
hi I am 1 of the 500 million people that follow the

religion Buddhism. I am

going to explain how us

buddhas practice our


Buddhism is practised

throughout the world in many


Such as Thailand, Sri

lanka, Myanmar, cambodia, Laos, Japan, China and in some parts of nepal, india

and bangladesh.

European countries and USA also make up the number.

He studied and taught this religion for over

50 years. he also became the first ever


Buddhism originated in northern India

when Prince Siddhartha Gautama started searching


There are four noble truths that buddhist have to follow.

Noble truth Number one Existence is suffering and Noble truth number two Suffering arises from attachment to desires.

Noble truth number three freedom from suffering (nirvana) occurs when attachment to desires ceases

the fourth and last noble truth freedom from suffering is possible be practising the 'Eightfold Path'.

The four noble truths lay down a

process to acquire ethical, moral and mental discipline.

Buddhism has taught its

followers that they are

reincarnated after they pass and

continue to live many lives until

they reach nirvana (extinction)

Buddhists go to temples meditate anytime they like not on a set time

but they usually go on a full moon.

The temple of a Buddhist is

called vihara and its a place for education.

in a temple you'll find a shrine room with a large buddha and

statues of his followers.

Shoes are removed before entering the temple for respect. Buddha is known as a god not a teacher.

Candles and licence sticks are lit inside the temple.

Food and flowers are placed at the feet of the Buddha statue to

remind the followers that you don't live for


Buddhist give food to monks because they have nothing of their own and

they think it will help them reach Nirvana.

Health is the greatest gift,

contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the

best relationships. Buddha

"Do not dwell in the past, Do not dream of

the future, concentrate the mind

on the present moment."Buddha

webb,k (ed), (2013). history 7 stage 4 new syllabus for the australian curriculum

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