, health, agriculture and rural


18. I firmly believe that there can be equality only

among equals. In a society, which suffers from income

disparities and social inequalities. It is the poor who

suffer from withdrawal of subsidies. The under privileged

section of our population need Government support. It is

our desire that the poorest man is the recipient of

benefit of our governance. In this context, the lines

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held

high… Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my


country awake” of Sri Ravindranath Tagore come to my

mind. Creating such a society has been my dream.

Therefore, I have no hesitation in stating that subsidies

are needed to create a classless and casteless society.

However, it is undisputed that the subsidies must reach

those who deserve.

19. Improving productivity of public expenditure is

another important issue. In the last nine months, public

expenditure on irrigation, roads, health, primary

education and drinking water has increased. In order to

improve the quality of expenditure on roads, a road

information system has been established. Various

initiatives by Government have resulted in improved

enrolment in Primary Schools. Similar achievements

need to be made in all sectors.

20. Sir, on the issue of Fiscal responsibility, I am

happy to inform the House that Karnataka has come out

of fiscal stress. With the goal of revenue surplus having

been achieved, the state is no longer borrowing to meet

its revenue expenditure. The Karnataka Fiscal

Responsibility Act sets the target of limiting fiscal deficit

to 3% of Gross State Domestic Product. It further

mandates that the revenue deficit is to be eliminated by

2005-06. I am happy to state that these targets have

been achieved in 2004-05 itself. I am proud to


inform that we have received a Fiscal Incentive

Grant of Rs 185 crore from Government of India for

this achievement. Because of these efforts, the state is

now in a position to enhance public expenditure in

economic and social infrastructure and in human


21. If we have to continue with these achievements,

three cannons of budgetary integrity need to be adhered

to. Firstly, nothing should go into the budget without

strict scrutiny; secondly, whatever has been provided in

the budget should be made as simple as possible to

implement; and thirdly, whatever has not been provided

in the budget should not be taken up for


22. With this framework in mind, a Fiscal Policy and

Analysis Cell will be set up with three fold objectives.

First pertains to tax analysis and revenue forecasting.

The second objective would be in the area of expenditure

review, project appraisal and budgetary reforms. The

third objective would be in the area of prudent

management of debt, contingent liabilities and

investments of the Government.


Debt Management:

23. In so for as debt stock is concerned the position of

Karnataka is comfortable as per the parameters

prescribed by the Planning Commission of India. The six

parameters to define the debt comfort of a State are

firstly, the Debt Stock should be below 30% of the

GSDP; secondly, debt should be below 300% of the Total

Revenue Receipts (TRR); thirdly, the interest payment

should be less than 18% as a ratio of TRR; fourthly, the

debt growth should not be more than 1.25 times the

growth in revenues; fifthly, the revenue component of

the fiscal deficit should not be more than half and

sixthly, the fiscal deficit should not be more than 25% of

the TRR. Karnataka was debt stressed in terms of all the

criteria in earlier years.

24. On the above criteria, it is gratifying to note that

by the end of 2004-05 Karnataka has emerged out of

debt stress. Debt to GSDP ratio is about 31%. Debt to

TRR ratio is 189%. Interest payments are at 14% of TRR.

The ratio of debt growth to revenue growth is 0.8.

Revenue deficit has been eliminated and fiscal deficit as

a proportion of TRR is 16%. This strength has enabled

the State to borrow from financial institutions at

competitive terms and conditions. It needs to be noted

that imprudent borrowing can lead to recurrence of


fiscal stress. We need to borrow on the basis of

affordability and not on the basis of availability.

25. Apart from eliminating the revenue deficit and

limiting fiscal deficit to 3% of GSDP, in 2005-06 we have

to strive to achieve another fiscal performance milestone

in the path of fiscal correction. The Consolidated

Revenue Deficit must be eliminated. The BE of revenue

surplus in 2004-05 was 0.05% of GSDP and in 2005-06

it must be 0.52%. Only such surpluses on the revenue

side can ensure payment of interest of Rs. 791 crore

towards off budget borrowings from the states own


Development Strategy:

26. Rapid economic development in itself does not

necessarily mean better life for the poor. Vulnerable

people will be exploited by market forces if left

unregulated. Our development goal is to facilitate the

economically and socially weaker sections of the society

to live with dignity and to improve the income of

agrarian and downtrodden population of Karnataka.

Within the above parameters I have formulated

Karnataka budget for the year 2005-06.

27. Our priorities remain unchanged even in

2005-06. We would like to ensure that more and more


resources must flow to address the needs of rural

population, poorer sections and socially and

economically weaker sections of the society. In line with

development philosophy, higher allocations are made to

agriculture, rural development, irrigation, health and

family welfare and welfare of weaker sections.

Agriculture & Irrigation

“ Belagaga naneddu yarayara neneyeli

yellu jeerige beleyola.

Yellu Jeerige beleyole Bhumitayi

Nanondu galige nenedenu”

28. Agriculture continues to be high on our agenda.

Agriculture contributes to only 18.7 % to the GSDP but

it has to support nearly 70 % of our population, this

being the prime reason for poverty. In the whole country

agriculture is today at crossroads. Capital formation in

the sector is coming down year to year. The pre budget

Economic Survey published by the Government of India

has brought out this aspect. In more than 70% of our

cultivable area, dry land agriculture is practiced. Our

farmer suffers from both production as well as price

fluctuations. A mid-season spell of bad weather could

spoil the prospects of a good yield and even with a very

good crop output the farmer may suffer from price



29. After a record production of 106 lakh tonnes of

food grains during 2000-01, the state went through a

prolonged period of drought during the period 2001-04.

Although this year started in a promising way, several

tracts did not receive adequate rainfall in the

subsequent months. Though excellent crops of maize,

ragi, paddy and cotton have been harvested, some other

crops like jowar and sunflower have been affected by


30. Another problem with our agriculture is that

increased productivity does not always lead to increase

in the income of farmers. Food grains are demand

inelastic and suffer from fall in price in bountiful years.

Good production of maize and Tur in 2004-05 years, for

instance, did not bring cheers to the lives of farmers who

grew it because the market responded through a price

crash. As a result, Government had to step in and has

procured 38,000 tonnes of maize and 21,000 quintals of

tur. The market intervention has helped our farmers. On

the basis of our experience with the operation of the

Revolving Fund, I propose to increase the State’s

contribution to the Revolving Fund by Rs. 40 crore. With

this, our total contribution would be Rs. 200 crore. We

have requested Government of India to provide Rs. 200

crore as matching Contribution to the Revolving Fund.


31. Experience of the recent drought years reinforce

the view that a four-pronged approach is required to

protect the farmers from the onslaught of recurring

droughts. Firstly, Irrigation is the most important

drought proofing measure. The plan outlay for Irrigation

Sector has been increased from Rs. 3024 crore in 2004-05

to Rs. 3942 crores in 2005-06. We have planned to take

up projects that have been languishing for a number of

years like Karanja, Amarja and other projects. Further,

maintenance and modernization of Bhadra and

Tungabhadra project would also be taken up. For these,

an amount of Rs. 200 crore has been provided.

32. We are giving emphasis for Minor Irrigation

sector also. The World Bank and NABARD aided tank

irrigation projects are being implemented in Karnataka.

While the budgetary allocation to Minor Irrigation in

2004-05 was Rs. 287 crore in 2005-06, I have provided Rs. 441 crore.

33. The second strategy to fight drought is to take up

watershed development programme in a more aggressive

manner. Even with our best efforts to provide flow

irrigation, more than 70% of our cultivated area cannot

be irrigated. The answer to such dry lands lies in the

adoption of Watershed Development practices. In Situ

moisture conservation activities under watershed


development help to conserve water and prevent soil

erosion. The State Government will not only continue all

on-going watershed programmes, but will also

endeavour to bring in more area under watershed

development through assistance from NABARD.

34. Adopting Crop diversification is the third option

available for farmers of Karnataka to protect themselves

from drought and market failures. Horticulture is

practiced in about 15% of cultivable land but accounts

for 40% income from agriculture. Over the past several

years, allocations to Horticulture sector have suffered.

Hence, apart from continuing to implement all the

ongoing horticultural programmes with renewed vigour, I

propose to provide Rs. 5 crore for adoption of Israeli

Technology in about 5000 acres of horticulture

plantation. 10 most backward taluks will be selected for

implementing this programme and 500 acres in each of

the taluk will be utilized for demonstration of

technologies like drip irrigation, fertigation, rain water

harvesting and inter cropping. In addition, with the

objective of encouraging farmers to bring in more area

under drip irrigation, I propose to provide Rs. 6 crore in

2005-06. In Kolar and Bijapur districts, the drip

irrigation scheme is being implemented with 100%


subsidy. This will be continued. In other districts the

subsidy is limited to 50%.

35. The Union Government, in its budget for 2005-06,

has announced the setting up of “National Horticultural

Mission”. Details and guidelines of the scheme to be

implemented under this scheme are yet to be received. I

welcome the new initiative and assure that whatever

matching contribution is required to be made by the

State Government will be provided to utilize the funds

available under “National Horticultural Mission”.

