Brit Cham CC Presentation

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Prepared for the British Chamber of Commerce in South China

June 12th 2014

Potential Without Boundaries

Framework and Cases

Empathy – As a developmental goal

Case 1 – Building credibility and trust

Case 2 – Leveraging facilitation to improve intercultural communication

Case 3 – Promoting diversity as a bridge to improve effectiveness

Potential Without Boundaries

When Worlds Collide

“People there don’t work very hard and always ask for a pay raise. What should we do?”

Potential Without Boundaries

Globalization was/is…

…the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole

Potential Without Boundaries

Challenge – We are the first truly global generation

For many of us that means learning skills that are very new.

Potential Without Boundaries

Multicultural Teams are Outliers

Highly Ineffective

Highly Effective

Average Effectiveness

Multicultural teamsMulticultural teams

Monocultural Teams

Potential Without Boundaries

Four Key Areas of HR

(Reduced from nearly 100!)

Business Partner – Find the best way to ensure top employee performance (creating strategy and growth)

Change Agent – plan and implements programs to ease and speed up adaptation (removing barriers)

Administrative Expert – legal, day-to-day, staffing, C&B, and so much more (sweating the details)

Employee Advocate – support an engaging environment (making it meaningful)

Potential Without Boundaries

Globalized Businesses in a Global-Minded World

Potential Without Boundaries

Framework for Empathy –

Developing an adaptable workforce
















Ethnocentric Stages

Low Empathy it’s all

about “My World”

Ethnorelative Stages

High Empathy I can see and

understand “Your World”

Milton Bennett’s Model

Potential Without Boundaries

Case 1: How Do We Build Credibility & Trust Here?

Potential Without Boundaries

Let’s do a small “experiment”

Step 1 – Individually write down the top 4 factors when establish trust & respect

Step 2 – Compare with 3 other people sitting near you. Discuss what is different and similar

Step 3 – Analyse the percentage of answers by task to relationship or long to short term orientations

Potential Without Boundaries

Case: E-Reader Manufacturing

E-Reader Manufacturing is a US based company with their sourcing and vendor management engineers in Shenzhen

HR brought to our attention that there was a high level of distrust between US and China based engineers

Chinese engineers reported that US engineers were distrustful and hard to please

US engineers reported that Chinese engineers were inexperienced and showed favoritism to the vendor partners

Potential Without Boundaries

The Root of the Problem

The Culture Tree

Task FocusedShort Term Orientation

Relationship FocusedLong Term Orientation

What are thebehaviors of this group?

What are thebehaviors of this group?

Potential Without Boundaries

So What’s the Change?

Panic Zone!

Challenge Zone

Comfort Zone

• What offends you and makes you upset?

• What can you not accept?

• What might feel rude to you?

• What makes you feel nervous?

• What feels safe?

• What is common sense?

Potential Without Boundaries

So What’s the Impact

Realistically even with this awareness it will take time rebuild trust that was already damaged

Both teams are aware of the style difference and able to accept that there is a different way of doing things

Many team members on both teams have been pushing their comfort zone and taking challenge zone steps to adapt

Potential Without Boundaries

Case 2:What got you here won’t get you there…

Facilitation skills for face-to-face meetings

Potential Without Boundaries

Adapting Styles –

Virtual Communication Study

Group A: North America and Western Europe

When asked why they had this rhythm ,participants said it showed RESPECT.

Group B: Japan and East Asia

When asked why they had this rhythm, participants said it showed RESPECT.

Group C: Brazil and Latin America

When asked why they had this rhythm, participants said it showed RESPECT.

Potential Without Boundaries

The Problem With Face to Face

and Global Teams

Potential Without Boundaries

Applying Culture Neutral Skills

Potential Without Boundaries

Impact: Do we remain the same or

do we change?

If HR is a “Change Agent” and “Employee Advocate” in a global age then HR needs adapting skill sets

Potential Without Boundaries

So What’s the Impact

In companies where HR takes a business partner approach to become a global facilitator among our contacts we see:

China HR taking a global role or APAC and taking on the role of “Best Practices Leader”

Greater confidence from global leadership teams in China HR capability and influence

Greater engagement and interaction at global staff levels

Potential Without Boundaries

Case 3: Promoting Diversity as a

Bridge to Team Performance

Potential Without Boundaries

Where Do You Belong?

Potential Without Boundaries

European Smart Phone: Diversity

and the Challenger Culture

Recently a European mobile phone company found itself in an unusual position… as a challenger

HR was tasked with promoting the new culture and aligning team members:

Europeans and Asians

New employees with other corporate culture backgrounds

Old employees (winners) and “new” employees (challengers)

Potential Without Boundaries

Actions to Leverage Diversity

At the heart of the Challenger culture was accepting and integrating different styles

Teams examined their foundations in the Tillman Forming and Storming stages to build onto future performance

Action items to strengthen localized and virtual communication were adapted across many teams

Impact of Leveraging Diversity

within the Challenger Culture

Teams reported deeper levels of engagement and trust

Virtual teams reported improved effectiveness

“Challenger” became a shared value among team members

Potential Without Boundaries

What Can You Do Now?

1. Identify your point-of-view when you encounter cultural diversity

1. Stop

2. Reflect (listen to your thinking)

3. Adapt!

2. Be the business partner, find ways to actively bring cross cultural understanding to your workplace

1. Be an advocate for global employees and support diverse team development strategies

Potential Without Boundaries

For Further Information

For more about how to improve intercultural effectiveness:

Email me at:

Or find me on wechat

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