

You really wouldn’t believe that it was May if you looked out the window. It’s ridiculous. The British summer is officially gone and it’s costing me a lot

of money to keep up with the ever changing climate! One minute it’s raining and the next I need my flip flops – Ladies footwear isn’t cheap you


Here’s a perfect example. Last week I took my sister shopping for her birthday. It was absolutely glorious outside and we weren’t even wearing jackets. After a few hours of hunting round the shops it came over all cloudy all of a sudden and we were drenched to the bone. None of us were prepared we didn’t have coats or more appropriate shoes so we had to find a shop and buy some at what equated to a great cost. So annoying!

I know the British weather is notoriously interchangeable but having to buy different outfits for all weather types when a few years back it would have

been safe to pack away the raincoats was starting to grate, until my daughter told me about this great little website called

They sell up to date women’s fashion for a fiver! What a bargain! I have been using the website for a couple of weeks now and I love it. I now have a pair of shoes for every occasion and I’m ready for whatever

Mother Nature throws at me.

Everything5Pound’s get new stock in daily so you never have to worry about being ‘out of fashion’. The website stocks a lot of different types of clothes from jackets and coats to socks and ladies footwear, it’s amazing

what you can find when you start digging.

If you are on Facebook, it might be a good idea to check out Everything5Pounds’ fan page. They run give aways throughout the year giving away everything from handbags to vouchers. Worth a try if you are feeling lucky.

If you are interested in buying a variety of items to cover any weather eventuality, visit Everything5Pound’s website and have fun going through

their large collection of women’s clothing.

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