36. Crop insurance is a good mechanism available

to protect the farmers from the vagaries of drought. We

have taken steps to popularise this scheme among

farmers. The Government has provided Rs. 236 Crore in

2004-05. A provision of Rs. 200 crore has been made in

the budget 2005-06 to meet the State Government share

towards crop insurance for subsequent seasons. We are

taking steps to introduce crop insurance at the

Panchayat level in coming years. This will help our


37. Farmer needs good and cheap agricultural inputs.

Relatively, seed is the cheapest input in agriculture. In

2004-05 we have supplied good quality seeds.

In 2005-06. I have set apart Rs. 32.34 crore for

distribution of quality seeds.


38. New agricultural technology is required to enable

our farmers to face international competition as well as

to save them from recurrent droughts. Crop

diversification activities must be supported with

research background. The losses arising out of mite

attack on coconut or wooly aphid attack on sugarcane

indicates the need to give additional support to

agricultural research. A committee which reviewed the

research programmes of our Agricultural Universities

has made recommendations regarding increasing the

funds available for agricultural research. I propose to

increase the allocation to Agricultural Research from Rs.17 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 27 crores in 2005-06.

39. Timely agricultural credit helps a farmer to use

good quality inputs in agriculture. The layered credit of

the cooperative structure is very costly. Credit from

Commercial banks is at 8% upto Rs. 50,000 only. Above

this amount, the interest rate is as high as 10%.

Coupled with this, the compulsory deduction towards

crop insurance premium has made the agriculture credit

very costly. With the objective of reducing the interest

burden on agricultural loans availed by agriculturists

from cooperatives to 6%, our government had provided

interest subsidy. This scheme will be continued in 2005-


06 and an amount of Rs. 80 crore has been earmarked for this purpose.

40. In addition, the farmers have suffered on account

of consecutive droughts during 2001-2004. I propose to

waive off the interest and penal interest

accumulated upto 31st March 2005 on short term,

medium term and long term cooperative loans

availed by the farmers from Cooperative banks upto

31st March 2004. This scheme will cover the coffee

growers also. In order to gain the benefit of this scheme,

all farmers and coffee growers have to credit the

principal within June 2005. This is a one-time and final

relief measure. For these purposes. I set apart Rs 450

crore during 2005-06.

41. Further, while availing agricultural loans, farmers

are paying 1% of the loan amount as registration

charges. This is an additional financial burden on the

farmer. I propose to exempt all farmers from payment

of registration charges while availing agricultural


42. Yashaswini, the health insurance scheme for

members of cooperatives, has come as a “Dhanwantari”

to our farmers. A total of eighty thousand farmers have

benefited from the scheme. In view of the above it is

proposed to continue implementation of Yashaswini


scheme with modifications. For this purpose, I would

like to set apart Rs. 5 crore for the year 2005-06.

43. Hon’ble members are aware that we are entering

the Centenary year of Cooperative Movement. The first

co-operative society in the country was established in

Kanaginahal village in Dharwad district in 1905 by Late

Sri. Siddanagowda Sanna Ramanagowda Patil. This

event will have to be celebrated in a befitting manner.

I propose that Kanaginahal village be developed as a

model village. In addition, a Cooperative Training

Institute will be opened at Dharwad in the memory of

Late Sri. K. H. Patil, in recognition of his service to

Cooperative Movement in the State. For these purposes I

earmark Rs. 1 crore.

Animal Husbandry & Fisheries

44. Cattle that form an integral part of agrarian life

are prone to a number of diseases. In order to take care

of the animals, government veterinary hospitals and

dispensaries must have adequate supply of drugs. For

this purpose I propose to increase the allocation to

Rs. 10 crore. Foot and Mouth disease of cattle is still a

major disease. In order to save the cattle from this

dreaded disease, I propose to supply the vaccine free of


cost in all government veterinary dispensaries. For this

purpose I set apart Rs. 2.25 crore during 2005-06.

45. As per the recommendation 0f the High Power

Committee on Regional Imbalances, we are opening 69

veterinary centres in 39 most backward Taluks.

46. Sheep raring is a very important activity pursued

by poorest sections of the society. The sheep and

shepherds of Karnataka are frequently exposed to

unforeseen causalities resulting in severe losses. In

order to protect the interests of this community, I

propose to introduce an insurance scheme called

“Karnataka Janashree Vima Yojana” under which the

sheep and shepherds who are solely dependent on sheep

husbandry are proposed to be covered under insurance.

The scheme will be implemented over a period of three

years and I propose to set apart Rs 5 crore.

47. As of now mechanised fishing boats are being

supplied with 50,000 KL sales tax exempted diesel to

make the fishing activity viable and this programme will

be continued with an enhanced exemption limit of

55,000 KL in the coming year also.


48. Sericulture is a very important activity in

Karnataka. About 3 lakh farming families are directly


depending on production of silk cocoons for their

livelihood. In addition 65,000 families depend on

downstream employment opportunities in the area of

reeling, twisting, colouring, weaving, printing and

marketing. In order to give a boost to sericulture

I propose to set apart Rs. 25.25 crore for implementing

Catalytic programme, a Central Scheme on sericulture.

The state share is Rs. 10.25 crore. With the objective of

encouraging quality egg production in sericulture

grainages I propose to provide Rs. 7.50 crore. Our

farmers who come to sericulture market yards need

facilities and therefore, infrastructural facilities would be

improved and upgraded in major regulated cocoon

market yards at Ramanagaram, Siddlagatta, Vijayapura,

Kanakapura and Kollegala.

Health & family Welfare:

49. Diseases choose their victims. Good quality

drinking water, nutrition, housing & sanitation

contribute to improvement of health. It is for this reason

our government has laid a lot of stress on providing

additional allocation to drinking water, housing and

nutrition. These apart, timely and appropriately targeted

public health interventions can reduce the morbidity

and mortality in the population. Government support to


public health intervention is most essential and

appropriate as the services are in the nature of public

good. I would like to increase the allocation to health

sector by 18% over and above the allocations for the year

2004-05. But, we need to take steps for improving the

technical & allocative efficiency of the public health


50. Our government proposes to provide advanced CT

scan equipment to District hospitals so as to provide the

facility of sophisticated equipment to poorer sections of

the society and for this purpose I set apart Rs. 8 crore.

Health outcomes are not uniform throughout the state.

While the burden of diseases has significantly reduced in

districts like Bangalore and Mysore, the districts of

Raichur, Koppal, Gulbarga, Chamarajanagar, continue

to suffer from limited availability of health

infrastructure. The High Power Committee on Regional

Imbalance headed by Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa has

brought out these differentials. There is a need to

upgrade Primary Health Centers into Community Health

Centers in these areas. Also, we will take steps to

upgrade the district hospitals at Chamarajanagar,

Gulbarga, Haveri and Koppal. For these purposes

I propose to earmark Rs. 23 crore during 2005-06.


51. It is proposed to provide health insurance to 2.5

lakh SC/ST families under the Universal Insurance

Scheme of Government of India. Under this scheme

hospitalisation expenses up to Rs. 30,000 will be

provided. The premium payable by the beneficiary is

Rs.248 per family per annum and Government will pay

Rs.200 out of this. Sthree Shakti SC/ST women will be

insured under this scheme. I propose to set apart Rs.5

crore for this purpose in 2005-06.

52. It is proposed to provide one ambulance, to each

district hospital, to be managed by reputed NGOs for

providing transportation service for accident victims.

I earmark Rs. 2 crore for this purpose.

53. It is proposed to provide round the clock services

of nurses to PHCs in backward talukas in order to

improve institutional delivery and thereby reduce MMR

and IMR and also to provide immunization services.

54. Telemedicine project is implemented jointly

between Health Department and ISRO. This facility is

working in 13 district hospitals. This will be extended to

the other districts. I propose to provide Rs. 1.5 Crore for

this purpose.

55. Medical education policy has come under close

scrutiny of late. The fee structure of private medical

colleges is so exorbitant that it is very difficult for


merited students of poor and middle class parents to pay

the fees. In order to help the merited students of

Karnataka our government has decided to open six new medical colleges at Hassan, Mandya, Raichur, Shimogga,

Bidar, and Belgaum. In order to facilitate these colleges to

be self-sustaining it is proposed to allocate certain

number of seats in these new colleges to Non Resident

Indians. For this purpose, Rs. 30 crore has been provided

in 2005-06.

56. The autonomous institutions like Kidwai Institute

of Medical Sciences, Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology,

Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health are providing

tertiary health care to poor patients. I propose to

increase allocations to autonomous institutions from

Rs.57.67 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 76.08 crore in 2005-06.

57. This is the centenary year of Bangalore Medical

College. In order to commemorate this event it is

proposed to construct a Casualty Block at Victoria

Hospital, which provides clinical facility to BMC.

58. HIV-AIDS, the dreaded disease, is fast spreading

in Karnataka. The epidemic, which was restricted to

high-risk population, has now spread to general

population. Innocent housewives and children have

become victims of HIV. In order to check further spread


of this disease I propose to open voluntary counselling in

twenty high prevalent Taluks of Karnataka.


