Post on 02-Apr-2016






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Santa Fe Associates International brings decades of broad auditing and consulting experience to its clients for strategy, accounting, and tax needs.






                            A professional Passport to the future    


Santa Fe Associates anta Fe Associates International brings decades of broad auditing and consulting experience to its clients for strategy, accounting, and tax needs. Your business will be confronted by as much change over the next two years as it faced in the past thirty. This is not just a speed-up of processes you can

anticipate. It´s also a scrambling of markets and customers as boundaries between industries suddenly crumble. If your company hasn’t started to change to lead and shape the new markets, you may not be a player at all.

We help you develop strategies and procedures for business growth. . .

by building on existing resources that are usually ignored and wasted throughout a company. Every person in the company can be contributing to solutions, to finding opportunities, and to learning from experience with customers and markets. How can you prepare for a world where the future is unpredictable?

You can alter your strategic thinking to emphasize adaptation, continual and rapid innovation, and smarter awareness of the world around you. That is a process that must be implemented in your philosophy, organization, processes, and procedures. That process includes everybody, from your managing board to those at the front lines.

The most sustainable, most innovative growth is likely to come from inside the company.

And, finally, we show you how to be successful.

We have no tricks, no magic solutions, no crystal ball. We don’t write large reports. Our tool is thinking—yours and ours—within a framework that links your company’s purposes to the ways it carries them out.

Together, we will discover and create for you a better organization that will succeed because your strategies will reflect and build on your company’s underlying purposes, values, and strengths. Emerge from the interactions of your company and the changing social environment.

“…we have no tricks, no magic solutions, no crystal ball.

Our tool is thinking …”

What SANTA FE ASSOCIATES does for clients

e work with small and medium-sized businesses, multinational corporations, and non-government organizations (NGOs). We understand technology, but we do not focus on technological as the main solution. Technology for us is just a tool to enhance our human capital capabilities.

«People like to think that businesses are built of numbers [as in ‘the bottom line’], or forces [as in ‘market forces’], or power [as in ‘the power of the CEO’], or things [‘the product’], or even flesh and blood [‘our people’]. But this is wrong. In the first instance … businesses are made of ideas—ideas expressed as words» —James Champy

Santa Fe Associates applies ActioN as the coherent way to analyze a financial statement [which, after all, only reflects operations that have already occurred] together with the management organization.

In that way, we will help you analyze the entire organization—its values, its opportunities, and its internal strengths.


ur commitment for excellency in our professional work is

with our clients

with those that will be reading our reports and our studies

with the regulatory agencies

with the citizens that will be using our product and paying for it



Internal audit

and accounting

Tax advisory

Management consulting

Economic studies

Technical consulting

Mergers and acquisitions

Financial and wealth management

Financial statements review

Through our own proprietary model INSIGHT we can look at your own company as a complex adaptive system, changing in a changing marketplace. We help you and your staff takes an external, broad, and searching view of your company by identifying strengths, questioning assumptions, and looking at the larger environment in which you compete and will have to continue to compete. With such a tool we can put ActioN to your entity. And if you think the future will be a simple extrapolation of the past and present, you are unlikely to survive.

You need INSIGHT


os Alamos laboratory was founded during World War II as a secret, centralized facility to coordinate the scientific research of the Manhattan Project, the Allied project to develop the first nuclear weapons. In September 1942, the difficulties encountered in conducting preliminary studies on nuclear weapons at universities scattered across the country indicated the

need for a laboratory dedicated solely to that purpose.

Based on Los Alamos, New Mexico, directed by Oppenheimer, laboratory hosted scientists like Einstein, Fermi, von Neumann and other Nobel Prize winners.

The Santa Fe Institute was founded in 1984 by scientists George Cowan, David Pines, Stirling Colgate, Murray Gell-Mann, Nick Metropolis, Herb Anderson, Peter A. Carruthers, and Richard Slansky, more of them coming Los Alamos laboratory. SFI's original mission was to disseminate the notion of a new interdisciplinary research area called complexity theory or simply complex system.

In September 1997, colleagues at SFI Howard Sherman, L. M. [Mike] Simmons, Bruce Abell and Kevin Egan, as to share ideas and experience as a way to continue to improve what they did at the Institute, created SANTA FE ASSOCIATES.

So quality is our commitment.

Our sister company SANTA FE BUSINESS SCHOOL, based in Cyprus, operates as a technical support of the partners firms in SANTA FE ASSOCIATES and abroad under the direction of a President, an Academic Board, and a Science Board whose members are drawn from leaders in business, academia, and the public sector. Visit us at

Academic investigation and lectures at our business school represent many disciplines and has a wide range of professionals, from law senior executives -very well known economists, experts accountants, reckoned sociologists- to fellows and graduate and undergraduate staff.

In a special partnership with

The diffusion of the Systemic Approach is meant both as a peculiar interdisciplinary paradigm and as an applied toolkit. This approach strategically faces the main global challenges of our times described above. WCSA believes the systemic approach is pivotal for intensive and high added value knowledge sharing on a global scale as we all enterpreneurs, professionals, scholars and policymakers can cooperate, as world citizens to facilitate the free circulation of intellectual and strategic capitals.



The Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples is a University located in Naples, Italy. It was founded in 1864. The University is the oldest of Italian free universities and is part of the academic system with regional and national training offering very varied and highly vocational. It is projected to innovation and experimentation, which is closely connected to the world of professional work but always attentive to the centennial tradition the University has in the field of human sciences.

Pegaso Telematic University established by Ministerial decree dated 20th April 2006 ( Gu n.118 of 23rd May 2006, Ord. Suppl.n.125 ) is an Open University able not only to receive various formative requirements with the greatest observance of regulations in force, by making use of up-to date educational methodologies, but also able to meet the present society’s different requirements.

The study courses provide a learning course greatly independent of bonds of physical presence or specific timetable, and the continuous monitoring of the learning level by outlining the course and the frequent evaluation and self evaluation.

What is the distance between success and failure? Tenacity, claw, love. None of these may be absent, but the real difference is made through knowledge. You can create or found knowledge, dedicating tenacity, claw, love, but basically daring to cross borders than usually are very much comfortable. Our staff and our students at our school are showing us the road.

The road was, is and will be to put border line knowledge accessible to as many people as possible. We believe in this idea, we believe in sharing knowledge. We believe in sustainability that comes from learning rather than consider where you were born or who finances you.


verything your company could need on accounting, tax matters, report on financial statements and consulting SANTA FE ASSOCIATES is proud to be your assistant in any corner of the world. In more than 110 offices in more than 60 countries, you will find the appropriate SANTA FE partner to assist you in any of your corporative matters.

Just the best trained and experienced professionals are at your disposal.

7 Morning Glory Circle – Santa Fe – New Mexico – USA

Ph : [ + 1 - 505] 913-7001

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