Brochure Worken_inglés

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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Somos personas con la voluntad de lograr grandes cosas, que pensamos que no hay imposibles.


We only findthe strongest candidates for your company.

We understand that the most important part of your company is your people and we are convinced that the only way to communicate effectively with our candidates is through a close, personalized and honest approach, which allows us to connect naturally and trustfully with them.

Worken, committed with our value proposition, seeks to satisfy our clients’ and interest groups’ needs, with the objective of earning their trust and maintaining their loyalty; this, through our staff’s professional and personal development, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, promoting and keeping an ethical and respectful culture, without disregarding environmental sustainability and continuous improvement.

Give innovative, efficient and effective solutions to the talent integration and development challenges of our clients, promoting a responsible and sustainable competitive culture.

Provide a new, integral and strategic view with a continuous improvement vision within the labor and fiscal market.

Generate our clients, employees and interest groups’ loyalty and satisfaction through our value proposition.

Become the country’s leader provider of talent integration and development, through responsible and ethic practices which contribute to the work environment’s sustainability.

INTEGRAL STAFF MANAGEMENT.We offer Integral Staff Management in order to help your company improve its competitiveness, lowering risks and conflicts entailed in any work relationship. This service provides:

. Workforce Recruitment, Selection and Hiring.

. Workforce labor and administrative management.

. Client specified payroll, benefits and compensations payments.

. Administrative management (IMSS, payroll, etc).

. Work-related issues.

. Staffing (employee replacement due to performance).

RECRUITMENT.We seek the talent your company needs. We help you find the right people for a suitable position. We have expert specialists with the necessary sensitivity and training in order to fulfill your hiring needs. This service provides:

. Recruitment and selection for strategic, specialized, support and administrative personnel. When hiring a candidate through Worken, you obtain the following benefits:

- Confidentiality.- Experience and professionalism.- Cost decrease.- The best candidate for the position.- Quality guarantee.

PSYCHOMETRIC EVALUATIONS.In order to know in-depth your staff’s personality, abilities and potential, we provide a psychometric evaluation service: This tool allows you to:

. Have help in candidate selection processes, according to the profile required for the position. . Have the possibility to orient candidates for a quicker and better integration to your company. . Have knowledge of candidate’s strong points and growth opportunities in order to strengthen and facilitate his/her development within your organiza-tion.

SOCIOECONOMIC STUDIES.Provides knowledge of various aspects of the person: his/her lifestyle and their out side of work environment, in order to find out if the candidate/employee is suitable for your company. We help your company find the ideal candidate for the required position. A socioeconomic study has, amongst other, the following advantages:

. Endorse the information provided by the candidate in an interview.

. Know the environment in which the candidate/employee lives, and verify if it is aligned with your company’s philosophy. . Gives important information regarding candidate’s previous jobs.. Knowledge of details of candidate’s family life that might diminish or improve his/her performance. . Learn if what your company offers, economically, socially and morally, is adaptable to the candidate’s lifestyle. All of the above is done through field research with absolute seriousness and privacy, just like the resulting information.

WE GET CLOSER TO OUR CANDIDATES UNIQUELY.We establish an effective communication with our candidates through our personalized approach.

Likewise, our advertising campaigns have attractive and clear content, which transmits the meaning of coming close to Worken and starting a working relationship with a company, with a fresh, human and committed approach to people, whom are the most important element both for us and the companies we provide with our services.


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