59. Education is the key to our development. We have

initiated a number of steps to consolidate the primary

education system. We would like to provide for

a quantum jump in the allocation of resources to

education sector. Allocation to Education in 2005-06 is

Rs. 4800 crore against an allocation of Rs. 4300 crore in

2004-05. Thus the allocation to education sector has increased by 11%.

60. We have taken steps to ensure that children

would get their uniform and books by the time schools

open in the next academic year.

61. In order to ensure quality in primary schools, it is

decided to establish the “Karnataka School Quality

Assessment Organization”. For this purpose I set apart

Rs. 3 crore.

62. 114 new high schools will be opened in most

backward Taluks identified by Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa


63. As a part of Kuvempu Centenary Celebrations

government had decided to open Kuvempu Kannada

Model schools. For this purpose I allocate Rs. 10 crore.


64. The Akshara Dasoha is in operation with 39,000

cooking centers. It is proposed to construct kitchens in

17,000 cooking centres, which do not have kitchen

buildings. For this purpose I allocate Rs. 30 crore.

65. Enrolment in Pre-university Education is also

increasing because of more students passing out of class

10th every year. There is inadequate space in the existing

Pre University Colleges. I propose to take up

construction of classrooms in existing Government Pre

University Colleges under RIDF at a cost of Rs. 10 crore

during 2005-06.

66. I propose to open new degree Colleges at Bijapur

and Mysore. The new college at Mysore will be for

Women only. I set apart Rs. 2.6 Crore for this purpose.

67. This year we lost Dr. H. Narasimhiah, an eminent

Gandhian, Rationalist and Educationist. His life was an

open book. In the memory of Dr. H. Narasimhiah, we

propose to construct Dr. H. Narasimhiah memorial

auditorium at Gowribidanur.

Food distribution 68. Ensuring food security for poor and the

underprivileged is a priority for our Government. With

the objective of insulating the poor and the

underprivileged we have already introduced the scheme


of providing subsidised rice and wheat at Rs. 3 per Kg.

I propose to continue this scheme and provide Rs. 500

crore towards the subsidy. In addition, steps will be taken

to modernise the food distribution system by supporting

computerization activities of the Department of Food and

Civil Supplies.

Rural Development:

69. The elections to the Gram Panchayat are over and

new Panchayat Members have begun their work with

great enthusiasm. One hundred and seventy Schemes

which were hitherto implemented in the state sector are

transferred to the district sector. The size of the district

sector outlay has increased from 960 crore to 2500

crore. The responsibility of Panchayat bodies in the self-

governing system has increased. Additional allocations

are provided to impart proper training to the new

Panchayat members to effectively discharge their duties.

70. In 2004-05 we had provided Rs 100.55 crores for

drinking water schemes. In view of importance of

drinking water requirement the allocation has been increased to Rs. 132.11 crores.

71. Adequate focus needs to be given to Rural

Sanitation. The Government has been implementing the

Swacha Grama, scheme for the integrated development


of infrastructure in rural areas. We are implementing

Swacha Grama Yojane on the principles of “Panchasutra”. I propose to earmark Rs. 20 crore for this purpose in


72. I also propose to initiate a new programme,

Kugrama-Sugrama for integrated development targeted

towards most backward villages in the State. I propose

to allocate Rs. 20 Crore for this purpose.

73. For maintenance of rural roads, under the

Mukhyamantri Raste Abhivruddhi Nidhi, I propose to

allocate Rs. 80 Crore. The allocation of this amount to

various districts shall be done based on an index

developed on the basis of the recommendation of the

High Power Committee on Regional Imbalances.

74. The Beetle leaf gardens of Mysore or the

vegetable gardens of Kolar have proved that it is possible

to generate income by cultivating garden crops in small

plots. We would like to encourage landless agricultural

labourers to take up cultivation of garden crops under a

new scheme called “Namma Hola - Namma Tota” and I allocate Rs. 20 crore for this scheme.

Area development activities

75. The Government has constituted Hyderabad

Karnataka Development Board, Malnad Development


Board, Border Development Board and Maidan

Development Board, for the development of the area

covered by the respective boards. But, the flow of funds

has drastically reduced over the last several years.

I propose to increase the allocation to these boards and

provide Rs. 60 crore to Hyderabad Karnataka

Development Board, Rs. 20 crore to Malnad

Development Board and Rs. 9 crore to Maidan

Development Board and Rs 5 crore to Border Area

Development Board. The overall allocation to Area

Development boards has gone up from Rs. 42.5 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 94 in 2005-06.

76. Hon’ble Legislators had urged to provide funds

for development works in their constituency. I propose to

provide Rs. 50 lakh to undertake development works in the constituency of each member of the Karnataka

Legislature. Guidelines relating to utilization of this fund

for asset creation will be issued. I propose to earmark

Rs.150 crore for this purpose.

Welfare of the Weaker Sections

Social Welfare

77. The allocation to Social welfare in 2004-05 was Rs. 628 crores that has been increased to Rs. 815 crores in

2005-06. This accounts for a rise by 30%.


78. In 2005-06 it is proposed to provide Rs. 98 crore

by upfront pooling of Special Component Plan and Tribal

Sub-Plan. This amount will be primarily used for

Gangakalyana, Education and Housing programmes.

79. Gangakalyana and Land Purchase Scheme are

the most beneficial schemes to the small farmers as they

can improve land use and increase the income levels.

I propose to increase the allocation substantially from Rs.30 crores in 2004-05 to Rs. 67 crores in 2005-06.

80. Under the Post-Matric scholarship scheme for

SCs and STs, the Government of India supplements the

efforts of the State Government. In order to meet the

increasing demand for assistance to more students from

SCs and STs, I am enhancing the total State support from

Rs. 23 Crore to Rs. 32 Crore.

81. The Government Flying Training School has

launched an innovative project in association with Social

Welfare department for giving flying training and to train

up the SC/ST candidates sponsored by them. Initially,

about Ten SC/ST candidates would be trained and in

the subsequent years, the number of trainees is likely to

be increased.


Backward Classes

82. At present, a scheme for funding students from

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to pursue

studies abroad exists. I propose to extend this to the

Backward Classes also.

83. Karnataka Backward Classes Development and

Construction Society has constructed 100 hostels with

financial assistance from HUDCO. For continuing this

activity, an amount of Rs. 20 crore is provided and 60

hostels will be constructed. For Construction of

residential schools an amount of Rs. 15 crore is provided

to Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions


84. I propose to continue Shram Shakti scheme

aimed at skill upgradation, harnessing the

entrepreneurial abilities and promotion of

self-employment among the Backward Classes in the

coming year.


85. Under the welfare programme for Minorities, the

allocation for construction of Shadi Mahals has been

enhanced from Rs. 1.20 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 3.25

Crore in 2005-06.


86. I propose to open 13 new residential schools to

students from minority community so that there would

be at least one residential school in every district.

87. An amount of Rs. 4.2 crores is proposed to be

allocated to Wakf institutions. Rs. 1.20 crore is provided

to Wakf Board for maintenance. Rs. 1 crore is provided

for conducting survey of Wakf properties. Grant of Rs. 2

crore is provided to Wakf council.

88. Further, for the activities undertaken by the

Karnataka. Minorities Development Corporation, I would

like to enhance the allocation and earmark Rs. 14 Crore

during 2005-06. With this amount Gangakalyana

scheme and other income generating schemes can be


89. To provide a good education to the weaker

sections, I propose to open 43 residential schools among

which ten will be for the Scheduled Castes, ten for

Scheduled Tribes, ten for Backward Classes and thirteen

for the Minorities.

90. Keeping in view the lack of hostel facilities for

students from the weaker sections admitted into

professional colleges, four hostels are proposed to be

opened at Bangalore, Mysore, Bellary and Hubli.

91. I also propose to increase the allowance for food

expenses from Rs. 400 to Rs. 450 per month in Pre-


Matric hostels and from Rs. 450 to Rs. 500 in Post-

Matric hostels of all students belonging to scheduled

castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes and minority


92. I propose to increase the number of advocates

eligible to receive stipend under the on going scheme for

weaker sections at the rate of 30 per district. Of these

30, 10 are reserved for advocates from SC/ST category,

10 for backward classes, 5 for minority categories and

5 for women.

93. Kaushalya, scheme for training of unemployed

women will be implemented to cover scheduled caste,

scheduled tribe and backward class women in different


94. A Bhavan in memory of Late Shri Devaraj Urs has

already been planned for construction in Bangalore. In

addition, it is proposed to construct a Bhavan at Hunsur

and also take up comprehensive development of his

birthplace – Kallahally. For these purposes, I allocate

Rs.5.45 Crore.

Women and Child Development

95. Women play an important role in our society.

Stree Shakti programme has gained momentum over the

years. Involvement of these empowered women in


implementation of various Government programmes is a

positive outcome of the formation of these as it enables

receptivity for the schemes, greater degree of

participation and accountability. I propose to set apart

Rs. 11 crores in 2005-06 for contribution towards the

revolving fund.

96. Construction of Anganwadi buildings will be

continued with an enhanced allocation of Rs. 12 Crore.

