
Brownfields 101

Land Recycling ProgramPennsylvania DEP

What is a brownfield?

Definition of Brownfield

"real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the

presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant“

Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act, 42 USC 9601 (39), enacted January 11, 2002


Is this a Brownfield?

Is this a Brownfield?

Is this a Brownfield?

Is this a Brownfield?

Is this a Brownfield?

Is this a Brownfield?

• Do I have one brownfield in my community?

Is this a Brownfield?My Community

What is brownfield redevelopment?

Brownfields redevelopment seeks to environmentally assess existing

brownfield properties, prevent further contamination, safely cleanup polluted properties, and design plans for reuse

What is brownfield development?

Where did the term “brownfield” originate?

• Traced to Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA, or Superfund)

• Greenfields ≠ Brownfields• Definition amended in 2002

Origin of Brownfield

Why do we have brownfields?• Energy Exploration (1800’s to present)• Steel production (1870’s to 1980’s)• Manufacturing (1800’s to present)


Steel is KingThe coming of mass-produced steel in the 1870s created a modern industrial society in Pennsylvania.

This mighty industry simply collapsed in the 1980s. The economic impact was catastrophic in Pennsylvania’s steel towns. In the years that followed many steel workers struggled to find new job and their communities struggled to reinvent themselves.

Credit: Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania

The Steel Industry

And we’re living here in Allentown…

Other types of brownfields• Former gas stations• Old dry cleaners• Car repair facility• Former military bases• Power plants• Manufacturing plants• Aviation facilities• Abandoned railroads or switching yards• Foundries

Types of Brownfields

How many brownfields does PA have?

Number of Brownfields

Why do we care about brownfields?• Perceived or real contamination• Land has economic value

• Access to existing infrastructure (roads, sewer)• Additional tax revenue• Availability of existing buildings

• Removes stigma of blight• Reduces sprawl

Why Brownfields?

Why are brownfields challenging?• Cleanup costs can be uncertain• Long term liability is a concern• Perception of property can be a hurdle

The Challenge

• Act 3 of 1995 - Economic Development Agency, Fiduciary and Lender Environmental Liability Protection Act– …preempts laws imposing environmental liability on

[lenders, fiduciaries and economic development agencies] in order to promote economic development

Why Risk It?

Thank you!!PA Land Recycling Program

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