97. As members are aware, educational opportunities

for women in North Karnataka are inadequate. In order

to assist girl students to pursue education, ten Post-

Matric hostels will be opened at Bidar, Gulbarga,

Raichur, Koppal, Bellary, Bijapur, Bagalkote,

Chamarajanagar, Haveri and Kolar. Thus, eight out of

ten new hostels will be in North Karnataka.

98. Under Disabled Welfare, the schools for the Deaf

taken up for construction in Belgaum and Mysore will be

completed in 2005-06.

99. The Women’s Development Corporation has been

provided with Rs 3.5 Crore in 2005-06.

100. Further, the allocation for scholarship for the

disabled students will be enhanced to Rs. 1.20 Crore.


Kannada and Culture

101. The 50th year of Integration of Karnataka is being celebrated. I have earmarked Rs 10 crore for preparatory activities for celebrating “Suvarna Karnataka”. 102. There is a need to increase the Government

support to Academies functioning in Karnataka.

I propose to provide Rs. 15 lakh as grant to facilitate

each academy’s activities.

103. Karnataka is a home for eminent poets. We have

seven Gnana Peetha awardees. On the occasion of the

Kuvempu Shatamanotsava, the Government had decided

to establish “Kuvempu Samskrithika Kendra” to support

translation of works of Rastra Kavi Kuvempu and other

eminent writers who have contributed to Kannada

literature. I propose to convert this dream into a reality

under Suvarna Karnataka.


104. Kannada Films have been a major factor in

integrating Karnataka. To promote quality Kannada

films, I propose that two best Kannada Children films be

provided Rs. 25 lakhs of incentive every year. Twenty

quality Kannada films will be awarded with Rs. 10 lakh

subsidy in addition to the subsidy being given to award

winning films.


105. Suitable amendment will be introduced to control

video piracy.

Sports and Youth Services

106. During the current financial year we intend to

complete all the six stadia in the newly formed districts.

107. To meet the growing demand and to give more

emphasis to the backward regions of the North

Karnataka during the current financial year, the Youth

Services and Sports department is planning to construct

stadia in 39 talukas, thereby improving the

opportunities for sports persons from North Karnataka.

108. Rajiv Gandhi Yuvashakti scheme, which was

implemented in 2003-04 will be continued in 2005-06.

109. National Youth Games are being held at

Bangalore in 2006. I propose to earmark Rs. 2 crore for

this event.


110. Tourism is emerging as an important employment

opportunity. It is proposed to revitalize Karnataka

Tourism brand with an aggressive media plan. Tourism

Policy framework will be further refined to attract

entrepreneurs to invest in tourist infrastructure such as

accommodation, wayside facilities etc.,


111. The Department of Tourism has formulated a new

scheme called “Suvarna Karnataka - Pravasi Thana”

under which at 50 selected locations, basic wayside

facilities comprising of tourist information kiosk, toilets

and coffee shops will be set up, connecting important

tourist destinations, at an interval of every 75 kms in

such locations, where these basic facilities are not

presently available, either in the private sector or by the

Department or KSTDC. For these programmes I propose

to provide the state share.

112. Tourism projects such as integrated development

of Nandi Hills (including ropeways), Ropeway to

Chamundi Hills will be offered to the private

entrepreneurs under appropriate terms and conditions.

113. The world renowned Bahubali Statue beaming

the principles of Ahimsa has been the centre of

attraction all over the world. “Mahamastakabhisheka”

is an upcoming event of 2006. This special occasion,

celebrated once in 12 years should be seen as a tourism

opportunity. I intend to provide tourist amenities for the

visitors during this event. The connecting roads will be

upgraded. All public facilities will be provided. I propose

to allocate Rs 75 crore for this purpose.


Public works

114. With the objective of improving the roads, I propose to increase the allocation to Road sector from Rs.1022 crores in 2004-05 to Rs. 1414 crores in 2005-06

thus accounting for 38% increase. 115. Under the ongoing World Bank assisted

programme of KSHIP it is proposed to upgrade and

rehabilitate 700 Kms of State Highways at a cost of

Rs.550 crore in the current year.

116. A better strategy is required for the maintenance

of State Highways. Hence it is proposed to bring the

State Highways on a three-year maintenance contract. It

is estimated that the total cost of three-year

maintenance is Rs. 450 crore. For this purpose I have

provided an amount of Rs. 150 crore on 2005-06.

117. For maintenance of roads other than the State

Highways, there is a need to shift from the adhoc

approach currently being followed to a more systematic

and planned approach based on a comprehensive road

information system about the status of roads and the

amount spent on them. For this purpose, I propose to

allocate Rs. 83 Crore that would be spent in accordance with a plan of action prepared by Public Works

Department based on this Road Information System. In


addition to this, I propose to allocate Rs. 72 Crore for

upgradation of roads.

118. With RIDF assistance we are taking up 458

works, which essentially involve improvement of roads

and construction of bridges. These works are estimated

to cost Rs. 275 crore.

119. In recent times Hospet - Karwar road, Dharwad-

Alnavar- Ramnagar- Anmod road and

Chikkanayakanahalli-Hassan road are being used

mainly by vehicles carrying mineral ore. The vehicles

are carrying heavy load leading to higher wear and tear

of the roads. Mining and Transport sectors are

requesting for improving these roads. Hence I propose to

take up improvement of these roads through KRDCL.

In order to make our efforts sustainable I propose to

introduce levy of toll under Karnataka State Highways Act

for this purpose. I assure that steps will be taken to

insulate the local commuters from the toll.

Housing, Urban Development and Infrastructure

120. Ashraya and Indira Avaas Yojane are the most

important programmes that the State Government

implements for housing for poor. Under Ashraya

Housing Scheme, I propose to earmark Rs. 100 crore as

subsidy in this budget. In addition to this, for SC/ST


beneficiaries, to provide houses free of cost, I propose to

provide Rs. 50 crore for Ambedkar Housing Scheme from

the pooled amount. Similarly, for Indira Avaas Yojana, I

propose to earmark Rs. 110 crore.

121. The challenge does not lie only in constructing

more and more houses but also in providing basic

infrastructure to the housing clusters created under this

scheme. To address this problem in an innovative way,

the Government ploughs back a portion of the recovery

of the loans extended in this scheme to the

corresponding local bodies for provision of basic

infrastructure to these clusters. This institutional move,

if coupled with increased recovery of these loans, would

ensure that the local bodies would have enough

resources to provide basic infrastructure to these


122. Problems arising out of progressive urbanisation

in Karnataka are to be addressed immediately. The

growth rate of urban population has been higher than

the rate of investment in urban infrastructure and

effects are clearly visible. Housing, water shortage and

inadequate sanitation are the three important problems

affecting urban life. In Bangalore, the poor network of

roads compounds the problem. Urban areas need a lot of

investment for better quality of life.


123. The Second State Finance Commission,

constituted to determine the share of State’s resources

that should be devolved to the local bodies, has

submitted its report. As per the recommendation of the

First State Finance Commission, the State had been

devolving 5.4% of its resources to the Urban Local

Bodies. Keeping in view, the increased responsibilities

that the Urban Local Bodies have to bear in this era of

increasing urbanization, the Second Commission has

recommended an increase in this share from 5.4% to

8%. I propose to provide for this increase in a phased

manner and as a first step, to increase this share from Rs. 798 Crore in the current year to Rs. 1160 Crore in the

next year, an increase of 45%. I hope that this step

would further enable the Urban Local Bodies in

delivering basic minimum services to the urban citizens

of the State.

124. The State Government is implementing Nirmala

Nagara Programme in 57 Urban Local Bodies in the

State with the objective of providing better urban living


125. With the assistance of the World Bank,

augmentation of the drinking water supply in the cities

of Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwad and Gulbarga and

development of a comprehensive strategy to overhaul


water supply in urban areas, has been taken up at a

cost of Rs. 235 crore. This is an innovative experiment

and management contract is being given under this

project. Rs. 110 crores is being earmarked to KUWS&DB

to take up Urban Water Supply Projects.

126. Work on India’s first Greenfield Airport on Public

Private Partnership model would commence at

Devanahalli. This international airport would position

Bangalore as an important passenger and cargo hub in

the region and provide a great fillip to tourism and

exports. An amount of Rs. 95 crore is being provided in

the budget for 2005-06 as State support to Bangalore International Airport Project.

127. Bangalore citizens are eagerly expecting the

commencement of Metro Rail services. The State cabinet

has cleared the project recently. Government of India

clearance is expected shortly. For implementation of

this project, I propose to set apart Rs. 109 crore. The

State is committed to complete many railway projects on

a cost-sharing basis with Indian Railways. For these

projects, I propose to earmark Rs. 51 Crore.

128. Better traffic management is essential to improve

quality of life in urban areas. A Traffic Management

Fund has already been set up for the improvement and

better management of traffic in Bangalore. 50% of the


amount collected as traffic fines would be ploughed back

into the fund. I propose to extend this arrangement to

the other six Corporation areas of the State from 2005-

06 onwards.

Industries and Commerce.

129. Industrial development has been accorded top

priority by our Government. After assumption of office

by our Government, the State has attracted investment

of Rs. 31,000 Crore through 29 mega industrial projects.

In addition, 181 large and medium projects with

investment of Rs. 4,000 Crore and 7000 small-scale

units with an investment of Rs. 250 Crore with an

employment opportunity for 33,000 persons have been

approved. With an objective of facilitating accelerated

industrial development of all regions and sectors of the

State, it is proposed to set up Karnataka State Industrial

Development Council under the Chairmanship of the

Chief Minister.

130. A new scheme, Kaigarika Vikasa would be

launched for the intensive industrialization for the 39

most backward taluks identified by

Dr. D.M.Nanjundappa Committee that would provide

employment to about 1.5 lakh people over a period of

5 years. For this purpose, I propose to earmark Rs. 10


Crore. This scheme is expected to generate annual

income Rs. 300 Crore.

131. Product Specific Special Economic Zones for

Textiles at Hassan & Mysore and Sector Specific Special

Economic Zone for Information Technology and Allied

activities would be set up at Mangalore. Eleven new

Science & Technology Entrepreneurs Parks (STEP)

would be set up in Bangalore (Rural), Bellary,

Chamarajanagar, Gulbarga, Haveri, Kodagu, Koppal,

Kolar, Mandya, Raichur and Uttara Kannada Districts.

132. With support from the Government of India, it is

proposed to establish and develop Industrial Valves

Cluster at Hubli-Dharwad, Coir Cluster at Channapatna

and Hassan, Food processing Cluster at Mangalore, Auto

components Cluster at Shimoga. The total investment

envisaged is Rs 40.2 crore. A Rural Artisan Products

Marketing facility at Gulbarga would be set up.

133. Mineral investigation activities would be

strengthened. Laboratories with state-of-the-art

equipments would be set up to assist exploration

activities. For this I propose to set apart Rs. 2.8 Crore.

Weavers’ welfare.

134. In 2004-05 budget, our Government implemented

a special package for weavers consisting of composite


schemes for providing power subsidy, health care and

raw materials to weavers as was announced earlier.

I propose to continue implementation of this scheme.

Power generation & transmission

135. The power sector is the most important input for

the economy. Power determines the pace of development.

The power generation projects taken up by Karnataka

Power Corporation are making brisk progress. The 3rd

unit of 55 MW capacity Almatti Dam Power House was

commissioned on 13th January 2005. The remaining

three units of 55 MW capacity will be commissioned by

end of July 2005. Work on the Bellary Thermal Power

Station of 500 MW capacity is proceeding ahead of

schedule. Bidadi combined Cycle Power project, Raichur

Thermal power station unit 8, renovation and

modernization of Nagjhari power house, Gundal hydel

scheme are on going. Work on Varahi Hydroelectric

Power Project will commence soon. We have taken steps

to support power production by Private Independent

Power Producers. On completion they will add 3475 MW

generation capacity. With the commissioning of the above

mentioned projects, power situation in Karnataka will improve.

136. Our Government has taken a decision to

regularize about 1,35,000 irrigation pumpsets. The cost


of regularization is Rs. 26,464 per IP set and the total

cost will be Rs. 357.26 crore. The farmer will make a

contribution of Rs. 10,000 per IP set and the balance of

the cost will be borne by Government and ESCOMs. This

scheme will cost Rs. 173 crore to the Government. In

addition about 60,000 new pumpsets will be electrified

during 2005-06. All these connections are to be metered.

137. We have taken a decision to provide free power upto a limit of 18 units to all the Bhagya Jyothi and

Kutira Jyothi consumers. This free power will be

available only if the installations are metered. This

measure is for prevention of power thefts.

138. Under the Dalit Basti scheme supported by Rural

Electricity Corporation we have decided to provide power

to 2,52,798 households at a total cost of Rs. 202 crore.

Power Subsidy

139. In so far as Karnataka is concerned, subsidized

power is the biggest burden on the state exchequer.

Subsidies, per se, are not bad but untargeted and poorly

designed subsidies are bound to bleed the fisc of the

state and put stress on the State finances, crowding out

more desirable expenditure.


140. Poorly targeted power sector subsidies have put

Stress on the State resources and have incapacitated the

state PSUs in expanding the generation and

transmission capacity, which is most essential for faster

and equitable growth.

141. Farmers are demanding quality power. 49% of

power consumed in Karnataka is accounted to IP sets.

As IP sets in Karnataka are not metered, it is difficult to

check whether these IP sets have indeed consumed 49%

of power supplied by KPTCL. There is scope for including

illegal power thefts in notional consumption by IP sets.

On an average, Government is providing Rs. 1750 crore

towards the cost of power used by agricultural pumpsets

apart from the farmers themselves paying the tariff` fixed

by the KERC. The subsidy incurred by Government per

pumpset is approximately Rs. 12,500 per year. In

2005-06 an amount of Rs. 1750 crore has been provided for power subsidy.

142. The first step should be towards reduction of

commercial losses through 100% metering and stringent

anti theft measures. This would free resources for more

investment in the sector, which would in turn reduce the

transmission losses, improving the efficiency of the

sector even further. A more efficient power sector would

be able to generate more resources by providing better


quality power. If adequate steps are not taken, the

future ahead of us is bleak.

143. With the above in the background, I propose

100% metering in all sectors including the subsidized

sector. Through this august body, I would like to assure

all the farmers that the purpose of metering of IP sets is

to keep a proper account of power consumption.

Irrespective of the power consumed, the farmers may

prefer to pay the flat rate charges as fixed by KERC

from time to time or the metered consumption

whichever is less. Another important step would be

introducing a “Purchase-Provider” model between

Government and ESCOMs. It is expected that in order to

claim subsidy, power utilities will submit a bill to

Government on the basis of metering done at the

consumption or distribution point. In addition, in order

to reduce power thefts and losses, energy audit will be

rigorously conducted.

144. Under the centrally sponsored scheme, we

propose to provide solar power lights in 1000

unelectrified hamlets, bastis, hattis, which are located in

remote areas where grid supply cannot reach. The

estimated cost of the project is Rs. 26.33 crore.



145. Revenue department is the mother department in

rural areas. It is the closest department to our farmers

and agrarian population. 36 Mini Vidhana Soudhas are

at various stages of construction and have remained

incomplete mainly for want of funds. I have set apart

Rs. 8 crore for completion of all the 36 mini Vidhana Soudhas during 2005-06.

146. Inability to survey the divided lands immediately

after sale or partition has often led to clashes among the

farmers. In addition, the century old survey records have

become degenerated. In order to provide the updated

village maps to the Public, the maps will be vectorised

and digital data will be developed. This will help in quick

updating of records as well their retrieval. In addition, I

propose to provide Rs. 2 Crore for construction of

buildings of Department of Stamps and Registration.

147. I propose to provide Rs. 5 crore to Basava Kalyana Development Authority. Similarly, I propose to allocate

Rs. 3 crore to Kaginele Development Authority.


148. The performance of Public Transport Corporations

of Karnataka has improved radically. The Bangalore

Metropolitan Transport Corporation is one of the few

Public Sector Transport Corporations, which have made


profit. BMTC has made operational profits and now is

capable of investing on new busses and creating

amenities at bus shelters. KSRTC and NEKRTC are also

on the path of recovery. New buses have been

introduced in 2004-05. In so far as the expenditure

incurred by these Corporations on the subsidized bus passes are concerned, I have made a provision of Rs. 70

crore to meet the Government share. However, in order to

ensure better targeting of this subsidy the Transport

Corporation will enter into a ‘purchase provider’ model

with the Government.

Science and Technology

149. Karnataka is a leading State in information

technology. The most important requirement of IT sector

about creation of proper road network at the periphery

of Bangalore is being addressed. We have taken up the

improvement of roads around Bangalore at a cost of

Rs. 40 crore with Private Partnership. Government of

India has come forward for construction of elevated IT

corridor road. In order to facilitate smooth and quick

construction of IT corridor road, the State Government is

proposing to build diversion roads. Further, BDA has

planned to develop High-Tech City near Hosur- Sarjapur

Road at an estimated cost of Rs. 460 crore.


150. Biotechnology is a sunrise industry and we

would not like to lose opportunities in this sector.

Government of India has agreed, in principle, to support

the establishment of the Biotech Park at Electronics

City, Bangalore and this facility will act as a

biotechnology industries cluster. For this purpose,

I propose to set apart Rs. 6.5 Crore.

151. With the broad objective of promoting Science and

Technology in rural areas our Government proposes to

establish science centres. For this purpose, I have set

apart Rs 10 crore. Gulbarga region has very limited

infrastructure for promoting science education. In order

to set right this imbalance, I propose to initiate a special

programme in the Collegiate education to support

Science education in Gulbarga region.

Forest, Ecology & Environment

152. From the year 1999, there has been a constant

increase in the forest cover. Afforestation of barren lands

in the State has been taken under schemes like National

Afforestation Programme, Tree Patta Scheme, Joint

Forest Planning and Management scheme and Vana

Vikasa Yojane. Forests of Karnataka are fragile

ecosystems and they are to be managed carefully to

conserve their biodiversity. The conservation efforts


must be sustainable to give durable results. With these

objectives in mind, “Karnataka Sustainable Forest

Management and Bio-Diversity Conservation Project” will be undertaken with the financial assistance of Japan Bank

for International Cooperation (JBIC). The project period

would extend from 2005-06 to 2012-13 and the cost is

Rs. 745 crore.

153. Constituting Eco clubs in Schools is already a

policy of our Government. Now, we propose to extend

this scheme to cover colleges also.

Law reforms

154. Providing justice for all is our commitment. We are

taking action both on the front of legal reforms as well as

enforcement. Our Government has come out with a policy

paper and has formulated an action plan for Legal reforms.

We would like to update the statutes, improve their relevance

and make their fair application and administration a reality.

We would like to make the ideas of liberty, equality, justice

and gender equity envisaged by the founding fathers of our

Constitution, come true.

155. We will take steps to implement the action plan

envisaged in the new policy on law. Specific proposals in

pursuance of this policy are being worked out. During

2005-06 upto 25 crores will be provided for these schemes as and when the schemes are firmed up. I also propose to


set apart Rs. 20 crores for the establishment of Circuit

bench in North Karnataka. If more funds are required,

the same will be provided.


156. A Scheme of upgradation of Industrial Training

Institutions (ITIs) into Centres for Excellence with

assistance from Government of India is already on the

anvil. In each of these Government ITIs selected for the

purpose, one trade will be upgraded through supply of

necessary equipment, training of faculty, revamping the

syllabus etc. The State Government will meet 25% of the

expenditure of this scheme.

157. New trades as approved by the DGET will be

introduced in the Government ITIs in a phased manner.

For this purpose I have set apart Rs. 3.3 crore.

Law and order:

158. Law and order in Karnataka has been quite

satisfactory. This is one of the important reasons why

investors come forward to invest in the state. However,

of late extremist and divisive forces operating against

public interest have emerged. This is a matter of serious

concern and there is an urgent need to strengthen the

police department and to upgrade its skill to face the

challenges that lie ahead. Modernization of prisons will


also be taken up. Adequate allocation has been made and

the allocation to police administration has been increased from Rs. 919 Crore to Rs. 964 Crore.

159. I have made a conscious effort to direct as many

individual schemes as possible towards the backward

talukas of the state as identified in the Dr. Nanjundappa

Committee, be it in the location of schools and hostels or

the implementation of education, health and industry

related schemes. I have also increased the outlays for

Hyderabad Karnataka Development Board substantially.

All this would be in addition to the normal programmes

in the implementation of which, the Administrative

Departments concerned would be asked to give priority

to the backward talukas. I believe, in this budget a

significant step has been taken in addressing the issue

of regional disparities in the State and yet I am not fully

satisfied with the quantum of investment that would be

flowing to these areas as a result of these initiatives. In

this context, I would like to state that redressal of

regional imbalance is a high priority for us and our coalition government will increase the outlay in future.

Annual Plan 2005-06

160. I have enhanced the Annual Plan Outlay from

Rs. 11,741.17 Crore in 2004-05 (Revised Estimates) to

Rs. 13,555.00 Crore in 2006-06 (Budget Estimates).


The increase in Plan Size amounts to 15.5%. The major

sectoral allocations are given in Annexure-I

I now go to the tax proposals.

161. Sir, I am happy to announce our collection of

revenue from all tax sources has been extremely

buoyant. All the revenue earning Departments have

collected revenues well over their respective targets and

our estimates. The officers and staff of these

Departments need to be complimented for their efforts

and their hard work that has brought about these

results. To elaborate, the growth rate achieved in the

collection of Commercial Taxes of about 27% is perhaps

the highest in the country. This is a remarkable

achievement. Similarly, Excise revenue and the revenues

from the Stamps and Registration and Transport have

registered impressive growths. I congratulate all these

Departments for their good performance. I am confident

in the year 2005-06 too they will perform similarly and

enable our resource mobilization estimates to be more

than fully realized.



162. Sir, the State is all set to introduce Value Added

Tax (VAT) in the place of sales tax, on all commodities


except petrol, diesel, Aviation Turbine Fuel and sugar

cane, from April, 2005. Introduction of Value Added Tax

has been a collective endeavour of all the States and

Union Territories, with the Central Government

supporting this historic tax reform in the country. Our

likely revenue loss in the first year of introduction of

Value Added Tax is about Rs.2160 crores. The Central

Government will compensate the revenue loss fully in

the first year, 75% loss in the second year and 50% in

the third year.

163. Sir, as I have clarified on several occasions, the

overall tax effect on the common consumers under Value

Added Tax would be lower than the present tax effect.

Lower tax on many goods of common consumption,

removal of tax cascading by the input tax credit scheme

and adoption of a low standard rate of 12.5% should

result in the reduction of prices of many commodities. I

expect the trade and industry to respond positively.

164. I propose to re-organize the Commercial Taxes

Department on a functional basis as required for the

effective implementation of Value Added Tax. I have full

confidence in the preparedness and the capability of the

department for the successful implementation of Value

Added Tax in the State.



165. Trade and industry have made representations for

several reliefs and concessions. The design of Value

Added Tax is on the basis of national consensus. Within

such consensus it has been possible for me to consider

positively a few requests not only in the interest of our

trade and industry but also the general public.

166. Accordingly, I propose to exempt under the

proposed Value Added Tax,

(i) paddy and rice for one year,

(ii) wheat for one year,

(iii) pulses for one year,

(iv) seeds,

(v) awalakki,

(vi) mandakki,

(vii) pappad and

(viii) branded bread and bun.

167. I also propose to reduce tax on Tea to 4%.

168. The merger of sales tax with excise duty on rectified spirit and liquor has ensured effective collection of revenue. Considering this, I propose to bring even molasses under a similar scheme and exempt molasses from tax under Value Added Tax and levy an equivalent Excise duty on rectified spirit manufactured out of molasses.


Rationalisation measures: 169. I propose to bring in certain rationalization measures in the Value Added Tax Act. The details of these measures are at Annexure II. 170. Industrial units that are presently enjoying some tax incentives have represented that these incentives should be continued even under Value Added Tax. In line with the national consensus, I propose to continue them under Value Added Tax, with suitable modifications in the tax exemption scheme ensuring that the value chain is not broken and there is no additional revenue loss.

SALES TAX: Reliefs:

171. Karasamadhana Scheme: Several tax amnesty schemes have been announced in the past to reduce arrears of sales tax but with limited success. Considering that Value Added Tax is being introduced from April, 2005 and the need to reduce the arrears of sales tax as we go into the new system, as a last chance to those would like to clear their arrears, I propose to announce the following scheme:

172. If a dealer pays the tax admitted or assessed in full for any year upto 31st March, 2004, on or before 30th May, 2005 alongwith 10% of the penalties and interest levied or leviable and also withdraws any appeal filed disputing the tax assessed or penalties levied, the


balance 90% of the interest and penalties levied or leviable would be waived.

173. If a dealer pays 10% of the penalties and interest levied or leviable for any year upto 31st March, 2004, on or before 30th May, 2005 and also withdraws any appeal filed disputing the penalties levied, the balance 90% of the interest and penalties levied or leviable.

174. I propose to,

(1) exempt tax on leasing of feature films retrospectively from August, 2004.

(2) continue sales tax exemption on diesel sold to fishermen and increase the quantity of diesel eligible for sales tax exemption from 50,000 kilo litres to 55,000 kilo litres for the year 2005-06.

Rationalisation measures:

175. I propose to bring in certain rationalization measures as in Annexure II.

CENTRAL SALES TAX: Rationalisation measures:

176. I propose to reduce tax on inter-State sale of two wheelers, three wheelers and plastic stitching yarn to 1% to encourage sales from our State.

SPECIAL ENTRY TAX: Rationalisation measures:

177. I propose to amend the relevant provisions of the Special Entry Tax Act which refer to the current sales


tax suitably considering introduction of Value Added Tax from April, 2005.

178. I also propose to amend the definition relating to importer to specifically exempt Central and State Government Departments from payment of tax.

179. I propose to levy Special Entry Tax plastic woven sacks, paper and stationery to prevent trade diversion. I also propose to levy Special Entry Tax on all such goods in which there could be trade diversion because of some neighbouring States that may not implement Value Added Tax from April, 2005.


180. I propose to exempt notified goods brought into the State,

(i) for exhibition, display, demonstration, performance, concert, shows or similar events.

(ii) by research and development institutions and educational institutions, free of cost from outside the country.

(iii) by persons on transfer or change of residence.

ENTRY TAX: Rationalisation measures:

181. I propose to bring in certain rationalization measures in the Entry Tax Act. The details of these measures are at Annexure III.


BETTING TAX: Relief: 182. In my last Budget presented in July, 2004, I had proposed to fix the composition amounts payable in respect of horse racing at the rate of 4% of the stake money for the year 2004-05. The licensees have represented that such revision be given effect prospectively. Considering their request I propose to give effect to the revision in composition amounts from August, 2004.

PROFESSIONS TAX: Rationalisation measure:

183. I propose to provide for levy of interest for delayed enrolment by self-employed persons liable to pay tax.

Relief: 184. Considering the representation made by the legal practitioners for tax relief to those newly entering the profession, I propose to increase their exemption limit to 10 years and revise the tax slabs as in Annexure IV.

LOTTERY TAX: Rationalisation measure:

185. I propose to bring in suitable amendment retrospectively to provide for levy of tax on promoters of lotteries of other States who are disputing the levy as not being authorized promoters.


ENTERTAINMENTS TAX: Reliefs: 186. The film industry has represented for reduction in composition tax and show tax. Considering their request, I propose to reduce composition tax and show tax as in Annexure V.

187. In order to encourage the circus companies which are in difficulty, I propose to exempt them from Entertainments Tax.

Rationalisation measures: 188. I propose to,

(1) remove the present discretion in levy of penalty for filing of incorrect return and provide for levy of fixed penalties.

(2) provide for suitable rules to permit payment of tax due in instalments in cases of financial hardship.

189. Consequential Amendments: The relevant tax laws need amendments to implement the above proposed measures. These amendments together with other amendments for rationalization will be moved.


190. During 2004-05 budget, I had proposed to bring in major reforms and radical changes in arrack trade; I had not proposed any additional taxes in I.M.L sector. We expected an additional income of Rs.300 Crores to the


exchequer. Now, I am glad to inform that we are going to get more than Rs.400 Crores of revenue for the Excise year 2004-05 compared to previous year’s revenue.

191. In this budget, I am not proposing any major changes in Excise policy or levy of additional taxes except bringing in some simplification and rationalisation of the existing tax structure.

192. To make it more realistic and as per market forces, I propose the maximum selling price of arrack not to exceed Rs.115/- per Bulk Litre as against the existing Rs.95/- per Bulk Litre.

193. To create a level playing field between captive and non-captive distilleries, a uniform fee of Rs.6-00 per Bulk Litre will be levied on Rectified Spirit instead of the presently levied Rs.4/- and Rs.6-50 per Bulk Litre respectively.

194. As additional revenue mobilization, I propose to allow the export of draught beer out side Karnataka.

195. Excise Revenue arrears have become a matter of concern. Therefore, I intend to give one more opportunity by extending the Kara Samadhana Scheme, so as to include arrears and loss sustained, which remained in default during the neera agitation in the State.

196. During 2005-06, we are confident of getting more than Rs.3000 Crores Excise revenue, without any additional tax burden on the tax payer. I propose to


further tighten the enforcement measures by making penal provisions more stringent. Accordingly, I propose to enhance the punishment and to make excise offences non-bailable. Proposals to amend the Karnataka Excise Act will be moved. Similarly, the Excise Department will be restructured with an emphasis on enforcement to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of administration.


197. I do not propose any increase in Stamp Duties or Registration charges this year also. However I propose to revise the existing estimated guideline values of immovable properties situated in Bangalore Urban District and Other District Head quarters, in view of the upward trend in real estate market.

198. I propose to extend full exemption of Stamp duty and Registration fee, on all loan and credit documents executed by farmers for availing Agricultural Finance. I also propose to reduce fee on Encumbrance certificate obtained by farmers for Agricultural purpose, from the prevailing rates to a maximum of Rs. 50/- Annexure – 6.


199. Computerization of all Regional Transport Offices in the State will be taken up during the financial year. Smart card based driving licences, registration certificates and high security registration number plates will also be introduced. These programmes will be taken


up with private participation and the funds required will be generated by levying user charges.

200. In order to encourage tourism, I propose to introduce separate clause of tax for air-conditioned integral/ monocoque buses, covered by All India Tourist Permits. I propose to enhance the tax on multi-axle, articulated goods vehicles and lifetime tax on two wheelers costing more than Rs. 50,000/-. Changes proposed are detailed at Annexure - 7.

201. These measures will yield an additional revenue of Rs.9 crores.

Revised Estimates 2004-05

202. The Revised Estimates of total receipts are Rs. 33332.84 Crore as compared to the Budget Estimates of Rs. 32065.99 Crore for 2004-05. The total expenditure is expected to be Rs. 33273.08 Crore according to the Revised Estimates against the Budget Estimates of Rs. 31591.88 Crore for 2004-05. After taking into account the surplus in the Public Account, the closing balance for the year is likely to be Rs. 72.66 Crore as against the expected closing balance of Rs. 73.32 Crore at the time of presentation of the 2004-05 Budget.

Budget Estimates 2005-06

203. The total receipts are expected to be Rs. 34592.06 Crore comprising revenue receipts of Rs. 29218.47 Crore and capital receipts of Rs. 5373.59


Crore. The total expenditure is likely to be Rs. 34615.15 Crore of which revenue expenditure is estimated at Rs. 28364.01 Crore and capital expenditure is estimated at Rs. 6251.14 Crore.

204. Government expects to raise Rs. 18680.16 Crore in tax revenue and Rs. 4090.30 Crore in non-tax revenue. In addition, Government expects to raise Rs. 1269.00 Crore from Market Borrowings (net), Rs. 2191.12 Crore as total loans from the Central Government and Rs. 1015.00 Crore from RBI and other Financial Institutions.

205. Identifying fiscal discipline as a critical factor for sustainable development, in the year 2002 the Legislature of Karnataka had enacted the Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act that puts a responsibility on the Government to eliminate the Consolidated Revenue Deficit by the year 2005-06 and restrict the Consolidated Fiscal Deficit to 3% of GSDP. The year ahead of us is a very important year in that respect since this year is the target year under the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This budget meets the target set by the Karnataka Legislature in the Act. The Revenue Surplus for 2005-06 is estimated to be Rs. 854.46 crore, which is 0.52% of GSDP and Fiscal Deficit is estimated to be Rs. 4714.46 crore, which is 2.86% of GSDP. With the interest payment on off budget borrowing estimated to be at Rs.791.02 crore, the Consolidated Revenue Surplus is budgeted to be Rs. 63.44 Crore.


206. Taking into account the opening balance of Rs. 72.66 Crore, the closing balance is estimated at Rs. 49.57 Crore.


207. What we dreamt in the last budget has become a reality. Fiscal stability is most apparent in our budget. Resources have flown in as we expected. Our social concerns have been the driver for our policies. Growth has been achieved on the foundation of equity. We have taken firm steps to meet our promises. Our aim is a Vibrant Karnataka where everybody is equal. The golden rays are visible on the horizon.

In the words of Rashtrakavi Kuvempu:

annadanadinoludisay Munname Maidoridante ; Belakam Needay ! Innomme haridu Kathale, Munnina Chaithanyadoje mereyali, Pampa !’

208. I now commend the Budget Estimates 2005-06 for the consideration and approval of the House. The full budget would be discussed on the floor of the House. The Government will then seek approval of the full budget. I now seek a Vote an Account for a period of four months ending 31st July, 2005.

Jai Hind – Jai Karnataka


ANNEXURE II(Paras 169 & 175)


Sl. Nature of rationalization measuresNo.______________________________________________________________________________1. Providing for payment of interest on delay in payment of

excess tax collected or wrongfully collected tax even duringperiod of any stay for recovery such tax.

2. Increasing the time limit for filing of a revision petitionbefore the High Court from 120 days to 180 days.

3. Reducing the rate of penal interest from 24% to 15%.______________________________________________________________________________



Sl. Nature of rationalization measuresNo.______________________________________________________________________________1. Retrospective insertion of Sections 4-B and 4-BB providing

for levy of tax on entry of motor vehicles from 1.4.95.

2. Suitable amendments to the provisions which refer to theKarnataka Sales Tax Act, to provide for additional referenceto the Karnataka Value Added Tax Act.

3. Increasing the time limit for filing of a revision petitionbefore the High Court from 60 days to 120 days.

4. Reducing the rate of penal interest from 24% to 15%.______________________________________________________________________________








a 184)































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al pra









s an

d N


es p





s an

d N


es p



) in


e B



re U


(A) in


e B



re U





on w


e st






on w


e st




in t







in t






(i) le

ss t


5 y



(i) le

ss t


10 y



(ii) 5


rs o

r m



t le

ss(ii) 1

0 y




e bu

t le



15 y



1500 p



20 y



1500 p





m(iii) 15 y





s.2500 p

er(iii) 20 y





s.2500 p






) in


y ot



a in


e S



(B) in


y ot



a in


e S



(i) le

ss t


5 y



(i) le

ss t


10 y



(ii) 5


rs o

r m



t le

ss(ii) 1

0 y




e bu

t le



15 y



1000 p



20 y



1000 p





m(iii) 15 y





s.1500 p

er(iii) 20 y





s.1500 p







ANNEXURE V(Para 186)


Sl. Local Authority population Present ProposedNo. of which rate of tax rate of tax1. does not exceed 25,000 10% of gross 5% of gross

collection collectioncapacity capacity

2. exceeds 25,000 but does 17.5% of gross 10% of grossnot exceed 50,000 collection collection

capacity capacity3. exceeds 50,000 but does 25% of gross 15% of gross

not exceed 75,000 collection collectioncapacity capacity


Sl. Payment for admission to the Present ProposedNo. highest class rate of tax rate of tax

per show per show(i) Regional language films:(a) Non-composition theatres:1. does not exceed Rs. 5 Rs. 35 Rs. 182. exceeds Rs. 5 but does not exceed Rs.15 Rs. 60 Rs. 303. exceeds Rs. 15 but does not exceed Rs.25 Rs. 75 Rs. 384. exceeds Rs.25 Rs. 95 Rs. 48(b) Composition theatres in places with population notexceeding 75,000:1. does not exceed Rs. 8 Rs. 25 Rs. 132. exceeds Rs. 8 but does not exceed Rs.15 Rs. 50 Rs. 253. exceeds Rs.15 Rs. 75 Rs. 38

(ii) Non-regional language films:(a) Non-composition theatres:1. does not exceed Rs. 5 Rs. 85 Rs. 432. exceeds Rs. 5 but does not exceed Rs.15 Rs. 110 Rs. 553. exceeds Rs. 15 but does not exceed Rs.25 Rs. 135 Rs. 684. exceeds Rs.25 Rs. 235 Rs. 118(b) Composition theatres in places with population notexceeding 75,000:1. does not exceed Rs. 8 Rs. 80 Rs. 402. exceeds Rs. 8 but does not exceed Rs.15 Rs. 90 Rs. 453. exceeds Rs.15 Rs. 100 Rs. 50


Annexure – 7 (Para 200)Part A (See Section 3 (1))

Sl. Item Class of Vehicle Existing Rate Item Class of Vehicle Rate perNo. No. per Quarter Quarter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 3A Multi-axled goods carrierother than articulatedvehicles for which tax leviedunder item 10 of Part Aschedule having weightladen exceeding 15,000kgs.,

2 6 Motor Vehicle (Luxurybuses) plying for hire orreward constructed oradapted to carry more than12 passengers (excludingDriver and Conductor/Attendant) and complyingwith Rule 128 of CentralMotor Vehicles Rules 1989or Motor Vehicles with


for every 250kgs. or partthereof inexcess of

15,000 kgs.Rs. 50/-

3A Multi-axled goods carrier otherthan articulated vehicles forwhich tax levied under item 10of Part A schedule havingweight laden exceeding 15,000kgs.,

6a Item 6 shall be read as 6a


for every 250kgs. or partthereof inexcess of

15,000 kgs.Rs. 75/-


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

permits granted under theMotor Vehicles (All IndiaPermit for Tourist TransportOperators) Rules 1993/95plying for hire or rewardpermitted to carry morethan twelve passengers(excluding Driver andConductor or Attendant) forevery passenger .


6b Air conditioned Integral/Monocoque motor vehicleshaving 160 HP and above andcomplying Rule 128 of CentralMotor Vehicles Rules 1989 orthe Motor Vehicles (All IndiaPermit for Tourist TransportOperators) Rules 1993/95 andcovered by All India permitsissued u/s 88(9) of M.V.Act,1988 and plying for hire orreward permitted to carrymore than twelve passengers(excluding Driver andConductor/Attendant) forevery passenger.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3 10 Motor vehicle notthemselves constructed tocarry any load (other thanwater, fuel, accumulatorsand other equipments usedfor the purpose ofpropulsion of loose tools andloose equipments) used forhaulage solely and weighingtogether with the largest no.of trailers proposed to bedrawn in weight laden

(f) exceeding 12,000 kgs.but not exceeding 15000kgs.

(g) exceeding 15000 kgs.


2200-00plus Rs. 35/- for every250 kgs. orpart thereofin excess of15,000 kgs.

10 Motor vehicle not themselvesconstructed to carry any load(other than water, fuel,accumulators and otherequipments used for thepurpose of propulsion of loosetools and loose equipments)used for haulage solely andweighing together with thelargest no. of trailers proposedto be drawn in weight laden

(f)exceeding 12,000 kgs. butnot exceeding 15000 kgs.

(g) exceeding 15000 kgs.


2300-00plus Rs.75/-for every 250kgs. or partthereof inexcess of

15,000 kgs.



Item Class of vehicles Vehicles not Vehicles exceeding Vehicles exceedingNo. excedding 75 CC 75 CC but 300 cc or Motor

not 300 CC Rs. Cylces attachedwith side car or

trailer Rs.

1 2 3 4 5

A At the time of Registration of 1100 -00 2500-00 3500-00New Vehicle:- or or or

Seven Percent Seven Percent Seven Percentof the cost of of the cost of of the cost ofthe vehicle the vehicle the vehicle

whichever is whichever whicheverhigher is higher is higher

B If the vehicle is already registeredand its age from the month ofRegistration is:-

I) Not More than 2 Years 1055-00 2400-00 3360-00

II) More than 2 Years but not more than 3 Years 1010-00 2300-00 3220-00

III) More than 3 Years but not more than 4 Years 965-00 2200-00 3080-00

IV) More than 4 Years but not more than 5 Years 920-00 2100-00 2940-00

V) More than 5 Years but not more than 6 Years 875-00 2000-00 2800-00


1 2 3 4 5

VI) More than 6 Years but not more than 7 Years 830-00 1900-00 2660-00

VII) More than 7 Years but not more than 8 Years 785-00 1800-00 2520-00

VIII) More than 8 Years but not more than 9 Years 740-00 1700-00 2380-00

IX) More than 9 Years but not more than 10 Years 695-00 1600-00 2240-00

X) More than 10 Years but not more than 11 Years 650-00 1500-00 2100-00

XI) More than 11 Years but not more than 12 Years 605-00 1400-00 1960-00

XII) More than 12 Years but not more than 13 Years 560-00 1300-00 1820-00

XIII) More than 13 Years but not more than 14 Years 515-00 1200-00 1680-00

XIV) More than 14 Years but not more than 15 Years 470-00 1100-00 1540-00

XV) More than 15 Years 425-00 1000-00 1400-00

1. In respect of vehicles for which lifetime tax was due prior to the first Day of April 2001, but has not been paid, suchtax shall be collected at the rates existing prior to the first day of April 2001.

2. The rates specified in this part shall not apply to vehicles owned by Central Government employees or defencepersonnel.











Class of Vehicles


At the time of Registration of New Vehicle

If the vehicle is already registered and its agefrom the month of Registration is:

Not More than 2Years

More than 2Years but not more than 3Years

More than 3Years but not more than 4 Years

More than 4Years but not more than 5 Years

Vehicles notexceeding 75

cc whose costdoes notexceed



7 percent ofCost of the


Percentage ofthe lifetime taxlevied under

Clause A





Vehiclesexceeding 75cc but not

300 cc whosecost does not



7 percent ofCost of the


Percentage ofthe lifetime tax

levied underClause A





Vehiclesexceeding300 cc or

Motor Cyclesattached

with side caror trailer

whose costdoes notexceed



7 percent ofCost of the


Percentage ofthe lifetimetax levied

underClause A





Motor cyclescost of which



9 percent ofCost of the


Percentage ofthe lifetime taxlevied under

Clause A






Note :-

1. In respect of vehicles for which lifetime tax was due prior to the 1st day of April 2005, but has not been paid,such tax shall be collected at the rates prevailing prior to such day along with the penalty due, if any.

2. In case of motor vehicles registered in other States prior to the 1st day of April, 2005 and migrated to theState of Karnataka after that day, tax shall be levied as per part-A1 as existed prior to such day.

3. Purchase invoice for the levy of tax under this part shall be produced in respect of vehicles which areregistered on or after 1st day of April, 2005.

1 2 3 4 5 6












More than 5Years but not more than 6Years

More than 6Years but not more than 7Years

More than 7Years but not more than 8Years

More than 8Years but not more than 9Years

More than 9Years but not more than 10Years

More than 10Years but not more than 11Years

More than 11Years but not more than 12Years

More than 12Years but not more than 13Years

More than 13Years but not more than 14Years

More than 14Years but not more than 15Years

More than 15Years














































Sl. Item Class of Vehicle Existing Rate Item Class of Vehicle Rate perNo. No. per Quarter Quarter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 A4 Lifetime tax for three wheel-ers including Autorickshawcarrying passenger or goodsnot exceeding 1500 kgs. inweight laden either used forhire or reward or not.

As in force As in force

A4 Lifetime tax for three wheelerAutorickshaw carrying pas-sengers (3+1) and goods car-rier having Gross VehicleWeight not exceeding 1500kgs. either used for hire or re-ward or not.


Annexure – 6(Para 198)

Existing Fee on EncumbranceCertificate

The fee payable for a general searchfor an inspection of any number ofentries or documents relating to oneand the same property or executed byor in favour of one and the same indi-vidual;

1. for the first year in the books ofwhich search is made-Rs. 30/-

2. for every other year in the booksof which search is continued –Rs. 10/-

Proposed Fee on EncumbranceCertificate for Agricultural purpose

The fee payable for a general search for aninspection of any number of entries or docu-ments relating to one and the same propertyor executed by or in favour of one and thesame individual;

1. for the first year in the books of whichsearch is made-Rs. 30/-

2. for every other year in the books ofwhich search is continued –Rs. 10/-

Subject to a maximum of Rs. 50/-



top related